Chapter 86: Dragons and Elves (14)

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Although he was the wizard recommended by Guilian to enter Dragon Island and was his best student, Si Ning obviously did not give him this respect.

After receiving the order, the attendant left without disturbing him again. Mingshu listened to the sound of footsteps gradually moving away and disappearing out of the corridor.

The human wizard in the plot is indeed here. He takes over Ji Lian's position and can be regarded as Si Ning's mentor, so he will definitely come here to meet Si Ning.

Mingshu was confident that with just a brief contact, he would be able to determine whether the wizard was also Yuan Chen.

If so, will they be like the two previous copies, with only one person left alive in the end.

But these are not what Mingshu needs to consider now.

His silver hair hung down his shoulders, his clothes were scratched by the claws of the black dragon and were a little wrinkled, and one button on his collar was unbuttoned.

Si Ning reached out and touched it, and the buttons were immediately restored, and then he carefully arranged them for Ming Shu.

His eyes were focused and he looked a bit gentle, if the black dragon just now wasn't him.

After arranging his clothes, Mingshu took advantage of him to let go and quickly slipped to the window sill, hugged his knees and sat down, quietly looking at Si Ning.

Si Ning didn't care about Mingshu's escape and continued reading.

The wings behind Mingshu trembled slightly, and the tips of his ears were still red.

Can Si Ning use spells or other methods to become smaller after forming a contract with him? Or maybe it was just an idea that came to him in the past two days... Last night he felt that Si Ning was different from before, but for the sake of favorability, Mingshu didn't go into too much detail.

At this time, he finally had time to open the system and take a look at the increase in favorability and popularity.

[Favorability]: 95

[Popularity]: 60

The favorability suddenly increased from 65 to 95... The favorability is only 10 points away from completing the side mission.

Also increasing is another progress bar, which is similar to the current favorability data and is estimated to be between 85 and 90.

Mingshu stared at the favorability progress bar and began to blush unsatisfactorily.

If I remember correctly, Si Ning just pounced on him and licked his wings, which increased his favorability three times in total.

Although the two were extremely close in the last dungeon, Sining used the dragon form... and he has not recovered his memory yet.

He is so young, why would he touch his wings on purpose when I usually kiss him for the mission?

It's a pity that all Mingshu's clothes have special openings on the back, otherwise he wouldn't be able to fly and would have to hide his wings from Si Ning.

Mingshu felt awkward secretly, especially when he felt that Si Ning seemed to be in a good mood.

There was no expression on his face, and he looked expressionless, his eyes always falling on the page in his hand.

Such a contrast made Mingshu feel even more unspeakably ashamed. Who would have thought that His Highness the Fifth Prince, who looked cold and ruthless on the surface, would turn into a little dragon in private, forcibly holding down his guardian elf and rubbing and licking him.

Mingshu rubbed his hot cheeks and tried to focus on the task.

The Qi-receiving value is still 10 points short... He can't think of any other way.

Mingshu couldn't even remember the reason for the 5-point increase just now. It seemed like... he kicked Si Ning?

Mingshu planned to think about what to do at night, but if it didn't work, he would wait for Si Ning to take a shower and secretly soil his clothes or throw them into the water.

At noon, the attendant delivered Mingshu's lunch on time.

After filling his stomach, Mingshu finally recovered from the psychological shadow of being forced to lick his wings before, holding Si Ning's hand and chewing the night pearl.

I don't know if it's because of chewing beads for a period of time, but Ming Shu's already fair skin has become more translucent recently. His silver hair is soaked in the sun, and his whole body looks like it has been carefully cared for and nourished.

After he finished chewing, Si Ning put away the night pearl and personally picked up the small handkerchief to wipe Mingshu's face.

Mingshu rubbed his hand habitually, then remembered what he had done in the morning, turned away again, and hummed softly.

Si Ning didn't care, knowing that he didn't really lose his temper.

It seems that this is the only way to make Mingshu be more honest and stop relying on the size difference to do whatever he wants.


the afternoon of the same day, the new human wizard settled down on Dragon Island. Before he had time to rest, he went to meet His Majesty the Dragon Clan and prepared to meet several other His Highnesses again.

Although Si Ning is the youngest, his bloodline is the strongest, and he is also the main target of Ji Lian's guidance. When his students come to take over the position of mentor, the first person they want to see is His Highness, Si Ning, both emotionally and rationally.

When the attendant came to report, Si Ning frowned: "No."

The attendant said, "His Royal Highness is here too, and is waiting in the hall with Wizard Qing."

The human wizard's name is Qing Ji, and he may have met Si Lian on the road. , the two of them seemed to be having a great time chatting, and they seemed to like each other quite well.

It would be okay if Qing Ji came to visit alone, but with Si Lian here, the attendants did not dare to just say that Si Ning did not see guests, let alone make up reasons for Si Ning.

Si Ning's face darkened when he heard Si Lian was there.

He put down the book and said, "Okay, you go."

This was what he meant by agreeing to meet. The attendant quickly agreed and left before Si Ning could change his mind.

Ming Shu flew to Si Ning's shoulder: "Is that green wizard the new mentor?"

"Yes," Si Ning grabbed him and put him back on the desk, "Wait for me here, don't run around."

Mingshu was confused, why didn't he take him with him? He didn't see His Highness last time.

Moreover, he was very curious about Qingji and wanted to see what he looked like.

He grabbed the hem of Si Ning's clothes and said, "Your Highness, I want to go too."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mingshu felt Si Ning's displeasure.

"What are you going to do?" His tone remained unchanged, and he touched Mingshu's cheek with his fingertips, "Just be patient. I'll be back soon."

Si Ning didn't let go, and Mingshu felt even more strange. Could it be that he went there for a while? Is there any danger? Your Highness is as annoying as Si Yin Siqi?

But this was in Si Ning's palace, in front of Si Ning, His Highness would never do anything to annoy Si Ning, right?

Although Si Yin and Si Qi were unwilling to do so last time, they obviously did not want to conflict with Si Ning and ran away as soon as they had the opportunity.

Mingshu clutched the fabric in his hand and did not let go: "Your Highness, I am your guardian elf, and I should always be by your side."

He felt confident and selectively forgot that he had gone to the garden to play all day long and did not want to go back.

Si Ning remained silent and reached out to grab him.

"Is there any elf like you?" He whispered, stroking Mingshu's silver hair and the tips of his ears, "Think about it for yourself."

Mingshu pretended not to hear, he knew that Si Ning was very indulgent to him, otherwise he would not be tolerated. It won't rise so easily.

In the end, Si Ning left the study alone without him.

Mingshu sat on the window sill and looked at his back. He hesitated for a moment and then quietly followed him.

Just now he clearly felt that Si Ning didn't want him to see Qingji or His Highness, but why?

Si Ning also had a very cold attitude towards Qing Ji, but this may be because he was dissatisfied with Ji Lian's own decision. There was a gap in status between a tutor and his students.

Mingshu is also worried about the deviation of the plot. At present, it seems that the descriptions of the Second Highness and the Fifth Highness in the plot are completely different from the actual ones.

He couldn't find the reason for the time being and felt vaguely worried.

Now that he finally had the opportunity to meet the new human wizard and Si Ning's other brother, Mingshu wanted to see them.

He would just take a look and come back immediately as long as there was nothing unusual.

The front hall was located in the center of the palace. Mingshu followed Si Ning from a distance and was not afraid of the attendants passing by. He just flew forward.

After going around several corridors, he saw Si Ning entering a door and quickly flew closer quietly.

However, when Mingshu was about to approach the door, he suddenly hit a wall of air and was unable to advance any further.

Did Si Ning find him? Ming Shu felt depressed and pushed forward hard, trying to break through the air wall.

In the hall, Si Lian was sitting on a chair, and beside him was a young man wearing a dark green long-distance running robe with a wooden staff in his hand.

The young man's face is very young, but the staff he uses is no worse than Guilian's, which is enough to prove his extraordinary talent.

The young man in green robe was Qing Ji. He stood up and saluted Si Ning respectfully: "I have met His Highness the Fifth Highness. The teacher really had something to do this time, so he ordered me to come and assist several Highnesses in practicing the spells. If Your Highness has any questions, Wherever I am needed, I will do my best."

Qingji lowered his attitude and only said "assistance" instead of "guidance." In addition, he was humble and polite, which gave people a pretty good first impression.

Si Ning responded coldly: "No need to be restrained, sit down."

The attendant brought hot tea, and Si Lian said with a smile: "Teacher Ji praised you so much in the letter. He must have great trust in you to send you to the Dragon Clan. From now on, Just tell me if you are not used to living there."

When it comes to the study of spells, the human race is the best. Even if the dragon race looks down on Qingji's youth, he is still the only wizard on the island when Ji Lian is away.

Qing Ji exchanged some pleasantries with Si Lian, and Si Lian mentioned it intentionally or unintentionally: "Wizard Qing arrived a day early. I heard that the fifth brother hasn't had time to prepare the guest rooms? My palace has been cleaned in the past few days, and several rooms have become vacant. , why don't the young wizards go and settle them in my palace?"

Cleaning the room is not a difficult task. Using the cleaning spell, it can be completed in a few breaths. There is also furniture in each room, not to mention that Si Ning does not need to do it himself. Just the attendant.

To say that I didn't have time to prepare is actually because I didn't want to prepare.

Qingji showed a flattered smile and did not refuse: "Then excuse me, Your Highness..."

Si Ning never participated in the conversation between the two.

After achieving his goal of letting Qingji live on his side, Si Lian's eyes moved towards Si Ning again.

"Fifth brother," he glanced around Si Ning, "Where is your guardian elf? Why didn't you bring it with you? You're not still scared, are you?"

Mingshu was outside the door, and he was firmly blocked by the air wall. Without seeing what was going on in the hall, only the voices of three people talking could be heard.

Si Ning rubbed the teacup with his fingertips and said expressionlessly: "He is too timid to come here."

To others, he looked a bit like he disliked Mingshu, but Si Lian knew how much he valued Mingshu, otherwise he wouldn't have He would use a summoning spell on a guardian elf, and call Siqi out with a cold face just because of a word.

"It seems that I was really scared last time. I will try to persuade my second brother later."

Si Lian shook his head and sighed, then said: "I collected a strange creature called a fog rat two days ago. It is docile, well-behaved and very cute. ..."

"I heard that the fog rat is the closest to the elves, but my elf can't get along with it. How about giving it to my fifth brother so that your elf can have a companion?"

Si Lian looked at him. He asked naturally. The words "your little elf" pleased Si Ning to a certain extent. He put down the tea cup in his hand and said, "Mist rat?"

He had never heard of this kind of creature. It was probably from the outside world. Yes, if it's like what Si Lian said, it wouldn't be a bad idea to send it in as a playmate for Mingshu.

It was rare for Si Ning to take the initiative to ask, so Si Lian hurriedly said: "Fifth brother will know it when he sees it. I will send someone over tomorrow morning."

Qing Ji sat quietly aside, with an imperceptible glint flashing in his eyes.

The elf next to Si Lian buried his head deeply, hiding his uneasiness and fear.

The mist rat mentioned by his master, the elf had seen once yesterday. He looked cute, but his personality was not "docile and well-behaved" at all...

But no matter how worried he was, he couldn't question his master, especially now. Outsiders are present.

Si Lian's elf was always silent and introverted. Si Ning did not notice the elf's abnormality and responded quietly: "Thank you, brother." He

successfully met Si Ning and Si Lian, but Qing Ji had to rush to meet the other three before dark. Your Highness, rise up at the right time to say goodbye.

Si Lian's goal has been achieved, and he is also ready to leave, taking advantage of the opportunity to see Qingji off.

Footsteps sounded from the hall, and the wall of air blocking Mingshu suddenly shrank back, pushing him directly to the end of the corner of the corridor.

Being too far away, he could only see two young men wearing different clothes walking out of the hall, followed by Si Ning.

After Si Lian and Qing Ji left the palace, the air wall suddenly dissipated, and Ming Shu flew over immediately.

The wall of air must have been created by Si Ning. He stopped hiding and flapped his wings towards Si Ning: "Your Highness..."

Si Ning raised his hand to catch him, his face slightly cold: "Why are you disobedient?"

Ming Shu followed. He knew it when he came up. Since he was so curious, he could be allowed to come, but he still couldn't have any contact with the people inside.

"I...I'm just curious," Mingshu hugged Si Ning's finger skillfully, "His Highness has already formed a contract with me, and he still refuses to take me..."

He acted as if it was because Si Ning didn't want to be with him. Together, I am not happy to follow you secretly.

Si Ning didn't know whether to believe it or not, so he put him on his shoulder and walked back: "I've seen you now, are you still curious?"

Ming Shu shook his head knowingly: "I'm not curious anymore."

He only glanced at Si from a distance. The backs of Lian and Qingji were visible, but he heard all the conversations in the hall. He felt that everything was quite normal and there was nothing wrong with it.

In particular, His Highness Si Lian was somewhat beyond his expectation. He seemed to be completely different from the other two Highnesses Ming Shu had met. He also said that he wanted to give him some fog rats.

Ming Shu leaned against Si Ning's ear and said, "Your Highness, what is a fog rat?"

He didn't know yet whether Gu Ji followed this copy. If he did, it must be some cute little animal.

"Things sent from the outside world," Si Ning replied, "I don't know either."

Things sent by Si Lian must be carefully inspected several times. When the fog rat arrives tomorrow morning, it must be confirmed to be safe before being brought to Mingshu.

Mingshu was looking forward to it so much that he wasn't even interested in Qingji anymore. He was only thinking about whether Mist Rat might be Guji.

The arrival of Qingji is just a normal plot trend, there will be no subsequent updates, and no new main or side quests will be released.

When it was time to take a bath every night, Mingshu was ready to take action, preparing to find an opportunity to fill up the last 10 points of receiving Qi.

He entered the bathroom, slowly took off his clothes in the corner, brought a large towel to the sink, and lay down in his small bathtub.

Mingshu finished washing quickly, and when Si Ning wasn't paying attention, he quietly came to the wooden rack where the clothes were hung.

He first wiped the water off his body with his coat, but found that it was no use, put on his clothes again, flew to a high place, dropped his clothes on the ground and stepped on them.

[The npc's popularity value has been updated, please go to the backend to check it]

It's really useful! However, it only increased by 5 points, and it was still short of the last 5 points. Mingshu stepped on it several times, but it no longer took effect.

Mingshu had to think of another way and considered the possibility of throwing his small bathtub into the sink.

While he was meditating hard, Si Ning in the hot spring seemed to be feeling something and actually came out of the water early.

The clothes that had fallen on the ground could be seen at a glance. Mingshu quickly turned around to sneak away, and hurriedly flew to the door with a towel in his arms.

Halfway through his flight, a dark shadow appeared beside him, heading towards him with the sound of wind.

The little black dragon grabbed Mingshu in the air, turned back to the pool, and placed him on the edge of the pool.

The towel in Mingshu's arms had already fallen off, and he said cautiously: "Your Highness..."

Behind him was the pool, and in front of him was Si Ning. He would definitely not be able to escape...

The black dragon turned to look at the wooden frame, and then looked at Mingshu, as if Talking about "telling the truth".

Mingshu lowered his head and admitted his mistake: "I'm sorry, Your Highness, I didn't mean it."

Si Ning didn't believe a word of this. Not only did Mingshu feel no guilt in his heart, but his actions just now couldn't escape Si Ning's eyes. It's intentional.

The black dragon stepped forward and approached, slowly spreading its wings, and Mingshu suddenly felt a bad premonition.

He stepped back a little and was about to fall into the pool. The black dragon rushed over to catch him again and carried him flying above the water.

As long as he flew a little lower, Mingshu's back and wings would touch the water, and he could almost feel the heat moistening the tips of his wings.

He was also afraid that Si Ning would throw him into the water, so he hurriedly hugged the black dragon tightly.

The black dragon flew around twice without doing anything. He took Mingshu out of the bathroom and returned directly to the bed in the bedroom, where he landed on the pillow and pressed against Mingshu.

Rubbing his cheeks and sides of his neck, his lips were not spared either. The dragon had a high body temperature, and there was no strange smell on his body. Instead, he was like a leaf that had been exposed to the sun in the afternoon, scratching itself with the roughest side.

Mingshu pushed Si Ning hard, but the little strength had no effect. He was turned over again, revealing two pairs of thin wings.

The familiar touch came again. Mingshu buried his face into the pillow, his legs were entangled by the dragon's tail, and his rolled-up top could not cover his thin waist, and the smell of Si Ning was left behind.

The closer he got to Mingshu, the more Si Ning couldn't help it. He directly cut Mingshu's pajamas, leaving him with only a pair of tight-fitting pants. He held him while biting the back of his neck loosely, and He led it to the corner near the bed.

Ming Shu's leaf quilt is placed in the corner. This was his previous territory, but now it belongs to Si Ning.

Heilong leaned his back against the corner of the bed, letting Mingshu lie half on top of him, and continued to be intimate with him, while the dragon wings wrapped him tightly.

Mingshu admitted his mistake at the beginning and became angry in the end. He groaned and complained: "Asshole..."

[The npc's popularity value has been updated, please go to the background to check]

[Side mission five has been completed! Please check your reward points in the background]

The task was completed, Mingshu went smoothly, but the idea of ​​riding on Si Ning's back died halfway.

His skin was tender and white, and soon his whole body turned red, either from being licked or from embarrassment.

[NPC favorability has been updated, please go to the backend to check]

Mingshu opened the system panel and saw that the favorability had increased to 105. The progress bar that was about to reach the full value was now a lot longer.

This shows that the upper limit of favorability is more than 100. In the past, it was because he did not get higher points and only showed that many points.

The progress bar without description has also increased a lot, and it has already surpassed the favorability level.

Mingshu had mixed feelings. It was definitely a good thing that his data had gone up, but he didn't want to be hugged and rubbed by a dragon every time, and he couldn't resist.

Fortunately, Si Ning stopped in time and sniffed Mingshu's scent like a baby.

If he wanted to get close to Ming Shu again, he wouldn't be able to use the dragon form. Not to mention whether Shu Jie wouldn't accept it, his body would definitely be severely damaged.

The shrinking spell has no effect on the transformed human form, and the enlarging spell cannot be used.

If you want Mingshu to become normal size, you have to find other feasible spells or methods.

Si Ning pressed down, wrapped the dragon's tail around Ming Shu's legs, and pulled it towards him.

At the same time, Mingshu felt his patience and restraint, and also realized that Si Ning could only do so. His human form could not be reduced, and the dragon form could only rub against him.

After discovering this, Mingshu suddenly became less afraid.

He even took the initiative to hug the black dragon and touched the dragon's horn above his head: "Your Highness."

Seeing that the black dragon really didn't do anything extra and just came closer to lick his palm, Mingshu immediately relaxed and lay on the warm scales of the black dragon.

Emotions were conveyed through the contract. Si Ning guessed the reason for Mingshu's relaxation, turned over and pressed him down again, and licked his wings again.

As soon as the dragon wings covered him, Mingshu was trapped in a narrow space and couldn't hide anywhere.

After a long quarrel, Si Ning let Ming Shu go.

He didn't change back to his human form, he just hugged Ming Shu and huddled in the corner of the bed, sleeping with him in this way.


When Mingshu woke up the next day, Si Ning was no longer around. He was covered with a quilt and there were some clean clothes beside him.

Mingshu got dressed and got up. Si Ning, who was sitting next to the desk, found a book from nowhere and read it. He looked quiet and silent, as if everything last night was Mingshu's dream.

He flew closer carefully, but as usual he couldn't read the book in Si Ning's hand, so it fell in his hand for breakfast.

Ming Shu was thinking about Gu Ji and asked, "Your Highness, when will the fog rat be delivered?"

At the same time, Si Lian arranged for a subordinate to bring a wooden box and handed it to the attendant in the palace, saying it was for Si Ning. , we need to send it over quickly.

The subordinates left after delivering the things. The attendants carried the box to the bedroom. On the way, they heard the sound of gnawing pieces of wood in the box.

There were living things inside. The attendant quickened his pace, but heard the noise inside getting louder and louder.

In the blink of an eye, a round hole was gnawed out of the top of the wooden box, and a furry head and most of its body emerged.

This is an animal that looks a bit like a squirrel. It has light gray and brown hair all over its body. It is much shorter and fatter. It has a pair of big and round dark eyes. It tilts its head to look at the attendant in front of it.

It didn't seem to have any lethality at all. At most, its teeth were powerful and could easily bite through the wooden box. The attendant hesitated whether to send it to the dormitory like this or to put it in a stronger cage first.

He hesitated, and the fog rat in the wooden box suddenly came out, revealing a fluffy tail behind it.

The fog rat jumped up and scratched the attendant's face hard.

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