Chapter 34: The Wolf-Eared Boy (34)

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The villager whose face was scratched raised his trembling hand and pointed at Yuan Chen: "You..."

As soon as he touched the cold crossbow in Yuan Chen's hand, he faltered again, holding back his will and anger.

Another villager laughed and said, "Yuan, so you're not in the house, I think there's a light on inside..."

In fact, none of the villagers actually saw Mingshu. During the day, someone said that Yuan Chen was behaving strangely, that there must be someone hiding in the yard.

Before the accident, Yuan Chen was alone, and he was the closest to Ming Shu, who else could he hide besides Ming Shu.

They wanted to come and search while Yuan Chen was out alone, but Jing Bo disagreed, thinking that they had to ask Yuan Chen first, he was from this village, and the night of the full moon proved his innocence. There is some misunderstanding.

However, the experience during this period has made people in the village panic. The wolves do not know when they will come again, and the danger outside is unpredictable. At least we must try our best to ensure absolute safety inside.

They also asked people to hold Yuan Chen on the road. If they found Ming Shu in the yard, they would solve it on the spot, so as not to cause trouble after Yuan Chen came back.

It's just a foreigner with unknown identity and origin, who has only been in the village for a long time, even if he is innocent, so what if he dies.

However, the villagers didn't expect Jing Chu to be there. It was actually the first time they had done such a thing, and they were not decisive enough, so they were abruptly held back by Jing Chu.

Yuan Chen has turned back, and the plan has been ruined.

The night was hazy, and the sky began to drizzle, and a candle lamp used for lighting by the roadside was doused by the rain.

Most of Yuan Chen's figure was hidden in the darkness, as cold as a sculpture, as if heiwuchang had come out of the ground to seek his life.

He put down his crossbow and walked slowly, but the villagers were even more frightened and retreated to both sides in panic.

Some of the villagers whispered: "Let's go quickly..."

How can they care about Ming Shu, Yuan Chen's abilities are very clear to them, three or four adult gray wolves are no match for him, let alone a bow and crossbow in his hand.

He must be in a state of anger right now, if there is a conflict, the injury is minor, in case someone is killed by accident... it is better to

leave first, and go to Jing Bo tomorrow and ask him to deal with it.

At this time, the villagers were already thinking of quitting, and the one whose face was scratched also smiled humorously: "It's all a misunderstanding...then let's go back first, Xiaochen, you have a good rest." He didn't dare to say a

word Asked if there was someone hiding in Yuanchen's yard, he took the others away in a desperate manner.

As soon as they left, Yuan Chen's eyes fell on Jing Chu.

Jing Chu frowned tightly: "Why did it take so long, those people almost broke in just now..."

Jing Chu hesitated to say the rest of the sentence, he wanted to say that next time he went to get food for the two of them Okay, so that Yuan Chen would not encounter any danger after leaving Mingshu, but his throat was so congested that he couldn't speak.

It was Jingchu who gave Yuan Chen the last reminder. Yuan Chen also heard his confrontation with the villagers just now.

Yuan Chen withdrew his gaze and passed by him: "Thank you."

He walked quickly into the courtyard, took the lock and opened the door.

Ming Shu hid in the closet, and was a little dazed when he received the system prompt.

Not long after, he heard the sound of the door being opened, and familiar footsteps approaching: "Ming Shu?"

It was Yuan Chen, and the others seemed to have left.

Ming Shu carefully pushed open the closet door, seeing Yuan Chen standing not far away safe and sound, his hanging heart finally fell.

He got out of the closet and ran towards Yuan Chen, throwing himself into his arms.

Yuan Chen put down the food box and crossbow in his hand, and hugged Mingshu tightly: "Are you scared?" With a

gentle voice, he kissed Mingshu's hair soothingly, but his face was still ugly.

Ming Shu gave a soft "hmm", carefully raised his head and looked behind Yuan Chen, the door was not closed, there was a crossbow nailed beside the door, no one came in, and it was quiet outside.

He was really a little scared just now, in case Jing Chu couldn't stop him alone, in case he was discovered by the villagers, even Yuan Chen couldn't protect him when he came back.

But Mingshu has extra life points, so she is quite calm. After saving the file, she has been hiding in the closet, hiding with the little mushroom.

The little mushroom poked its head out of Mingshu's coat pocket, squeezed out from between the two of them with difficulty, jumped onto the table and ran into the flowerpot holding the green dill leaves to suppress the panic.

"It's okay," Yuan Chen stroked Ming Shu's back, and said softly, "They're all gone."

Ming Shu adjusted his breathing, and after a while, he realized that Yuan Chen's coat was a little wet.

He raised his head and asked, "Is it raining outside?" "

Well," Yuan Chen lowered his head and kissed him, "A little rain."

He still couldn't ask about the haze in Yuan Chen's eyes and the attitude of the villagers when they were stopped by Jing Chu.

With Yuan Chen around, and Jing Chu's help, it is not difficult to escape the village. The key now is that Yuan Chen seems to disagree with those villagers.

Ming Shu was faintly worried, this paragraph was not written in the plot, Yuan Chen should always stand on the same front with the village to eliminate werewolves.

But Yuan Chen's actions seem to have triggered a hidden branch...

Before Ming Shu had time to carefully study the newly released hidden mission, Yuan Chen asked, "Eat something first? I'll come after changing clothes." Ming Shu

nodded In response, Yuan Chen let go of him, took out the meals in the food box one by one, closed the open door, and went to the back room alone.

Little Mushroom leaned over, sniffed the food on the table, walked away without interest, hugged Mingshu's fingertips and rubbed them.

"Gu Chi was also scared?" Ming Shu touched its small umbrella cap, "Don't be afraid, those people... came to look for me, and they didn't find you here." The little mushroom straightened up immediately when he heard it

. Waist: "What? Here to catch Shu Shu?"

It became more nervous and a little angry, but it was not afraid: "These villains! Shu Shu is a good wolf! Can't be caught!"

Yuan Chen changed into a clean coat and came over , just heard the words of Little Mushroom, and glanced at it inexplicably.

Little Mushroom shrank his neck, realizing that he seemed to have said something wrong, but Ming Shu didn't stop him.

That is... Yuan Chen already knew.

It blinked its sesame eyes, and ran to Yuan Chen excitedly: "I said it! Shu Shu is a good wolf!"

Yuan Chen must be the same as it, and think so, otherwise Ming Shu would not be kept around. around.

Yuan Chen slowly poured out a bowl of soup: "When did you tell me?"

This sentence made Ming Shu and Xiao Mushroom froze at the same time, and Xiao Mushroom immediately turned around and returned to Ming Shu's side.

The little mushroom was secretly at a loss, it didn't even know when it had revealed itself.

The danger was temporarily lifted, and Mingshu clicked on the hidden mission and system prompt released not long ago while eating.

[Task 1: As a werewolf, get along with the human beings who protect themselves]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the permission to use any form! The form already includes: [human/half animal form/animal form]]

He understands the meaning of the second prompt. After the prompt appears, there will be a [Change current form] button in the corner of the system panel. Cooling time is three hours.

What does hidden mission mean? "Protecting one's own human beings" refers to Yuan Chen, right?

How can we get along better?

Moreover, Mingshu discovered that all the hidden branches seemed to have nothing to do with the main storyline and the plot.

Is there any point in the existence of hidden branches? Three identical tasks each time, just to give players points?

Ming Shu was absent-minded, Yuan Chen saw it, and deliberately slowed down the speed of eating, and sat at the table with Ming Shu.

After dinner, it was raining harder and harder outside, Yuan Chen boiled hot water and personally took a towel to wipe his hands and face.

Ming Shu was still thinking about the hidden mission, he really wanted to know what the picture book belonging to Yuan Chen would look like after it was lit.

He took the towel from Yuan Chen's hand and wiped it on the back of his hand, but the system didn't respond.

Ming Shu threw down the towel, got up and sat between Yuan Chen's legs, and kissed him on the side of his face.

No response either.

Yuan Chen put his arms around Ming Shu's waist and rubbed gently: "Are you still afraid?"

Ming Shu shook his head and said vaguely: "No..."

He found that he had ignored half of the sentence before the task, as a werewolf.

Unlocking the permission to use the form is probably because of this task...

Ming Shu didn't know how to explain it to Yuan Chen, so he hesitated to press the button to change the form: "That..."

Yuan Chen patiently said: "What's wrong?"

Ming Shu hugged With an attitude of giving it a try, he chose to become a half-beast.

[Reminder: The player is about to change form]

Within three seconds, a pair of white wolf ears popped out of his head, and a tail was squeezed into one trouser leg, slowly puffing up. Yuan Chen looked in a daze when he saw it, Ming Shu

reacted, and immediately covered his mouth: "I... I won't bite you."

I don't want to do it.

Yuan Chen was still holding Ming Shu, and gently pulled his hand down: "Yes."

"Why did you suddenly change back?" He took advantage of the situation and rubbed the furry wolf ears, the color and touch were still familiar.

He didn't seem to be worried that he would bite him anymore, Mingshu felt relieved, and made an excuse: "I'm not physically stable...sometimes like this." Little Mushroom looked up and saw Mingshu, and the green radish stems and leaves in his hand fell in shock

. fall.

It jumped off the table and trotted over, raised its head and turned around Mingshu: "Huh?"

The little mushroom has seen a werewolf transformation before, why does Mingshu look completely different?

Its doubts have not been answered, Yuan Chen can't move his eyes away, and Ming Shu's mind is still on the task.

Mingshu pinched the hem of his clothes tangledly, want to try kissing? He hadn't done that in werewolf form yet, not counting the last time he ate the toadstool.

He approached slowly tentatively, seeing that Yuan Chen did not refuse, he kissed him very quickly on the side of the cheek, and quickly backed away.

- The system is still unresponsive.

Ming Shu's eyes were full of loss and confusion, could it be that he misunderstood it?

Yuan Chen reached out and touched Ming Shu's side face, and said softly, "Why are you suddenly unhappy?"

He paused for a moment, then leaned over and kissed Ming Shu's lips.

[Hidden branch · one task and one completed! Please check your points and rewards in the background by yourself]

[Ding Dong--Hidden Branch · A task release]

[Task 1: As a werewolf, get along with the human beings who protect themselves]


It turns out that Yuan Chen needs to take the initiative... He is the one to be protected, and also the one to be liked and accepted.

Yuan Chen pinched Ming Shu's chin and continued to go deeper, Ming Shu obeyed cautiously, keeping his teeth as close as possible.

Little Mushroom was still on the sidelines. After watching for a while, he covered his eyes bewilderedly, turned his head and ran away.

After a long time, Yuan Chen let go of Ming Shu, kissed off the water on his lips, and said, "Be good today."

All of Ming Shu's abnormal behaviors were attributed to tonight's sudden incident, and he may still be alive. I was afraid, so I took the initiative to seduce myself, wanting to gain more sense of security.

Yuan Chen touched Ming Shu's tail through the clothes, squeezed it lightly, and suddenly stood up with him in his arms, and went to the inner room.

Task 2 also required further getting along with each other, and it was a different way of getting along with before. Mingshu gradually felt that something was wrong, and felt inexplicably anxious.

How could Yuan Chen "get along" with him? I'm afraid it's the same as last time...

Back on the bed, Yuan Chen helped Mingshu untie his coat, while hugging him: "Is the tail uncomfortable?"

Before Mingshu could react, his back suddenly felt cold.

Yuan Chen didn't even use scissors this time, he just pulled it down, grabbed the tail and gently pulled it out.

Ming Shu turned red instantly from cheek to neck, and hurriedly pushed Yuan Chen to avoid it.

Yuan Chen naturally didn't let him escape, and stroked the tail in his hand: "What are you afraid of? It's not like I haven't seen it before."

Ming Shu almost wanted to cry, he pressed Yuan Chen's hand: "You, don't push yourself too much..."

He stared at Yuan Chen, but what he said was not intimidating at all, Yuan Chen paused, and changed his words: "No one else saw it." The

fluffy tail was slightly frizzed, and Yuan Chen smoothed it with his hands.

Ming Shu leaned in his arms, buried her face deeply.

Yuan Chen picked up his face and continued to kiss, and really started to make an inch, rubbing the root of his tail, and then deep into the corner of his clothes.

The little mushroom didn't follow, and lay down in the pot of pothos early.

Ming Shu moved uncomfortably, tilted his head and pushed Yuan Chen's face away, struggling with the last bit of strength: "Let me go..."

He was fully dressed, but only his tail was exposed, which was even more embarrassing than last time extremely.

Yuan Chen stared at every change in Ming Shu's expression, glanced at the corners of his red eyes, and raised the corners of his lips: "The kitten wants it too?" - In the middle of the night, there was a


in the back room, and the little mushroom listened to Yuan Chen's words. Chen went to boil the water again, turned over with the green dill leaf in his arms and continued to sleep.

Task 2 has been completed, Ming Shu covered himself in the quilt and refused to come out.

Yuan Chen forcibly tore off the quilt, picked up Ming Shu and wiped him.

He kissed the tip of Ming Shu's red nose: "Little dirty cat."

Ming Shu was immediately ashamed and indignant, but couldn't find anything to refute, so he pushed Yuan Chen away and hid under the blanket.

The last time he disliked Yuan Chen's dirtyness, now he has become himself... Yuan Chen still didn't take any substantial action considering that he was underage.

But he helped Mingshu and completed the second hidden mission.

Ming Shu didn't know how Yuan Chen solved it. He was too shy and hid everything, so Yuan Chen left alone for a while.

Yuan Chen fished him out again, and put the towel back into the tub after wiping him.

He hugged Mingshu, touched his hot side face with his hands, and sighed: "If you continue like this, I will touch you once in the future, will you be angry for three days?"

Mingshu looked at his hand that was close at hand, The body froze.

Yuan Chen can always tease him with such words that he doesn't want to hear, Ming Shu buried his face in his arms, and said aggrievedly: "Don't say it..." If the

favorability can go up further, he guesses Yuan Chen will to 105.

Ming Shu was very annoyed. If he had known earlier, he would not have done this hidden task, so he didn't need the 120 points.

Yuan Chen kissed the white eartips in front of his eyes, and coaxed: "Don't talk, go to sleep."

Ming Shu put on the trousers that had been cut by scissors again, and the cooling time hadn't passed yet, so he couldn't change back.

The last task three is the same content as usual, Ming Shu didn't want to watch it any more, so he closed the panel and went to sleep.


When he woke up the next day, Ming Shu immediately changed his form and returned to a normal human appearance.

Yuan Chen watched his ears and tail disappear with his own eyes, and the emotion in his eyes was subtle.

After Mingshu turned into a werewolf, she actually looked better.

More like a well-behaved kitten, although the ears and tail are not like cats, but that's not important.

After breakfast, Yuan Chen was ready to go out.

He opened the door and turned to look at Mingshu: "Want to go out for a walk?" Mingshu stood up in

astonishment, "... now?"

Turned into a wolf cub...

"Well," Yuan Chen seemed not to care, and stretched out a hand towards Mingshu, "Now."

Mingshu slowly approached, Yuan Chen held him and helped him put on the pocket of his coat cap.

"If someone says anything, you don't have to pay attention," he said, "just follow me, no one dares to do anything to you."

Now that the villagers have found out, they broke in last night while he was away, which is equivalent to tearing shameless.

The crossbow bolt nailed to the door is still there, showing Yuan Chen's attitude.

Even if he no longer hides Mingshu, what can the villagers do.

Yuan Chen's words gave Ming Shu some comfort, he nodded slightly, followed him and finally walked out of this courtyard.

On the small road not far away, many people were looking here. They should all know what happened last night. Yuan Chen kept his eyes on and led Ming Shu out.

Turning a small road, Jing Bo came head-on.

Seeing that Ming Shu really appeared, and was still brought by Yuan Chen's side so blatantly, he sighed helplessly after being shocked.

As Jing Bo approached, he mumbled a lot of words in his stomach, but when he came out, he said: "Have you had breakfast yet?"

Facing Bo Jing, the coldness on Yuan Chen's face eased slightly, and he replied: "I've eaten."

Ming Shu was very disturbed, and bowed his head silently to the gaze cast by Bo Jing.

Jing Bo wrinkled his face: "You guys..."

"Ming Shu will be arranged by me," Yuan Chen interrupted him, without any emotion in his tone, "Wolf, I will also deal with it." The

herbs he brought back , It was prepared for Jing Shuang.

Kill the wolf, and the wolves will lose their leader, so there is nothing to fear.

He will protect the village, but also Mingshu.

Jing Bo's words were blocked by him again, he looked at Ming Shu, and looked at this very eye-catching young man again.

The villagers all said that Yuan Chen was bewitched by Ming Shu, and maybe Jing Chu was the same.

Last night's dispute came to an end, and it turned out that Jing Shuang was also Mingshu's wolf, and all kinds of suspicions and doubts were pushed on him.

Aside from what the villagers said, Jing Bo still felt that Ming Shu didn't look like a bad person.

He knew what happened last night. Yuan Chen has never been so irrational...

The village needs Yuan Chen. He is an important force to resist the wolves. He is not selfish, and Jing Bo can't do anything to him.

Ming Shu, who was protected by him, couldn't deal with it either.

More and more people gathered in the distance. They were paying attention to the situation here, but they didn't dare to go forward.

Jing Bo hesitated for a moment, and asked, "How do you plan to solve it?"

When he asked this, he agreed with Yuan Chen's decision and agreed to let Mingshu stay.

Yuan Chen's face remained unchanged, and he said firmly: "He will definitely come back."

After these few days, it's time for Jing Shuang to settle the wolves.

No matter if he still wants to attack the village or take Mingshu away from Yuan Chen, he will definitely appear again.

[A new plot prompt has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? 】

After Yuan Chen had a brief conversation with Jing Bo, he left with Ming Shu.

With Jing Bo's promise and help, although some villagers were dissatisfied, they didn't say anything more.

If Yuan Chen can really get rid of the werewolves outside, and there will be no more accidents in the village, then they can compromise.

Ming Shu followed Yuan Chen all morning.

Yuan Chen really just took him out for a walk, and by the way let the people in the village see the two of them together, and the crossbow on his back.

If anyone still wants to harm Ming Shu, he must first get his consent.

As the sun gradually came out, Ming Shu sat on the edge of the field to rest, and Yuan Chen fetched some water from the well not far away.

Taking advantage of this gap, he opened a new plot update.

[Plot reminder]:

[Yuanchen's plan worked, the wolves chose to attack late at night, thinking that there were not many people left behind in the village, but never thought that a group of people who should have gone out suddenly appeared to resist the surprise attack of the wolves. At the same time, Yuan Chen, who was far away in the mountains, encountered a werewolf. The werewolf followed by two gray wolves, mocked Yuan Chen and the villagers for trying to escape, and planned to capture Yuan Chen alive and torture him slowly. 】

【Suddenly, a group of tree mushrooms came out of the grass and threw stones at two gray wolves. The gray wolves were so provoked that they immediately chased them angrily. The werewolf realized something was wrong at this time, but it was too late. He walked into the trap set by Yuan Chen and easily avoided Yuan Chen's crossbow arrows, but found that he had been poisoned at some point. 】

【Yuan Chen was also injured. He took off his coat, and the blades of grass on the ground touched the surface of the coat, and he immediately became sluggish. He did not hesitate to risk his life and put poison on his clothes. The werewolf smelled it and thought it was from the crossbow. When he attacked Yuan Chen, the poison had already invaded from his sharp claws. 】

【The werewolf was poisoned and fell down. He watched Yuan Chen stabbing the dagger into his heart and completely lost his breath. Immediately afterwards, Yuan Chen went to help the tree mushroom to deal with the two gray wolves. At the same time, at the other end of the village, the wolves sensed that the leader was dead and dispersed in an instant. 】

After watching the plot, Ming Shu felt complicated.

As expected, the ending has long been doomed, the villain is impossible to win, no matter how difficult the dungeon is, the plot is always based on the word "fairy tale".

The story is also very simple. With the help of the tree mushroom, the protagonist works together with the villagers to resist and solve the werewolves threatening the village.

Then Jing Shuang is doomed to die... Mingshu shuts down the system, and another prompt pops up.

[Ding dong-main mission release]

[Mission 5: Follow the ending of your identity, die. ]

[Reminder: This is the last mission of the dungeon, and the level will be cleared upon completion. Players will not be deducted life points for death in the mission, and they can choose their own way of death. Please complete it within the time limit. ]

No...not just Jing Shuang, all werewolves must die.

Yuan Chen came over, sat beside Ming Shu, and handed him a water glass.

Ming Shu's eyelashes trembled slightly, he took the water glass and squeezed it in his hand, and after a while, he slowly drank all the water in the glass.

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