Chapter 58: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (21)

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Mingshu returned to the mermaid tribe with a black tail appearance, and participated in the selection of successors.

From the beauty he raised in the palace of the sea snake leader, he became a candidate for the next patriarch of the mermaid tribe, so his identity is naturally different from before.

In addition, Xiu Qi was invited to come to the Mermaid Clan, so he has a say in the final decision on the successor.

The invitation to Xiuwen was the opinion of the elders of the mermaid clan. The other mermaids in the clan were very resistant to this, but they didn't show it because of the order.

They hate and reject sea snakes. If they learn that there is a mermaid among their successors who once had an affair with the leader of the sea snakes, they will probably think too much.

Ming Shu blushed: "You, don' nonsense."

But what Xiuwen said was right, they really had this kind of relationship.

"It's dangerous to participate in the election," Xiu Qi stopped teasing him, and his tone became low, "I don't worry about it."

In his mind, Ming Shu had better stay by his side and not go anywhere, and leave everything to him to arrange.

He never thought that he would be able to see an unscathed Mingshu in the mermaid tribe, otherwise he would definitely bring more subordinates to prepare for Mingshu's becoming the patriarch.

Mingshu tried hard to make him believe in himself: "I'm fine, I... I'm much stronger than before, that arrow..."

He wanted to say that it's okay for him to be hit by the poisoned arrow, and he wanted to use this to prove.

Xiuju suddenly kissed him on the lips, and blocked all his next words.

He tightened his arms and maintained the posture of imprisoning Mingshu, making him almost unable to move, and his breathing was also entangled.

Xiu Kun didn't seem to want him to mention that matter again, whenever Ming Shu wanted to speak, he would kiss him.

Ming Shu pushed him a bit: "You..."

The slightly cool mask rubbed against Ming Shu's cheeks, and Xiu's voice was soft and cautious: "I'll kill them."

With a sudden sentence, Ming Shu guessed: " It's the one next to you..."

"Not only that," Xiu said, "they all have to die."

The manager of Sea Snake also has a few confidantes and subordinates, and it is impossible for him to prepare everything in such a short period of time by himself.

There was also the gray-haired mermaid who hurt Ming Shu before, and several nobles who sent him in were also killed by Xiu Qi.

Ming Shu had a vague guess, and without further questioning, put his arms around Xiu Qi's neck: "I'm fine, so it's a fluke...good luck."

It was the life points he inherited from the previous dungeon that saved his life , they were not prepared for that accident, and he and Xia Zhu were almost killed by other players.

Ming Shu didn't blame Xiu Qi either. Without Xiu Qi, he would have died in the Sea Snake Clan long ago, let alone get the high-quality venom back to complete the task.

Xiuwen said "um", then fell into silence, and gently stroked Mingshu's back.

He didn't want to ask how Mingshu survived by chance, he only knew that his precious little fish must have suffered.

And he was able to return to the mermaid clan smoothly, possibly with the help of Pearl.

Thinking of Pearl, Xiu Hu's tone became cold again: "Where is Pearl?"

If Pearl hadn't rebelled against him, how could he have been separated from Mingshu for so long.

"It didn't come with me." Seeing that Xiuji was a little displeased, Ming Shu hurriedly said, "Pearl has been very good lately, she hasn't caused any trouble, and even helped us find food..." Xiuju caught the main point of his words

: "Us?"

Was it the mermaid who wanted to take Mingshu away? In the end, he grabbed the pearl's tentacles and entered the reef area together. At that time, Xiuqi was so focused on Mingshu that he had no time to care about others.

"It's a friend of mine," Ming Shu intentionally let Xiu Qi know Xia Zhu, "By the way, he's still waiting for me outside..." "

Friend?" Xiu Qi said lightly, "Waiting for you?"

Ming Shu explained : "We have known each other for a long time. He is very nice and has helped me several times."

He truly regards Xia Zhu as a friend, and wants to help him as much as possible in the main task.

Xiu Kun still looked displeased and jealous, and did not let go of Ming Shu. Ming Shu pursed his lips: "He was also the one who helped me lure the guard away tonight, so that I could sneak in... see what you

are doing with those silver-tailed mermaids."

Really gotta hang out with those mermaids.

Ming Shu glared at Xiuju: "Why did you ask them to come over?"

Now Xiuju explained to him, Xiuju knew that he was thinking too much, hugged him and coaxed, "How could I touch them?" The sea

snake The nobles in the clan wanted to curry favor with him, and sent batch after batch of beauties to his palace, but he never took a second look, only Mingshu could stay by his side.

He still had a slight chance of catching the venom breath in the mermaid territory, and wanted to take this opportunity to find out if the pearl was hidden here.

But he didn't expect this move to attract Ming Shu.

"It's my fault, don't be angry," Xiu Yun said in a low voice, "They are inferior to you in every way."

Even if those silver-tailed mermaids didn't turn into fish tails, they knew they must not be as beautiful as Ming Shu.

And now Ming Shu used his venom to pollute himself into a black-tailed mermaid, and it didn't affect anything at all.

Xiuwen caressed Mingshu's black hair, and smelled a faint smell of venom, as if Mingshu was wrapped in his things, and the smell couldn't be removed no matter what.

This realization made him a little excited, and he put his other hand into his robe and touched Mingshu's legs: "Let me see the tail again."

Mingshu couldn't avoid it, and shrank into his arms: "Xia Zhu Waiting for me outside..."

Xiu Qi held back temporarily: "I'll just ask the attendant to notify me."

He immediately transmitted the sound with the water balloon, and asked the sea snake guarding outside to deal with it.

A sea snake received Xiu's order, changed back to its original shape and swam into the sea, and soon found Xia Zhu who was waiting anxiously behind a rock.

Xia Zhu was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the sea snake, and quickly explained: "I'm sorry, I just passed by and wanted to dig a coral to go back, so I'll go now..." The

sea snake said: "The leader has something to say, I want you to go back first. ."

After saying that, the sea snake turned around and swam away, no longer caring about Xia Zhu who was stunned in place.

leader? The leader of the sea snake?

So this means that Mingshu saw him?

Xia Zhu was still not at ease, and continued to wait for a while, but turned back quietly after seeing nothing unusual inside.

In the yard, Xiu Qi pulled up his coat, got up and carried Ming Shu to the bedroom.

Ming Shu realized later: "Do I want to stay..."

"Then where else do you want to go?" Xiu Qi entered the bedroom and closed the door behind his back.

Ming Shu only had a thin coat on his body. He grabbed Xiuju's robe and hesitated: "Tomorrow, the second campaign mission will be released, I have to..." Xiuju cut his head down and kissed him

. Then, through the robe, he rubbed his lower back ambiguously: "Little fish, miss me?"

His intention was too obvious, Ming Shu was brought onto the bed with half push and half push.

"There is no fish tank here." Xiuwen kissed Mingshu's collarbone, "How about using a human form?"

He couldn't take Mingshu outside, although he really wanted to see Mingshu's black color again because of his venom. The scales, but not in the water, will make Mingshu uncomfortable.

Mingshu sat on Xiuju's lap and hummed, shaking his hands to untie his clothes.

He opened the collar, and suddenly saw a scar on Xiuqi's heart, which looked like it was only recently, and the blood vessels under the skin around the edge were slightly black.

Ming Shu was stunned: "...are you injured?"

He immediately realized that with Xiu Qi's strength, who would be able to injure him, and it was in such a position...

Judging from the shape of the scar and the blackened blood vessels around the edge, it also looked like a poisoned arrow wound.

"Who did it?" Ming Shu stretched out his hand and touched it lightly, "How could this be..." "It's

just a small injury, it's fine," Xiu Wan said indifferently, "There is a nobleman who wants to rebel, and it has already been dealt with." "

Ming Shu didn't believe a word, and his eyes were complicated and distressed: "Is it very painful? Have you not treated it?"

Xiuwen was silent for a moment, kissing Ming Shu, and sighing: "It doesn't hurt."

Ming Shu still refused to forgive , Intuition that he deliberately kept the injury on his body.

In the end, he had no choice but to take out a ball of black blood from the wound and throw it on the ground.

The house was built temporarily and there was no clean veil, so Ming Shu carefully wiped off the spilled blood with his own clothes, and said in a muffled voice, "Don't do this again.

" It doesn't hurt."

He also found out that there was no arrow wound on Ming Shu's body, he watched the arrow go in, after these days, there was no trace of Ming Shu's heart.

Xiuwen didn't ask too much, he pressed over and lightly bit the smooth skin, and slowly moved down, leaving a series of red marks.

Maybe it was because he missed Mingshu too much, Xiuji was more aggressive than before, constantly asking for all his responses.

Ming Shu is very well-behaved, with tears on her face, she doesn't resist.

He hugged the black and thick snake tail, his skin was shaved red by the cold and rough scales, and his hot cheeks were involuntarily pressed against it.

Xiuju hugged him from behind, and kissed an obvious red mark on the shoulder near the neck.

In the end, Mingshu heard the system prompt sound in a daze, and took a look.

[Ding dong-trigger a random task]

[Among the following items, which one is the favorite of the npc in front of you (you can get 30 favorability points if the gift is successful)] [

a. Silver-striped sea fish] [b. Red coral ornament] [c. Three-eyed snail]

red The coral ornament was successfully delivered by Mingshu once, so don't think about it, the correct answer must be this.

The piece he gave to Xiuqi last time was also brought by Xiuqi, so it should not be used anymore... There is no

such thing as a red coral ornament in the mermaid clan. He took a bite of Xiuqi.

There was a dry white coral on the bedside, he broke off a small piece and threw it towards Xiuqi.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully sending the [dry white coral branch], the npc favorability increased by 30 points]

[The faction value has been updated, please go to the backstage to check for yourself]

Ming Shu was stunned for a while, but Xiu Qi grabbed his ankle and dragged him over again.

"Still have the strength to throw things?" Xiu Hu threw the coral branch aside, hugged Ming Shu, and squeezed his leg, "You're not good."

Ming Shu couldn't say a complete sentence: "You..."

That dry coral branch is not an option at all... Xiu Ke doesn't seem to like it either.

But the system actually reminded him that the gift was successful... The faction value is also increasing.

Ming Shu's drowsy brain couldn't think much, leaned in front of Xiu Qi, and gently bit his Adam's apple.


At noon the next day, Ming Shu quietly slipped out from behind the yard.

With great difficulty, he persuaded Xiu Qi to let him go back and complete all the campaign tasks according to the normal process.

Xiu Qi was able to compromise because Pearl was still by Mingshu's side, and he knew Pearl's ability and temper.

If someone bullies Mingshu, Zhuzhu is not necessarily calmer than Xiuji, and it can also help with tasks.

He promised Mingshu that it would be inconvenient to find him at any time, so he asked Mingshu to come over every night. He would let the mermaid dismiss all the guards, and no sea snake would dare to stop him.

Mingshu was very conflicted: "It seems like we are..." He couldn't say those two words, but Xiuwen's expression was normal: "Isn't it?"

He wrapped Mingshu in his outer robe and sent him to the water wall himself: " When you become the patriarch, I will take you back."

Since the Mermaid Clan intends to make friends with the Sea Serpent Clan, it would be perfect for the new patriarch to visit and stay for a few days.

Ming Shu didn't dare to agree directly, and said vaguely: "There are pearls here, don't worry about me.

" The character identity is nothing more than a silver-tailed mermaid who cheats everywhere.

But anyway, according to the main task, first coax Xi Yu to help him pass the election, and then ask Xiu Qi to conceal the matter of pretending to be a black tail for him.

Thinking of Xiyu, Ming Shu felt a little guilty.

He can't let Xiu Qi know about Xi Yu's existence, it's best not to even see him.

Xiuwen would definitely misunderstand their relationship, not to mention their similar looks...

Ming Shu was slightly disturbed, and always had some bad premonitions.

But he has no other way, his goal now is not only to survive, but also to clear the instance.

Xiu Qi sent him into the sea water, watching his legs turn back into black fish tails.

He reached out and stroked the scales above, feeling the breath of venom clinging inside.

This also made Xiuyun feel more secure. Ming Shu couldn't stay by his side all the time because of the patriarch's position.

But he smelled of himself all over his body, it was his little fish, yes, he pretended not to know him during the day, and sneaked into his arms at night.

Standing in the seawater, Xiuju squeezed Mingshu's palm reluctantly regardless of his whole body being soaked by water.

In the past when he was in the Sea Snake Clan, Ming Shu always waited for him to come over in the courtyard, but now he seems to have switched positions.

Ming Shu leaned closer and kissed him, imitating his previous tone: "Wait for me tonight."

Xiu Qi's half-drowned eyes dimmed, and before Ming Shu was about to leave, he pulled him into his arms again, and kissed with his lips closed It took a while to let him go.

Mingshu returned along the route he had come last night, and met Xia Zhu who came up halfway.

Seeing Ming Shu, Xia Zhu breathed a sigh of relief, and swam over to look him up and down: "Are you okay? I couldn't get in last night, and then a sea snake told me to go, saying it was the leader's intention... I guessed that you saw It's his time."

Ming Shu nodded, embarrassedly said: "Sorry for keeping you waiting, he won't let me come out to tell you..."

Xia Zhu expressed her understanding, and didn't ask much about Ming Shu's situation inside: "Hurry up Go back and rest, a new mission has been released."

A small white jellyfish suddenly got out of Xia Zhu's sleeve, flew into Ming Shu's arms, and rubbed against his cheek.

Mingshu held it, and went back with Xia Zhu: "What is the mission?"

Xia Zhu replied: "It's better to go to the dark sea and catch a living creature called jumping fish."

The difficulty is higher than the first mission, but it is also Fortunately, an adult jumping fish is only as big as a palm at most, but it is not very easy to catch alive.

"Did many people fail to complete the first task?" Ming Shu asked again, "What are they going to do?"

Xia Zhu turned her head and looked around, then whispered to Ming Shu in a low voice: "I heard that there are a few The players united together, threatened a black-tailed npc, and asked that npc to help them complete all the tasks."

This is also the method within the rules, but the black-tailed one is miserable, and it is impossible to complete several tasks alone. Even those who disobeyed did not dare to report, their scores were all zero.

Xia Zhu was worried: "We have to be more cautious in the future."

Ming Shu broke the coral branch that Xi Yu gave him in half, and gave it to him as a gift. This loophole in the rules will soon be known to others.

The second transfer is a way, maybe you can just grab it directly, and in the end it will turn into a battle between players like venom.

Ming Shu said comfortingly: "It's okay, there are pearls, and they can't take them away."

Xia Zhu's frown suddenly loosened when he heard this, and he hammered his palms: "Yes! We have pearls!"

He also recently He gradually became familiar with Pearl. Although this little jellyfish was not very close to him, and he was very perfunctory when sending small fish, Xia Zhu didn't care at all. fish.

The two returned the same way, and when they were about to reach their residence, they saw a familiar silver-tailed mermaid leaning against a rock by the roadside.

It was Xiyu, who seemed to be here specially to wait for Mingshu, but Mingshu never told him where he lived.

Seeing Ming Shu, Xi Yu showed a very faint smile, and his eyes swept over Xia Zhu calmly.

The pearl had already been hidden in Mingshu's hair, Xia Zhu said wittily, "I still have something to do, so I'll go first, see you later." He swam away quickly, and

disappeared into the sea in a blink of an eye. The surrounding environment was remote, and only Mingshu was left. Shu and Xiyu.

Ming Shuyou stepped forward: "Why are you here?"

"Come here for something," Xi Yuwen said, "I didn't expect to meet you."

His eyes suddenly focused, and he saw a wound on Ming Shu's lip, as if bitten passed.

Xiyu's expression turned worried, and he stretched out his hand to touch it lightly: "Are you hurt?"

Ming Shu hid for a moment, then raised his hand to cover it guiltily: "Well... I bit it while eating." When

he moved, he drifted away The hair in the sea was brushed away, revealing an obvious red mark on the side of the neck.

The arc of Xi Yu's lips was pressed down, and his expression looked a little cold.

He stared at Mingshu, his tone remained unchanged: "The second task has been released, did you know?"

Mingshu nodded: "Yes."

He was about to mention does it seem that Xiyu understands what he is thinking, It's like taking the initiative to deliver a message.

"Are you still worried?" Xi Yu took Ming Shu's hand, and vaguely smelled a different aura from him, as if someone left it on purpose.

Before Mingshu could answer, he changed the subject: "Is that black tail just now your friend?"

That black tail still looked weak, but... Maybe Mingshu was really worried that the task would not be completed and wanted to find more several goals.

Mingshu didn't notice Xiyu's abnormality, and continued to nod: "He is my friend, if the task..." "

Don't be afraid, I'm here," Xiyu interrupted Mingshu for the first time, "I will help you "

As he said, he bent down and approached Mingshu, and if he moved a little further, he would be able to hug him directly.

"You're also injured here." Xi Yu raised his hand and summoned a small silver fish, "Why are you so careless?" The small

silver fish swam to the side of Ming Shu's neck and gently pressed against the red marks there. Return to its original appearance in a short period of time.

Ming Shu couldn't see it himself, and thought it was Xi Yu's fingertips touching him: "I don't hurt..."

Xi Yu drove the silver fish away, and repeated: "Leave the task to me."

With his help, Mingshu didn't need to ask other mermaids for help.

It would be very dangerous for a simple and weak "black tail" like him to be discovered.

Ming Shu opened his mouth: "You...why did you help me?"

Forget it the first time, this time it was Xiyu who took the initiative throughout the whole process, and he hadn't had time to show his helplessness.

Xi Yu answered irrelevantly: "Do you want to successfully complete the campaign mission?"

"I'll be a good helper," he said softly, revealing a little knowledge, "You don't need to pay much."

Ming Shu looked dumbfounded: "Remuneration?"

How does he feel... The words were strange, the two of them were alone at the moment, and he was far from being as respectful and polite as when he first met Ming Shu. Instead, he "improperly" blocked him in front of the rock, getting very close.

Xi Yu stared at the wound on Ming Shu's lips, half begging and half coaxing: "Just give me a kiss."

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