Chapter 61: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (24)

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After the two mermaid npcs left, Xiuji's subordinates came to the yard.

"Boss." The subordinate knelt in front of him, waiting for Xiu's order.

"You go..." Xiu Kun tapped on the handrail made of rocks with his fingers, and his voice stopped.

He didn't know what he was thinking, and after a while he said: "That's all."

He signaled his subordinates to leave, so they don't have to stay here.

The selection of successors is a very important matter in the mermaid clan. There are many mermaids participating. Although there is no guarantee that every mermaid completes the campaign mission, the score on the slate will never be wrong.

Ming Shu lied to him, either his registration name was not "Shiyue", or for some reason, he didn't want Xiu Kun to know that he had completed the task on the first day.

Currently, there are not many mermaids who can get 30 points, and Xiuji saw a name on the slate.

-- Xia Zhu.

Ming Shu mentioned this mermaid, saying that they were friends, and that Xia Zhu also sneaked into Central City and served in the patrol team.

But this mermaid is also a black tail?

In order to dress uniformly, the sea snakes in the patrol team must cover the top of their heads with hats. Xiuju has never seen Xia Zhu's fish tail or hair color in his memory, so he has no impression of it.

For Ming Shu's sake, Xiu Qi didn't touch Xia Zhu, otherwise, as a mermaid who had sneaked into the central city for so long, and almost took Ming Shu away from him in the end, Xia Zhu would die too.

If it was a pure "friend" relationship, he would not care about it.

Mingshu promised him that he would come tonight too, maybe he didn't know that the lie he told was so easily seen through.

Arranging a sea snake to guard Ming Shu's side, Xiu Qi was even more worried.

Not long after, another mermaid came over and brought food carefully prepared by the clan for the leader of the sea snake.

The servant of the sea snake received the food, walked into the courtyard but found that Xiu Qi was not there.

In the distance, a black sea snake with thick arms was swimming in the sea, moving forward quickly and quietly.

Smelling the residual venom in the sea water, the sea snake bypassed the reef, and occasionally a small fish ran away in a panic, but no mermaid found it.

Mingshu didn't go anywhere when he returned to his residence, and played shell throwing game with Pearl.

Xia Zhu stared nervously at the system panel, as if she was having a private chat with someone.

They planned to sell the remaining two small jumping fishes to other players. After Ming Shu went to Xiuju last night, Xia Zhu contacted a few good friends and released the news that he had fishes here.

When I woke up this morning, several players had already contacted through Xia Zhu's friends, asking about jumping fish.

But the time limit for the completion of the task is still early, and most people are still waiting and watching, just asking for news.

Moreover, Xia Zhu's circle of acquaintances is also not very strong, the progress of the main task is impressive, and there is no material that can be exchanged for jumping fish.

Xia Zhu turned off the system panel and scratched his hair: "If you don't mind it, don't sell this fish."

He made this decision originally because he wanted to save his hands. Nothing in the dungeon is absolute. If something happens in the future, Mingshu can't get the mission props, so the two extra fish will come in handy.

But although Xia Zhu had a good idea, it was not so easy to actually implement it. He was cautious and worried that the players who traded would backtrack. This kind of thing is very common in other dungeons.

Even with the pearls, Xia Zhu was still uneasy, every reply in the private chat had to be considered for a long time.

Pearl swam back with the shell thrown out by Mingshu, and when Xia Zhu said the fish was no longer for sale, she dropped the shell and came to the wire cage ready to move.

The little Tiaotiaoyu in the cage turned over in fright and pretended to be dead, Mingshu stretched out his hand to hug Pearl.

Seeing Xia Zhu struggling, Ming Shu comforted him, "It's okay, we've already completed two tasks, it's okay to give these two fish to friends you know."

The three small fish were originally extra, although jumping fish resources are scarce at present, it is a pity to use them unreasonably.

Ming Shu's words gave Xia Zhu some ideas, his eyes lit up: "Yes! We can give it to npcs participating in the election!"

Mermaid npcs also need to jump fish. NPC is a better choice, even if it can't be exchanged for materials, it can be used to increase favorability and camp value.

Xia Zhu cheered up again, put the wire cage under the reef and hid it, ready to go out and chat with some NPCs.

He asked casually: "Are you going to the leader of the sea snake tonight?"

Ming Shu responded, " should go every day."

On the one hand, he couldn't refuse Xiuqi, on the other hand... ...It was to comfort him in this way, otherwise, if Mingshu could not be seen all the time, Xiuqi might find him and discover the existence of Xiyu.

Mingshu never told Xia Zhu that Xiuwen and Xiyu looked alike, because it would be too much to explain, and it would also involve the last dungeon.

Ming Shu doesn't have the energy to explain this to another person for the time being, he just wants to complete the task well and pass the level smoothly.

Xia Zhu half-jokingly said: "He likes you so much, if you don't become the patriarch in the future, he might be the first to disagree..." After all, both of them knew that

according to the plot and character description, there is a high probability that Ming Shu would not be able to be the patriarch. patriarch.

However, Xia Zhu's voice became smaller and smaller, and his expression gradually froze.

The NPC leader Sea Snake has such a high degree of freedom, if it is as he said...

Ming Shu didn't notice Xia Zhu's expression, and lowered his head: "I can't do it... I can go back to the Sea Snake Clan with him." This

is of course based on As long as the task can be completed, he also stayed with Yuan Chen for several days before the release of the last mainline task in the last dungeon.

I don't know when the neighborhood quieted down, and the small fish swimming in the coral disappeared.

Xia Zhu answered a few words absent-mindedly, packed herself up and prepared to go out.

Mingshu stopped him: "Do you want to take the pearl with you?"

Xia Zhu shook her head: "It's okay, I'll be back soon and let the pearl stay by your side.

" Only then did he realize that Pearl was lying on his palm abnormally quietly, and all the tentacles drooped down.

Ming Shu touched it lightly: "Why are you suddenly lacking energy? Are you hungry?"

Pearl rubbed against his fingertips, but still didn't move.

"Aren't you unhappy that you won't be allowed to eat jumping fish?" Ming Shu seemed to be coaxing a disobedient child, "They don't look good, so they must not taste good. Let's find other small fish, shall we?"

Pearl is very wronged, it is not angry because of gluttony.

It tremblingly "looked" in one direction, and there was a small piece of pitch-black scale in the corner there, which blended with the surrounding reefs, making it extremely difficult to detect.

Pearl waited for a long time, but she didn't see any further action from the sea snake hiding in the corner, so she became a little more courageous.

Although it resisted Xiuji and took Mingshu away at that time, and later relied on Mingshu not to go back, it was actually afraid that Xiuji would beat itself.

The little white jellyfish slowly raised its tentacles, climbed up to Mingshu's cuff, and darted into Mingshu's hair to hide.

I don't know how long it took before the breath in the corner disappeared without leaving any traces, as if it had never appeared.

Pearl poked her head out, wanting to tell Mingshu about this, but she couldn't speak.

In the afternoon, the familiar feeling of oppression came again.

While Mingshu was still taking a nap, Zhuzhu was bullying Xiaotiaoyu in the wire cage, when the tentacles suddenly froze.

It turned around slowly, imitating the appearance of a small fish, half lying in the water and pretending to be dead.

Xia Zhu didn't come back, Ming Shu lay down on the laid water plants and fell asleep soundly.

During the two nights he was with Xiu Qi, he didn't get enough sleep, and he had to rest for a day after noon every day.

The water flowed slowly, and a pitch-black sea snake swam silently against the ground.

Not afraid of being discovered, the sea snake came to Ming Shu's side, put the head into his palm, and then slowly slid it in along the cuff.

Ming Shu didn't wake up, he vaguely dreamed that when he was still in the Sea Snake Clan, Xiu Qi came to see him for the second time.

The feeling of the snake's body against the skin was not particularly good, the rough scales scratched very itchy, Ming Shu turned over and curled up, trying to resist the too real touch in the dream.

When Xia Zhu came back, the sea snake had already left.

Xia Zhu's progress was not smooth, he carefully checked around, leaning his back against the reef with lingering fear: "These npcs are actually quite honest..."

He found two mermaid npcs who participated in the election, but they were not willing to accept them. Jumping down and jumping fish, he didn't want to give it away for nothing, and his favorability almost dropped. Xia Zhu realized something was wrong and pulled the conversation back in time.

Ming Shu also found it incredible: "You are not willing to help them complete the task?"

Xia Zhu shook her head, looked into the distance again, and sat on the water plants and lowered her voice: "When I came back, there seemed to be a mermaid following me, I was thrown away."

He was worried: "I didn't think carefully about this matter, and the news of selling fish was released, and I might be targeted."

Ming Shu hugged the pearl, and looked outside nervously: "Don't worry , we have pearls here, and I agree, it's not entirely your fault."

Xia Zhu went to the corner to take out the wire cage, and fed some algae to the small fish inside: "Then let's let this fish go?"

From wanting to sell fish When he had no choice but to let go, Xia Zhu knew that he didn't have that ability, so he would obediently focus on his mission in the future, trying to keep a low profile and avoid dealing with other players.

Ming Shu thought for a while: "Give it to the pearls, it wants to eat them at noon."

Pearl flicked her tentacles in protest, and hit the aquatic plants on the ground, but couldn't resist the temptation, and swam over in the next second, opened the wire cage, grabbed two small fish and stuffed them into her stomach.

After the two little fishes were completely digested, Ming Shu and Xia Zhu were silent at the same time. After a while, Xia Zhu sighed: "It's still my fault, we won't do this kind of thing in the future." After all, he was scared, and Ming Shu

had Xiuwen, Zhuzhu, and Xiyu all depended on Mingshu to complete their two tasks. If something went wrong, he would hold Mingshu back, and he would feel even more sorry.

The last time they left the Sea Snake Clan, they were besieged by those three players, which is the best proof that they may not be suitable for such things.

Pearl filled his stomach, went to find some small fish nearby, knocked him unconscious and threw them to Xia Zhu, and placed the rest neatly in front of Mingshu.

Xia Zhu caught Xiao Yu, and his thoughts were interrupted.

"It's okay, if someone comes to ask again," Ming Shu said, "Just say that we have already sold it to someone else."

After eating the small fish, Ming Shu had to find Xiu Qi again.

As usual, he left the pearl, said goodbye to it and Xia Zhu, turned and walked away.

Pearl reluctantly watched him swim into the distance, then swam around vigilantly, and finally felt relieved when she didn't find any trace of the sea snake again.

On the other side, Mingshu swam along a familiar route, passing through several dark rocks.

The light in the sea area was getting darker and darker. He slowed down, and suddenly caught a glimpse of several black-tailed mermaids in the open space not far away, as if they were looking for something.

Ming Shu wanted to hide quickly, but one of the mermaids over there had already seen him with sharp eyes.

He pointed in Mingshu's direction, and several mermaids swam over quickly.

Ming Shu was vigilant, but maintained a friendly face: "Who are you?"

The leading mermaid cut to the chase: "You're the one who always follows Xia Zhu, right? We want to buy fish, but we can't contact him."

Xia Zhu knew quite a few players, but he always acted alone, and those who could be resolved through private chats would never meet each other. The only one who appeared by his side more than twice was Ming Shu.

It was also because Ming Shu's face was so beautiful that it was hard to forget it just by looking at it.

These players were rejected once during the day. They wanted to find Xia Zhu's residence and chat with him, but they got lost and kept looking around.

Mingshu backed away calmly: "You guys are late, the fish is gone."

"Not here?" The player who spoke frowned, "What does it mean?"

"Sold to someone else," Mingshu said calmly, "Xia Zhu told me."

He continued, "If you don't believe me, you can ask him, he lives there."

Ming Shu said, pointing to a direction, and said that he could take them there .

It doesn't matter if the location of the residence is exposed, Pearl is also there, as long as this group of people are led there, he doesn't believe that they can beat Pearl.

However, another player looked at Mingshu suspiciously: "What are you doing out so late, isn't it just to sell fish?"

Mingshu's whereabouts are suspicious, and the fish may be on him.

Before Mingshu could give an explanation, the previous player asked again: "Who did you sell to? We sincerely want it, and the reward will naturally not be small. Let's think about it again?" "This is

Xia Zhu's decision," Ming Ming Shu emphasized, "The fish is not on me."

I don't know if his intention to take these players to find Xia Zhu is too obvious, they still suspect that Ming Shu is lying, and believe that he came out so late to trade jumping fish.

A mermaid with a thin body and black eyes swam close, and looked at Ming Shu with lewd eyes: "It's up to you whether you are on me or not." Ming Shu had already retreated to the reef, surrounded by a few

mermaids , there is still a long way to go to swim back.

He knew that this group of people was not easy to fool, and he became more and more uneasy.

The player who spoke just now wanted to search him, regardless of whether Ming Shu agreed or not, he stared at him even more unscrupulously, and stretched out his hand to grab him.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded from behind: "What are you doing?"

Everyone turned their heads, and a silver-tailed mermaid stood not far away, most of its face hidden in the shadow cast by the reef.

Ming Shu recognized Xi Yu at a glance, but the other players didn't know, they couldn't see Xi Yu's face clearly, and thought he was a mermaid npc who happened to pass by.

"What does it have to do with you," a player said in a bad tone, "A silver-tailed mermaid dares to join in the fun, get out!"

They are all black-tailed, and ordinary silver-tailed mermaids will only lower their heads and avoid them when they meet them, and they will never dare come to provoke.

The silver-tailed mermaid not far away didn't move, and stopped in place without saying a word, slightly raising his right hand.

Small black fish with sharp teeth appeared in the nearby corners, swimming quickly in the shadows.

The goal of the little black fish was to block Mingshu's black tails, but before they swam close, the turbulent waves suddenly swept in from the far end.

A darker shadow appeared in the originally pitch-black seawater above, and it was approaching at a high speed.

A player's face turned pale: "The leader of the sea snake?"

Why did the leader of the sea snake appear at this time, he has been in the center of the territory for several days, and he doesn't care much about the election of the mermaid clan.

Xi Yu also turned his head and looked at the giant snake that appeared in the inexplicable sea water.

His eyes moved slightly, and he realized that the target of the giant snake was also here, so he summoned the small black fish to make them retreat, and dodged to hide behind a rock.

The reaction of several players was not so fast. They had no time to dodge, and in a blink of an eye, they were blown away by the thick snake tail, knocked down a large rock, and fell to the ground with uncertain life or death.

Only Ming Shu was unscathed. He seemed to be at a loss, looking up at the giant snake that was so close to him.

The giant snake didn't hurt him either, and carefully entrenched beside him.

The sea calmed down, and the giant snake disappeared in place, replaced by a figure in a black robe.

The anger in Xiuju's eyes was still there, and he hugged Mingshu into his arms: "Did they hurt you?" Mingshu hadn't

come by the appointed time, so Xiuju didn't feel at ease, so he went to look for him in person, but unexpectedly Seeing those black-tailed mermaids besieging Mingshu, he knew that the plot was wrong.

Ming Shu shook his head and looked around quietly, Xi Yu was gone.

Seeing the giant snake, Xiyu should have fled, right? This is the reaction that normal mermaids will have.

Ming Shu nervously clutched Xiu Qi's cuffs, and urged: "Let's go quickly."

Xiu Qi still refused to let it go, so the voice transmission sent his subordinates to deal with it, and captured the fainted black-tailed mermaids.

It was getting late now, and no other mermaid saw him and Mingshu together, so tomorrow he could just find a reason to get rid of these black tails.

Afterwards, Xiu Qi took Ming Shu away, and half of his body turned into a snake's tail, protecting Ming Shu in his robe, and quietly swam towards the center of the territory.

Behind the reef, Xi Yu looked at the mermaid who was taken away by the leader of the sea snake, his face was expressionless, and the look in his eyes was dim.

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