Chapter 7: The Wolf-Eared Boy (7)

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The main task is released on time in the rules. It is not clear whether there is a specific trigger. Unfinished tasks cannot accumulate more than three, otherwise life points will be deducted.

That is to say, if Ming Shu has not completed any of the first two tasks when the third main line task is released, he will die directly.

But Ming Shu doesn't have the time to care about this right now, he focuses on the content of the task.

He is not the only wolf in the village.

Ming Shu almost subconsciously looked at Jing Shuang, who still had an innocent expression on his face: "What's wrong?"

The villagers couldn't wait, and told them to come over quickly, then turned and left alone.

The task of destroying the trap has not been completed yet, Mingshu can't go back yet, and dare not act rashly.

In the end, it was Jing Shuang who spoke first: "Why doesn't brother Mingshu speak?"

He took two steps forward and stood in front of Mingshu.

Jing Shuang was only fifteen years old, slightly shorter than Ming Shu, and raised his face to look at him: "Are you scared?"

His expression at the moment was completely different from just now, and he said gloomyly: "If I call If someone comes over, guess what will happen?"

Ming Shu's face turned pale, trying her best to hide her panic.

Sure enough, Jing Shuang saw it, but chose to lie in front of the villagers...

So now, is he threatening himself?

"Hmph," Jing Shuang looked at Mingshu with distaste and disgust, "If you don't want to die, get out of Xiangkou Village as soon as possible." As soon as he finished speaking,

he turned and walked towards the crowd, leaving Mingshu was alone on the spot.

Ming Shu tightly pinched his palms, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

When Jing Shuang left, the system prompted that the npc's favorability had been updated.

It must be that Jing Shuang's favorability has dropped again... Ming Shu opened the directory, his expression froze.

[Name]: Jing Shuang

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: Failed to acquire

[Identity]: Failed to acquire

[Favourability]: -20 (full value 100)

[Like]: To be explored

[Hate]: To be explored

[Features]: To be explored or favorability 70% unlocked

He remembered that when Jing Shuang gave him grapes, his favorability dropped to minus 25, so this is... an increase of 5 points?

But Jing Shuang just told him to get out of here...

Ming Shu took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, and went to find the last trap.

In any case, it is true that Jing Shuang did not expose him in front of the villagers. The most urgent task is to complete the side mission first.

The first time is raw, the second time is familiar, and the third time Mingshu has been able to hide the invalid animal trap without changing his face, and finally heaves a sigh of relief when he sees the reminder that the task is completed.

This task was much easier than Ming Shu expected. The villagers had brought more than ten traps, but he only destroyed three, and he didn't have to wait until the wolves successfully attacked the village to complete it.

After Mingshu finished all this, he made sure that no one would notice his actions, picked a small orange flower from the side of the road, and returned to the crowd.

The traps were all set, and the traps were tightly covered by fallen leaves. As long as they were not visible on the surface, they would not be checked by brushing away the fallen leaves. A villager came back after walking around and said, "Okay, it's all right." Jing Bo

remarked After seeing Jing Shuang who was running around, the others packed up their things and prepared to go back. Yuan Chen looked at Ming Shu who came back late: "Where have you been?" Ming Shu walked up to

him and handed him the flowers in his hand.

He thought of using picking flowers as an excuse, and by the way, he could brush up Yuan Chen's favorability.

However, Yuan Chen looked at the flowers in Ming Shu's hand, but did not pick them up, and raised a pair of slightly cold eyes.

Except for the first meeting with Mingshu, Yuan Chen was relatively silent most of the time, never said a word of unnecessary words, plus these two days he was worried about the safety of the village, when he was not smiling, he appeared very indifferent.

Ming Shu's heart skipped a beat, and he tightly clenched the flower in his hand.

Could it be that Yuan Chen discovered something and became suspicious?

But Yuan Chen just warned: "It's dangerous in the woods, don't run around." This is almost exactly the same as what Jing Bo said to Luo Jingshuang just now. In his eyes, Ming Shu is like a child in his teens and needs to be protected at all times.

He still didn't take the flowers in Mingshu's hand, and turned to talk to other people.

Ming Shu slowly withdrew his hand, his eyes flashed suddenly.

Jing Chu snatched the little orange flower from him, lowered his head and looked at it carefully: "Little Wild Flower, so beautiful."

Little Wild Flower was exactly what he called Ming Shu when he first met him, and Ming Shu didn't want to get in touch with this npc , he turned his head to leave, and heard Jing Chu's deliberately lowered voice: "What did you do just now? You came here so late, just to pick this flower?" Ming Shu

paused, and quietly glanced at Jing Shuang's direction .

Jing Shuang was still beside Jing Bo, so he didn't notice it.

He turned around to look at Jing Chu, and boldly said, "I'm helping to find Jing Shuang, why don't you ask where Jing Shuang has gone?" Doesn't

Jing Chu have a "mysterious intuition"? Didn't he notice the abnormality in his younger brother?

"What do I care about him?" Jing Chu's voice was still very soft, and he murmured, "You are the outsider." The

implication seemed to be that Mingshu did not belong to their village, so he had to keep an eye on him.

Ming Shu was at a loss for words, and said with a little frustration: "You seem to hate me very much."

The two brothers were more abnormal than the other. Jing Shuang threatened him to get out of the village, and his favorability increased by 5 points when he turned around. He was the one with the highest affection at the beginning, but he always had no good looks towards him.

In addition, he secretly destroyed the trap, was threatened by Jing Shuang, and the new main task was released, which made Ming Shu almost out of breath.

Jing Shuang's identity has not yet been determined, and his brother came to find fault again...

Ming Shu unconsciously showed a look of grievance. He was beautiful and delicate, with thick eyelashes like feathers, and even his hair seemed to be delicate. Men are also very easy to arouse the protective desire of others.

Jing Chu's breathing was stagnant, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down: "Like?"

He couldn't help reaching out to touch Ming Shu's side face, but was interrupted by Yuan Chen's voice.

"Ming Shu," Yuan Chen stood not far away, and shouted, "I'm leaving."

Ming Shu responded, and Yuan Chen glanced at the flowers in Jing Chu's hand, then looked away.


On the way back, Mingshu received a reminder to update the npc's favorability.

He opened the directory and found that there was a change in Jingchu.

The original favorability of 70 became 75, the same as Yuan Chen.

The favorability of two NPCs rose in a row, but Ming Shu couldn't be happy at all.

He walked in front, and vaguely felt a sight cast from behind, not sure whether it was from Jing Chu or Jing Shuang.

The side quests were completed, but there was another headache for the main quest.

In fact, all kinds of clues are already obvious, such as Jing Shuang's unreadable age and identity, weird behavior and obviously finding that he is destroying the trap, but chooses to help him hide it.

Ming Shu was not completely sure, but he felt that Jing Shuang was probably another wolf in the village.

In the plot prompt, werewolves are creatures that are very good at camouflage. They wear human skin and mix in the crowd, making it extremely difficult to be found.

If Jing Shuang is a wolf, then the real Jing Shuang should be dead.

Ming Shu still couldn't figure out why the villagers had silver coins to identify the werewolves, and it was also said in the plot that they successfully drove away a werewolf with this method, so why there were omissions.

Jing Shuang's negative affection for him is also very strange. If the two of them are of the same kind, shouldn't they help each other? Why does Jing Shuang hate him so much.

Although Ming Shu is a werewolf, he is not familiar with this identity at all.

Thinking of the gray wolf that day, he still had lingering fears. He was afraid that he would be the first werewolf to be killed by a wolf...

Ming Shu opened the interface of the main task 2 and tried to say Jing Shuang's name silently in his heart.

However, the system does not respond at all, and this method does not work.

Either he was wrong, or he needed to go a step further to be sure.

Ming Shu quietly turned her head and looked at Jing Shuang who was following Jing Bo.

What should he do to test out Jing Shuang's identity?

At this time, Jing Shuang returned to her usual obedient and obedient appearance, with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, and she looked exactly like two people when she threatened Mingshu.

Ming Shu turned his gaze and caught a glimpse of Jing Chu who was still holding the little orange flower he picked in his hand.

Jing Chu seemed to notice Ming Shu's gaze, and before he was about to look over, Ming Shu suddenly turned his face away.

It was almost noon after returning to the village, Yuan Chen first sent Ming Shu to the house, and then went to Jing Bo's house to pick up food.

As soon as he left, Jing Chu entered the room immediately.

Ming Shu sat on a chair and rubbed his legs, seeing him he was vigilant: "Yuan Chen has gone out." "

I'm not looking for him," Jing Chu approached, "Thank you for the flowers today."

Ming Shu hesitated to speak, He originally wanted to give that flower to Yuan Chen, but it was obviously Jing Chu who snatched it.

"And you asked me today if I hate you." Jing Chu leaned over to Ming Shu, and said, "I don't hate you, but I just think that you followed Yuan Chen for impure purposes."

Here it is again, last time he explained that Shu was a mountain spirit turned into a human form, this time he said that his purpose was not pure.

The key point is that what he said is indeed so close to the truth.

Ming Shu leaned back in the chair, put some distance away from Jing Chu, and tried hard to think of what words to refute him.

Jing Chu suddenly reached out and touched his cheek: "Are you looking for asylum? Why do you have to look for him?"

This movement was a little ambiguous, and Ming Shu couldn't dodge it in time, so he covered his face.

Jing Chu's guess was right, Ming Shu followed Yuan Chen with the intention of dying, as long as he didn't reveal his identity in front of Yuan Chen, then he was basically safe.

And the second half of the that what I thought it meant?

Ming Shu looked at Jing Chu's face, which was a little like Yuan Chen's, and didn't know what expression to make.

When he didn't speak, Jing Chu's eyes turned cold: "Or, I can also drive you out of Xiangkou Village."

Is that right? Ming Shu remembered that his favorability score was 75, compared with Jing Shuang's -20, he was still more worried about the latter.

After Jing Chu finished speaking, he left, and left before Yuan Chen came back.

Although the two are cousins, their relationship seems to be not very good.

Yuan Chen arranged the food and called Ming Shu to eat.

Ming Shu said "hmm", got up and went to the window to pour water.

He picked up a porcelain bowl and saw a small purple mushroom popping up by the window.

Mushroom has slender hands and feet, lifts up a stone, and speaks plausibly: "Bad wolf!"

With a "click", Yuan Chen looked at Ming Shu by the window: "What's the sound?"

Ming Shu turned around, Holding the upside-down porcelain bowl firmly with his backhand, he forced a smile: "It's nothing, I'm drinking water."

The author has something to say:

From the pursuit of mushrooms (bushi

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