Chapter 17: The Wolf-Eared Boy (17)

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Ming Shuxin had lingering fears, and the discomfort on the side of her neck was still there.

Maybe what Jing Shuang said is true, but his near-death illusion and fear just now cannot be ignored. It seems that if one step later, Jing Shuang will really strangle himself to death.

Ever since the time he was bitten to death by a gray wolf, this was the second time Mingshu felt that he was so close to death. He still didn't want to die, so he instinctively told Jing Shuang the truth.

The remaining toadstools were indeed hidden under the pillow, and he planned to find a way to return them to Yuan Chen after Jing Shuang left.

Ming Shu was both afraid and regretful, it was because he didn't think carefully and thought he could fool the past.

Jing Shuang's words are also true. He has stayed by Yuan Chen's side for a long time, and he feels that everyone trusts him like Yuan Chen. In addition, the recent missions have been smooth, and basically no mistakes have been made, so he has relaxed his vigilance. .

Ming Shu still wanted to try to defend himself: "I'm sorry, I was afraid of being suspected by Yuan Chen, so I didn't hide it on purpose..."

Jing Shuang just stared at him, didn't get up to look for the toadstool, and couldn't tell if there were any more. angry.

Mingshu said cautiously: "I didn't lie to you, the remaining toadstools are under the pillow." "

No hurry," Jing Shuang smiled, brushing the broken hair on Mingshu's forehead, "Yuan Chen went outside the village, I won't be back for a while."

No wonder he was so unscrupulous today, Ming Shu was even more worried, for fear that this uncertain wolf would suddenly attack again.

Jing Shuang put one hand on the ground and leaned closer to Mingshu.

He didn't know what he was thinking, his eyes were eager to move, but seeing his body smaller than Ming Shu's, he was very disgusted.

If he is in werewolf form, he can easily hold Mingshu in his arms, but he still has to accumulate strength, and he can't be too arbitrary.

Jing Shuang pressed down, pinched Mingshu's face with his hand, and said again: "On the night of the full moon, I will come to you."

This sentence is an agreement and a threat, asking Mingshu to stay obediently and not run around.

Ming Shu dared not agree, and lowered his eyebrows pleasingly: "Well..."

Jing Shuang didn't ask why he only gave a small and a half toadstool, got up and went to the house to find the cloth bag under the pillow, and took it away.

Ming Shu watched Jing Shuang leave, and when his figure completely disappeared from sight, he immediately closed the door tightly.

He took a few deep breaths, forced himself to relax, and walked slowly to the table.

Ming Shu has the urge to leave here now, taking advantage of the fact that Jing Shuang has just left, Yuan Chen has not returned, and even Jing Chu has not appeared for a few days, no one has noticed him.

But he was still worried, very uneasy in his heart.

What exactly does Jing Shuang want to do when he takes away the toadstool?

Although the toxins are not fatal, the short-term paralysis of the body and the inability to move are enough to delay many things, not to mention the wolves watching.

Ming Shu felt guilty at first, he couldn't do it and just walked away.

He had to find a way to remind Yuan Chen to beware of Jing Shuang.

On the table was the breakfast sent by Jing Shuang, and on the other side was the jujube porridge prepared by Yuan Chen, which was already a bit cold.

Ming Shu didn't have any appetite at all, sat alone at the table for a long while, and finally took a few sips of porridge to fill his stomach.

Before noon, Yuan Chen came back from outside.

Ming Shu immediately threw himself into his arms, buried his face in the clothes in front of him, and said in a muffled voice: "You are finally back." He was in a bad mood, and

Yuan Chen keenly noticed that he put down the things in his hand Hugging him: "What's wrong?"

Ming Shu didn't speak, he hadn't figured out how to reveal Jing Shuang's identity to Yuan Chen.

But he was threatened by Jing Shuang and almost died. Facing Yuan Chen at this moment, he unconsciously showed grievance and sadness.

Yuan Chen hugged him for a while, kissed his ear tips, Ming Shu finally felt a sense of security in his arms, and raised his face: "I just... miss you."

He has always liked being by Yuan Chen's side. There are too many things going on in the village these days, and the time they spend together has indeed decreased.

Yuan Chen said "hmm", and his eyes fell on the side of Ming Shu's neck.

There are a few red marks there, which are very obvious on the fair skin, like the marks left by someone who pinched him severely.

Mingshu seems to have forgotten, or let him see it on purpose.

Yuan Chen quickly looked away, and was silent for a moment: "Has Jing Chu been here?" "Jing Chu?" Ming Shu's expression was blank for

a moment, "No."

Xiang Mingshu called him: "Mingshu."

He still hugged Mingshu and did not let go, his tone remained unchanged: "Is there something you are hiding from me?"

Mingshu's eyelashes trembled, almost thinking Yuan Chen Discovered his identity, and some of the things he had done before.

Has he discovered the toadstool?

But at this moment, Ming Shu could only bite the bullet and say, "Today...Jing Shuang came here."

Even if Yuan Chen had doubts, he had to draw Yuan Chen's attention to Jing Shuang according to the plan.

"Jing Shuang?" Yuan Chen said: "He came to deliver breakfast, I know."

Ming Shu shook his head: "No, he..."

Halfway through his speech, his expression changed, as if he was very afraid of Jing Shuang.

"It seems like," Mingshu's eyes showed panic and bewilderment, "it's very wrong."

Without relying on silver products, the disguise of a werewolf is extremely difficult to see through, let alone revealing his real body in front of ordinary people easily, Mingshu can't Tell Yuan Chen Jingshuang directly that he is a wolf, otherwise he will be suspected.

He can only say some ambiguous information, leading Yuan Chen to guess in this regard.

Yuan Chen frowned: "What's going on?"

"He came here a few days ago, it was very strange," Ming Shu said with uneasy eyes, "He was speaking in the middle, and suddenly another voice appeared, I asked him, and he said that I heard wrong, and..." He raised his

head On the left hand, the cuff slipped down, revealing a two-finger-wide wound on the wrist.

The wound was cut by Jing Shuang with a knife last time when he wanted to drink blood. Ming Shu said half-truth: "I accidentally hurt my hand, he kept staring at it, and even took away the handkerchief I wiped off the blood. It's gone."

Recalling the first time Jing Shuang took off her disguise in front of him and turned into a werewolf, biting his wrist and licking the blood, Ming Shu was really a little scared.

He leaned against Yuan Chen's arms, with a helpless look on his face: "He came again this morning, went into the house and looked around, and threatened me not to tell you."

Ming Shu didn't take the initiative to bring up the toxins, and wanted to wait for Yuan Chen to ask. , and then pretended not to know.

As high as 85 favorability, it must start to work, as long as Yuan Chen gives him a chance to explain, and delay a little longer.

However, Yuan Chen didn't say a word, and seemed to be thinking about the authenticity of these words.

One is an unidentified foreigner who has been in the village for less than half a month, and the other is an aborigine in the village, Yuan Chen's cousin, a boy who is only fifteen years old.

Any other person in the village would have hesitated a little when they heard Ming Shu's complaint against Jing Shuang.

Yuan Chen didn't speak, Ming Shu panicked.

He pursed his lips lightly and lowered his eyelashes: "I'm scared if you're not here."

This sentence is true. When Jing Shuang grabbed his neck and threatened him, the first face that popped up in his mind was Yuan Chen.

Even if Yuan Chen's attitude may be completely different after learning of his identity, he is the only one who treats Ming Shu best at the moment.

Maybe there are some loopholes in Ming Shu's words, and he doesn't know the truth or falsehood, but the grievances and fears he expressed at this time are real.

Yuan Chen seemed to sigh, couldn't help but hug Ming Shu tightly, and kissed his hair: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

While slowly stroking Mingshu's back, he calmed down his emotions.

Ming Shu quietly breathed a sigh of relief, this must be believed, right?

After a while, he heard Yuan Chen say: "I will pay more attention to Jing Shuang's side, and I won't let him come here again in the future."

Ming Shu agreed, and finally felt relieved.

At least Yuan Chen will be vigilant, maybe he will find that the toxins are all in Jing Shuang's place.

And he did this without triggering new plots or tasks, everything should be in the development of the story.

Yuan Chen came back early and didn't bring lunch from outside. Considering Ming Shu's emotional instability, he didn't go out again and cooked another pot of porridge.

Ming Shu didn't dislike it either, and drank two whole bowls.

After lunch, Yuan Chen slept with him for a while.

With Yuan Chen around, Ming Shu relaxed physically and mentally, leaning against his arms and closing his eyes.

After some time, Ming Shu heard Yuan Chen's voice.

He replied in a daze, and opened his sleepy eyes: "Are you leaving?" "

Well," Yuan Chen stroked Ming Shu's hair, and kissed him on the forehead, "I'll be back soon, Don't worry."

He got up and helped Mingshu cover the quilt, put on his coat and went out.

The door opened and closed again, and then Ming Shu heard the sound of a lock being locked outside the door.

Ming Shu reacted slowly, lifted the quilt and got out of bed: "Yuan Chen?"

No one responded, Yuan Chen had already left.

Ming Shu stepped forward and tried to push the door, but the door was locked from the outside.

He couldn't believe it, and went to the window again, but the window couldn't be opened.

The inside of the window was obviously not locked, but it was also sealed from the outside.

Ming Shu looked around the room blankly, Yuan Chen... locked him in the room?

But why did he do prevent other people from coming in, such as Jing Shuang?

Still guard against Mingshu and not let him go out.

Ming Shu was a little flustered. He searched the house for tools and broke the window, but found nothing. The pair of scissors that were originally in the drawer also disappeared.

He tried to beat on the door and window again, asking for help outside, but no one heard his voice at all.

In the end, Ming Shu sat by the bed, trying to think what went wrong, why Yuan Chen locked him up before leaving, and didn't tell him.

Ming Shu originally planned to find an opportunity to leave the village in the afternoon, and one day later, it would be the night of the full moon.

While he was worried, he comforted himself that Yuan Chen would come back at night, so he would just ask him when the time comes.

After an unknown amount of time, faint footsteps sounded outside the house, stopping at the window.

"Ming Shu?"

It was Jing Chu's voice, and he knocked on the window: "Are you in?"

Ming Shu immediately responded, "I am."

"Is it Jing Chu?" He came to the window, anxiously He asked urgently: "Do you know where Yuan Chen went..."

Jing Chu was silent for a moment, his tone was unexpectedly unclear: "Is he locking you up?"

Ming Shu had a bad premonition in his heart, and he asked again "Did something happen outside?"

Jing Chu didn't answer, Ming Shu couldn't figure out the purpose of his coming here, and tried to ask him for help: "I can't get out...can you open the door, or the window?"

" Yes."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of the lock being gently flipped outside the window, before Ming Shu had time to react, he heard Jing Chu's voice again.

"However..." Jing Chu said slowly, "Although I want to take you away more, it's better to let you stay inside before the full moon." With a backhand,

he snapped the lock back.

The author has something to say:

Huh, idiot Shu Shu

, the night of the full moon is coming soon, entering v should be coming soon qaq, I want some nutrient solution to water qaq

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