Chapter 137: Angel in Disguise (14)

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Mingshu's back was stiff, and he couldn't move away from the hand trapped around his waist.

He buried his head and saw the ribbon wrapped around Zhiyuan's fingertips, and his face became increasingly red.

It was what he used to tie his tail, and he kept it close to his body every day. Now that Zhiyuan was holding it in his hand, he always felt inexplicably ashamed.

And if Zhiyuan discovered something... why would he ask him such a question.

Mingshu leaned in Zhiyuan's arms and stroked the palm of his knee upwards. The temperature was accurately conveyed through the clothes, and he moved uneasily.

The tail cannot be found, but Mingshu likes to be close to Zhiyuan, so even if there is a risk of exposure, he still can't help but rub against him.

"Before you," he struggled, with a hint of accusation in his tone, "it was obviously not like this..."

Especially the first few times he met Zhiyuan, he was extremely indifferent and never looked at him twice.

It seems like it started last night... Could it be that his previous coldness was all just an act.

And in the inner hall in the morning, perhaps because he was worried that an envoy would come at any time, he was not so unscrupulous.

"Before?" Zhiyuan looked careless and squeezed Mingshu's leg gently, "What was it like?"

Mingshu breathed tremblingly, trying to stay awake: " are an archangel, you can't..."

Now they The two of them were in an intimate posture. If anyone came over and accidentally bumped into them, they would probably suspect that they were hallucinating.

"What's not allowed?" Zhiyuan interrupted Mingshu's words and said meaningfully: "You're not allowed to seduce the archangel?"

Mingshu had a lump in his throat and his eyes dodged: "I didn't..."

It was too close. Subtle changes in expression may be caught, and Mingshu has the illusion that Zhiyuan has seen through it completely.

That gaze seemed to penetrate layers of clothing and strip him naked, leaving no secret behind.

The hand between his legs continued to move upward, and Zhiyuan said again: "You haven't answered my question yet."

The ribbon was still in his hand, and Mingshu had to tell him what it was used for.

Mingshu hurriedly held down his hand, trying to think of how to make it up: "'s tied to the clothes."

Zhiyuan's expression did not change, he didn't know whether to believe it or not, and whispered: "Really?"

If that's just the case , why does Mingshu blush? Still hesitating and unwilling to say anything.

"Hmm..." Mingshu forced himself to continue making up: "The clothes I'm wearing are a little too big... tie them with a belt to prevent them from loosening."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhiyuan's hand turned to touch his Waist and abdomen, pull up the outer jacket and touch inside.

Mingshu's body trembled, and he quickly explained: "Today, today there is no binding..."

Zhiyuan still did not let him go. The innermost single garment was very thin, like a second layer of skin, and his fingers touched it and pinched it gently.

Mingshu hummed vaguely, unable to resist Zhiyuan's touch.

At this time, he finally realized that Zhiyuan's purpose may not be to figure out the purpose of the ribbon at all, he just wanted to bully himself.

He was being teased, and the smell of angel perfume on his body was rubbed away a little. Zhiyuan moved closer to Mingshu's neck, smelling the sweet fragrance overflowing from under the collar, and unconsciously increased the strength of his hand.

Mingshu took a small breath, and the end of his red eyes looked like he had cried. He couldn't help but bite Zhiyuan, leaving a shallow tooth mark on the side of his jaw.

Zhiyuan didn't care. The hand in his clothes moved to his lower back, rubbing his waist ambiguously.

This position was very close to the tail, and the tied tail seemed to feel the presence of Zhiyuan. It raised the tip of its tail excitedly. If it was not tied tightly, it would definitely be discovered.

Mingshu suddenly became more nervous, and kissed the place where Zhiyuan had been bitten, and then kissed his lips.

The soft tip of his tongue hooked up, and Zhiyuan's attention was diverted, but Mingshu quickly retreated.

"Don't be like this," Mingshu said while nuzzling into Zhiyuan's arms, "I'm afraid..."

His voice trembled, and he really looked scared, but he continued to lean against Zhiyuan and allowed him to do something excessive to him. .

Zhiyuan was itchy and soft-hearted, so he finally let him go for the time being. He took out his hands from his clothes, but did not help him tidy them up.

He pinched the tip of Mingshu's chin, leaned over and kissed it actively.

"What are you afraid of?" Zhiyuan asked in a low voice, "Afraid of me? Or afraid of thunder?"

In response to his words, a muffled thunder sounded in the sky covered with dark clouds at the right time.

This was the excuse Mingshu gave himself when he came to see him last night.

If he was really afraid of Zhiyuan, why would he go to the dormitory to look for him in the middle of the night.

In the end, Zhiyuan did not return the ribbon to Mingshu. Before the heavy rain fell, he sent Mingshu back to his residence.

Mingshu stood in front of the door. When it came time to say goodbye, he was reluctant to leave.

It would be great if there was no mission... Without the restrictions of the mission, he hoped Zhiyuan could take him back to the dormitory.

Mingshu held on to Zhiyuan's sleeves, put her arms around his neck, and said coquettishly: "Kiss me again..." Zhiyuan's

back was turned to the light in the corridor, and most of his face was hidden in the darkness, with the hanging The eyes looked a little dark and impenetrable.

He agreed to Mingshu's request and leaned forward to kiss her.


next day, Mingshu no longer had to go to give Zhiyuan medicine.

He passed the front hall and saw the envoy inside again. Zhiyuan was sitting on the stone chair at the top, holding his forehead with one hand and listening to the envoy's words.

With a thought in his mind, Mingshu turned around and walked around the front hall in the other direction towards Zhiyuan's dormitory.

The journey was smooth and no one saw him. Mingshu came to the bedroom, reached out and pushed gently, and the door opened.

He walked quietly in and looked around the room.

Zhiyuan's bedroom was very large, but not much decorated. Apart from the bed beside the wall, there was only a table and chairs in the direction of the window.

Mingshu searched everywhere, and finally walked to the table, opened several drawers and cabinets below, and saw several books stored inside.

Not even a single piece of Zhiyuan's clothes could be found in the entire dormitory. Only these few books were left. Mingshu took the thinnest one and prepared to give it a try.

He opened the system panel to find the mission details, clicked to open the transmission channel, and stuffed the book through the entrance.

The book slid down the entrance, and then the system beep sounded.

[Side mission six has been completed! Please go to the backend to check your reward points]

Success... Mingshu felt relieved, closed the drawer, and quickly left the dormitory.

He was very anxious on the way back, fearing that he would bump into Zhiyuan on the way. Fortunately, he took a kettle to fetch water and came back, only to see the envoy leaving the inner hall.


the afternoon, a white robe was found behind the animal taming garden in the North Hall.

The apostle who discovered the outer robe saw that the clothes were embroidered with exquisite gold borders, and the pattern looked familiar. He felt something was wrong and immediately called the apostle.

The envoy came in person, put on his gloves and unfolded his robe to take a look, and almost fainted on the spot.

"This is the robe of the archangel," he said with a trembling voice, "Who did this?!"

In particular, the outer robe exuded an aura that did not belong to heaven, which caused the cultivator to catch a rabbit. As soon as the rabbit came close to the outer robe, it immediately struggled to escape.

The envoy suppressed his anger and summoned the white cat, the most spiritual beast in the temple.

The white cat sniffed the robe, then immediately bared its teeth and growled, lowering its back as if to attack.

The aura that can make celestial beasts so disgusted can only be from demons.

The archangel's robe was stolen by a demon at some point. It was stained with aura and then thrown here. It can still be smelled after a night of rain, which shows how presumptuous the demon is.

The envoy tried his best to suppress his anger, and first blocked the news, not allowing anyone who saw the incident today to speak out, otherwise his life would be at risk.

He wrapped his robe in layers of airtight soft cloth and took it with him to find Zhiyuan.

In the hall, the soft cloth was opened and placed on the wooden support, and the outer robe inside was already dry.

Zhiyuan had no expression on his face and replied: "It was indeed my loss a few days ago."

It had rained last night, and the robe was left on the grass behind the animal taming garden, stained with the smell of rain and soil.

In addition, there is a very familiar sweet aroma.

The envoy held the wooden tray and buried his head very low: "The only disgusting aura of the heavenly beasts is the demon clan... I was eager to seek confirmation, so I let the white cat make the first judgment. Please forgive me." The clothes were

most likely from yesterday. It was thrown into the grass late in the day, and the outside of the temple has been sealed off for the past two days, and no living thing can get in, so... the devil is still hiding in the temple.

And he also made such a provocative and insulting move towards the archangel's robe... After a night of heavy rain, the smell on the robe was still so strong that the priest did not dare to think deeply.

Combined with the prediction of the golden bird, the teacher was frightened and reported to Zhiyuan immediately.

On the way here, he even thought that if Zhiyuan wanted to expel all the angels in the temple, including several of their envoys, it would be a bit extreme, but it was not impossible to do so.

This time, the devil's infiltration was deeper than they imagined. They couldn't figure out what method the devil used to disguise themselves, and they made several investigations but found nothing.

Or let all the angels go to Tianchi? With the washing of Tianchi water, no disguise can hide it.

The envoy was waiting for Zhiyuan's order, but he heard him say: "It is too hasty to judge based on the reaction of the white cat." The envoy suddenly raised his head: "


"This matter must not be made public," Zhiyuan said. After hearing his words, his eyes were cold, "Just pretend it never happened."

He was not allowed to publicize this, which made the teacher understandable, but Zhiyuan didn't do anything, even if he checked the apostles in the North Hall first?

However, no matter how doubtful the envoy was, he looked at Shang Zhiyuan and did not dare to say anything.

He calmed down and respectfully said "Yes": "Then... what should I do with this piece of clothing?"

The envoy waited for a long time before hearing Zhiyuan's response: "Put it down."

He did not doubt that he was there, and carefully put it down. Put down the wooden support and the outer robe on it, and retire to Zhiyuan.


Ming Shu knew nothing about what happened in the afternoon. He only happened to see the back of the Beidian envoy leaving, and had no idea why he came to Zhiyuan.

When he went to the front hall, it was empty and Zhiyuan was no longer there.

It wasn't until it was getting dark that Mingshu found Zhiyuan in the garden.

Zhiyuan sat on the steps of the pavilion, with only one pair of wings visible behind him, which were restrained and drooped.

Mingshu came closer and knelt down on the grass below the steps: "Your Majesty."

Zhiyuan looked up at him, said a faint "hmm", and stretched out a hand towards him.

Mingshu understood, held the hand obediently, was brought to Zhiyuan's arms, and sat on his lap.

Zhiyuan pinched Mingshu's wrist and rubbed the small piece of skin with his fingertips: "What did you do today?" With

this question, Mingshu almost thought that he had discovered that he had been to the dormitory, and his heart skipped a beat. shoot.

But he really didn't see much of Zhiyuan during the day... There was no anger or doubt in Zhiyuan's tone. Maybe he was overthinking.

Mingshu replied: "I didn't do anything. I watered the flowers at noon, and the rest of the time... I was in the inner hall."

Zhiyuan responded again, his eyes falling on the flowers not far away.

After several days of Mingshu's care, these flowers were a little less energetic than before.

Mingshu hadn't been here long, and it would have been extremely difficult to spot him unless he looked carefully.

Even the lowest-ranking apostle has a natural affinity for all kinds of flowers, plants and trees. This should not happen.

Zhiyuan looked away and touched the side of Mingshu's neck with one hand.

There are fragile blood vessels hidden under the fair skin, and the bones are also slender, as if they will break with the slightest force.

Zhiyuan's gaze shifted, passing over Mingshu's forehead and a pair of transparent wings behind him.

There is no trace that the horns ever existed, and the wings are real.

If he was really a demon, how could he be so perfectly disguised?

The ribbon left behind from Ming Shu's body...the tail?

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