Chapter 33: The Wolf-Eared Boy (33)

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Ming Shu was so kissed that he couldn't breathe well, and he thought he had lost his temper, but in the blink of an eye, he heard him say that.

He felt a sense of grievance coming out of nowhere, pushed Yuan Chen away from him, and went to the inner room.

Yuan Chen's arms were empty, and he slowly got up and followed Ming Shu.

Ming Shu didn't even take off his coat, he lay down on the bed and wrapped up the quilt, with his back to Yuan Chen.

He heard Yuan Chen coming over, and hugged him from behind through the quilt: "Are you angry?"

Ming Shu didn't know if he was angry, but he was a little unhappy, and said in a muffled voice, "It's fine if you don't believe me."

They are so close, is it possible that he still cares about Jingshuang breaking into the village that day and taking him away?

Since revealing his identity in front of Yuan Chen, he seems to have become more suspicious and uneasy than before, even when he had to bring him a bite stopper.

In other words, he has always been like this, but Mingshu didn't find out before.

Yuan Chen turned Ming Shu over and said in a low voice, "It's not that I don't believe it."

He felt that the quilt was too intrusive, so he tore it aside and threw it aside, then hugged Ming Shu tightly, rubbing against the tip of his nose: "Then tell me, who do I like?"

Ming Shu said, he likes me.

Any words or actions may be fake, but the character data will not lie.

At present, Jingchu has the highest favorability, but most of it is because of the wolf servant skill. Besides, it is Yuan Chen, whose favorability is as high as 95.

Ming Shu's mood is very complicated, what he just said is not a lie, he really likes Yuan Chen a little bit.

The last time I ate poisonous mushrooms, Yuan Chen asked three people about who he liked, Jing Shuang and Jing Chu didn't like it, but Yuan Chen liked it a little.

It may seem that Yuan Chen is not satisfied, but Ming Shu is very clear that he should not fall in love with an npc.

After this copy is cleared, he will leave, and everything in it will be reset, including the memory of the npc, waiting for the next player to enter.

No matter how close he and Yuan Chen are, even if they are truly in love, they can only last for a short time.

The task must be done, he can't stay here forever.

Mingshu admits that he deliberately doesn't allow himself to invest too much emotion, the task is the most important thing, and the favorability is just a beneficial help for customs clearance.

He didn't know if Yuan Chen saw something, so he just pushed Yuan Chen away and ran over, not only feeling wronged, but also a little guilty.

If he had known this, he would not have raised Yuan Chen's favorability so high at the beginning, and it would be good to keep it at sixty or seventy. He would treat him as a friend like Little Mushroom, and maybe he would be able to complete the task smoothly.

Unlike now, he is a player, locked in the house by npc and not allowed to go out.

Ming Shu didn't speak, just lowered his head and looked absent-minded.

Yuan Chen didn't ask further: "I'll bring some food back later, I don't have anything to do in the afternoon, so I can stay with you at home."

Ming Shu nodded, and suddenly heard a slight movement by the window.

It was like... the sound of raindrops or small stones hitting it.

Yuan Chen also heard it, he immediately got up and went to the window, and knocked on the window with his fingers.

Then, there were two similar sounds on the other side outside.

The window was locked from the inside, Yuan Chen unlocked the lock and opened a gap, and a small mushroom with a purple umbrella cap squeezed in.

It didn't look at who was in front of it, and rushed over and shouted loudly: "Shu Shu!"

Yuan Chen guessed it was it, and stretched out his hand to stop it in the middle: "Who is it?"

The little mushroom looked up: "It's Yuan... ..."

It turned its gaze, saw Ming Shu's figure behind Yuan Chen, turned around and ran over again: "Shu Shu!"

The little mushroom jumped off the table and trotted all the way with short legs. Ming Shu

said in surprise: "Hey!"

Rubbing Mingshu's fingers, he laid down on his palm: "I'm so tired... If you don't come to play with me, I'll come by myself..."

It waited in the forest for a long, long time, not only did Ming Chu not come, Yuan Chen also didn't show up, so he ignored the objections of other tree mushrooms and came to the village alone again.

Fortunately, it was born once and cooked twice, so it didn't encounter any danger on the road, and was discovered when it slipped into the village, but it was not convenient to go on the way when it rained on the way.

A lot of mud was rubbed on Little Mushroom's body, and he looked very tired. Mingshu was both guilty and distressed: "I'm sorry, I haven't had time recently, and I planned to find you in two days." "It's okay," Little Mushroom turned over

. Standing up, he said vaguely: "I'll take a nap..."

At the end of it, it fell asleep just like that. Yuan Chen came over and took the small mushroom from Mingshu's hand, and put it in the pot of pothos.

It is not mentioned in the plot that Yuan Chen will get the help of the tree mushroom again, and the little mushroom came here this time, probably only for Mingshu.

Ming Shu picked a leaf and covered the sleeping little mushroom.

Yuan Chen watched his movements: "It knows you are a wolf?"

Ming Shu's hands trembled at this unexpected sentence.

He honestly said: "Yeah."

Yuan Chen had no expression on his face, and said lightly: "It likes you too?"

The tree mushroom is obviously one of the creatures that hate wolves the most, and the little mushroom discovered Mingshu's identity very early on. , but helped him hide it.

It wasn't until Yuanchen took Mingshu to the dense forest for the second time that he learned about it from other tree mushrooms.

Ming Shu opened his eyes wide and looked at him: "You even eat the vinegar of a mushroom?"

Besides, the little mushroom's favorability is not high...just 60.

Yuan Chen approached, his eyes lowered: "If it wasn't for it, I would have killed you long ago."

The little mushroom knew that Ming Shu was a wolf but didn't say anything, and the second time in the dense forest, the atmosphere between them was too harmonious , so harmonious that even Yuan Chen began to doubt his own judgment.

The tree mushroom, which hates wolves the most, has become good friends with a wolf, which is unbelievable no matter how you think about it.

Ming Shu was frightened by his words, and his breath became stagnant.

However, Yuan Chen just leaned over and kissed his lips, and said: "Wait for me at home."

After that, he turned and left, ready to go out and bring back lunch.

After he left, Ming Shu rubbed her cheeks on her own.

He shouldn't have to worry about Yuan Chen killing him now... But if Yuan Chen knew that he had killed Ming Shu once, what would Yuan Chen's reaction be?

This is also one of the characteristics of the dungeon npc. Once it is reset, everything will be forgotten.

Not long after Yuan Chen left, the sound of the courtyard door being pushed open was heard again outside.

Ming Shu thought it was Yuan Chen who came back, but the sound of footsteps came all the way outside the window.

Jing Chu's voice sounded: "Master, do you need me to rescue you?"

Ming Shu took a breath: "...What did you call me?"

He subconsciously moved the flower pot to the other side of the table to prevent the little ones inside. Mushrooms are woken up.

"Master," Jing Chu shouted again from outside, and said in a low voice, "There was an outsider here before, so it's inconvenient for me to ask you..." The

outsider he was talking about referred to Yuan Chen.

Ming Shu took half a step back, his expression was indescribable: "You...don't call me that."

He thought that the skill of "Wolf Servant" would only allow Jing Chu to do some things for him, but now it seems that he is the real Became his own "servant".

Jing Chu's tone was confused: "Then what should I call you?"

Mingshu said: "...It's just as good as before."

[Hidden branch · Mission 2 has been completed! Please check your points and rewards yourself in the background]

[Ding Dong--Hidden branch·Second task release]

[Task 3: Order the wolf servant to do one thing for yourself, which must be within the ability of the other party]

Jing Chu said obediently: " Okay, Mingshu."

He reached out and pressed his palm against the window, stroked the small blurred shadow, and asked again: "Do you need me to rescue you?"

Mingshu thought for a while: "No."

Even if Jing Chu After becoming his wolf servant, Ming Shu had to admit that, with the addition of their fighting power, they were still inferior to Yuan Chen, and besides, he was fine now, so there was no need to make Yuan Chen unhappy.

Jing Chu responded, which was regarded as obeying Mingshu's order, but it did not trigger the completion of the task.

There should be only three hidden missions. Ming Shu originally wanted to take advantage of Yuan Chen's absence and ask Jing Chu to do something casually so that the points could be obtained smoothly.

He opened his mouth, but hesitated again at the end.

This skill may come in handy in the future, so don't waste it casually.

Ming Shu wanted Jing Chu to leave here first, but he was afraid that this sentence would also trigger the conditions for completing the mission.

Fortunately, Jing Chu said again: "Yuan Chen is coming back soon, I can't stay too long... I will come to see you again when I find a chance."

Ming Shu's mood is even more indescribable. Yuan Chen.

He replied "OK", and Jing Chu turned and left.

Ming Shu stood alone by the window, tried hard to digest the change in Jing Chu's attitude towards him, and carefully carried Luluo back to its original position.

The little mushroom lying inside was unconscious, turned over and continued to sleep.


Mushroom sleeps until noon, and wakes up at the time when Mingshu is used to taking a nap.

It searched around only to find Ming Shu on the bed, trying to climb up along the sheets, but was caught by Yuan Chen halfway and put back on the ground.

"Go play by yourself," Yuan Chen said in a low voice, "don't wake him up."

The little mushroom wanted to refute that it wouldn't wake Ming Shu up, but seeing Yuan Chen's slightly cold expression, he shivered and turned back. Flower pots by the window.

It wasn't until Ming Shu woke up that Little Mushroom finally found a chance to talk to him, telling how boring their life was after they left the woods, and the tree mushrooms around them were not fun at all.

Ming Shu listened carefully, looking out at Yuan Chen through the open window from time to time.

At this time, the sun was shining, and Yuan Chen was handling the poisonous herbs brought back in the morning in the yard wearing gloves.

He didn't mention the purpose of these poisonous herbs, and Ming Shu guessed that they were probably to deal with wolves again.

The little mushroom followed Ming Shu's line of sight, and hid behind his hands in fear: "Don't touch that, it's scary." "

Those herbs?" Ming Shu asked.

Little Mushroom nodded, with a serious tone: "If you touch it, you will die."

As long as it is a living thing, it will not be spared, including myself who is already poisoned. In the yard, if this happens accidentally...

Ming Shu frowned lightly, took the little mushroom into his palm and comforted him, "It's okay, Yuan Chen will take care of it."

Didn't the plot description say that with the help of the werewolf Therefore, wolves are very sensitive to all poisonous food, and it is very difficult to poison them.

Or Yuan Chen found these poisonous weeds, not targeting wolves, but Jing Shuang.

Sure enough, the system prompt sounded in Ming Shu's ear at the right time.

[A new plot prompt has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? 】

【Plot reminder】:

[Yuan Chen led the villagers to successfully find the hiding place of the wolves. Although he failed to wipe out all the wolves in one fell swoop, the escaped werewolves were not pleased. He had to move his pack of wolves in time to find a new residence. Otherwise, the younger and weaker wolves in the wolf pack will be in danger. 】

【After returning to the village, Yuan Chen made another bold decision. He wanted to use his body as bait to lure the werewolf out. The villagers naturally objected, but they were persuaded by Yuan Chen that they had no time to spend any more. Only one of the wolf and the village could survive. 】

【Yuan Chen's plan is very simple. He asked the villagers to pretend to move out, and arranged a group of people to go to the surrounding area and the outskirts to find a suitable new place. Yuan Chen himself was among them. As a result, the defense of the village is lax, and the wolves will surely attack again if they find an opportunity. And Yuan Chen found the location of the wolves, and injured the werewolf, the werewolf held a grudge, seeing him alone, he would definitely do something. 】

【The villagers are very worried. If the wolves don't come to the village and instead follow the werewolves to attack Yuan Chen, he will not be able to deal with it alone. But Yuan Chen is very confident. After the werewolf harassed the village for a long time and what happened on the night of the full moon, he basically figured out the werewolf's temperament. Looking sad, he will definitely take the opportunity to arrange for wolves to attack the village, and come to find Yuan Chen who is alone, and tell him that the village is lost, intending to see Yuan Chen's nervous and flustered expression, and then kill him. 】

【There are no more lurking wolves in the village, and the werewolf will not know about this plan in advance. Yuan Chen is at least 80% sure of this. He tried his best to persuade the villagers to act with him. 】

Mingshu read it carefully, and got a piece of information from it, Yuan Chen would use his body as a bait to lure the scene out.

But there is a difference between the actual development and the original plot, and there is no Ming Shu in the original plot.

Jing Shuang's 85 favorability level has never dropped. If Yuan Chen is really alone...Jing Shuang's target may not be him, but himself.

Ming Shu doesn't know what Yuan Chen is thinking at the moment, but if he wants to lure Jing Shuang out according to the description in the plot, it is impossible not to think of this level.

Looking at Yuan Chen outside, bathed in the sun, and his small pile of poisonous herbs, an idea popped into Mingshu's mind.

With Yuan Chen's gradually revealed character and behavior, will he directly use himself as a bait...

and the sentence in the plot prompt, only one can survive, the wolf and the village.

Ming Shu didn't want to make too bad plans, but he had to be more vigilant and not relax too much before the dungeon was cleared.

Probably because the recent mission went too well... the first time he let down his vigilance, Yuan Chen cut his throat, and the second time he thought he was safe, he was bitten to death by a wolf.

If it is really used as a bait, as long as it is safe, Ming Shu will not resist, fearing that after Yuan Chen has dealt with Jing Shuang, he will also kill him.

What did Yuan Chen say in the morning that he liked him after eating toadstools...Ming Shu opened the npc directory and looked at Yuan Chen's 95 favorability in it.

It's almost at full value... Is he really willing to kill himself?

But the hidden plot has never been triggered, recalling all the time with Yuan Chen, Ming Shu has no idea.

After Yuan Chen disposed of all the poisonous herbs and continued to dry them in the sun, he got up and walked into the house.

Ming Shu watched him take off his gloves: "Are those poisonous weeds used to deal with Jing Shuang?"

Yuan Chen raised his eyes: "You don't want to?"

"..." Everything Ming Shu thought and psychological construction collapsed in an instant Come down and stare at him: "You are reluctant!"

He has already thought about how to test Yuan Chen's intentions and what he intends to do.

As a result, Yuan Chen suddenly said such a sentence, which interrupted Ming Shu's train of thought.

Little Mushroom held the umbrella hat and looked around at the two of them curiously.

Yuan Chen threw down his gloves and walked over, pinched Ming Shu's cheek lightly: "I seem to have a good temper recently."

Ming Shu couldn't dodge, and covered his side face and didn't speak.

Yuan Chen was keenly aware that he was in a different mood, so he bent down and squatted in front of him: "What's the matter, are you unhappy?"

He stretched out his hand to hold Ming Shu's hand, and said softly: "Do you feel stuffy in the room? In two days, I'll take you out to play."

Little Mushroom interjected: "I'm going too!"

Yuan Chen didn't even give it a look, and looked at Mingshu intently: "Maybe if you are angry, just throw it on me "

Ming Shu's eyelashes trembled, and he felt that his previous guess was not necessarily correct, Yuan Chen still liked him and would not hurt him.

He suddenly realized that just because of a plot update that didn't match the reality, he was thinking so much and worried.

In the final analysis, it was because he really started to care about Yuan Chen that he would be distracted, otherwise he could just pack up and prepare to run away.

Ming Shu stared at Yuan Chen for a moment as if discouraged, then stretched out two hands to pinch his cheeks vigorously, and did not let go until his skin turned red with marks.

Little Mushroom's eyes widened, and he subconsciously turned his head and hid in the flower pot.

But Yuan Chen was not angry at all, instead he smiled.

[NPC favorability has been updated, please go to the list to check]

Ming Shu clicked on Kai Yuanchen's character details, and his eyes touched the column of favorability.

[Favourability degree]: 100 (full value is 100),

the favorability degree is full... Ming Shu withdrew her hand suddenly, staring blankly at the past with grievance and puzzlement remaining.

Yuan Chen was still laughing, taking advantage of Ming Shu's unpreparedness, he grabbed Ming Shu's wrist and yanked it violently.

Ming Shu was forced to fall into his arms, the two sat on the ground together, Yuan Chen kissed the tip of his nose against the two red marks on his face: "Is it better?"

Ming Shu touched his side Face: "Does it hurt?"

Yuan Chen continued to kiss him: "What kind of strength can a kitten have, it doesn't hurt."

Ming Shu's ears were slightly red, and he looked at him without speaking.

Yuan Chen put his arms around his waist and gently stroked him, then asked: "When will the kitten become an adult?"

Ming Shu immediately buried her face, pretending not to hear.

On the small road in the distance outside the courtyard, a villager was looking over here.

He seemed to have seen something, with a dignified expression, he turned his head towards the Jing family.


The sky is getting dark, Yuan Chen has to go out to pick up dinner.

Mingshu sat at the table, picking green radish leaves for the little mushrooms: "You have to go out and bring food back every time, it's too much trouble."

Yuan Chen put on his coat and paused: "I don't know.

" Cook porridge, all kinds of porridge with all ingredients.

If he lives alone, it's okay to drink porridge every day, the main reason is for Mingshu.

The little mushroom gnawed on the stems and leaves of the green radish, and waved to Yuan Chen who walked out of the room.

After Yuan Chen locked the door and left the yard, another figure slipped in quietly.

Jingchu walked to the window and said softly: "Mingshu, do you need me to prepare some food for you?"

Mingshu quickly made a silent gesture to the little mushroom, signaling it not to be afraid, and replied: "No need. "

This wolf servant is really persistent... This is the first time that Ming Shu encountered a task that he was rushing to complete.

Jing Chu was kind-hearted: "Okay, then I'll come back tomorrow morning."

Hearing the sound of him leaving, Ming Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Jing Chu hadn't walked out of the courtyard yet, and suddenly asked vigilantly, "What are you doing here?"

Some disorderly footsteps approached, and it seemed to be a few villagers, and the leader said, "Why are you here?"

The villagers waved their hands . , motioning Jing Chu not to block the way: "We are here to find someone."

They obviously came here while Yuan Chen was away. Jing Chu had a bad feeling in his heart, and stopped in front of them: "Yuan Chen is not here, you can wait outside." Seeing that he would not listen, the villagers had no choice but

to He lowered his voice and said: "No... We suspect that Yuan Chen hid the foreigner from before, and came here to take a look."

Jing Chu's face remained unchanged: "I just came out of it, and I didn't see anyone."

Everything that happened outside, Ming Shu could hear it clearly in the room.

He almost forgot about this question... Yuan Chen didn't kill him, it doesn't mean the villagers won't either.

After the last poisoning incident, the favorability of this group of villagers towards Ming Shu was almost wiped out. Coupled with doubts about his identity, they would never keep him in the village.

Jing Chu outside was also helping to drag it, Ming Shu looked around, trying to find a place to hide first, buy some time, and wait for Yuan Chen to come back.

Little Mushroom was also very scared, thinking that he had been discovered, trembling while hugging the unfinished green radish stems and leaves: "Is it a bad person?"

Ming Shu picked it up and comforted him: "I'm here, it's okay."

He put the little mushroom in his coat pocket, looking for a place to hide.

The villagers outside were still reluctant, and looked at Jing Chu suspiciously: "Then you get out of the way, let's take a look."

Another villager approached and whispered in his ear: "He won't be caught by that The strangers are bewitching..."

Jing Chu stood still at the entrance of the courtyard, and the previous villagers sneered, "This is what your father meant, if you don't get out of the way, don't blame us for being rude." "What did my father mean

? "Jing Chu's eyes swept over the faces of several villagers one by one, "Why don't I know? Unless my father comes over in person, you don't want to go in." The villagers were

pierced by Jing Chu, and Jing Bo did not let They came here because they thought it would be impossible to continue like this, and they had to come to confirm.

The villagers took a step back and commanded the others: "Pull him away!"

At this moment, a sharp wind came from behind.

A crossbow arrow passed through the crowd, and flew straight towards the courtyard, sticking to the face of a villager at the front. The sharp tip was shining coldly, and it was nailed to the locked door.

A faint bloodstain was drawn on the villager's face, and he was so frightened that his legs went limp immediately, and he turned his head to look.

Yuan Chen was dressed in black, and the crossbow in his hand was loaded with a second arrow, pointing at the crowd.

With a blank expression on his face, he said coldly: "Get out."

At the same time, Ming Shu, who was hiding in the closet with a small mushroom, received a system notification.

[Congratulations to the player for unlocking the hidden storyline One! Complete all tasks to light up the illustration book]

[Ding Dong--Hidden branch · A task release]

[Task 1: As a werewolf, get along with the human beings who protect themselves]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the right to use any form! The form already includes: [human/half animal form/beast form]]

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