Chapter 31: The Wolf-Eared Boy (31)

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It was already afternoon, the sun was about to set, Yuan Chen drew the curtains, and the light in the room immediately dimmed.

Ming Shu stood aside, reaching out to touch the leaves of the green basket: "You're going to lock me up again."

Yuan Chen paused, walked to Ming Shu's side and hugged him: "After I deal with the wolves outside, I will find you again." I have an opportunity to explain to them."

The villagers now think that Ming Shu is dead, and it has only been a few days since he poisoned the food. If Ming Shu is discovered, the villagers who are still angry will definitely not let him go.

Jing Shuang will definitely appear again. Only after he dies can Yuan Chen truly feel at ease. If Ming Shu wants to leave the village then, he will also consider it.

Ming Shu didn't speak, but worried secretly.

Going around, it seems to be back to the original point, but the plot is still going on, it is inconvenient for him to do tasks in this room.

The main task has not been updated for a long time, I don't know if there are only the original three, and the branch task has not been released for the time being.

Mingshu opened the task bar, and there was only the task of hiding the second plot left on it.

Fortunately, there is no time limit for completing this. If you are not in a hurry to collect points, you don't have to do it.

Ming Shu was about to turn off the panel, and suddenly realized a problem when looking at the task details.

Jing Chu triggers plot two, Jing Shuang triggers plot three, what about plot one?

He looked at Yuan Chen almost subconsciously, hiding the plot one, there is a high probability that it will be triggered from him.

These three npcs have many things in common, they are all important characters in the dungeon, they have hidden plots hidden on them, and... they all like Mingshu.

Mingshu was in a delicate mood. Although it was a common way to clear the level by gaining friendship with key npcs, it seemed that he had already developed a love line, which was quite rare.

And he triggered Jing Chu's hidden plot in the second form, and Jing Shuang's in the third form. According to the law...

his normal appearance belongs to the first form, which is the condition to trigger the hidden plot of Yuan Chen.

But Ming Shu stayed by his side for so long, and didn't trigger any sidelines.

Seeing Ming Shu turning his head to look at him, Yuan Chen stretched out his hand to touch his side face: "Still angry?"

Ming Shu blushed, and turned his eyes away not wanting to answer this question.

He said that he was underage, and Yuan Chen let him go, but he also tried almost everything else that should be done and should not be done.

Ming Shu's resistance was fruitless, and he was afraid that Yuan Chen would be too tough if he was in a hurry, so he had to be coaxed to compromise continuously.

He didn't know if anyone else had ever done this with a dungeon npc, and he felt ashamed when he thought about it.

But regardless of whether Yuan Chen was an NPC or not, Ming Shu was the first person he really liked. Yesterday Jing Shuang looked at him with the same eyes, and he was more afraid.

Ming Shu turned around and threw himself into Yuan Chen's arms, raised his face and looked at him: "Will you still kill me?"

Yuan Chen leaned over and kissed him: "When did I hurt you?"

Lian Mingshu's clothes , He has carefully selected them, and he is afraid that he will not be comfortable in the clothes, so how can he kill him.

Yuan Chen has no memory of before the first resetting, and he doesn't know that he has brought a psychological shadow to Ming Shu.

Mingshu replied vaguely: "Then you...then you have to protect me well."

At present, his survival crisis is basically resolved, and it depends on how the subsequent plot develops.

Just as he was thinking, a system prompt popped up.

[Ding Dong--Main task released]

[Task 4: The night of the full moon is over, get the nourishment of blood and replenish your strength]

All the tasks in the main line revolve around Ming Shu's identity, and the night of the full moon will consume most of the werewolf The content of the newly released mission did not surprise Mingshu.

But what is the nourishment of blood? Mingshu immediately thought of the donkey in the backyard.

He can take a little more blood from the donkey. According to the usual trigger conditions for completing the task, a little bit should be enough.

But he was locked in the house again... When Yuan Chen was not around, he would definitely not be let out.

Yuan Chen held Mingshu in his arms, and while stroking his soft hair, he answered his question just now: "Of course, I will try my best to satisfy you if you want anything else." The

premise of protecting Mingshu is to put him immediately Hiding it, he can agree to other requests as long as they are not excessive.

After the intimacy between the two just now, Yuan Chen seemed to be much gentler again.

He was reluctantly satisfied, which was the time when he liked Mingshu the most.

Mingshu looked at him, and thought for a while: "Then... let me take a bite."

Since Yuan Chen said so, and he sacrificed so much just now, he should ask for a little reward, otherwise he would have such a high degree of favorability Not using it is simply a waste.

Yuan Chen paused, as if he didn't expect Ming Shu to make such a request.

He is now in human form, and the night of the full moon has passed, so there will be no substantial harm after being bitten by him.

"Okay," Yuan Chen agreed, hugged Mingshu and let him sit on the edge of the table, took his hand and asked, "Where do you want to bite?

" Bring him a bite stopper, so I want to bite myself to vent my anger.

As long as Ming Shu doesn't leave him and doesn't get close to other people, Yuan Chen likes him occasionally and is willing to get used to it.

Ming Shu sat on the table and became a bit taller than Yuan Chen. He looked around and said, "It's too dark, I can't see clearly."

So Yuan Chen went to light a few more lamps, and did not return until the room was completely lit up. Go to Mingshu's side.

It was rare for him to be so obedient, Mingshu cupped his face, with a bit of revenge and the mentality of taking advantage of this opportunity to bully him, lowered his head and bit his lip.

I don't know if it's because of the bonus of the task, but Ming Shu didn't have fangs, but easily bit Yuan Chen's lower lip.

Ming Shu tasted the rusty smell of blood, and thought it was not bad, so he licked it nostalgicly.

[Main quest 4: Nourishment of blood (1/3)]

One-third completed?

Ming Shu thought that the blood he got was not enough, so he bit the wound and continued to lick it.

However, there was no movement in the system at all, Ming Shu hesitated and stopped.

Did he misunderstand? There wasn't much blood at the beginning, but it triggered a third of the progress.

Ming Shu grabbed Yuan Chen's hand again and bit his index finger.

[Main task 4: Nourishment of blood (2/3)]

Sure enough! Ming Shu pulled Yuan Chen's sleeve, and bit his wrist for the third time.

This time there was no response, the position was wrong.

Ming Shu licked his lips and looked at Yuan Chen in front of him again.

Yuan Chen didn't refuse all his actions just now, and let Ming Shu bite him very obediently.

At this moment, he stood quietly, with wet blood on his lips.

Ming Shu's gaze moved down and landed on the side of Yuan Chen's neck.

Let's try this position again... Ming Shu was inexplicably excited, as if a hidden desire had been aroused by the blood.

He is a wolf, and wolves are born to love blood.

Ming Shu buried her head on the side of Yuan Chen's neck, carefully biting that small piece of skin.

[Main task 4: Nourishment of blood (3/3)]

[Main task 4 has been completed! Please check your points and rewards yourself in the background】

Ming Shu reluctantly let go of her teeth, and kept licking the blood overflowing from the wound.

He bit it four times in total, and saw blood every time, but not much, Yuan Chen exposed the side of his neck unsuspectingly, not afraid of Ming Shu really hurting him at all.

And Ming Shu's behavior of biting him several times in a row didn't seem like venting his anger, but... like marking Yuan Chen, leaving his own smell everywhere.

Yuan Chen's palm slowly slid across Ming Shu's back, and he tilted his head to let him lick it.

[The favorability of npc has been updated, please go to the list to check]

Ming Shu finally regained consciousness and raised his head.

Yuan Chen kissed him with his injured lips: "Don't bite anymore?"

Ming Shu looked dumbfounded: "I bit you, why do you still..."

He opened the details of Yuan Chen's character, and the favorability degree just now was updated, just now is his.

Yuan Chen's favorability has increased by 10 points, and now it is 95.

Ming Shu doesn't quite understand, he and Yuan Chen are so close in the afternoon, Yuan Chen's favorability level has not changed, but now it has increased a lot.

Could it be that Yuan Chen has something special... Ming Shu stretched out his hand and pinched Yuan Chen's face.

Yuan Chen took his hand and stroked his cuff: "Are you angry?"

Ming Shu realized that he was talking about the afternoon, and when he thought about it, he was really angry and kicked him again.

Yuan Chen raised the corners of his lips, and rubbed the delicate skin under his palm: "You are so annoyed before I really mess with you?"

Ming Shu's face flushed instantly, and he pushed him away forcefully: "Stop talking!"

He understood Yes, Yuan Chen's favorability will increase, all because of his bad taste.

In the final analysis, it was the hue that I sold in exchange for it.

Ming Shu was so angry and annoyed that she got off the table and wanted to leave.

Yuan Chen grabbed him in time and coaxed: "I won't say anything, it's my fault."

He led Ming Shu to sit down at the table, and asked, "Are you hungry? I'll go get you something to eat."

Mingshu's appetite is small and he can't eat too much.

During the day, Yuan Chen went to Jing Bo's yard to pick up an extra dish, but no one noticed. As for the rice, it can be cooked at home.

After Ming Shu nodded, Yuan Chen put on his coat and went out with a food box.

When they came to Jing's courtyard, Jing Chu stood outside the courtyard, leaning against the wall and bowing his head.

Yuan Chen ignored him, and when he passed by, he suddenly grabbed his arm.

Jing Chu said in a low voice: "He was seen."

Yuan Chen knew who the person he was talking about was very clear.

"Understood," Yuan Chen replied, and walked into the courtyard: "Thank you." When

Jing Bo saw Yuan Chen coming, he warmly welcomed him into the room and helped him pack the food.

Jing Bo casually said a few words of concern, seemingly unintentionally: "Xiao Chen, did you spend the night outside last night?"

Yuan Chen said "Yes" and said, "I want to find the trace of the werewolf."

He knew he couldn't hide it, Just tell the truth.

Jing Bo's face straightened: "How?"

Yuan Chen shook his head: "It rained last night, so I rested on the mountain."

There are many caves in the mountain forest, and Yuan Chen chose to stay in the mountain instead of rushing back overnight in the heavy rain There's nothing wrong with that either.

Jing Bo hesitated to speak, and wanted to ask something, Yuan Chen covered the food box and said, "Jing Bo, I'll go back first, and go to bed early after work."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left without giving Jing Bo a chance to speak again. .

Looking at Yuan Chen's leaving back, Jing Bo sighed.

In the afternoon, some villagers came to him and said they saw Yuan Chen and Ming Shu together, and they looked very close.

Ming Shu has disappeared since the day before the night of the full moon. Yuan Chen told the villagers that he had been dealt with alone, and no one doubted it.

He was slandered once, and now the people in the village trust him even more.

And Mingshu was the one who slandered him. He must have been responsible for the poison in the villagers' meals that night. Later, someone found a bag of unused toxins in the yard.

Although his identity is still unknown, he must not remain in the village even if he is not a wolf.

Yuan Chen likes Ming Shu, Jing Bo can tell, if he let Ming Shu go because of this, and hide Ming Shu, it is not impossible.

Jing Bo wanted to ask Yuan Chen first, to test his reaction.

Yuan Chen's parents are gone, Jing Bo has always treated him as his own son, and Jing Shuang was killed by a werewolf, Jing Chu has always been out of his mind recently, he doesn't want Yuan Chen to go astray as well.

After much deliberation, Jing Bo decided to find an opportunity tomorrow and ask Yuan Chen alone.


On the other side, Ming Shu had dinner and took a bath with Yuan Chen's company.

Yuan Chen refused to let him go alone, so he waited outside and checked to see if there was anyone passing by outside the hospital.

Not only did he take a bath, he also followed Mingshu to the bathroom, standing outside the door like a statue.

Before going to sleep at night, Yuan Chen unbuttoned Ming Shu's jacket: "Sleep with me?"

Ming Shu yawned: "Do I have the right to refuse?"

Yuan Chen hung up his clothes and kissed Ming Shu on the lips. Take a moment: "No."

He put away the mattress early in the morning, and didn't intend to give Mingshu a second choice at all.

Lying on the inner side of the bed, Ming Shu was still a little defensive, pulling the corner of the quilt to shrink inward.

Yuan Chen directly pulled him into his arms, and hugged him half-forcedly: "I won't touch you."

He did what he said, at most he simply kissed Mingshu and hugged him to sleep.

Only then did Ming Shu relax, leaning against his arms and falling into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Yuan Chen woke Ming Shu up.

Ming Shu didn't want to get up yet, so Yuan Chen pulled up the quilt for him: "There is hot water on the stove, and breakfast is also hot. I'll be back before noon..." He paused, pulled the quilt away again, and pinched

Ming Shu's chin After kissing him, it took a long time before I got up and went out.

The door was still locked, and this time Yuan Chen specially sealed the window so that it couldn't be opened from the outside.

He left the courtyard and went to the entrance of the village first, and met Jing Bo on the way.

Jing Bo seemed to be here deliberately waiting for Yuan Chen, and when he saw him, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Xiao Chen."

As soon as he approached, his eyes fell on Yuan Chen's lips.

When Yuan Chen came to pick up dinner last night, only one lamp was lit in the room, Jing Bo didn't notice the wound on his lip.

This looks... bitten?

Jing Bo shifted his gaze, and saw another blood scab on the side of Yuan Chen's neck.

His face changed, could it be that Ming Shu is really a wolf... Yuan Chen is feeding him with blood?

Noticing Jing Bo's gaze, Yuan Chen didn't change his expression: "I have a new cat... I'm not familiar with it yet, it can bite people." Jing Bo

didn't believe a word, but after hearing what he said, he felt that the wound was too small, It's not like being bitten by a werewolf.

He hesitated again and again, but still asked: "Where did you take Mingshu that day?"

Yuan Chen's expression remained unchanged, and his footsteps did not stop: "Take him outside the village and kill him."

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