Chapter 139: Angel in Disguise (16)

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Clothes were scattered on the floor. Mingshu leaned in Zhiyuan's arms, stretched out his arms to hug him tightly, and tried to pull open his robe to wrap himself.


He ignored the shame, endured the strangeness coming from the tip of his tail, and explained incoherently: "But you're not here... I didn't hide it from you on purpose, I couldn't find you..." As soon as

the main mission was completed , as long as Zhiyuan is not angry, he can indeed confess to Zhiyuan.

What Mingshu didn't expect was that the thing that completely exposed him seemed to be that feather.

Zhiyuan said nothing, still holding the tip of Mingshu's tail. The small triangular piece looked like a kitten's flesh pad when pinched. Mingshu's body would tremble slightly with a slight exertion.

Mingshu moved uneasily, raised his head and looked at Zhiyuan: "I have hidden your feathers for a long time..." "

I can't bear to part with it, but I have no choice," his voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke, looking pitiful. "I originally thought that I would ask you for another one when I find an opportunity in the future..."

The longer Zhiyuan remained silent, the more uneasy Mingshu became. After he finished speaking, he took the initiative to come closer and kept kissing Zhiyuan's lips and cheeks. Want to get his response.

"Don't be angry," Mingshu said coquettishly, "Hug me..."

Zhiyuan finally responded, raising his eyes slightly and staring at Mingshu.

He still didn't hug Mingshu, and moved his hand touching the tail to press the position of the tailbone.

The pure black tail felt like fine and soft leather, which did not match Ming Shu's fair and delicate skin.

But the tail is connected to the bones and grows out of his body.

The tail is not too long, but if it moves uncontrollably, it is easily discovered, so it is tied up with a ribbon and fixed to the leg.

Some of Mingshu's previous anomalies can also be explained. The rest of his disguise is perfect except for this tail.

Zhiyuan let go and pushed Mingshu down.

Mingshu fell into the soft bed again. Zhiyuan held his ankles and lifted him up, then turned him over and lay on his stomach.

The lights in the room were extremely bright, and the gaze cast on Mingshu was as if it were real. He moved inch by inch to confirm that except for his tail, he had no other demonic features.

Zhiyuan grabbed the flailing tail, and pinched the mark on Mingshu's leg with the other hand. His tone was unclear: "Tie clothes?"

Mingshu couldn't move. He didn't like this very much. He said aggrievedly: "I'm afraid you'll hate me if you find out..."

He turned his back to Zhiyuan, revealing half of his face, but his tail was more excited than its owner, and the tip rubbed against Zhiyuan's hand, wanting him to touch it again Own.

Then, Mingshu felt the restraint behind him loosen. He hurriedly got up, curled up his legs and moved back timidly.

Zhiyuan sat on the other side of the bed with his legs bent and stretched out a hand: "Come here."

Mingshu only hesitated for half a second, then approached Zhiyuan and threw himself into his arms again.

"Aren't you angry anymore?" Mingshu hugged his neck and kissed Zhiyuan's lips.

However, Zhiyuan pinched his chin and prevented him from kissing him again, and asked: "What happened to Feather?"

Mingshu said honestly: "I was transported to hell..."

He explained that he had to do this, otherwise he would There are serious consequences.

Mingshu also admitted that he had stolen a book from Zhiyuan, because the things sent back to hell must be related to the archangel.

In a sense, he was indeed forced.

"That time I took away the robe on the chair, and the feather was hidden inside the sleeve,"

Mingshu emphasized again, "I really like that feather because it is yours... but if I didn't do that, I might Die..."

Zhiyuan frowned slightly, and the strength in his hand involuntarily relaxed a little.

"Where are the clothes?" he asked again, "You threw them away."

Mingshu's breath stagnated, and then he remembered that there seemed to be no news about the robe he threw away. He thought it had not been thrown away by anyone. Discover.

He said vaguely: "How do you know..."

Zhiyuan lowered his eyes and said: "I have always known."

As an archangel, every feather that falls off his body is unusual, and he can feel the position of the feathers. , and some nearby sounds, but they are relatively weak and cannot be heard clearly.

He knew that it was Mingshu who took the robe he left on the chair and hid it in his room along with the feathers inside.

Mingshu realized that he should have guessed that the feathers that glowed at night must be extraordinary.

He tried hard to explain: "The clothes...the clothes are because I have worn them too many times, and there is no longer your smell on them."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, his expression moved slightly, and his fingertips rubbed the tip of Mingshu's chin: "I wore it. Too many times?"

Mingshu noticed that he cared about this, blushed and said "Yeah": "I wear it to bed every night, and I can only fall asleep by smelling your scent." "

Then the smell disappeared, and I I don't want any more clothes." He was so shy that he raised his tail and rubbed the top of Zhiyuan's legs intentionally or unintentionally. "I didn't throw them away on purpose..." He always said he didn't mean to throw them away

. Although he was a demon, he sneaked into the temple. It is true that he has other motives, but he really likes Zhiyuan.

"Don't you like me?" Mingshu looked at him eagerly, "Have you been avoiding me these two days?"

Zhiyuan could sense the position of Feather, so naturally he immediately knew that he had teleported Feather back. hell.

Mingshu looked aggrieved and disappointed: "You don't even hug me, and you don't want to kiss me..."

In fact, before entering the dormitory, Zhiyuan kissed him outside the door, and now he is holding him in his arms.

However, Mingshu was not satisfied. He also wanted a deeper hug and kiss. Compared to before, Zhiyuan tonight was a little indifferent.

Zhiyuan remained unmoved. He released Mingshu's chin, touched the side of his neck with his fingertips, and suddenly asked: "Are you a succubus?"

Mingshu nodded honestly. He kept the body of the previous copy. To be precise, he is a half-demon with succubus blood.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but seeing him admit it, there seemed to be some subtle changes in Zhiyuan's expression.

Mingshu didn't know the reason, so she moved closer to kiss him again. Seeing that he didn't refuse, she boldly reached out to untie his collar.

Zhiyuan did not refuse. He put one arm around Mingshu and gently touched his waist, as if to encourage him.

The collar was untied, revealing a faint scar on his heart. In a few days, it would be completely healed and gone.

Mingshu touched the scar, leaned in and kissed it.

The two were so close that Mingshu was almost sitting on Zhiyuan's lap, clearly feeling his reaction.

He raised his head and saw Zhiyuan staring at him, his dark eyes faintly revealing the emotion of being patient to the limit.

Mingshu was pressed and kissed, and his whole body was wrapped in Zhiyuan's breath. When he was almost out of breath, the kiss finally ended.

Zhiyuan pinched his tail and breathed out: "Do you like this?"

Mingshu was forced to lift his legs, his red cheeks were hot, and he asked in a low voice: "Don't you like it?"

Zhiyuan sat up and looked down at Mingshu. The beautiful and charming little succubus lay calmly in front of him, with shy and straightforward eyes.

He slowly unbuttoned the rest of his clothes and threw the white robe casually on the ground.

At first, Zhiyuan was so fierce that Mingshu couldn't help crying and asked him to hug her.

He picked Mingshu up and held him in his arms, kissed away his tears, pinched the back of his neck and asked, "Who else have you had sex with before?"

Demons are synonymous with filth and chaos, and the branch of succubus is even more so. There is no bottom line.

Mingshu is beautiful, seductive, delicate and weak. He is easily coveted even in heaven, let alone coming from hell.

Mingshu said: "No..."

His voice was broken, his white arms were hanging on Zhiyuan, his eyes were wet: "No one...only you."

He was a pure little succubus, and it was his first time. He took on a difficult task and came to heaven to seduce the archangel.

As for some of his performance, maybe it is racial talent.

Zhiyuan's kiss became much gentler and he pinched Mingshu's waist.

After it was over, Mingshu lay in Zhiyuan's arms. The smell of angel perfume on his body completely dissipated, leaving only his original breath, which was sweet and fragrant.

Zhiyuan touched the transparent wings on his back: "There is no need to pretend anymore."

He wanted to see Mingshu's true appearance, but these wings did not match the tail at all.

Mingshu responded obediently and opened the system and took a look. The wings' usage period happened to be tomorrow morning. By noon, the shaping water would also expire.

He raised his head, rested his chin in front of Zhiyuan, and asked, "Aren't you angry anymore?"

Zhiyuan touched the side of Mingshu's face and looked at him without speaking.

Mingshu rubbed up a little, and kissed him again: "Don't drive me away..."

Zhiyuan kissed him soothingly, and whispered: "Want to stay with me?"

"You all... "Mingshu said halfway and said vaguely: "You can't be irresponsible..."

The two hugged each other closely, and no reaction could escape the other. Mingshu blushed and hid for a while, and asked in a low voice: "Do you want more? "

Zhiyuan didn't speak, and Mingshu blushed even more, rubbing his lips: "I miss you every night..."

His hint was obvious enough, Zhiyuan stroked his back: "What do you want me to do? "

I want you to hug me and kiss me," Mingshu breathed unevenly, "and I want to touch my tail."

The lights in the dormitory were on for most of the night, and Mingshu got his wish, and the tip of his tail was always held in Zhiyuan's hand. , or let him hold it by himself and not let go.

Ever since entering this dungeon, Mingshu has finally been able to get close to Zhiyuan. He is well-behaved and clingy, and obeys everything he does.

Finally, he leaned against Zhiyuan's neck relying on him, smelling his breath and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, it was bright outside and it was probably already afternoon.

Mingshu was the only one left in the dormitory. Zhiyuan was nowhere to be found, so he sat up wrapped in a quilt.

He waited for a long time, but Zhiyuan didn't come back, so he picked up the clothes he had thrown on the ground last night and prepared to go outside to look for him.

When Mingshu got dressed and came to the door, he found that the door was closed tightly and he could not push it no matter how hard he tried.

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