Chapter 53: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (16)

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Xiu Qi followed without hesitation, and changed back into another form of sea snake in the sea water.

A giant jellyfish suddenly rushed into the water wall, followed by a black giant snake.

The giant snake has rough scales all over its body, and its sharp teeth are shining coldly. It can bite half of the jellyfish's body in one bite, and easily crush the surrounding boulders with a flick of the snake's tail.

The octopus lurking in the dark saw the two giants breaking in, and fled to the distance in a hurry, trying to avoid the rolled up water vortex.

Xia Zhu held on tightly to a white tentacle of the pearl, and after entering the water, he changed back into a mermaid form, appearing extremely insignificant between the jellyfish and the giant snake, but fortunately, these two creatures had no time to take care of him.

The giant snake stopped the jellyfish, prevented it from leaving, and bit off two of its tentacles during the fight.

Pearl hides Mingshu in her body, Xiuji doesn't want to really hurt it, but at this moment it is rebellious to the extreme, it wants to run away if it can't beat Xiuji.

It was not a very obedient pet in the first place, and stayed because it thought the Sea Snakes were so fun. It liked Mingshu and liked to play with him, but Mingshu was injured and fell down in front of Xiuyun, and his life and death were uncertain.

Pearl's intelligence is similar to that of a two- or three-year-old child, so she doesn't care so much, it just thinks that everything is Xiuqi's fault, that he didn't protect Mingshu well.

It resisted vigorously, while angrily slapping the giant snake with its tentacles, its body heaved and twitched, as if crying.

The giant snake couldn't bear it anymore, its tail pulled towards it in the sea water, wanting it to spit out Mingshu.

Pearl didn't dodge on purpose, and with the force of being knocked into the air, she swam away quickly with all her strength, and disappeared in the depths of the reef surrounded by boulders in a blink of an eye.

The giant snake chased forward for a while, and completely lost its track.

Xiuwen lost Pearl, and also lost Mingshu.

Even if he knew that Mingshu was hit in the heart by an arrow, the chance of surviving was slim.

The sea water flows quietly, and there are very few creatures intruding into this sea area. It is full of desolate fine sand and stones, and is shrouded in darkness all day long.

A few octopuses hid in a corner and shivered. They smelled a breath of danger and death, and moved their bodies back.

The sea water suddenly churned, and the waves shattered all the surrounding stones, making loud bangs one after another.

The octopus that had no time to escape was buried by a large amount of rubble and let out a dull cry.

When the sea level calmed down, without the cover of stones, there was still no trace of the white jellyfish in sight.

The movements in the reef area could also be heard outside, and the Sea Serpent soldiers stayed put until Xiu Qi came back alone.

He walked out of the water wall, his clothes were drenched, and came before the steward of the sea snake.

The steward of Sea Snake knelt on the ground, his hands were held back by two soldiers, and a broken bow and crossbow was thrown beside him.

He did this kind of thing against Xiuwen's wishes, and he was ready to be executed long ago. He only hoped that Xiuwen could understand his good intentions.

" can't keep him," the steward of the Sea Snake said through gritted teeth, "It's against the rules!"

How could a mermaid stay with the Sea Snake Clan and the leader.

The steward of the sea snake has been with Xiuyun for many years. Like most sea snakes, he hates creatures like mermaids, and he has never seen Xiuyun care so much about anyone. Mingshu prepared it.

Xiu Kun liked Mingshu so much, he became so infatuated in such a short period of time, even regardless of his status and race, this is not what a leader should do.

And the root of all this lies in Mingshu, as long as Mingshu dies, Xiuwen withdraws his mind, there are many beautiful sea snakes in the clan for him to choose, why bother to like a mermaid.

Xiu Qi's gaze seemed to be looking at a corpse, without any warmth or emotion.

"What was smeared on the arrow?" he asked.

The steward of the sea snake replied truthfully: "It is... the blue-spotted octopus."

He prepared three arrows, and wiped each arrow on it.

The nature of the blue-spotted octopus is drama, Ming Shu was stabbed in the heart, and it is impossible to survive.

He smiled self-deprecatingly: "First..."


The sound stopped abruptly, and the head of the sea snake steward was crushed by an invisible force, blood and broken bones scattered all over the ground, and his body fell powerlessly.

The surrounding sea snake soldiers lowered their heads tremblingly, some blood splashed on Xiu Qi's body, he turned a blind eye to it, turned and left alone.


Zhu hugged the pearl's tentacles tightly, and was led galloping in the sea water along the way.

He was almost thrown off several times, and the slap of the water blinded him, not knowing where the pearl had taken him.

Pearl swam forward for a long time, and gradually stopped until she confirmed the safety of her surroundings.

Surrounded by unfamiliar sea areas, it should still be within the scope of the reef area. Giant jellyfish are floating in the water and slowly falling down.

At this time, Zhenzhu finally found Xia Zhu behind her, and flicked her tentacles vigorously, throwing this inexplicable mermaid aside.

Xia Zhu was slightly injured in one hand, and was led all the way holding on to the tentacle tightly. He had no strength for a long time, and his back hit a stone and grinned in pain.

He didn't have time to care about the pain in his body, and wanted to find a place to hide quickly.

This jellyfish must be the rumored pet of the leader of the sea snake, the "pearl" that Ming Shu mentioned to him.

Xia Zhu has heard of the ferocity of the pearl, and his temperament is comparable to its owner, as long as it is a living thing, it can be its ration, he took the opportunity to escape by relying on the pearl, but it does not mean that he is safe.

He stepped aside, and sure enough, he saw white tentacles attacking him, trying to grab him.

Xia Zhu swam away immediately, but couldn't dodge in time, the tail fin was entangled by the tentacles and dragged back.

But suddenly, he felt the force behind him loosen again, and Pearl let him go.

Subconsciously, Xia Zhu turned her head to look, and found that the pearl behind her was dormant quietly, with a hole opened inside her body, two tentacles poked in, and carefully held out a familiar figure from inside.

He opened his eyes wide, not daring to say anything: "Mingshu!?"

Mingshu also changed back into a mermaid form, taking a deep breath in the water. He took off his hat, revealing black hair that was the same color as a fish's tail.

The pearl became smaller with a "swish", and the small white jellyfish, which was half the size of a palm, kept rubbing against Mingshu's cheek and circling around him.

Xia Zhu swam forward with a shocked expression: "Are you alright?"

He remembered that Ming Shu fell down with an arrow and soon lost his breath, and was later stuffed into his body by pearls. Xia Zhu thought that pearls gave Ming Shu After eating...

Ming Shu looked at Xia Zhu with a blank expression: "This is..."

After he lost consciousness, he heard the system's notification tone.

[The player has lost the life feature]

[Deducting a little life point, the life feature will be restored soon]

There was darkness in front of him, as if he had escaped from this dungeon, and returned to the void to wait. It took some time before he felt his body move. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was in a familiar white soft cavity.

And the arrow on his heart disappeared, his clothes were intact, there was no trace of injury, and his body did not feel any discomfort.

"We are in the reef area." Xia Zhu took a few steps closer, "You still remember? The manager secretly attacked you, and then this... pearl brought you into the reef area, and I followed. In a few words, he

explained what happened after Mingshu hit the arrow, including Pearl's escape from being chased by the giant snake.

That giant snake must be Xiuqi, he must not know the news that Mingshu is alive.

Ming Shu remained silent, he opened the system panel to check, and sure enough there was only 1 life point left.

He was killed by an arrow once, and then revived on the spot.

Xia Zhu's constant approach made Pearl very unhappy, and the small white jellyfish stood in front of Mingshu, and it tended to grow bigger again.

Seeing this, Ming Shu hurriedly stopped it, and held it up with his hands: "Don't... his name is Xia Zhu, he is my friend, I mentioned it last time, do you remember?" The pearl twisted twice in his

palm In fact, it has long forgotten, but since it is Mingshu's friend, it can barely survive.

It circled around Mingshu again, its tentacles picked up a few strands of his hair that had changed color, and then swam to the side of his fish tail, looking at it curiously.

Only then did Xia Zhu dare to come to Ming Shu's side, and saw at a glance that the arrows and wounds on his heart had disappeared, and there was not even a trace left on his clothes.

He was both curious and vigilant: "Are you... still Mingshu?"

Mingshu be resurrected with a new body, and he was still wearing the soft armor of a sea snake soldier on his upper body, but Xia Zhu knew that this Definitely not the one before.

He turned his gaze to the little white jellyfish again, with strange eyes.

Could it be that this jellyfish has some strange special functions... such as cloning or something.

This is a dungeon with multiple people, the player has only one life, and it will be gone if he dies, Xia Zhu didn't guess in the direction of the life point for a while.

Ming Shu didn't know how to explain to Xia Zhu: "Of course I am Ming Shu, I just..."

Xia Zhu saw his hesitation and hesitation, and said wittily, "It's just that you are fine, nothing else is important.

" Pearl, that means Mingshu has his own secret, and if he doesn't want to tell it, Xia Zhu won't take the initiative to ask again.

Xia Zhu's attitude made Ming Shu feel really relieved, he also pretended nothing happened, looked around: "You just said, this is the hidden reef area?" "Yes," Xia Zhu nodded, "I heard that the

hidden reef area It is connected to the sea area outside the Sea Snake Clan, if we can find the exit, we have a chance to return to the Mermaid Clan."

Ming Shu fell silent inexplicably, she lowered her eyes and wondered what she was thinking.

Seeing him like this, Xia Zhu thought of the scene when Xiu Qi came looking for him, and had some guesses in his heart.

He has short hair, and it turned black after using the lotion. He stretched out his hand and scratched it: "Well... do you still want to go back?"

Xia Zhu immediately said: "Although I definitely don't agree, there is not much time. Now, we have to go back to the Mermaid Clan to do tasks, so we can't delay too long."

Let Xiu Qi know that Ming Shu is not dead, so what if he wants to force Ming Shu to stay, Ming Shu will only be consumed in the Sea Snake Clan Continue until the copy ends.

He had heard before that if a player gets too close to an npc, a love line can be developed, but usually it's for doing tasks, and they still have to go when it's time to go.

No matter how real it is, it is just a bunch of highly intelligent data after all. Under normal circumstances, there will not be only a group of players in the dungeon. Xiuwen and Mingshu have developed a love line, and they may repeat the same behavior with others.

Therefore, the task is more important.

Pearl slowly wandered between the two, then suddenly changed direction and swam quickly to the side.

In the blink of an eye, its size became larger, the sea water was squeezed, and a black octopus in the corner was washed out by the current.

The octopus turned around to escape, but its body was entangled by white tentacles and could not move.

Pearl grabbed the octopus and smashed it to the ground and beat it hard, then stuffed it into her body and ate it, making her body plump.

After digesting the octopus, it became half the size of a palm and swam back leisurely.

Xia Zhu was dumbfounded, and stepped back unconsciously, staying away from this ferocious little jellyfish.

Mingshu caught the pearl, held it in the palm of his hand, and lowered his head: "Well, we won't go back, let's go back to the Mermaid Clan."

Xia Zhu was right, time is running out, and he still has tasks to do, so he is destined not to be able to do whatever he wants.

It was another sea snake that shot an arrow at him with the intention of killing him. Ming Shu had seen it several times beside Xiu Qi, and the other's position in the palace seemed to be quite high.

Before losing consciousness, Ming Shu heard the sea snake shouting that he wiped the arrow, but Xiuju probably didn't know about his actions and thought he was dead.

Ming Shu didn't know why the sea snake wanted to kill him, but the result at this moment may not be a bad thing.

It doesn't matter if he is "dead", otherwise Xiuji will find a way to catch him, and he has to find a reasonable explanation for his behavior.

After he completes the task, he will make other plans for things other than the task.

"Okay," Xia Zhu nodded again, "Let's go back together, but it's still far away from the Mermaids, so it might take a lot of time."

Without an NPC to lead the way, they might not even be able to find the direction of the Mermaids.

For a moment, two eyes fell on Pearl at the same time.

Pearl seemed to listen to Mingshu very much. It attacked its master in order to take Mingshu away, and it seemed that it did not intend to return to the sea snake clan.

It can easily kill a black octopus, and with it around, there is basically no need to worry about safety.

If Pearl can help them again...

Mingshu picked up the little jellyfish and asked, "Zhuzhu, can you take us out of here?"

Pearl floated in his palm, quietly listening to Mingshu.

"Xia Zhu and I are mermaids, and we want to go back to the territory of the mermaid tribe," Ming Shu explained patiently, regardless of whether Pearl could understand everything, "We have very important things to do, so we can't waste too much time." He

said , while stroking Pearl's chubby body.

Zhuzhu caught the key information from Mingshu's words, they are going to leave and go to the mermaid clan.

Although the seabed area is large, the sea snakes and mermaids each occupy one side. As long as you leave the reef area and go in the opposite direction of the sea snakes, the territory of the mermaids is not difficult to find.

Pearl shook her tentacles and circled around Mingshu, her body swelled and enlarged.

It opened the soft cavity of its abdomen, carefully sent Ming Shu in with its tentacles, and poured in some seawater intimately.

When it was Xia Zhu's turn, the tentacles were not so gentle, they wrapped around his waist and stuffed them in.

After finishing all this, Pearl swam around the area, found the right direction and left quickly.

Xia Zhu in the soft cavity did not dare to move: "...Is this Pearl's belly?"

Was he eaten? Can this giant jellyfish really understand Mingshu's words?

Ming Shu took off the soft armor on his body and only wore a white top. He leaned on the inner wall of the soft cavity and sat up: "It should be... no." The

first time he was taken away by Pearl, he also entered here. No.

Only then did Xia Zhu feel relieved, and looked around him in amazement: "You didn't lose anything this trip, and you even abducted the pet of the leader of the sea snake.

" He refused, and today I really saw Pearl, and my original impression has changed.

Ming Shu smiled slightly, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "By the way, we're leaving just like that, your friend..."

Xia Zhu put away the expression on his face, sighed and shook his head: "He lost contact , Either we betrayed with others and we dare not reply, or something happened."

To the extent of not replying to the message, it is very likely that he has died.

Ming Shu was silent for a moment, trying to find something to comfort Xia Zhu, but Xia Zhu spoke first: "This time, I was not cautious enough, and I didn't prepare other plans." They seemed to have escaped smoothly, but now that they think about it, they are full of fear

. If you are not careful, you will die.

Especially Mingshu, I'm afraid he really died once...

Xia Zhu sighed again: "I hope the task on the mermaid side is not too difficult, and I don't want to get any high points, as long as I can leave the instance smoothly."

There is not much space in the soft cavity, Mingshu moved over, patted Xia Zhu on the shoulder, and said seriously: "I will." Zhuzhu

went all the way, swam for about three hours, and finally came out of the reef area.

There is a high layer of algae wall connected to the periphery, and there are no guards to guard it. Pearl swam to the highest point and left the territory of the Sea Snake Clan with the two people in their soft voices.

It landed on a flat ground and brought Ming Shu and Xia Zhu out with its tentacles.

There are many plants with thick leaves growing nearby, and you can eat them by tearing off the skin. Pearl deliberately brought Mingshu to the plants and showed him how to deal with them with tentacles.

It ate an octopus and was still very full, but Ming Shu could only use these aquatic plants to deal with it first.

The aquatic plants had a faint fishy smell, Ming Shu frowned tightly after taking a bite, and turned around to see Xia Zhu eating deliciously.

As a mermaid, this fishy smell is actually tolerable. This place is no longer the palace of the Sea Snake Clan. Ming Shu swallowed the words in his stomach, and took another bite out of the aquatic plant.

After solving the food problem, Pearl led the two to move on, looking for the mermaid territory.


days later, two black-tailed mermaids appeared outside the mermaid territory.

As soon as they approached, a group of mermaid npcs guarding the edge of the territory immediately swam forward.

The leading npc looked at the two black-tailed mermaids in front of him, and said in a polite and respectful tone, "Are you two planning to go back?"

Black-tailed mermaids have the highest status, so the attitude of the npcs is naturally different.

Ming Shu replied: "Yes, we went to the north a few days ago and wanted to catch a shark back, but unfortunately we didn't..." "Okay, I'm just

kidding," Xia Zhu pretended to be impatient, "Let us in quickly The mermaid npc immediately backed away: " Sorry

, please."

Ming Shu quietly let out a sigh of relief, and entered the territory of the mermaid clan with Xia Zhu.

When those mermaid npcs were no longer in sight, a small white jellyfish poked out from Ming Shu's hair, and when Ming Shu noticed it, he pushed it back.

Mingshu whispered: "Hide it well, don't come out."

Zhuzhu sent them back, but she insisted on going with Mingshu, Mingshu couldn't persuade her, so she had to hide it in her hair.

Entering the territory, some passing mermaids appeared one after another nearby. The color of the tails of the fish varied from dark to light, and it was impossible to recognize which ones were players and which ones were NPCs.

Xia Zhu stopped a mermaid to ask, then swam back and pointed in the direction: "Where is the place where the successor can sign up." The

two went there together, signed up very smoothly, and received a reminder that the task was completed.

Immediately afterwards, several system prompts sounded.

[A new plot update has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? ]

[Ding dong--main mission release]

[Task 3: Find a mermaid who is willing to complete the campaign mission for him without revealing his disguise]

(Task completion condition: Mermaid camp value reaches 50)

Xia Zhu opens a new one first The corner of his mouth twitched: "What kind of mission is this?"

Ming Shu didn't understand, so he clicked on the plot to check.

[Plot reminder]:

[Although the appearance can be disguised, the strength is not enough. Silver tail turned himself into a black tail, but he is actually still a silver tail, and he cannot complete the campaign tasks that his successor needs to complete, such as killing a black tail. a megalodon shark, go to dangerous waters to retrieve a unique coral branch, and more. 】

【Silver Tail is unwilling to give up on this, and begins to look for targets among all successors, trying every means to complete these impossible tasks for him. 】

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