Chapter 19: The Wolf-Eared Boy (19)

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locked together?

Ming Shu panicked immediately, he slandered Yuan Chen, revealed what Jing Shuang and Jing Chu had done, and offended three people at once.

If they were locked together, he would be the first to die.

Fortunately, Jing Bo stopped him by saying, "No, let's separate."

In fact, in the eyes of the villagers, Yuan Chen and Jing's two brothers are well-behaved children. Yuan Chen is still young, and he may have made some mistakes in some decisions, but Although Jing Chu and Yuan Chen disagree, the two have always lived in peace.

Not to mention Jing Shuang, he was only fifteen years old, and no one would suspect him first if anything happened.

Let me explain Shu, although he is a foreigner with unknown background, but he is good-looking and has a pleasant personality, and his speech is always gentle and polite, which makes people feel good about him.

When this incident happened today, many villagers were still in a daze, unaware of the seriousness of the problem, and felt that it would be better to resettle them first.

But Jing Bo knew that this matter could not be resolved.

He thought over the words of several people again, secretly startled.

If there are four of them, there are problems...

Jing Bo looked at his two sons and gritted his teeth: "Shut them up in the barn to the south."

There was an abandoned barn in the village, and Jing Bo arranged for the villagers to take Yuan Chen The Hejing family brothers took them there, and for the sake of safety, tied their hands and feet with ropes and placed them in different corners separately.

That way they can't escape and don't do things that are bad for each other.

In addition, Jing Bo ordered three mattresses to be laid in the barn for the three of them to sleep on.

And Ming Shu was still locked in Yuan Chen's room. He was the one who was most like a victim among them, so he was treated the best.

Jing Bo also asked for some hot food to be brought to Mingshu, and he went to boil a pot of hot water himself.

Several villagers led Yuan Chen and the others to leave first, but Ming Shu kept his head down, not daring to look at any of them.

A villager is in charge of staying in the yard. If something happens, or if Mingshu needs anything, he can ask for help.

Before leaving, Jing Bo wanted to ask Ming Shu a few more words to comfort him, but seeing his frightened look, he finally gave up.

"Xiao Shu, take a good rest," Jing Bowen said softly, "I'll come see you tomorrow."

Ming Shu was still imprisoned, but compared to the treatment of the three of Yuan Chen and the special circumstances, he had nothing to say. Nod silently.

A lamp was left in the house, Jing Bo and the villagers left the room, and the door was locked again.

Ming Shu stood in front of the window, watching the blurry figures gradually go away.

Finally he was left alone again, Ming Shu sat on the chair by the window, breathing slowly as if he was exhausted.

Only then did he realize that his hands were still shaking.

Ming Shu lowered his head and saw a few pinched marks in the center of his palm.

He was too nervous just now, what he did tonight was heavier than all the previous tasks combined.

Now that he was relieved, he began to feel uneasy and uneasy again.

He is not afraid of Jing Chu, Jing Shuang always threatens him to be fierce, and Ming Shu doesn't like this wolf, and he is always afraid when he is by his side.

Only when he slandered Yuan Chen, Ming Shu really felt guilty and didn't dare to look at his expression and eyes.

But he has no choice, the task must be completed, otherwise he will not be able to clear the dungeon, what should he do if he is directly sentenced to death.

Ming Shu felt sad, he didn't know how the follow-up plot would develop, Yuan Chen would definitely be released, when he found out his identity, would it be

... People's favorability did not drop, so he was slightly relieved.

Yuan Chen's favorability degree is still 85... Ming Shu still can't figure out why Yuan Chen locked him up.

Mingshu closed the directory, and a system message popped up immediately.

[A new plot prompt has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? ]

[Plot Tips]:

[The villagers came to Yuanchen's yard, and they found the outsider who had been locked up by him. , as if in a state of long-term blood loss, his spirit is not normal, and he hides from everyone he sees. 】

【What the two Jing family brothers said, together with what the villagers saw with their own eyes, seems to confirm Yuan Chen's evil deeds. He may indeed be a werewolf. Silver products can no longer be used as a basis for detecting werewolves. The villagers who were frightened and angry tied up Yuan Chen and threw him in an abandoned barn for disposal. ]

After watching the plot, Ming Shu frowned and turned off the panel.

The description in this plot does not match what actually happened.

For example, the outsider inside obviously had his blood taken for a long time, Ming Shu didn't experience this.

It may be because of this that he needs to slander Yuan Chen and complete the plot line.

And the final result, only Yuan Chen was locked up alone, but now there are four of them.

Ming Shu was a little worried, did he interfere with the plot line?

After that, the plot that needs to be completed by Jing Shuang will probably fall on him.

Ming Shu waited quietly for a long time, but did not see any new tasks released.

Among the tasks to be completed, there is only main task 3, the night of the full moon.

There is still one day left... It is very late now, the door and windows cannot be opened, and there are still guarding villagers outside, so Mingshu can only find a way to escape the next day.

He ate some of the food Jing Bo sent, blew out the lamp, and lay down on the bed alone.


Early the next morning, Mingshu was awakened by the familiar system beep.

[Ding dong--Submission release]

[Task 8: Take out the toadstools in Jingshuang's house and put them in the dinner of the villagers guarding the entrance of the village]

Ming Shu's heart sank, and she really came.

If he guessed correctly, Jing Shuang should have done this, but now Jing Shuang is locked up.

Whether he likes it or not, he has to be a bad guy, and that's his role in this dungeon.

The mission has a time limit of thirteen hours and must be completed before eight o'clock in the evening.

Ming Shu had mentioned before when Yuan Chen and Jing Bo talked, that the villagers guarding the entrance of the village took turns on time every day, and their meals were much later than others, so this point just needed to be rotated.

A group of villagers will finish their dinner at 8 o'clock in the evening before going to change shifts.

Ming Shu remembered that Jing Bo cooked their meals together and sent them over together.

After he gets the toadstools, he only needs to put the toadstools into the food in advance, so that all the villagers who receive dinner will be poisoned.

What would happen after that, Ming Shu couldn't imagine.

The night of the full moon is approaching, and the wolves are likely to strike tonight.

If the village guard at the entrance of the village is poisoned and unable to act...

the task must be done, he has no choice, or...he has been poisoned, and then find a way to remind the villagers.

Even if they were NPCs generated by system data, Ming Shu couldn't help but watch them being bitten to death by wolves.

Ming Shu sat at the table and thought for a long time, then took out two invisibility pills in his pocket.

At noon, a villager brought food and agreed that Mingshu could leave the room. He could go to the backyard and the latrine, but he could not go out of the yard, and he was always on guard against him escaping.

Mingshu behaved very obediently, only went to the latrine once, came out soon, and thanked the villagers.

For the rest of the time, he stayed in the room peacefully.

The villagers guarding him gradually lost their vigilance and even opened the locked windows.

At 7:30 in the evening, Ming Shu took a stealth pill.

The invisibility pill is something from the system store, and it has extraordinary effects, even the clothes on Mingshu's body can also be invisible together.

He knocked on the window in an invisible state, and walked quietly to the door.

The villagers outside heard the sound of knocking on the window, thinking that Mingshu needed something, and when they got closer, the house was empty and there was no one there.

The villagers almost thought they had misread it, and looked carefully through the window, but Mingshu was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is the person?" He called out, "Mingshu?"

No one responded, and the villagers realized that something was wrong, so they immediately took the key and opened the door to search for it.

At this moment, Ming Shu escaped from the open door.

The villagers were in the shock of Mingshu disappearing out of thin air, and did not notice the faint footsteps passing by.

Mingshu walked all the way to a remote place, making sure that there was no one around before stopping.

The ten-minute invisibility effect quickly disappeared, and his figure was gradually revealed.

Before he came out, Ming Shu wore a Yuan Chen coat, and he put on a coat hat with a wide brim covering most of his face. It was getting late at this time, and he couldn't be found without looking carefully.

Ming Shu went to find Jing Shuang and knew where Jing Bo's residence was. He noticed if anyone was passing by, and walked quickly towards the destination.

Seeing the brightly lit courtyard ahead, Ming Shu observed carefully for a while and found that there were not many people inside.

The courtyard door was open, and he took another stealth pill, and walked in quietly.

Jing Bo and the villagers inside were busy. Ming Shu came to Jing Shuang's door, gently pushed open a gap, and squeezed in through it.

Not knowing where the toadstools were placed, Ming Shu first searched for a few cabinets and drawers, and finally found a familiar cloth bag under the pillow.

Time was running out, Ming Shu hurriedly took the poisonous bacteria and left without even closing the door.

The back kitchen was on the other side, the food had just been prepared, a few people were sitting on one side chatting, Jing Bo was adding salt to the soup pot, while tasting the taste with a spoon.

On the way here, Mingshu opened the cloth bag, took out a few poisonous bacteria and crushed them in his hands.

He walked carefully to the soup pot, and when Jing Bo turned his head to put the salt box, he threw the crushed toadstool into it.

[Submission 8 has been completed! Please check and collect your point rewards yourself in the background】

It's done...

Ming Shu was very nervous along the way, her heart was beating so fast that she was about to jump out.

At this time, the task was completed, and he did not relax in the slightest.

The effect of the invisibility pill is only ten minutes, it took Mingshu a while to find the toxins, so he had to leave here immediately.

He hurriedly turned around, just as a few villagers by the door stood up and walked this way.

Ming Shu held his breath and pressed against the wall. When a villager passed by, he seemed to notice something strange.

But he looked in the direction of Mingshu, but he didn't see anything.

His companion urged him to quickly pack up the food and send it over, the villagers turned their heads and walked past Ming Shu.

After another delay, Ming Shu finally walked out of the kitchen without being noticed.

The courtyard door was still open, and he walked as fast as he could, but the invisibility effect suddenly failed halfway.

At this time, the villagers are helping to pack meals in the kitchen, and there is no one in the yard.

However, when Ming Shu raised his head, he saw the villager guarding Yuan Chen outside his house walking towards him.

When the villagers saw Ming Shu, they were taken aback for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

He recognized this Yuan Chen's coat, and this man with a hood covering most of his face had a similar figure to Ming Shu.

Ming Shu secretly thought that it was not good, and walked forward quickly with his head down, trying to escape before the villagers could react.

But he underestimated the vigilance of the villagers. The villagers grabbed his arm and lifted his hat.

"It really was you!" the villagers shouted, "How did you get out?"

Several other villagers came in one after another outside the courtyard, Jing Bo inside heard the movement, and came out to check.

Ming Shu struggled unsuccessfully, seeing more and more people around him, his pale face calmed down.

When Jing Bo saw this situation, he was puzzled and asked, "What's the matter?"

The villagers who caught Mingshu told everything that happened before, including Mingshu's sudden disappearance from the house, and her inexplicable reappearance here.

"This man is so strange," the villagers looked suspiciously, "I clearly saw him enter the house, lock the door, and disappeared in a blink of an eye." He looked

at Mingshu and said sharply, "Say! What did you use?" Trick, what are you doing sneaking here?"

"I think something is wrong with him," said a villager beside him, "What happened last night, can't he be lying?"

Another villager thought for a while: " That's not right, Xiao Chu and Xiao Shuang also said that Yuan Chen..."

If Ming Shu was lying, what about Jing Chu and Jing Shuang?

The matter was not clear at all, and with Mingshu's inexplicable disappearance and appearance, everyone was even more confused.

But they basically believed that Ming Shu was not as simple as they imagined before.

The previous villager said again: "Couldn't he be a wolf? A stranger..."

For a moment, several suspicious eyes circled around Mingshu.

Ming Shu tried to explain, but couldn't find an explanation at all.

He was held tightly in one hand and couldn't break free, and he held the toadstool in the other.

Taking advantage of everyone not paying attention, Ming Shu threw the toadstool on the ground.

He can't remind the villagers that there is poison in the soup, otherwise he will not be able to explain his behavior clearly. If they know that he poisoned him, he may not be as simple as being locked up.

Several villagers chattered about Mingshu's identity and how to deal with him.

Mingshu also heard someone say that he should be killed directly.

To them, Mingshu is a stranger who has nothing to do with the village.

At the critical moment, Bo Jing still said: "Let's... lock him up first, and get some hemp rope to tie his hands."

As for where to lock him up, Bo Jing also said: "Go to the barn."

When Ming Shu heard this, his face turned pale again, and his lips were lightly pursed without blood.

The task was successfully completed. When the villagers found the toadstools on the ground, they might check the food and find that it was poisonous.

But he also put himself in, going around and going around, and still want to be locked up with Yuan Chen and the other three.

At this moment, a system prompt popped up.

[Reminder: There are only four hours left before the night of the full moon, players please prepare in advance]

The author has something to say:

Shu Shu who was caught in the duel task: Lock me up

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