Chapter 26: The Wolf-Eared Boy (26)

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Jing Shuang didn't have time to explain more to Mingshu, he clenched his fists and loosened them, and exhaled foul breath.

The wolves formed a circle nearby, and Xiang Jingshuang's submissive instinct made them linger around, but they didn't dare to take a step closer.

And the huge gray wolves that retreated to the back of the wooden house appeared again. They sensed Jingshuang's dangerous and uncontrollable state, and tentatively approached.

His strength is enhanced by the red lotus fruit, but his sanity is gradually losing. Losing control may make him make mistakes.

There is only one wolf king among the wolves, and Jing Shuang's ability to suppress the wolves and drive them with the talent of a werewolf does not mean that they have no intention of killing his superior.

These gray wolves are obviously different from other wolves. They are stronger and smarter, second only to Jing Shuang in the wolf pack.

There were constant small movements around, and the effect of the red lotus fruit also amplified the hearing. The increasingly noisy environment made Jing Shuang even more irritable.

His breath became heavier and heavier, and bloodlust and violence gradually appeared in his eyes.

Mingshu took half a step back, worried and worried: "Are you... very uncomfortable?"

He looked around and noticed the movement of a few gray wolves on the other side of the wooden house. They came to the vicinity again, this time they were staring at, It's Jing Shuang.

I don't know if it's because Mingshu is also in werewolf form now, so he is very sensitive to the current situation.

Things seem to be... bad.

He couldn't tell whether Jing Shuang was more dangerous, or himself who was caught between Jing Shuang and the wolves was more dangerous.

Jing Shuang felt uncomfortable all over. He tore off the cloth strip tied on his left arm. The wound that had already begun to scab burst open again, and blood flowed down his arm.

He didn't care about it, the bones in his body made a few crisp sounds again, and his figure seemed to be a bit taller than before.

With Ming Shu by his side, he could barely maintain his sobriety, and raised his eyes to look at the gray wolf that was about to move behind.

There was a cold arc on Jing's lips, these wolves chose to cause trouble at this time, and he was full of depression and anxiety and had nowhere to vent.

He looked down at Mingshu again. Even though Mingshu had grown wolf ears and a tail, it was true that he was in the form of a werewolf, but other than that, his thin and slender body was still no different from that of a human.

Although he looks beautiful like this, especially those white ears, he is too weak.

The gray wolf behind seemed to see this, and the importance of Ming Shu to Jing Shuang.

A gray wolf found the right time and suddenly rushed towards Mingshu's back.

Jing's hands were sharp, and he picked up Mingshu and dodged away.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding wolves all avoided, fearing that it would be affected.

The first gray wolf's attack was in vain, and then two more came forward to attack.

Jing Shuang is not only losing control, but also protecting a weak Ming Shu. In the eyes of the gray wolves, now is the best time to attack him.

Mingshu was surrounded by Jing Shuanghu, seeing this situation, he felt very disturbed.

After fleeing the village, it is not safe here... If Jing Shuang really lost to these gray wolves, he must be the next to die.

He had the idea of ​​fleeing while taking advantage of the chaos, but he didn't know which direction to go, and he wasn't completely sure. There were many smaller wolves wandering nearby.

Just when Ming Shu was struggling, Jing Shuang said: "Go to the wooden house, hide inside and don't come out."

He bowed slightly, his hanging tail stiffened, and sharp claws began to grow from his ten fingers.

As soon as Jing Shuang finished speaking, two gray wolves rushed forward with low growls. While resisting, he turned sideways to clear the way for Mingshu to the wooden house.

Ming Shu no longer hesitated, and quickly ran to the wooden house.

Seeing this, another gray wolf came chasing him. Just as Ming Shu entered the house and closed the door, he was hit hard by the door.

Ming Shu hastily locked the door, but this wooden house is too dilapidated, not to mention the door, Gray Wolf might be able to break in directly through the wooden wall.

But what Mingshu expected didn't happen, Gray Wolf stopped knocking on the door, and seemed to turn his attention to other places.

Then, various chaotic movements sounded outside.

The gray wolf roared and roared angrily, the dull sound of heavy objects hitting the ground, and the surrounding wolves occasionally whimpered in fear and fright.

Only without Jing Shuang's voice, Ming Shu was also worried about him, but couldn't care more.

He pushed a table inside the room against the door and hid in the innermost corner.

The windows of the wooden house are the oldest frosted glass, and at first glance, there is only a vast expanse of whiteness. Ming Shu is wrapped in a coat and curled up in the corner, gently twitching the tip of his nose, smelling a scent of blood wafting in.

I don't know how long it took, but the outside gradually quieted down.

it's over?

Ming Shu didn't dare to make too much noise, let alone call Jing Shuang's name, stood up cautiously, and walked towards the window.

Suddenly, the door was knocked.

Ming Shu was startled, and quickly retreated to the corner behind to hide again.

There was another impact, and the wooden table against the door was pushed away. Ming Shu held his breath, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Jing Shuang's figure walking into the room.

However, Ming Shu hasn't completely let down his vigilance, and Jing Shuang doesn't seem quite right now.

His hands were covered with blood, and there was a lot of blood on his body, his eyes were still shining with excitement and unsatisfactory light, his breathing was more rapid than before, and a pair of eyes with strange emotions looked at Ming Shu.

At this time, Mingshu probably guessed what the red lotus fruit was and what kind of side effects it had.

Jing Shuang's state was obviously not right. He managed to stop the gray wolves, but he was on the verge of losing control.

His previous gentleness and patience towards Mingshu completely disappeared, his eyes seemed to be staring at a prey.

Ming Shu had a bad premonition that Jing Shuang would not treat him as a wolf threatening his status...

He shrank in a corner and had no way to retreat, let alone the ability to escape, watching Jing Shuang getting closer and closer.

Ming Shu's heart beat faster, and he was extremely nervous: "You..."

Before he could say a word, he was hugged by Jing Shuang who strode closer.

"I won," Jing Shuang suppressed his excitement, lowered his head and rubbed the blood-stained tip of his nose against the clothes on the side of Ming Shu's neck, sniffing his scent, "These wolf cubs..." He seemed to regard Ming Shu as

a The reward for victory, pressed him tightly in his arms.

Ming Shu didn't dare to vent his anger, for fear that Jing Shuang would start attacking him in a while, he raised his head with difficulty, and asked in a low voice: "Are you...are you injured?"

Jing Shuang's voice paused: "It's okay.

" He can easily handle a few more.

[The favorability of the npc has been updated, please go to the list to check]

Mingshu clicked on Kai Jingshuang's character details, and found that his favorability has increased by 5 points, and now has 90, the second highest among all npcs.

This scene seemed familiar...Mingshu remembered the time before, when he asked Yuan Chen if he was injured, and the favorability of Yuan Chen immediately increased by 5 points.

Ming Shu was very delicate in his heart, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed normal. Everyone would be moved to varying degrees when they were cared about.

"But it's better to treat the wound," Ming Shu said cautiously, "Can you let me down first?"

Jing Shuang stopped talking, and tightened her arms around Ming Shu's waist.

At this moment, the effect of the red lotus fruit has not completely faded, it is safest for Ming Shu to stay away from him, but he is reluctant to let go.

He had to find something else to divert his attention, to suppress the bloodthirsty impulse surging up in his body.

Jing Shuang tore off Mingshu's hood, revealing the white wolf ears hidden underneath, couldn't help reaching out and rubbing it gently.

From the first time he saw Mingshu's werewolf form, he wanted to do this.

His hands were covered in blood, and his white wolf ears were stained red.

The strong smell of blood filled Ming Shu's nose, he felt a little uncomfortable, and struggled slightly.

Jing Shuang saw that he was a little afraid of himself, and pressed the tip of his tongue against his back molars: "Don't be afraid."

He sat down on the spot holding Mingshu, locked his body which was two laps smaller than himself in his arms, Grab Mingshu's tail.

Ming Shu's body froze, but she didn't dare to resist.

Fortunately, Jing Shuang was quite restrained, his sharp claws returned to their original appearance, and he gently held Mingshu's wrist, as if afraid of breaking his fragile and slender bones.

But he hugged him very tightly, all the blood on his body rubbed over, Ming Shu struggled to no avail, so he had to let him go.

Jing Shuang held the tip of his tail in his palm, and then pinched his wolf ears after a while.

He couldn't put it down, and said: "After you transform, it is different from what I imagined."

He had expected Mingshu's werewolf form, but he wanted to know what he looked like under the disguise.

As a result, not only did Mingshu's appearance remain unchanged, but his werewolf form was also completely different from what he knew.

Jing Shuang was still breathing heavily, and Ming Shu answered honestly, "I don't know why, maybe... my blood is not pure." Is

the blood not pure? Jing Shuang had never heard of werewolf blood.

Seeing his puzzled eyes, Ming Shu quickly changed the subject: "I... I was originally called Ming Shu, what about you?"

Jing Shuang was his disguised identity, so he should have a real name.

Unexpectedly, Jing Shuang was silent for a moment, and replied: "I don't have a name."

He has no name since he was born, and werewolves are creatures that need to disguise themselves as humans to appear in the sun, so when he pretends to be someone , whoever's name became his.

Before finding the next disguise, he was Jing Shuang.

Ming Shu said dryly, "Mm", he didn't know how the werewolves lived outside the village at all, he was worried that Jing Shuang would see through him and become suspicious, so he shut up and stopped talking.

Jing Shuang held him like this for a while, feeling the restlessness in her body gradually fade away.

When the effect of the red lotus fruit disappeared, he no longer had to worry about losing control, so he couldn't help approaching Mingshu, buried his face on the side of his neck and rubbed lightly, like the intimacy between animals.

But even though they have wolf ears and tails, they are still in human form, and Jing's lips brushed against Ming Shu's profile, like a kiss.

His favorability is now higher than Yuan Chen's, but it hasn't been long since he was fierce with Mingshu last time, Mingshu felt a little uncomfortable and tried to push him away.

Jing Shuang grasped his hand easily, wrapping his rough palm around his entire wrist.

"Little wolf," Jing Shuang said, hot breath sprinkled on Ming Shu's face, "Since I rescued you, follow me, and I will protect you from now on." Ming Shu opened his mouth, hesitant to speak


The plot hasn't finished yet, and I don't know how to develop it later, not to mention that he still has hidden plots to do, maybe in the future... he has to go back to the village.

But at present, it seems that Jing Shuang is indeed willing to protect him, and he can stay.

Jing Shuang's condition is slowly recovering, with a gray tail coiled around her legs, and a pair of wolf ears standing up on top of her head.

As long as he doesn't show a fierce expression, he looks more like a large dog.

Ming Shu hesitated and said, "I...may hold you back."

For example, if the situation like today happened again, he would only have to hide or run for his life.

"You are my little wolf, you don't need to do anything for me." Jing Shuang hugged Ming Shu's waist tightly, and kissed him very quickly on his lips like a master without a teacher, "You are the most beautiful wolf here." , I like you."

His words were so straightforward that Ming Shu blushed.

Although he knew that once several npcs had a high favorability, the player might have multiple relationship lines at the same time, Ming Shu was also mentally prepared for this.

But before, there was only Yuan Chen, but now there is Jing Shuang.

Ming Shu couldn't express his inner feelings clearly, and at the same time felt panicked.

Does he count as two boats now? What if he was discovered...

Not to mention that there was a "wolf servant" Jing Chu waiting in the village for him to go back and do the mission.

Jing Shuang was very displeased by Ming Shu's silence, and his face darkened: "Don't tell me you still think about Yuan Chen?"

As early as when he rescued Ming Shu, he could smell Ming Shu's strong scent, That belonged to Yuan Chen.

He tore open the collar of Mingshu's coat, pinched his chin and lifted it up, saying in a gloomy tone, "Has he touched you?" In

a blink of an eye, Jing Shuang became that volatile wolf again.

Ming Shu tensed up the tip of his tail, and denied: "No..."

Jing Shuang didn't believe it, looked around him, bent down and almost buried him, and smelled it carefully.

It seems to be only superficial, Yuan Chen may just hug Mingshu like he is now.

Jing Shuang's face was still gloomy, and he kept sticking the tip of his nose to every inch of Mingshu's exposed skin, wanting to confirm it again and leave his own scent.

But these alone were not enough, the instinct of animals made him think of another method.

Jing Shuang looked at Ming Shu more and more eagerly, he adjusted his posture unnaturally, and kissed Ming Shu's chin.

The two were too close, Mingshu felt the change in his body almost instantly, and his expression froze.

What's going on... It's just a relationship at most after a good impression, why suddenly...

Ming Shu was unprepared, even if Yuan Chen kissed him several times, he never encountered such a situation.

In a panic, he pushed Jing Shuang away, trying to get out of his arms.

Jing Shuang was very dissatisfied with Mingshu's resistance, but also knew that it was too fast and might scare him.

He endured it, and comforted him for the first time in a coaxing tone: "Don't be afraid, it's fine if you don't want to."

Of course, one day, Mingshu has to be willing.

Ming Shu's face turned pale, his eyes were uneasy, and the pair of wolf ears on top of his head were stained with blood, which was all caused by Jing Shuang.

Seeing his appearance, Jing Shuang felt soft-hearted again.

He rubbed the tips of Mingshu's ears, hugged him and got up: "I'll take you to a place."

Walking out of the wooden house, Mingshu saw a gray wolf lying on the ground not far away. There are also injuries on the body.

When Jing Shuang appeared, they stood up immediately, lowering their heads and tails behind them, showing a gesture of absolute surrender.

Jing Shuang didn't give them a look, and led Ming Shu Wang straight to the depths of the woods behind the wooden house.

At the same time, Yuan Chen, who was far away on the edge of the forest, stopped and picked up a piece of fabric on the ground.

This was left by Jing Shuang when he fled. He was injured by a crossbow, and the weeds beside him were stained with blood.

Following the direction of the blood, Yuan Chen looked deep into the woods.

He dropped the cloth in his hands and continued on.


through the dense forest, a deep cave appears in front of you.

Ming Shu was always held in Jing Shuang's arms. He still had lingering fears about what happened just now, and asked, "Where are you taking me?" "

To the Holy Spring," Jing Shuang replied, "You don't know?"

It was such a rhetorical question again, Ming Shu shut his mouth wisely.

But this time, Jingshuang explained to him.

"The holy spring is good for wolves," he said, "Go and wash off the blood on your body."

As for the benefits, Jing Shuang didn't say.

He went straight into the cave, walking steadily in the dark.

After a while, Ming Shu finally saw a little light in front of him.

When he got closer, he found that there was a hot spring at the end, and there was a small gap right above it, through which the sunlight leaked. There were a few plants growing beside the hot spring, with bare branches and no leaves, but with a few bright red fruits on them. .

Jing Shuang came to the hot spring and put Mingshu down.

The spring water was clear and slightly steaming, and Mingshu felt even more nervous when he noticed Jingshuang's gaze on him.

Didn't Jing Shuang say that if he didn't want to, let it go... In case a similar situation happened again, they definitely couldn't soak in the same pool together.

But the space here is narrow, just such a place, Jing Shuang doesn't leave, and Mingshu doesn't move.

Until Jing Shuang squatted down, holding up a little hot spring water with his hands: "To use the holy spring, you have to change back to the original shape."

Ming Shu was at a loss, the original shape? What prototype? Isn't he now?

He was at a loss, so he just imitated Jing Shuang's behavior and squatted down.

There was some moss growing on the edge of the pool, Mingshu stretched out his hand, but suddenly his feet slipped and he fell straight into the water.

Jing Shuang frowned, and was about to pull him out quickly.

Mingshu's whole body was buried in the hot spring, the spring water rose from the bottom with a few bubbles, and a brown coat floated up.

Immediately afterwards, a little white wolf jumped out of the water and grabbed his clothes in a panic.

[Reminder: The player is about to transform into a form]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the exclusive skill in the third form: [Unknown (to be explored)]! 】

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