Chapter 120: Halloween (24)

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The approach of the vampire made Xia Zhu tremble involuntarily.

Influenced by his Halloween costumes, he can basically be regarded as half a vampire. In front of a real vampire with noble blood, he is like a timid little bat.

In this team, he seemed to be the only one who was redundant... Xia Zhu took a few steps back and suddenly realized a problem.

Don't the team requirements for the mission require five different ghosts? His Halloween costume is a vampire, so why can a vampire join the team...

The vampire stood not far away, his eyes moved to Sang Yin and the little black cat in his hand.

When the little black cat saw the vampire appear, he instinctively bared his teeth at him. However, after seeing the vampire's face clearly, he discovered that he looked exactly like the wizard.

It seemed to be aware of it, put away its teeth and claws, and looked at the newly appeared "mulberry seal" in front of it.

The little black cat remembered that it had met a vampire. That night, it saw the devil "bullying" Mingshu. Later, the vampire took the opportunity to take Mingshu away. The devil lost its vitality and fell down. Finally, the wizard appeared again.

These three monsters look the same and have the same aura inside.

Including the other body that is sitting silently with its head bowed and its back against the tree trunk, Sang Yin's "body".

If that's the case, then don't worry about it.

The little black cat lowered its head and took a bite on Sang Yin's hand, then jumped on Ming Shu nimbly by kicking on his arm and squatted on his shoulder.

The most threatening little black cat didn't seem to be planning to attack anymore. The vampire took a tentative step forward and threw something in his hand to the ground.

He smiled half-smilingly: "Is this yours?"

The sky was dark, and this place was on the outskirts of the town. The moonlight could just shine through from the edge of the clouds. Mingshu lowered his head and took a closer look. Lying in the grass, it turned out to be a devil's tail. .

Mingshu took a breath and took half a step back towards Sang Yin. The little black cat on his shoulder meowed: "Meow."

Sang Yin protected Mingshu behind him and said coldly: "It turns out you took it away. "

The demon body he discarded that night was supposed to return to the Devil's City automatically after dawn, but it fell into the hands of a vampire and disappeared.

The vampire smiled: "Originally, I was just curious..."

He raised his right hand, and a small blue flame rose in his palm, and the flame turned black again in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Xia Zhu discovered that the word "vampire" in the team list had been replaced by "demon".

But vampires don't look like demons on the surface. Could this be a system flaw?

Seeing that Sang Yin's expression turned even worse in an instant, the vampire seemed to know what he was thinking. He lowered the curve of his lips and snorted coldly: "Don't worry, I'm not one of those hungry bats who can drink any blood. "

The implication is that he would not drink the devil's blood. He had to use other methods to steal the devil's power.

"No wonder you are so much more powerful than before," Sang Yin said in a regretful tone: "It's my fault that I couldn't kill you directly that time." Xia Zhu was still looking at the

team list. The vampire's state was not stable. In the team information His name changes back and forth between [Vampire] and [Demon].

From the conversation between Sang Yin and the vampire, he could probably guess that it was the vampire who stole the devil's shell? Turning himself into a monster that is neither a demon nor a vampire.

Mingshu is a mixed-race witch and is different from a pure wizard. The four of them formed a team in a strange and subtle situation.

There is also a little black cat... Xia Zhu looked at the black fur dumpling squatting on Mingshu's shoulder.

Combined with what Sang Yin said to it not long ago, let it catch the vampire... No matter how she looked at it, Xia Zhu still couldn't regard the little black cat as some ferocious and brave monster.

The vampire stopped talking to Sang Yin, and looked at Ming Shu who had half of his face behind him again. He changed his tone to a gentler tone: "Are you scared? Sorry." As soon as he finished speaking, the devil's

tail on the ground ignited black flames, and in the blink of an eye, The room was burned cleanly.

A huge bat flew over and landed on a tree not far from Xia Zhu. It hung upside down and looked at him with a pair of small eyes.

Xia Zhu shuddered and quietly moved away.

"What were you talking about before I came?" the vampire asked aloud, "You want to catch me?"

He originally thought it was for the devil's body, but Sang Yin didn't know about it before, and they still don't take action now. There must be some other reason to capture him alive.

When business finally came up, Ming Shu hesitated and turned to look at Sang Yin.

Xia Zhu felt uncomfortable being stared at by the bats on the tree, so he volunteered: "Let me explain!"

He knew very well that since vampires were also Sang Yin, they all had one thing in common, which was that they liked Mingshu.

"That's it," Xia Zhu calmed down and tried to keep his voice from shaking, "Mingshu and I encountered a little difficulty..."

He removed some systems and tasks related to them, and told the vampire that their team now needs him. , they went together to the town to participate in the Halloween event and asked for candy from several families.

The vampire was silent after hearing this, seeming to be thinking about it.

Xia Zhu felt increasingly unsure. In such a short period of time, he could not make up a reasonable cause and effect. Asking for candy on Halloween was clearly something only children would do... "So that's it,

" after a moment, the vampire said softly. , "Need my help?"

He kept looking at Mingshu, as if he wanted to hear a definite reply from him.

Most of Mingshu's body was blocked by Sang Yin, and his hand was held by him. He nodded cautiously: "Well... you are the only one who can help us now." He was inexplicably anxious, fearing that the

vampire would say something about reward... not now. Compared to last time, Sang Yin is here, and the little black cat is also here.

The vampire glanced at the three people opposite him. Of course he could help Mingshu. He didn't care about the life or death of others. He now had the power of the devil and Sang Yin could not threaten him.

However, the kitten squatting on Mingshu's shoulder made him a little concerned.

He appeared in the town every night and learned more about the nocturnal creatures in the town. He felt a familiar and dangerous aura about the little black cat.

The pair of golden eyes were disguised, and the dark appearance changed into the form of a small animal.

The unknown and uncertainty kept the vampire from taking any rash action, but he took too long to think about it, and the little black cat became a little unhappy.

"Meow!" the little black cat said dissatisfiedly, its golden eyes glaring at the vampire viciously.

It doesn't care whether the vampire wants it or not, and it doesn't interfere in the problems between Sang Yin and "himself". Mingshu is the most important.

If a vampire dares to say no, it will beat him down immediately.

Looking into the golden eyes of the little black cat, the vampire was silent for a moment: "Okay."

He walked forward naturally, came to Mingshu, and drove away the bats on the nearby tree.

"Are you going now?" The vampire looked at Mingshu and regarded Sang Yin beside him as a transparent person. "The festival has already started."

He only had Mingshu in his eyes, and he was asking for his opinion. Since they needed his help, Sang Yin couldn't attack him at will.

Before Mingshu could react, Sang Yin pulled him to the other side, away from the vampire, and held his hand tightly, clearly declaring sovereignty.

The vampire also pretended not to notice and followed Mingshu closely.

It was Xia Zhu who said in time: "Let's go, let's go, we can't waste any more time."

They first left the bodies of the residents of Sangyin in the cabin. Xia Zhu rubbed his arms and walked at the front.

Sang Yin and Mingshu followed closely behind, the little black cat still squatting on Mingshu's shoulder, and the vampire was the last one.

On the way out of the woods, the group was very silent.

Mingshu couldn't help but look back when he heard the footsteps behind him.

They had reached the range of the street lights. The vampire had a face exactly like the wizard's. When he saw Mingshu looking back at him, his lips curled up into a smile.

Mingshu's mood was complicated. The vampire was a temporary member. He agreed so quickly and didn't ask too many questions. It felt like he was being forcibly pulled over to be a tool.

He also knew that the vampire must like him, and now the two "Sang Yin" were forced to coexist peacefully in the same team... He hoped that the mission would be completed smoothly in a while, and nothing would happen.

The vampire noticed Mingshu's hesitation and anxiety, and whispered, "Are you worried?"

The wind at night became stronger and stronger, and a few strands of Mingshu's hair overflowed from the hood and were blown back by the wind.

The vampire was only one step away from him. He raised his hand and hooked his slightly longer hair with his fingertips, touching the side of Mingshu's face.

This small move did not escape Sang Yin. He stopped and looked sideways, giving the vampire a cold glance.

Then Sang Yin adjusted Mingshu's hood, held his hand and asked softly, "Is it cold?"

Mingshu raised his head, and he leaned over and kissed him on the lips, his movements both intimate and natural.

The vampire saw this scene and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He couldn't ignore Sang Yin's face that was exactly the same as his. It looked like he was kissing Ming Shu... but he couldn't feel it at all. There was no picture but no touch.

Mingshu hurriedly dodged and lowered his head: "It's not cold..."

It's better to hurry up and do the task. The atmosphere in this team is too strange.

Seeing this, the little black cat on his shoulder also leaned over and rubbed Mingshu's cheek: "Meow meow..."

Sang Yin pushed its head away, only to find two shallow scratches. He retracted his hand as if nothing had happened and said, "Let's go." Let's go."

The woods and abandoned farms connected the shopping area on the side of the town. As we walked further, the surroundings began to become noisy.

In the previous nights, there had never been such a lively time. Xia Zhu carefully chose the most remote route: "Let's go this way." The

place they were going to was a residential area. Xia Zhu walked in front, starting from the edge of the street. The path passes by.

It was so late, many shops were open, and it was finally possible to go out at night. The townspeople seemed very happy, walking around and talking to each other, and the younger ones met to play together. It was more lively than ever.

Mingshu turned his head and glanced, frowned and leaned towards Sang Yin, holding his hand tightly.

Under the illumination of the street lights, the figures of the townspeople were extremely clear. Almost every one of them had blood stains and wounds on their bodies, and there was also a lot of blood on the ground and benches.

A young man ran past with a smile. He held his right hand, his elbow twisted unnaturally, and the ferocious flesh and bones were exposed at the joint.

Is it dressing up... But all the townspeople on the street are like this, everyone uses the same type of dressing up?

Before they came out, there was no physical change among the townspeople in Sang Yin, but he could not be regarded as a real town citizen.

Among this group of townspeople, they seemed extremely normal. As they walked past, Mingshu felt several eyes looking towards them.

Xia Zhu wiped the cold sweat from his palms on his clothes: "This is too realistic..."

Not only the wounds on the townspeople, but also the smell of blood in the air was very real.

Not far away, there was a town citizen who looked straight at a few people. Half of his face was stained red with blood, and the remaining eyeball was moving, looking very scary.

Seeing that several people were about to leave the street, he quickly chased after them, pointing at Mingshu with his bloody fingertips: "You..."

The vampire swayed, stood in front of Mingshu, raised his foot and kicked him: "Get out."

The townspeople fell to the ground in embarrassment, and the movement immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding townspeople, who all looked over.

Several other townspeople came around and did not act rashly for the time being.

At this time, the little black cat on Mingshu's shoulder meowed softly: "Meow..."

Several street lights suddenly flashed several times at the same time, and the surrounding vision became dim. The townspeople looked at each other with surprise and uncertainty, and they dispersed towards the back. .

Xia Zhu's voice trembled as if he was surviving a disaster: "Let's go, let's go."

He could feel that the townspeople staying outside tonight were very different from the past. They used to have a sharp fear level when they saw vampires, but now How dare you take the initiative to come over.

But what happened to the street lights just now? Xia Zhu glanced at the little black cat behind him, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and walked towards the residential area.

Along the way, all the townspeople they encountered were dressed in bloody and injured costumes. Occasionally, one of them looked normal, but turned around and found a big hole in the back of his head.

After seeing too much, Mingshu gradually became numb and moved forward holding his nose.

After arriving at the residential area, they found that it was much quieter here.

Every house has lights on, most of the doors are open, some Halloween costumes are placed in front of the door, and occasionally a few people pass by nearby.

Xia Zhu focused on a house at the corner of the street and asked everyone in a low voice: "Where should we go first? I just want some candy. Let's be more shameless and say it's for cats..."

It stands to reason that Halloween will happen again. There were many children asking for candy, but they didn't see any children in this entire street of residential areas.

Mingshu and Sang Yin had no objection, and Xia Zhu looked at the vampire.

The vampire looked at Mingshu and said, "Okay."

Xia Zhu took out the cloth bag that had been prepared and still walked at the front, arriving in front of a house.

The courtyard door was unlocked. They walked to the door without any obstruction. Xia Zhu knocked on the door: "Is there anyone there?"

Footsteps sounded from inside the door. A man opened the door: "Is something wrong?"

Xia Zhu looked pale and shook his hands. He held up the bag: "If you don't give me candy, then..."

He really couldn't say the word "trick or treat", not only because it was awkward, but also because the costumes of the townspeople in front of him were really scary.

His shirt was almost dyed red, and there was a kitchen knife stuck in the center of his head. The smell of blood assaulted his nostrils, and a lot of blood flowed down from the wound.

It's so real... It's as if there is a real person standing in front of him who is bleeding from a wound and can still stand and speak.

The townspeople grabbed the edge of the door and said expressionlessly: "There is no candy."

After a bad start, Xia Zhu stiffly raised the corners of his mouth and looked back to ask the people behind him what to do.

The vampire said at this time: "Do you need candy?"

Xia Zhu nodded blankly, but found that the vampire was looking at Mingshu.

Mingshu was also frightened by the appearance of the townspeople in the house. He looked away and said, "Yeah."

After receiving a positive answer, the vampire walked up the steps in front of the door, and Xia Zhu automatically gave up his place to him.

Without stopping, the vampire walked directly into the house, stretched out his hands to pinch the townman's neck, and pressed him against the door: "Tang, where is it?" The townman's

feet were off the ground, unable to resist, and dyed Xue's face turned red from holding back, and he said with difficulty: "There is... in the kitchen."

The restriction that outsiders were not allowed to enter the house seemed to have disappeared. Xia Zhu also tried to walk in. After hearing what the townspeople said, he quickly went to the kitchen to search.

The vampire loosened his grip and threw the townspeople aside.

Xia Zhu came out of the kitchen quickly, holding a can of sugar in his hand: "I only found this..."

He put the can of sugar into a cloth bag and walked out of the room. He and Mingshu received the system prompt at the same time.

[Main Mission 4: Asking for Candy on Halloween (1/5)]

Xia Zhu said in a relaxed tone: "It's okay, it's useful." Mingshu turned off the system message and raised his head, and suddenly his face changed slightly: " Be careful


The town citizen stood up, raised his hand and took off the kitchen knife above his head, and swung it at the vampire with his back turned to him with a ferocious face.

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