Chapter 16: The Wolf-Eared Boy (16)

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This idea lingered in Ming Shu's mind, and he didn't reject Jing Shuang, so he was regarded as willing to steal the toadstool for him.

After all, in this village, Ming Shu and him are the same kind. He said that he doesn't like Yuan Chen, but Jing Shuang is not suspicious.

He leaned back in the chair and tapped his fingers on the table: "It's only a few days before the full moon...Aren't you going to prepare?"

What are you going to do? drink blood?

Ming Shu recalled what was described in the plot, that the werewolf would not be able to restrain the impulse in his body on the night of the full moon, could no longer maintain the disguise, and would be exposed in front of others after a complete transformation.

He considered it carefully, and replied carefully: "I want to leave the village temporarily and go to the forest..."

Jing Shuang sneered: "Are you so timid?

" Mouth.

He is afraid of death, of course he is cowardly, he can neither drive wolves nor transform himself, and when it comes to the night of the full moon, he still doesn't know what will happen.

After finishing the task of stealing the toadstool, he tried to reveal Jing Shuang's identity to Yuan Chen, and then he went to hide at the little mushroom.

Ming Shu didn't answer the words, Jing Shuang paused his hand beating on the table, adjusted his posture and looked at him, his eyes lingering on Ming Shu's face.

He used this fifteen-year-old boy's body, but his expression didn't match his age, and it was very strange to superimpose it together.

"And didn't I say that?" The meaning in Jing Shuang's eyes was unclear, "I still want to see your real face."

The appearance that the werewolf pretended to be was not their own. Jing Shuang knew this, but still treated Ming Shu The real appearance generated a keen interest.

Probably because this face is so beautiful, and Ming Shu is completely different from ordinary werewolves. He is weaker and timid, and he is willing to accept the oppression of another werewolf.

If Mingshu can be kept by his side and raised for a while, he will definitely become a docile and well-behaved little wolf, as obedient as his pack of wolves.

But when he thought about it, Ming Shu's real face might be another irrelevant appearance, and he suddenly felt dull again.

Ming Shu was still hesitating how to answer, and heard Jing Shuang say: "If you look ugly, I will kill you."

His face suddenly changed, and his tone became cold.

Ming Shu: "..."

What is written in Jing Shuang's feature is fake, right? Where is he so smooth? Uncertain and cruel, if I hadn't happened to show weakness to him and express my attitude, I would have died countless times by now.

But Ming Shu could also feel that Jing Shuang liked his face.

Compared with Jing Chu's 75 favorability degree of 70, Ming Shu probably knows it well.

We can't let Jing Shuang start killing him now, Ming Shu explained in a low voice: "I'm not ugly."

He used his own face now, and it shouldn't change much when the moon is full ......Bar?

Jing Shuang withdrew his gaze and leaned back on the chair back: "I'm looking forward to it."

He didn't stay for long, and before he left, he told Mingshu to steal the toxins out within two days.

Mingshu glanced at the time of the system task, and it happened to be two days left.

Yuan Chen didn't come back until noon, he brought back some cooked meals as usual, finished lunch with Ming Shu, drank some water and went out again.

"In a few days," he paused, "there may be some situations in the village, and I have to help strengthen the fence."

Werewolves may personally attack the village on the night of the full moon. Toadstools are used to deal with wolves. For the group, you must also make adequate preparations in other aspects.

Yuan Chen didn't want to scare Ming Shu, so he didn't say anything about the werewolf.

He held Mingshu's hand, and said softly, "I'll be back before dark."

He also reassured Mingshu that he would be there for whatever happened, and Mingshu wouldn't get hurt in the slightest.

Facing Yuan Chen's promise, Ming Shu suddenly felt guilty.

He didn't know that the person he was protecting was a wolf, and he was thinking about how to steal his toadstool.

Ming Shu lowered his eyes, not wanting Yuan Chen to notice the strangeness of his emotions, and leaned into his arms: "Yeah."


village is small, and strengthening the fence is not an easy task. After the last time a pack of wolves killed poultry, Villagers also need to keep all poultry in a relatively safe place.

Yuan Chen has been very busy in the past two days, and he is almost not at home. He either went to the woods outside or made preparations with other villagers in the village.

As the night of the full moon approached, the atmosphere in the village became more solemn.

Ming Shu also gradually became anxious. In the past two days, he hadn't even seen a cloth bag containing toxins.

Yuan Chen went out every day, Ming Shu had searched the whole house and even the yard, but found nothing.

Either the toadstool had been handed over to other villagers, or Yuan Chen carried it with him all the time.

Seeing the countdown to the remaining time of the task, Ming Shu began to fidget.

When Yuan Chen came back before dark, Ming Shu immediately poured him a glass of water, and asked seemingly unintentionally, "Have those poisonous bacteria been used?"

Yuan Chen took the glass but didn't drink it, and put it away At the table, she stretched out her hand to hold Ming Shu: "Not yet." He

pulled Ming Shu closer to his side and sat on his lap.

Yuan Chen seemed a little tired. He hugged Mingshu tightly and closed his eyes. After a while,

he said , "I went to cut trees in the forest today, and my body was very dirty." Minus, while holding his wrist, the slightly rough fingertips stroked the small piece of skin.

Ming Shu tilted her head and leaned on his shoulder: "Yes."

He moved closer and kissed Yuan Chen's side face, luring him to respond to him.

When he backed away, Yuan Chen really pinched his chin and kissed him.

The kiss between the two was extremely pure, it could only be regarded as a touch of lips, at the same time, Ming Shu's other hand moved up quietly, touching the position of the inner pocket of Yuan Chen's coat.

He probed lightly, obviously feeling that there was something inside.

Sure enough, it was still on Yuan Chen's body... This is good news, otherwise the poisonous bacteria fell into the hands of other villagers, or they were all soaked in water, and the task would only be more difficult.

Mingshu opened the system panel and took a look. He still had more than ten hours left, and tomorrow morning was the deadline.

It can't be delayed anymore... Yuan Chen has to take off his clothes when he sleeps at night, no matter what method he uses, he has to try it.

Yuan Chen noticed Ming Shu's momentary trance, and bit his lips.

The slight pain brought Ming Shu back to his senses, his eyes were still a little confused, Yuan Chen touched the blushing mark on his lips without apology: "I'll fetch water." He always boils the water first and lets

Ming Shu go first Taking a shower, today is no exception, I either go to the backyard to solve it, or I am behind Mingshu.

With a mission in mind, Ming Shu rushed out after washing, but Yuan Chen was not in the room.

There was a faint sound of water in the dark backyard through a wall.

Taking advantage of this time, Ming Shu looked around and found the familiar coat beside the wooden frame.

The coat was ready to be washed, but it was randomly thrown on the ground, and Ming Shu stepped forward to rummage through it.

Then there was nothing, the cloth bag containing the toxins was gone.

Ming Shu didn't give up, the toxin must have been placed somewhere, Yuan Chen wouldn't have taken it with him to take a bath.

He walked around the room, rummaged under the pillow and the cabinet, and finally opened the drawer at the head of the bed.

Inside was a small white cloth bag, the folds of which had been stained a toadstool purple from wearing it for two or three days.

Ming Shu's heart beat faster, and she opened the small cloth bag.

He first tried to take a few toadstools, and the system task was triggered immediately.

[Sub-quest 6: Stealing Toadstools (2%/99%)]

Ming Shu: "..."

He picked up a few more and watched the progress of "2%" increase to "5%". Put it back down, and the progress returned to "2%".

So he has to steal 99% of the toadstools to complete the task.

The sound of water outside stopped, and it didn't take long for Mingshu to hesitate. He quickly found a clean soft cloth and transferred the toxins into it.

99% should mean that the last bit can be kept, but Ming Shu took away all the toxins, and the progress just reached 99%.

[Submission 6 has been completed! Please check your point rewards in the background]

Mingshu thought that she had read it wrong, so she returned one.

[An error occurred in side mission 6! The points have been deducted, please complete it again]

[Sub-quest 6: Steal the toadstool (98%/99%)]

Ming Shu took the toxin again, and then the notification of task completion sounded again.

In the whole cloth bag, there are only 99% of the poisonous bacteria.

Where did the other 1% go? Mingshu looked around, but he didn't miss any toxins.

He didn't delve into it, maybe it was because he asked Jing Bo to use a little bit to try the effect the day he just came back.

Ming Shu quickly put away the poisonous bacteria, picked a few green bamboo leaves, shredded them, put them back into the cloth bag, and carefully closed the drawer.

When he finished all this and returned to the bed, Yuan Chen just opened the door and came in.

Ming Shu held a soft cloth filled with toxins in his hand, calmly asked, "Isn't it cold outside?"

Yuan Chen washed his hair, and the hair was still dripping with water: "It's not cold."

Ming Shu stepped forward and helped He took a towel and hid the toadstool in his coat on the wooden rack.

It was a peaceful night, and the first thing Ming Shu did when he opened his eyes in the morning was to open the drawer at the head of the bed to check.

It was empty inside, the cloth bag was taken away by Yuan Chen.

The two of them slept together last night, and when he left without a sound, Ming Shu didn't even know when he got up.

Now it seems that Yuan Chen has not discovered that the toxins inside have been repackaged.

The task was successfully completed, but Mingshu was still worried.

The toxin has been carried by Yuan Chen all the time, and when he finds out that he will definitely have doubts about Ming Shu who is closest to him, how can he bring this matter to Jing Shuang.

[A new plot update has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? ]

The system prompt sounded after being silent for several days, Ming Shu closed the drawer and opened the new plot.

[Plot reminder]:

[Yuan Tan still brought back the poisonous fungus, and the villagers decided to try the tree mushroom method again. The night of the full moon is approaching. It is very dangerous to tear apart the werewolves disguised as ferocious beasts. The first task of the village is to strengthen the defense line, followed by the items to be poisoned. Under Jing Bo's arrangement, some raw meat was placed in the cold storage in advance . ]

[According to the habits of werewolves in the past, the day before the night of the full moon, the wolves would come to attack the village, and they decided to use poisonous bacteria that night. 】

The day before the night of the full moon, Ming Shu calculated the time, and it was tomorrow.

It also takes a little time for the toadstool to soak in water, that is to say, the stolen toadstool will be discovered by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.

And the day after tomorrow is the night of the full moon... Ming Shu thought, if he failed to drag Jing Shuang into the water, he would run away as soon as possible and find a safe place to wait for the night of the full moon.

Until now, the plot has been updated eight times, and the progress has reached 45%.

A few days ago and the completion of yesterday's side mission, Ming Shu saved some more points and opened the mall to take a look.

The items sold today are happy water, warm clothing, and invisibility medicine.

Mingshu became interested in the last invisibility medicine, so he clicked on the details.

[Property name]: Invisibility medicine * 2 capsules

[Effect]: After taking it, you can become invisible immediately, and it can last for ten minutes.

It's only effective for ten minutes...but it's much more useful than the first two. Mingshu glanced at the points balance and bought the invisibility medicine.

He took the medicine with him, and then went to fetch water to wash.

When Mingshu changed her clothes and came to the front hall, there was another figure sitting at the table.

Yuan Chen disappeared, there was a pot of jujube porridge and a plate of noodle cakes on the table.

Jing Shuang's eyes were cold and his tone was impatient: "Where's the stuff?"

Ming Shu took a deep breath, walked over slowly, took out a small cloth bag from his pocket, and handed it to Jing Shuang.

He had been prepared for a long time, and he didn't give Jing Shuang all the toxins, only about a quarter of them.

What Ming Shu thought was to use these to deal with Jing Shuang first, and he could return the rest to Yuan Chen when he found a chance.

However, Jing Shuang took the cloth bag and opened it, his expression became even uglier: "Why is it so small?"

Ming Shu explained: "I only got so much..."

Jing Shuang stood up, approached Mingshu, and gently twitched the tip of his nose .

Ming Shu felt uneasy and moved back quietly.

Jing Shuang stared at Ming Shu, his face getting colder and colder, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Ming Shu's neck and pressed down.

Ming Shu couldn't resist his strength, so he was forced to bend down. The confinement around his neck made him unable to breathe freely.

"Do you think I'm as easy to deceive as Yuan Chen?" Jing Shuang squinted his eyes, his eyes were like poisoned knives, "You smell so strong, wouldn't you sleep with him?" Ming Shu was covered in Yuan Chen

. Chen's breath contained more poisonous bacteria than these, and Jing Shuang didn't believe a single word of what he said just now.

The strength in his hands increased: "Where are the rest? Otherwise, I'll kill you, and then Yuan Chen." The

sudden situation made Ming Shu unable to deal with it. He was about to suffocate, and the feeling of dying made him terrified. .

He opened his mouth and tried to say: "It's..."

The strength on his neck suddenly loosened, and Ming Shu fell to the ground in embarrassment.

A shadow was cast in front of him, Jing Shuang squatted down and approached Ming Shu: "Where is it?"

Ming Shu shrank back instinctively, and said in a trembling voice: "Under the pillow in the room."

Jing Shuang finally smiled and stretched out his hand Touching Mingshu's side face: "So cute."

Mingshu still looked very scared, and didn't dare to back away, Jing Shuangrou said: "I'm lying to you, how could I kill you? Wait for the night of the full moon, I will I'll take you away again."

The author has something to say:

Shu Shu: Run, you must run

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