Chapter 132: Angel in Disguise (9)

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On the day when Mingshu just advanced, the envoy wanted to tell Zhiyuan about the matter, but he couldn't find where he was, so he ordered an envoy to convey it on his behalf. After that, Zhiyuan didn't say anything, so the envoy thought that he didn't Don't care.

The envoy had never doubted Ming Shu, but after hearing what the envoy said, he felt that it was feasible.

First, because the culprit who had been thrown into the animal taming garden had not yet been found, the two envoys in the West Palace had a conflict first, and there would be a lot of private discussions. Mingshu was asked to go to Tianchi, which cleared the suspicion. He also proved his ability in front of everyone.

The second is to let Zhiyuan notice Mingshu's talent. If he has the opportunity to receive the guidance and teachings of the archangel, Mingshu will become the first advanced envoy of the temple, and even the archangel, and the entire west hall will also benefit from it.

The envoy thought more and more complicatedly, so he did not stop the envoy and asked Zhiyuan what he meant.

Mingshu was uneasy. He didn't know how painful the Tianchi water would be. If it was just pain, he would try to endure it. But if his disguise was washed away and a pair of devil horns were revealed after losing his wings, then... It's all over.

He opened the system panel, and the unfinished main mission was still lying quietly on it. He could not detect the demonic characteristics.

There is no time limit for the task, so I don't know how long it will take to complete it.

You don't have to wait until the plot is over... Mingshu doubts that he will be able to hold on until then.

But now, I have to try whatever I say and try to delay it as long as possible.

He looked at Zhiyuan, who was standing in front with a cold and indifferent face.

Mingshu was unsure. He was not sure whether Zhiyuan would relent. He had rejected his request to deliver medicine tomorrow morning.

Zhiyuan listened quietly to the envoy's words, and his eyes fell on Mingshu.

Mingshu looked aggrieved and pitiful. He had just advanced and he didn't know how to defend himself when something like this happened.

The attendant kept saying that Shu would be able to survive in the Tianchi water for half an hour, but for his rank, this half hour was like a punishment that he would have to endure.

No matter how talented he is, no matter how pure he is, he is just a servant, and he will be in pain in the pool for half an hour.

"You," Zhiyuan suddenly said, "come here."

The envoy and the envoy turned to look at Mingshu. Mingshu responded, got up and walked towards Zhiyuan.

When Mingshu arrived, Zhiyuan said "come with me" and turned around to leave the hall from the side corridor.

Mingshu was even more at a loss. He looked back at the two envoys and teachers who stayed where they were, and quickly followed them.

Zhiyuan seemed to be taking Mingshu to Tianchi himself...

After being shocked, he thought about it. The Tianchi in the center of the temple was never easily opened, and only archangels were qualified to go there. Only Mingshu needed to pass the experience of the pool, and the others There is really no need to follow along.

With Zhiyuan here, it would be impossible to accuse Mingshu unjustly or to trust Mingshu gullibly. Now all we have to do is wait for the news of Mingshu's return.

The envoy stood up and asked the envoy to continue checking the entry and exit records of the animal taming park, and then hurriedly left to discuss with several other envoys.

On the other side, Mingshu followed Zhiyuan closely, silent all the way.

The empty bottle he hid in his sleeve failed to come in handy and was put back in his pocket.

The further he walked, the more uneasy Mingshu became. He couldn't go to Tianchi and had to make Zhiyuan change his mind.

There was no one else nearby, so Mingshu pinched his palms hard, the pain making his eyes red.

He took a few steps forward and grabbed Zhiyuan's sleeve.

Zhiyuan paused and turned slightly sideways to look at Mingshu.

"Lord, I..." Mingshu's eyelashes trembled, "I'm afraid."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment: "What are you afraid of?" Mingshu

pursed his lips: "Afraid of pain."

He was really feeling aggrieved at this moment. When had Sang Yin ever rejected him, how could he be willing to let him feel pain?

But after entering this dungeon, he seemed to have truly turned into a high-ranking, cold-hearted archangel. Occasionally allowing Ming Shu to approach him was just an appearance.

In addition to the task of seducing the archangel, Mingshu's body and mind also longed for Zhiyuan's touch. He hoped that he could hug him and kiss him soothingly.

These things that were normal before have now become a luxury, and the tail can no longer be touched. The more Mingshu thought about it, the sadder he became, and there was a glint in his eyes.

Zhiyuan frowned slightly and took out his sleeve from Mingshu's hand.

Mingshu was even more disappointed, his nose was sore, and tears rolled down the side of his face.

With tears in his eyes, he saw Zhiyuan approaching.

A cold hand reached out and gently wiped away the tears on his face with his fingertips.

Mingshu raised his head with amber eyes open. He originally thought that Zhiyuan was going to reject him again, but when he cried, he seemed to be less indifferent.

Mingshu seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, so he boldly pounced forward and buried himself firmly in Zhiyuan's arms, holding his waist tightly with both hands.

Zhiyuan frowned and his back was stiff and did not move.

Mingshu wiped all his tears on Zhiyuan. He smelled the familiar scent and finally felt some comfort.

He didn't dare to be too presumptuous. He raised his head and carefully observed Zhiyuan's reaction, his expression still aggrieved.

Zhiyuan looked down at him and whispered: "Let go."

The distance between the two was closer than when they were applying the medicine before, and Mingshu was dazed for a moment by his warm breath.

He keenly heard a trace of indulgence in Zhiyuan's tone, and the previous disappointment eased a lot. He sniffed and said, "Is there any other way?" "

I don't want to go to Tianchi," Mingshu said while pinching his palms. He whispered: "I'm afraid..."

Zhiyuan didn't say anything. In the current intimate gesture, he raised his hand to hook Mingshu's chin, rubbing it on the small piece of delicate skin, and his eyes lingered on his face.

He seemed a little distracted and didn't know what he was thinking about.


after a while, Zhiyuan said: "I won't take you to Tianchi."

Mingshu was immediately happy, and heard Zhiyuan say: "But you need to stay with me these days."

He If someone's identity is suspected and he goes back without going through Tianchi Shui's experience, trouble will probably arise. It is the safest to stay with Zhiyuan.

The archangel will decide whether Mingshu is suspected or not, and no one else dares to say anything.

Mingshu blinked and said dullly: "...Hmm."

He still leaned in Zhiyuan's arms and was reluctant to step away, and couldn't help but ask: "Then...can I come and give you medicine tomorrow? "

Mingshu was thinking about this. After all, this was the only excuse for him to get close to Zhiyuan at the moment.

Zhiyuan lowered his eyes, and the strength in his hands inexplicably increased, pinching both sides of Mingshu's chin.

His dark pupils reflected Mingshu's beautiful little face, and he replied: "Okay."

Mingshu became visibly happy, and the grievance he had felt not long ago was gone.

"Let go."

Zhiyuan urged again, his Adam's apple sliding up and down as he spoke.

Mingshu reluctantly let go of him and took a step back in a polite manner.

Zhiyuan turned around and continued walking forward. He did not take Mingshu to Tianchi, but to the highest palace in the center.

"Before dark," he said, "find a vacant room."

This meant allowing Mingshu to live in. Looking at the entire temple, no one had such treatment.

Mingshu could hardly believe that Zhiyuan had walked away coldly in front of him in the morning, and it had only been half a day before he could live in the place closest to Zhiyuan.

Mingshu secretly peeked at Zhiyuan and began to think that his indifference might be an act.

Did he already like himself, so he promised not to take him to Tianchi and keep him by his side?

But the main mission is still there, and Mingshu must be extremely vigilant, otherwise Zhiyuan will discover his demonic characteristics, and even if Zhiyuan will not do anything to him, the mission will fail.

Mingshu put his hands behind his back, gently holding down the clothes to prevent the tail inside from moving.

Zhiyuan took Mingshu with him and then left. He didn't know where he went. Mingshu just happened to go back to his original residence to pack his things.

He had nothing to take away, except for Zhiyuan's robe and the white feathers under his pillow.

Before going back, Mingshu checked to see if anyone was passing by nearby. He didn't want to disturb others, so he quietly took his things and left.

The palace in the center of the inner hall is very large, and the room is much larger than other places. The various decorations and supplies look more exquisite.

Mingshu walked around aimlessly, but couldn't find where Zhiyuan lived, so he had to choose a room that pleased his eyes.

As usual, he hid his robe under the quilt and sprayed angel perfume everywhere in the room.

After doing all this, Mingshu went out to look for Zhiyuan, but did not see him until night.

Before dark, he went back to his room, closed the door and got ready to sleep.

The devil's aura on the outer robe had reached 40%, and Mingshu became more and more unscrupulous. After taking a bath, he used the outer robe to dry the water on his body, and the progress increased by another 10%.


next day, Mingshu got up early and found Zhiyuan in a nearby small garden.

He stepped forward to salute, and Zhiyuan looked up and saw the small medicine box in his hand.

Yesterday, after Mingshu gave Zhiyuan medicine, he left directly, leaving the medicine box with Mingshu.

There was no sunshine in the early morning, and the temperature in the garden was a bit low. Zhiyuan said coldly: "Come here."

Mingshu obediently approached, knelt down and unbuttoned Zhiyuan's collar.

Probably because of the hug yesterday, Mingshu slept well last night and didn't appear to have cried.

Zhiyuan's eyes fell on his face as always. Mingshu did not show any nervousness this time and took off his gloves to open the medicine box.

Most of the wound has healed, and it will be completely healed in a few days. Mingshu finished applying the medicine and still stayed by Zhiyuan's side.

"Do you have any other instructions?" He asked, "What do I need to do by your side?"

Before Zhiyuan could answer, the system prompt sounded first.

[Ding dong - side mission released]

[Task 5: Find an opportunity and quietly climb into the archangel's bed at night]

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