Chapter 104: Halloween (8)

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The players were randomly assigned Halloween costumes of all types, and the materials they needed to find were various, but they had never seen any living creatures.

Mingshu envied Xia Zhu very much. Although his fangs were dug out from the cemetery, at least they didn't look so scary and they could be used after cleaning and disinfecting.

The tail was in Sang Yin's hand. Mingshu hid on the other side, kissing him and saying intermittently: "Tie it up first..." I don't know if the

tail will feel pain. If it is pierced, it should be fixed easily. Some...

Sang Yin pressed Ming Shu against the stone wall, his fingertips dug into the edge of the fabric, and stroked it gently.

The two of them were in a remote and uninhabited corner. Ming Shu's cheeks were slightly red and he took the initiative to hug Sang Yin.

It was still daytime, but Sang Yin couldn't be with him at night. They only had half a day to spend together.

Mingshu was distracted and paying attention to the movement nearby, for fear that someone would come over.

He felt his pants being pulled down a little, and the blush on his face became even worse. He shrank shyly into Sang Yin's arms, and whispered hesitantly: "Do you want to be here?" Sang Yin stopped, Ming Shu's

thick lips Her eyelashes trembled, and she looked up at him, her lips were red from being kissed, and her eyes were wet.

He looked like he would obey obediently if he really wanted to do something here.

"Here?" Sang Yin's Adam's apple slid up and down as he spoke, and he bent down to hug Mingshu tighter: "Am I an animal?"

Then how could he...

Mingshu suppressed his random thoughts, and suddenly felt a pain in his tailbone. , like being bitten by something.

He opened his eyes wide, and Sang Yin held him down in time to prevent him from struggling. He kissed his lips and coaxed: "It will be fine soon." The

devil is also a part of Sang Yin. I wonder if it is between the original body and other identities. There is a secret connection, and if he gets the tail, he can probably guess how to use it.

Under the outer robe, the top of the tail opened its mouth like a snake, biting a piece of skin and the bones inside, gradually melting itself into it.

The surface of the tail becomes more delicate and soft, and is infused with warmth. The tail vertebra protrudes, and the connection between the black tail and the white skin is blurred, as if it originally grew here.

Mingshu panicked, but fortunately the pain didn't last long, and was replaced by the strange feeling of "growing" a tail.

[Main Mission One: Halloween Dress Up (2/2)]

[Main Mission One has been completed! Please go to the backend to check your reward points yourself]

Sang Yin relaxed his hold on Mingshu and stroked the root of his tail: "Does it hurt? Is it uncomfortable?"

Mingshu resisted the awkwardness and shook his head hesitantly: "It hurts a little bit. It's not mission is accomplished."

None of his first three copies were purely human. He once transformed into the form of a wolf, a mermaid, and an elf. They all had excess organs, so he adapted well this time.

The tail was still "alive", Mingshu tried to move it, the tail hooked up, and wrapped around Sang Yin's hand affectionately.

He was stunned and hurriedly opened his robe with his backhand, trying to take off the tail.

The blush on Mingshu's face had not gone away since just now. Sang Yin stopped him: "Let me see."

Ignoring Mingshu's weak resistance, he lifted up his robe and took a look.

Mingshu buried his head. After the robe was put down, Sang Yin hugged him again and touched his tail carefully again.

Slowly go down from the root to the small triangle at the end, until it is soft when pinched.

When doing this, Sang Yin looked as usual, as if he was really just worried about Ming Shu, confirming that the tail was safe on him, without any ambiguous thoughts.

This made Mingshu even more embarrassed. He pushed Sang Yin: "Stop pinching..."

Sang Yin finally let go of his tail and arranged Mingshu's clothes.

The tail is relatively thin and can hang directly in the trouser leg on one side. With the cover of the outer robe, it is not obvious that Mingshu has an extra tail.

The Halloween costumes are completed, the mission points have also arrived, and there is still a side mission to do.

Mingshu lowered his head and looked at himself. There seemed to be nothing unusual about this outfit. It didn't look like a Halloween ghost at all.

According to the mission description, he also wants to use this outfit to increase the fear and other values ​​of any NPC.

Sang Yin's identity in the dungeon is that of a town citizen, so you should be able to try it on him.

Noticing Mingshu's gaze, Sang Yin held his hand: "What's wrong?"

Mingshu struggled for a moment: "Do you... feel anything when I'm dressed up like this?"

Emotional values ​​such as fear, etc. There's the one with an asterisk... Mingshu thought of another aspect, but Sang Yin looked so serious when he touched his tail just now, and he was embarrassed to speak.


Sang Yin looked at Ming Shu in front of him. He was wearing a dark red wizard's robe. On the surface, it looked the same as before, but only he knew that there was a tail hidden under the robe.

It's a pity that he's not a pure-blooded demon and doesn't have the little horns on his head, otherwise he would be cuter.

Sang Yin couldn't help but pull Mingshu closer, holding his lower back through his robe: "Don't let others see your tail." The

"others" in this sentence actually refers to himself, and it currently appears in the copy There are wizards and demons, but there may be more than just these two monsters.

He had to find a way as soon as possible, not only to get rid of the obstructive leader, but also other "selves" who coveted Mingshu.

The tail in his pants was raised slightly. Mingshu pulled his pants awkwardly, trying to calm down the tail: "Let me ask you... I have another side mission, what fear level should I increase..."

He said Before he finished speaking, Xia Zhu's voice suddenly sounded: "Mingshu? Mingshu, are you inside?"

Xia Zhu was watching for them outside. This reaction was not right. Someone must have come over.

Sang Yin immediately hid in a corner and climbed over the fence to the next yard.

Xia Zhu walked in a hurry. He turned around the side of the house and saw Ming Shu, and quietly gave him a wink.

Behind Xia Zhu was the leader. He looked around without leaving a trace and found no one else.

Mingshu stepped forward and said, "Are you looking for me?"

The leader said nothing, his eyes falling on the dark red robe Mingshu was wearing.

Mingshu stood there as if nothing had happened. He didn't need to explain to the guide the origin of the clothes, and what happened at the amusement park that day. The guide didn't take the initiative to mention it, and he didn't ask.

"What method did you use? Why didn't they kill you?" The leader's eyes were inquiring, and there was an uncomfortable disdain and contempt, as if it was incredible that Mingshu could still be alive.

Mingshu pretended to be stupid as usual: "Who wants to kill me?"

"You set the fire in the woods and amusement park, right?" The leader answered the question, "How did you do it? Who helped you?"

Xia Zhu still said On the side, I couldn't help hearing this: "Don't slander people out of thin air. We didn't go anywhere last night. We have to provide evidence for everything."

Of course the leader had no evidence, otherwise they would have been arrested long ago. He glanced at Xia Zhu and ignored him.

"I have to say, you are very brave, you dare to provoke two people at the same time," the leader looked at Mingshu again, looked around him with cold eyes, and finally said before leaving: "Just take care of yourself."

He He just left without asking Mingshu to give him the Devil's Tail, as if he knew he had already used it.

After the leader walked away, Mingshu returned to the corner and called Sang Yin's name in a low voice, but received no response. Sang Yin also left, unknown to where.

He sent another private message to Sang Yin and waited for a while without seeing anyone. Xia Zhu suggested: "Go back and finish lunch first, and then think about how to do side tasks." Xia Zhu couldn't enter Mingshu's house, so Mingshu took

some After the food came out, the two of them sat together in the corridor.

Mingshu took off the robe, but he didn't know how to remove the tail that had become one with him, so he had to find a belt and tie it to his leg to prevent it from moving around. The trouser legs were loose and could not be seen.

Xia Zhu took the bread and tried to take off the canines attached to her teeth before eating. After trying for a long time, she failed, as it seemed that they were attached too firmly.

He finally gave up: "Forget it, let's just eat like this, we still have to do side quests anyway..."

Several other teammates in the team also sent messages one after another, saying that their Halloween costumes were completed, and they started discussing side quests.

There was no news about Shan Qi, but they had done a mission together. Xia Zhu had a private message to ask about his situation, but there was no reply.

"Is something going to happen to him?" Xia Zhu had a bad premonition, "Isn't he in the dungeon?"

The town is so big, they don't know where Shan Qi lives, and there is no way to find him.

Halfway through eating the bread, a child of seven or eight years old stood not far away, looking over eagerly.

There was no adult following him, so Xia Zhu made a thought and waved the bread in his hand to lure the child over.

As expected, the child couldn't resist the temptation and trotted to Xia Zhu: "Hello, brother..."

His eyes kept glancing at the bread. Xia Zhu smiled slightly: "Want to eat?"

The child nodded desperately: "I want to eat, brother. Can you share some with me?"

He was very polite, cute and cute, and Xia Zhu couldn't bear it.

But at the current mission, no matter how cute the child in front of you is, it is just data generated by the system.

"Of course..." Xia Zhu tore off half of the bread and handed it over, and the child happily reached out to take it.

At this time, Xia Zhu suddenly retracted his hand, imitating the vampires he had seen in TV dramas before, showing his fangs as a threat, and his facial features became ferocious: "Want to eat? Let me bite your neck!"

Xia Zhu was still worried about whether he would be able to act. It was too much. After all, the person in front of him was just a child of seven or eight years old. However, he turned his head and looked at him quietly, as if he didn't understand why he did this.

Mingshu looked sideways and felt strange.

It didn't matter that the young man wasn't frightened that day, why couldn't he frighten a child?

Xia Zhu calmly withdrew his expression and coughed lightly: "Why aren't you afraid? I'm a vampire..."

The plan failed. He handed over the bread as promised, and the child took it and took a bite before saying, "It's daytime now, of course I'm not afraid. , Vampires don't come out during the day."

Xia Zhu asked casually: "Then you will be afraid at night?"

Upon hearing the word night, the child stiffened and nodded timidly.

[The [Fear Value] of the NPC [Townshipman] has increased by 2 points, players please keep up their efforts! ]

Xia Zhu looked shocked and wanted to ask a few more questions. The child finished stuffing the bread in a few mouthfuls, turned around and ran away.

He quickly told Mingshu: "His fear level went up! Just when I said night!"

The fear level didn't go up when I deliberately scared him. Why is he so scared at night?

"Really?" Ming Shu was also surprised, "Is this what the mission requires?"

There are monsters in the town, and most of the townspeople are not normal people. Ordinary Halloween costumes cannot make them feel emotional fluctuations, and there must be additional conditions.

After the two had lunch, they walked around the nearby residential area and found a few more targets to try.

Xia Zhu's method was to stop the townspeople, show his fangs, and then scare them: "I know where you live, and I will bite you to death tonight..."

However, several townspeople were indifferent, and even one I laughed out loud, even the younger children didn't like this.

Mingshu tried it, but it didn't work. His costume was not as good as Xia Zhu's fangs.

Xia Zhu scratched his head: "What's going on? It was obviously rising before..."

He refused to give up, and stopped another town citizen before he went back after dark.

It was already about 6:30 in the evening, and the bell rang to urge the townspeople to go home.

"Boom -"

Xia Zhu and Ming Shu blocked people in the alley together. It was getting dark, and the shadows cast by the buildings around them made their vision even darker.

"I smell blood," Xia Zhu lowered his voice, "I'll start first and leave the rest for you to make soup?" The

second half of the sentence was addressed to Mingshu, who put on the dark red clothes again. robe, standing quietly at the entrance of the alley.

The townspeople inside trembled: "No, don't kill me, let me go..."

At the same time, Mingshu and Xia Zhu received system prompts at the same time.

[The [Fear Value] of the NPC [Townshipman] has increased by 10 points. Players are requested to keep up their efforts! 】

The two of them did not expect that the effect this time would be so good, and they were both a little stunned. Taking this opportunity, the townspeople quickly escaped from the other direction of the alley.

The bell rang for the second time, and time was running out. Xia Zhu hurriedly said: "We'll talk when we get back."

Ming Shu nodded, and the two of them went home and closed the door before dark.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I think it's because it's night, and the best effect is to go out at night

or close to night. This is when the townspeople are preparing to go back, and the players have to go back to their houses as soon as possible to hide, leaving it to them There is not much time.

There is only one day left for the task, and the time limit is the morning of the day after tomorrow.

In other words, they only have tonight and tomorrow night.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Find other people to discuss. We are not townspeople. We won't turn into monsters when we go out at night. We just need to resist the blood monsters.

[Private chat] Mingshu: Well

, at this time, a message popped up in the team's private chat. , is Shan Qi.

[In team formation] Shan Qi: I killed

someone [In team formation] Shan Qi: Only by killing one person can the main mission be completed

[In team formation] Shan Qi: Don't you feel anything is wrong? The material

team channel was quiet. After a while, Xia Zhu asked him.

[Team formation] Xia Zhu: What do you mean when you say that's wrong?

Shan Qi was dressed as a chainsaw murderer. Ming Shu frowned as she looked at the message he sent.

But soon, he no longer cared about this.

The lamps in the living room flickered a few times, and a layer of red light appeared on the white walls.

This was a sign of the devil's appearance. Mingshu stood up from the sofa and saw a familiar tall figure appearing in the center of the living room.

The demon sniffed the air gently and curved his lips: "Good evening, my bride."

He noticed that Mingshu had grown a tail, which was the one he gave away.

Mingshu hugged the pillow in his arms tightly, moved back little by little, and greeted him with difficulty: "'re here."

He tried to delay time, and asked before the devil approached: "You and the wizard , You guys last night..."

The devil is here, and the wizard should also come. They fought to no avail last night, and were forced to leave because of the fire in the woods and amusement park.

Mingshu wanted to repeat his old trick, at least until the wizard came over.

Sang Yin went somewhere in the afternoon, and he would definitely find a way to help him.

Hearing Mingshu mention wizard, the devil seemed displeased: "Wizard? Just a lowly water creature."

He stepped forward, and the lamp flickered again, making the light even dimmer.

Mingshu wanted to hide but couldn't hide, so he was grabbed by the wrist and pulled away, and the pillow fell to the ground.

The devil bent down slightly and lowered his head to smell the scent of Mingshu: "The tail matches you very well."

He stretched out his hand and took Mingshu into his arms, wanting to take a look at his tail.

Probably because Mingshu used his tail to show that he was absolutely willing to be his bride, and the wizard didn't come in the way tonight, the devil relaxed his vigilance.

Mingshu suddenly withdrew his hand, escaped from his arms, and hid on the other side of the sofa: "Wait, I...I'm a little uncomfortable."

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