Chapter 160: Extra (1)

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In the end, Xiao Mushroom successfully followed Mingshu to Sang Yin's residence.

Mingshu doesn't have many things, just a few clothes and some daily necessities, which can be packed in a suitcase.

The small room was rented from the system and could be returned at any time. The rent was not expensive. He was hesitant to return it first because he could come back if something happened.

Although he and Sang Yin had been together for who knows how long when they were in the dungeon, it was the first time for Mingshu to truly put aside their virtual identities and start falling in love and living together.

What if something happened when he went to Sang Yin's place, for example...

Ming Shu racked his brains and couldn't think of any conflict between him and Sang Yin, but he felt that it would be beneficial and harmless to make more plans, otherwise he wouldn't have If you lose your own place of residence, you will have to find it again in the future.

He was distracted when Sang Yin came over and took the box in his hand: "Li Dazhi is here, let's go."

Who? The name seemed familiar. Mingshu searched hard in his mind. He locked the door and followed Sang Yin downstairs. He saw a nanny car parked on the roadside.

The car window rolled down, and it was the fat man who participated in the first copy of Yili with Sang Yin.

The fat man waved to them: "Here."

Sang Yin put the suitcase and sat in the back seat of the car with Ming Shu. Little Mushroom lay by the window and looked out through the glass.

The fat man greeted them and asked, "You guys have finally come out, how are you?"

Sang Yin leaned on the back of the chair and stared intently, quietly holding Ming Shu with one hand: "It's not bad, it went well."

Ming Ming . Shu looked a little reserved. He remembered that Fatty used to be the one who disliked him the most, so he kept his head down and remained silent.

However, after leaving the dungeon, Mingshu was no longer an "NPC from the hostile camp", and Fatty's attitude also changed.

"Your name is Mingshu, right?" Fatty glanced at him in the rearview mirror and said with a smile, "I never thought that Lao Sang would be single this way for the first time."

Mingshu smiled lightly. Without saying anything, he quietly opened the friend list in the panel and turned to Sang Yin's information, which showed that Sang Yin was 28 years old.

Being single for the first time... Mingshu silently wrote it down, pinching his fingers unconsciously.

In the middle of the process, Sang Yin and Fatty talked about the dungeon and the system. As they talked, they talked about the little mushroom.

Little Mushroom is an intelligent AI created by the main system. It is also a type of system. Because it has a huge database and computing power, it cannot be directly implanted into the player's panel, so a separate character was assigned to it in the copy.

This also gave Xiao Mushroom the opportunity to create new characters on his own in other dungeons. However, his abilities were not that strong yet. Sometimes his identity could not be explained, and he would forget the past like Sang Yin.

But fortunately, it can accurately find Mingshu every time and follow him, just like Sang Yin.

Afterwards, the little mushroom showed a strong sense of autonomy, and the system judged that it was no longer suitable as an auxiliary system, so it was allowed to leave.

When Mingshu and Sang Yin were in the dungeon, Xiao Mushroom was making bodies for himself intermittently. As soon as they left the dungeon today, Xiao Mushroom immediately found Sang Yin, and then they came together to look for Mingshu.

The little mushroom was looking at the scene outside the window attentively. His mechanical glass eyes were filled with curiosity and wonder. When he heard someone mention his name, he turned his head and glanced.

The fat man said casually: "It's really good. Once you enter the dungeon, you even have a child."

He was joking, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed like it was really the case...

Mingshu's expression stiffened for a moment, and a blush appeared at the base of his ears. .

His fingers curled up and were slowly rubbed apart by Sang Yin.

Sang Yin came over, hugged Mingshu, and pushed away the broken hair from his forehead: "Are you hungry? Let's go get something to eat later, or should you wait for me to cook it for you?"

Mingshu opened his eyes slightly: "Are you still hungry? Can you cook?"

"Of course," Sang Yin couldn't help but kiss him, but because there were others in front of him, he didn't do much, "Do you want to try it?"

Ming Shu nodded, with anticipation in his eyes.

The fat man dropped the two off and left. Sang Yin lived in a villa area in the center of the city. The environment was quiet and uninhabited. There was usually a dedicated mechanical housekeeper to clean it. On the way back, the food in the refrigerator was also replenished. .

The mechanical butler stood at the door and respectfully sent the two people into the house. Xiao Mushroom sat on Mingshu's shoulder, looking enviously at the mechanical butler's jewel-like blue eyes and the smooth and delicate casing.

The villa was very large and had many rooms. Mingshu put his suitcase on the second floor for the time being and wanted to help in the kitchen.

Sang Yin tied up his apron and asked Ming Shu to roll up his sleeves for him.

Mingshu looked serious and his movements were meticulous. After finishing, he looked up at Sang Yin, waiting for him to arrange something for himself, such as washing vegetables or something.

Sang Yin lowered his head to kiss him and rubbed his lips: "Go wait for me outside and treat yourself as if you were at home." The environment

was unfamiliar, but the people were familiar. Sang Yin had never let him do this in the dungeon before. What trivia.

Mingshu hugged Sang Yin's neck and responded, staying in his arms for a while before leaving reluctantly.

He came to the living room. Xiao Mushroom had already turned on the TV and was sitting on the arm of the sofa watching cartoons.

Mingshu sat down next to it and turned on the system. He happened to see someone mention Sang Yin on the World Channel.

[Anonymous]: I just went out and I seemed to see Sang Yin...

[Anonymous]:? Did you read it wrong?

The dungeon that Sang Yin first entered was a trial run and needed to be kept strictly confidential. Later, he followed Mingshu to continue the trial run of the dungeon. Suddenly there was no news, and people would ask about it from time to time.

Fatty Glasses and others were asked the most questions. The four of them entered the book together, but only one came out. Later, they were impatient with the questions and could not reveal more, so they simply said that Sang Yin had an accident.

Later, word spread that Sang Yin was dead.

As for the Mingshu clearance dungeon, Sang Yin also had an increase in points, but no one showed up, so some people speculated that some of the previous stranded points were not settled until now.

[Anonymous]: Impossible! How could I mistake this face?

[Anonymous]: It's not impossible to have hallucinations in broad daylight.

[Anonymous]: The main reason is that I have mentioned him here several times before. Whenever there is any disturbance, I ask whether he is alive or not, but the result is still the same.

[Anonymous]: I feel the same way. I feel immune when I see this name.

[Anonymous]: He is just number one on the list, sooner or later someone will surpass him.

The first place on the list was too well-known, and people kept participating in the discussion. Mingshu watched silently, and the topic gradually shifted from how long it would take for Sang Yin to surpass Sang Yin's points, to some other aspects.

[Anonymous]: I don't feel bad losing the No. 1 guy on the list, but I feel bad losing such a handsome guy.

[Anonymous]: This is an anonymous zone, not a no-man's land.

[Anonymous]: I've seen this kind of decent-looking scumbag once.

[Anonymous]: Tell me your story.

[Anonymous]: Are there any people who can read faces?

[Anonymous]: Don't you think so? There will definitely be many people pursuing this level of conditions, and they are not very specific. Maybe it is suitable for both men and women.

[Anonymous]: And I have never heard of anyone he talked to. Either there is a problem somewhere or there is a problem there.

[Anonymous]: Although I feel like you are talking nonsense, it seems to make sense.

[Anonymous]: Shut up, everyone is gone and you are still spreading rumors here.

[Anonymous]: No, I just expressed my feelings and opinions.

Speeches on the World Channel are completely anonymous, and there are always people who speak unscrupulously. Mingshu frowned more and more as he watched.

He thought to himself that Sang Yin was not a scumbag.

Mingshu stared at the chat window and endured it again and again, but finally couldn't hold it back and sent an anonymous message.

[Anonymous]: He is not that kind of person.

[Anonymous]: How do you know? Are you familiar with him?

[Anonymous]: Familiar, he is very dedicated and not a scumbag.

[Anonymous]: There is no problem, it is not what you said at all.

[Anonymous]: This...could you have talked to him?

[Anonymous]: I just think what you said is going too far.

[Anonymous]: Then you don't know, so you can pull it off.

Mingshu was even more angry and wanted to refute but didn't know what to say.

Xiao Mushroom, who was watching TV, noticed something strange about him, opened the system panel, and saw the words on the World Channel.

It hummed twice and silenced those people directly.

[System: The anonymous speech of [11:34:56] violates the community regulations and is banned for five minutes]

[System: The anonymous speech of [11:36:01] violates the community regulations and is banned for five minutes]

[System: [11: 45:34]'s anonymous speech violates community rules and is banned for five minutes]


[Anonymous]:? ? ? what happens?

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