Chapter 134: Angel in Disguise (11)

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Mingshu regained some sense, buried his face in the clothes in front of Zhiyuan, and said something vaguely.

Half of the mission was completed, what should he do with the remaining half...

His goal tonight was to find where Zhiyuan lived. The main mission was an accident. He never thought about "seduce" or anything like that.

Does this count as seduction? Mingshu was confused and confused, but also felt happy. Sure enough, no matter whether Sang Yin had memory or not, he liked himself.

This knowledge made Mingshu feel relieved, and he didn't want to let go of Zhiyuan and rubbed his collar. The familiar breath could slightly relieve the anxiety caused by his blood.

Zhiyuan was still holding Mingshu's waist, unable to hear clearly what he just said, and asked: "What?"

He was too close, and his lips seemed to lightly brush against the tip of Mingshu's ear. Mingshu instinctively ducked, Looked up.

His cheeks were slightly red, and his eyes were slightly confused: "I don't know..."

In the past, Mingshu wanted Sang Yin to get close to him, or touch his tail, and this was how he looked.

But Zhiyuan has no memory. In his eyes, Mingshu is more like a blank piece of paper. He doesn't know the difference between admiration and liking, so he doesn't know what he is doing.

He was too young and had a serious lack of experience. He advanced early and was brought to the side of the Archangel.

The light cast two overlapping shadows, and Ming Shu's throat felt dry. Looking at Zhiyuan, he almost wanted to kiss her.

Zhiyuan suddenly let go of him, held his arm and pushed him away.

Mingshu was at a loss and grabbed Zhiyuan's sleeve: "My lord..."

What did he do wrong? But Zhiyuan hugged him just now, so it couldn't be his imagination.

Zhiyuan held his shoulders, not allowing him to come closer, and said quietly: "Go back."

Mingshu was disappointed, holding a sleeve in his hand tightly and refusing to leave.

After a stalemate for a while, Zhiyuan's hand slowly moved down and held Mingshu's hand.

Mingshu's eyelashes trembled when the warm touch came over him, and he finally let go of Zhiyuan's sleeves and let him lead her back.

This move was also very ambiguous, but Zhiyuan pushed him away, and Mingshu began to wonder what he was thinking.

Until Zhiyuan sent Mingshu to his own residence and saw the familiar door, Mingshu knew that he would not be able to complete the task tonight.

There is no completion prompt for the other half of the main quest, but it can barely be considered progress.

Zhiyuan opened the door, and the lights in the room immediately turned on.

He glanced inside and said, "Go to rest early."

Ming Shu was reluctant to leave, still looking aggrieved.

The archangel personally sent him back. If any other angel had received this honor, he would have almost fainted with excitement. Only Mingshu was not satisfied at all.

Zhiyuan raised his hand and touched Mingshu's eyebrows, and his tone was much gentler than before: "Go."

A faint bitter fragrance penetrated into his eyebrows, and Mingshu felt more comfortable all over, and his sleepiness and fatigue became more obvious. .

He said "hmm" and even forgot the rules of saying goodbye to Zhiyuan. He turned around and walked into the room, closing the door under Zhiyuan's eyes.

Zhiyuan was still standing outside the door, listening to Mingshu's footsteps going in.

She looks cute and obedient... but in fact she is a bit squeamish and cannot be forced to do anything hard, so she has to be coaxed.

He took one last look at the closed door, and disappeared in a flash.

Not long after, the door quietly opened a crack.

It was empty outside, Zhiyuan had indeed left.

Mingshu felt complicated and closed the door again.

He turned off the light and went back to bed, took off his clothes in the dark, and then wrapped himself in Zhiyuan's robe.

When Zhiyuan sent him back just now, he opened the door to his room, and his robe was hanging on the hanger beside the bed... I don't know if he saw it.

Mingshu took a bath before going out at night and wiped the water with his robe. He had to wear it to sleep at night, so he hung up his robe. He was focused on his task and never thought that Zhiyuan would send him back.

He recalled the moment when Zhiyuan pushed the door open and looked in, and felt that he probably didn't notice it, otherwise he would have asked himself.

Mingshu turned over and took out a feather from under the pillow.

The fine down at the base of the feathers has been flattened and is shining brightly and dimly, like breathing.

Mingshu was stunned and sat up suddenly.

It actually glows... This is the first time he took out this feather after turning off the lights at night. In the past, when the lights were on during the day or at night, there was nothing strange about the feathers.

Mingshu got up and turned on the light. Sure enough, the feather in his hand no longer lit up. When the light was turned off, it started to flicker again.

The light was very weak, reminding Mingshu of Dungeon 3, where his pair of elf wings would also glow.

Could it be that this feather is still alive... Mingshu was startled by his guess and stood stiffly holding the feather.

He suddenly didn't dare to put the feathers under the pillow anymore, and he couldn't bear to throw them away...

These were from Zhiyuan's wings. Maybe as an archangel, even the feathers that fell off were unusual.

Finally, Mingshu put the feather into the bedside cabinet and hid it in the innermost position. Once the cabinet door was closed, all the light was enveloped.


next day, Mingshu got up early and went to see Zhiyuan with ointment.

Zhiyuan was not in the garden. He looked elsewhere. When he approached the hall of the inner hall, he heard voices coming from inside.

Mingshu approached quietly and recognized the voice of the envoy.

The envoy was reporting to Zhiyuan the progress of the poisoning in the Animal Taming Park. In the past two days, various side halls had been investigating, but nothing was found. Not only did they not find the suspicious target, they didn't even find any clues.

Previously, the West Palace Tianchi was thrown into the fire of hell. The envoys in the West Palace were afraid that something would happen, and in order to express their position, they directly repatriated all the untested apostles. However, this time there were problems with the four side temples, and it was impossible to repatriate them all.

Fortunately, the rabbits in the animal taming park were safe and sound, and their bodies were not damaged after the medicine wore off. The flowers and plants in the west hall that were burned by the hellfire were also recovering.

The devil who did all this was either incompetent or deliberately playing tricks on them.

As for the demons who had always tried to sneak into the temple, their disguises were very poor. They could barely hide for three to five days. They couldn't understand why they couldn't search them.

So the envoys suspected that the devil was not hiding in the temple, but was outside the temple, using some method to sneak in quietly at night, and then leave silently.

The envoy has left a protective formation around the temple, and has also sent additional personnel to patrol everywhere at night to ensure the safety of the temple.

Zhiyuan sat on the stone chair in front and responded: "Okay."

The envoy quietly raised his eyes, and then buried his head lower: "The golden bird has disappeared. If there is something strange around you..."

The next time the golden bird will It will bring different prophecies if it appears. Before that, Zhiyuan should pay more attention in case he is really bewitched by some succubus...

The envoy wanted to remind Zhiyuan, but he thought about it for a long time before he said it. How to say it.

Ming Shu at the door heard the envoy's words and wondered, what is the golden bird?

The envoy hesitated, but Zhiyuan saw through what he wanted to say at a glance, and said coldly: "Are you worried about me?"

The implication is that with the rank of an archangel, it is not the envoy who can really be seduced by a succubus. Able to prevent.

Even if he falls in love, so what? He is still the only owner of this temple.

A chill ran down the instructor's spine, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "I don't dare..."

He excused himself quickly, lowered his head and walked out of the hall quickly.

Mingshu retreated to the rear in time, pretending to have just arrived, met the envoy who came out, and bent down to salute him.

The envoy hurriedly left, fearing that if he was too late, Zhiyuan would be angry at him if he didn't like him, so he nodded perfunctorily.

When Mingshu entered the hall, the teacher stopped and looked back.

If he read correctly, what Mingshu was holding was the medicine sent to Zhiyuan.

Yesterday, the envoy secretly observed the interaction between Mingshu and Zhiyuan. He originally put his heart back in his stomach, but after Zhiyuan's words just now, he felt uneasy and uneasy again.

He changed direction and came to the other side of the corridor, trying to see Zhiyuan and Mingshu clearly in the hall.

However, he was too far away and blocked by trees and corridor stone pillars, so he couldn't see anything.

The attempt to teach him failed, so he had to leave with full of worries.

Throughout the morning and afternoon, Mingshu carried a kettle to water the flowers and stayed in the garden to bask in the sun, just like yesterday.

At night, he took a bath and wiped his body with his outer robe. The demonic aura on his outer robe finally reached 100%.

After sleeping with this piece of clothing for several nights in a row, the scent of Zhiyuan had already faded to the point where it was almost inaudible. Mingshu was reluctant to throw it away, so he planned to keep it for one more night and find an opportunity to throw it into the outer hall tomorrow.

He put away his clothes and was about to close the window, when he happened to catch a glimpse of a familiar shadow passing above him.

The only person who would appear in the inner hall was Zhiyuan. Mingshu only hesitated for a second, then immediately opened the door and went out, looking in the direction where Zhiyuan flew away.

He walked forward based on his feeling, following the lingering bitter fragrance in the air, and saw a small single-family palace with lights on in the distance.

Mingshu remembered coming here last night, but Zhiyuan was not here at that time, so he thought he was looking in the wrong place.

He didn't go any further, quietly memorizing the route and turning back.

As soon as he entered the house, Mingshu applied perfume to himself, not sparing any part of his body.

He waited patiently until midnight before going out again.

Arriving near the previous small palace, the lights inside had been extinguished, leaving only a circle of outer corridors.

The wind is very strong tonight, and the dark clouds are heavy in the sky, a sign of rain.

Mingshu was mentally prepared and mustered up the courage to approach quietly.

He stood in front of the door unobstructed and pushed it gently.

This was indeed a dormitory. Under the moonlight coming from the window, a figure sat with his legs bent on the large bed.

Mingshu froze, not sure whether Zhiyuan was awake or knew he was coming.

But even though it was here, it was impossible to give up now. Mingshu hesitated and closed the door behind her back.

He quickly ran towards Zhiyuan, lifted up the quilt and got into his arms, doing the whole thing in one go.

Zhiyuan did not move, lowered his eyes and whispered: "Why don't you sleep and come here?"

[Side mission five has been completed! Please go to the backstage to check your reward points]

Mingshu kicked off his shoes and curled up to rub against Zhiyuan: "I...I'm afraid..." As

soon as he finished speaking, there was a muffled thunder outside, and Mingshu was caught off guard. He was really startled, and his thin body trembled.

Zhiyuan frowned slightly, and after a moment, he put his arms around Mingshu's waist.

Wearing only a thin singlet, Mingshu walked all the way in the night wind, her body wrapped in an icy chill.

The side mission was just completed, and there was no need to do anything else. It was much simpler than Mingshu expected.

To be on the safe side, it was actually best for him to leave now, otherwise it would be too late if Zhiyuan discovered his tail or the devilish smell on his body later.

But as soon as he got close to Zhiyuan and hugged each other so intimately, Mingshu's head started to heat up again.

However, Zhiyuan didn't push him away. He hooked his cool fingertips into his hair and smoothed it gently while talking to him: "You are so cowardly."

The hot air fell on his ears, and Mingshu's small Adam's apple slid up and down. , raised his head and chased Zhiyuan's breath.

He almost kissed her, but Zhiyuan tilted his head slightly, and his soft lips brushed the lower part of his face.

Mingshu still wanted to get closer to him, so he boldly reached out and hooked Zhiyuan's neck. The next moment, he was pinched on both sides of his chin, preventing him from going any further.

There were no lights on in the dormitory, which made Zhiyuan's eyes darker and darker. Just like yesterday, he asked in a deep tone: "What are you doing?"

Mingshu's mind was filled with wanting to get close to him, and she forgot all tasks and was vague. He said: "You hug me..."

With such a straightforward sentence, Zhiyuan's hand loosened, Mingshu hugged his neck and rubbed against him, humming unconsciously.

If Mingshu didn't simply understand nothing, then some of his previous actions seemed more like intentionality.

The angelic perfume on his body had been blown away a lot by the wind outside. At this time, a little bit of sweet and alluring fragrance came out from the inside of his skin.

Zhiyuan keenly caught a trace, the source was everywhere, coming from Mingshu's body.

But only animals in heaven hate this smell. Most angels have never seen demons with their own eyes and think that they are filthy and dirty.

Mingshu was still nuzzling into Zhiyuan's arms, looking a little restless.

Zhiyuan held his lower back to prevent him from moving any further: "How else can I hold you?"

He was now hugging Mingshu, leaning against each other very intimately.

Mingshu was still not satisfied and said in a low

voice: "I want to touch..." He stopped in time and swallowed the word "tail".

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Mingshu felt Zhiyuan's breathing became a lot heavier. Then he felt a chill on his waist and his clothes were pulled up.

Mingshu's mind went blank and he leaned forward unconsciously, pushing himself further into Zhiyuan's hand.

"Is that so?" Zhiyuan's tone was cold, which was completely inconsistent with his ambiguous behavior. Instead, it seemed like a question.

Mingshu was inexplicably ashamed and afraid of exposing the tail behind him, so his fingertips curled up nervously.

[Warm reminder: Please stay vigilant at all times to avoid anyone discovering the devil's characteristics. 】

The system prompt sounded suddenly, Mingshu regained his senses, pushed Zhiyuan away with difficulty, and shrank to a corner of the bed.

[Main mission three: Trying to seduce the archangel (1/1); seduction failed (1/1)]

[Main mission three has been completed! Please go to the backend to check your points rewards]

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