Chapter 48: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (11)

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Although mermaids are marine creatures with indifferent emotions, they are very sensitive in terms of lust. Their nature makes them not know how to suppress, and they can be easily provoked into estrus.

At this time, the mermaid will become anxious and start looking for a suitable target. In the early stage, it will rely on the smell to confirm whether the body is willing to accept it, and then choose the one it likes the most. After the courtship is successful, it will spend the estrus period with the other party.

Mingshu's estrus is because of Xiuqi, he can also choose not to choose Xiuqi, but to find other mermaids instead.

But this is the Sea Snake Clan. Due to Ming Shu's identity, other Sea Snakes will not have too much contact with him.

Apart from Xiu Qi, he had no other choice.

This was also one of the reasons why Heihu was punished, he shouldn't have accepted what Mingshu gave him.

The object of Mingshu's reaction can only be Xiuqi.

Ming Shu is still very young, he doesn't even seem to know what happened to him, maybe he really just came of age, and he didn't cheat the previous time.

Xiuju stood up holding Mingshu in his arms, and walked towards the bedroom.

Mingshu's mind went blank, trying to struggle: "No... no, I didn't..."

What kind of estrus... He obviously only felt uncomfortable because of lack of water...

He thought that Xiu Qi might have found another mermaid As a result, the latter sentence caught him off guard.

But if Xiuwen didn't know that he was a mermaid, and thought that his symptoms of lack of water represented the estrous period of the sea snakes as adults, then if he denied it, would it arouse Xiujin's suspicion... Mingshu was very flustered, he didn't

know Is there really such a period of time after the Sea Snake Clan becomes an adult, and he is not a real mermaid.

As soon as he entered the dungeon, he came to the territory of the Sea Snake Clan. He knew very little about the Mermaid Clan, and even had to rely on the system to change forms.

In addition, in the past two days, he really felt that his physical condition was getting weirder and weirder. Could it be true what Xiu Yun said...

Unable to break free from Xiuji's embrace, Mingshu turned on the system to send a message to Xia Zhu.

[Private Chat] Ming Shu: Will sea snakes have estrus when they become adults? Where is the mermaid?

As soon as he was sent out, Xiu Qi threw him into the bed.

Ming Shu retreated into the corner, pulled the quilt to wrap herself, with a panicked expression.

Xiu Qi stood by the bed, his tall figure cast a shadow, he took off his coat and threw it on the ground, leaned over and groped for Ming Shu's ankle through the quilt, and dragged him to the bed.

Ming Shu pushed Xiuju hard: "Wait, wait..."

He lost all confidence in his words, and Xiuju wanted to touch him the day after he saw him, and now that he was confirmed to be an adult, he would not give up easily.

Xiu Kun didn't move at all, pressed down on Ming Shu and kissed, and tore off his clothes.

Ming Shu was anxious and frightened, tears rolling down uncontrollably.

Seeing that he was crying, Xiu Jin slowed down his movements, and comforted him: "What are you afraid of?"

Ming Shu was very wronged, and didn't care if Xiu Jin would get angry, so he turned his head: "I don't want to."

Even in the last dungeon, he He also used minor lies to deceive Yuan Chen. He didn't know how Yuan Chen saw through in the end, but he was not forced at that time.

Clothes were scattered, Xiuju hugged Mingshu and sat on the edge of the bed, kissed his collarbone: "You are mine."

Who let Mingshu enter his territory and live in his side hall.

Xiuwen's tone didn't seem to show any sign of anger, Ming Shu became more courageous, and pushed his face away: "Yesterday... those beauties yesterday belonged to you, the leader." The implication is that he can also find other people

. Sea snakes, they must be willing.

Little did they know that Ming Shu's words sounded a bit like jealousy.

Mermaids are indeed possessive creatures, but only during the estrus period.

Xiu Qi said patiently, "You're in heat."

Naturally, he would not allow the sea snake or mermaid that Ming Shu went to find, dragging it on would only make him more uncomfortable.

Ming Shu said stiffly: "I don't think I have..."

Xiu Qi stopped speaking, and gently rubbed the back of Ming Shu's neck to make him relax.

He knows that Mingshu likes the breath on his body, this is the procedure for him to choose a spouse, but there will only be one candidate for Xiuju.

This breath will also relieve Mingshu's anxiety and fear, he must still be a little mermaid who has just grown up, and he has never experienced this kind of feeling.

Xiujin's movements suddenly became gentle, he kept kissing Mingshu's cheek and the tip of his nose, and caressing his back.

When he was no longer stubborn, Ming Shu couldn't stand it any longer. He suffered for a whole day, and both inside and outside of his body seemed to be longing for Xiu Qi's closeness and touch.

The only remaining clothes were thrown aside, but Xiu Qi was still dressed neatly, Ming Shu leaned in his arms, his expression gradually lost and in a trance.

His face was hot, and he couldn't avoid Xiuji's hand. He heard Xiuji ask in his ear: "Do you like to use human form?"

Mingshu's brain was dull: "...what?"

A new notification sound woke Mingshu up, He turned on the system and saw that Xia Zhu had sent several messages.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I don't know, what's wrong?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I'll go and ask for you

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Sea snakes do have an estrus period when they become adults

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I don't know about mermaids, but I've never heard of anyone who has this This symptom, we are players, so it should be different from npc, right?

[Private Chat] Xia Zhu: Did something happen?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I asked again carefully, the sea snake's estrus period is in spring, it's still early, don't worry, Ming Shu froze for a moment, finally woke up, pushed Xiu Qi away, hugged the quilt and

shrank to the corner.

He was very obedient just now, Xiu Qi was unprepared and let him escape just like that.

Xiu Qi's arms were empty, and his patience was about to run out: "What's the matter?"

Tears welled up in Ming Shu's eyes again, he didn't know whether it was fear or grievance: "You lied to me..."

The sea snake would never enter at this time. The estrus period is not like what Xiu Yun said at all...

He just couldn't help it, so he just found an excuse to deceive himself.

If it wasn't for Xia Zhu's help, he might still be kept in the dark.

Xiuwen remained silent, and wanted to repeat the old trick to catch Mingshu.

This time Mingshu resisted fiercely, rolled under the bed wrapped in the quilt, and in a panic, he grabbed something on the bedside table and threw it at Xiuqi.

Xiu Qi dodges easily, watching Ming Shu panic and flee towards the door.

He was wrapped in a quilt and had trouble moving. Before he could touch the door, a thick black snake tail wrapped around his waist and rolled him back.

Mingshu returned to the familiar embrace, Xiuhun suppressed the anger in his eyes: "I didn't lie to you."

He really didn't even know his physical condition? Is he really a mermaid?

Ming Shu couldn't listen to a word, seeing that Xiuju was angry, most of his face was retracted into the quilt: "You are like this again..." The

snake's tail was still wrapped around him, Xiuju knew that he was afraid and that he couldn't escape.

The more Ming Shu thought about it, the more wronged she became. She remembered that when he was always cold and forced him, when they met for the first time, she even wiped his hand with a handkerchief.

Xiu Kun didn't really like him at all, it was just a novelty for a while, to satisfy his selfish desires.

Ming Shu was in a sensitive period. He was not feeling well in the past two days. He was worried that he would be found out and tried his best to endure it. After finally seeing Xiu Qi, he even used this to lie to himself.

If Xiu Qi knew that he was a mermaid who had sneaked in, he would probably kill him mercilessly.

The tail of the snake moved slowly, loosened the force that restrained Mingshu, and Xiuwen reached out to wipe away the tears on Mingshu's face.

Ming Shu turned his face aside: "You should just kill me."

Xiu Yun said coldly, "If I wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago."

Ming Shu couldn't hear what he said Meaning: "Anyway... Anyway, I'm not in heat, so don't try to lie to me."

Xiuyun almost laughed angrily, but seeing Mingshu's aggrieved appearance, he felt soft-hearted again, mixed with complicated emotions, he leaned closer and wanted to kiss He continued to comfort him with the method just now.

Ming Shu refused and avoided his touch.

Xiu Kun pinched his chin, and there was a faint hint of danger in his words: "What are you throwing your temper at?"

He thought he had made it obvious enough, Ming Shu should know that he had already been exposed, and he had to be more obedient in front of him is.

Ming Shu was forced to raise his face, his thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and after a while he whispered: "You are so fierce every time... I'm afraid." In the end

, he also lied to Xiu Qi, and he was still thinking about it. How to get his venom and sneak back to the merfolk.

He only wanted to regard Xiu Yun as an npc, but there are differences between npcs, especially when compared with Yuan Chen, so Mingshu felt wronged.

In other respects, in order to complete the task, he can follow along to complete the practice. If there is any more intimate contact, he still can't pass the test in his heart.

And in the last dungeon, he didn't really do anything with Yuan Chen before he cleared the level, it was an accident that the system failed later.

If...if he still has to force him after he has finished repairing, then he can't do it too badly.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Ming Shu also calmed down. In fact, he should have expected this day when he first lied to Xiu Qi when he was underage.

Xiu Qi was expressionless: "What's wrong?"

He really didn't think about this issue. As the leader of the Sea Snake Clan, he thought he was extremely tolerant towards Ming Shu, and he didn't even care about his identity.

"You don't like me at all," Mingshu summoned up his courage, and looked at Xiuyun, "you don't treat me well at all."

Xiuyun said again: "I treat you badly?"

Mingshu followed his words and continued : "Isn't it? I gave you my favorite red coral, and you gave me nothing..."

Xiu Qi frowned, because of this?

He hugged Mingshu tightly and stroked his silver hair: "Whatever you want, just tell me."

Whether it's food, clothing or things, as long as Mingshu proposes it, he will not refuse.

What Ming Shu wanted was his words, and he said cautiously: "I want...your venom."

He was not sure whether venom was a precious thing for sea snakes, and Xiu Qi might also doubt the purpose of the venom he asked for. .

Xiu Qi said without hesitation: "Okay."

Ming Shu was stunned for a moment before realizing that he agreed.

His dumbfounded appearance was noticed by Xiuju, who kissed him on the lips, and Mingshu didn't resist this time.

However, Xiu Qi didn't make any more moves, he put Ming Shu back on the bed: "Go to sleep, I'll come see you tomorrow." He

was about to leave, Ming Shu didn't understand what he was thinking, and silently clutched the sheets tightly.

Before leaving, Xiu Qi said again: "I have prepared something for you, and I intend to give it to you." The

water tank is almost ready, Ming Shu will definitely like it when he sees it, and he doesn't have to curl up in the narrow room anymore Soak water in the algae tank.

He can turn back into a mermaid in the water, and use his original form to spend the estrus period, so he should be more comfortable.

Xiuwen leaned over and kissed Mingshu's forehead, and said in a low voice, "Be patient."

Ming Shu resisted him so much, saying that he was not angry would be a lie, in this case, he had to endure a little punishment.

When he gets more uncomfortable, he will realize whether he is in heat or not.

He will take the initiative to push away the scales, begging him to go in.

Xiuqi got up and left, leaving Mingshu lying on the bed alone, the algae lamp slowly extinguished.

Ming Shu couldn't figure it out, he was ready, as long as Xiu Qi was willing to give him the venom, then he could sacrifice for it once.

He promised to come down, but left again, without saying what exactly he planned to give him.

Ming Shu turned over and sat up, looking at the empty room with a confused face.

But since he agreed,

he probably won't regret it... He didn't feel sleepy at all, sat quietly for a while, got out of bed, picked up the clothes on the floor, put them on, and quietly went to the bathroom.


next day, Ming Shu woke up from the water.

This was the best sleep he had had in two days, and the soaking in the sea made him feel comfortable and relaxed.

It was still early, and Mingshu came out of the water and leaned against the edge of the algae tank. The fish's tail was submerged in the water, and only a small silver tail fin was exposed.

His fishtail, like his hair, is pure silvery white, and when it is illuminated by light, it will reflect colorful colors, making it very beautiful to look at.

Mingshu stared at his own tail, and somehow thought of Xiuju last night.

His dark, rough-scaled snake tail curled around his body, looking both terrifying and ugly.

Thinking of this, Ming Shu actually felt a little hot on his face.

He hurriedly dived into the water, letting the cold current cover him, trying to get rid of the image in his mind.

It must be that Xiujin's words last night misled him, otherwise why would he suddenly start caring about Xiujin's tail...

Ming Shu lay at the bottom of the water for a long time before he came out. The attendant who brought the breakfast was already waiting in the front hall.

After washing up and having breakfast, he lay on the table sleepily, not wanting to move.

He wanted to visit Pearl, and also wanted to find Xiuqi, to confirm whether he really wanted to give him the venom.

If so, he would have to start thinking about how to escape from here.

You shouldn't be too angry with the attitude of Xiuqi before leaving last night, right? And he had lied to himself...he wasn't in heat at all.

Mingshu drank half a pot of water from a special cup, wiped his neck and arms with a wet towel, and was ready to go out.

As soon as he walked out of the front hall, he saw a slightly familiar face appearing at the gate of the courtyard.

Ming Shu remembered this face, he had seen it once when he was looking for Xiu Qi, it was one of the beauties sent from another city.

This sea snake is a male, in his early twenties, with clean and delicate facial features, and silver-gray hair.

Ming Shu didn't pay attention that day, but now seeing the hair color of this sea snake, he felt vigilant.

This kind of hair color is mostly only found in light-colored mermaids. Many players have entered the dungeon for a long time. Other than him, others can find a way to get in.

After all, higher quality sea snake venom can only be obtained in the central city.

Mingshu stopped in his tracks: "Who are you?"

"My name is Luo Yunfu," the man walked into the courtyard, showing a friendly smile, "We met once the day before yesterday."

Mingshu pretended not to remember: "Yes Do you have something to do with me?"

Luo Yunfu was vaguely aware of Ming Shu's defense, and carefully probed: "I have no malicious intentions, but I just saw the same light-colored sea snake here, and I feel very close." Seeing that

Ming Shu didn't respond, he Then he pointed in a direction and asked, "Are you from...there too?"

Ming Shu was basically sure that the person in front of him was also a player.

He wasn't quite sure if the other party was friendly, and remained silent as he walked down the steps.

Luo Yunfu smiled at him: "Your name is Mingshu, isn't it?"

Xiuwen ran to Mingshu every day, his name was no secret.

Ming Shu nodded hesitantly, and wanted to ask Xia Zhu if he knew this person first.

His hair color is too obvious, it cannot be hidden in the sea snake clan, Luo Yunfu must have guessed that he is a player.

There are not many players in Central City. They can help each other or compete with each other. Luo Yunfu pretends to be the same identity as him, and most of the targets are also the leader of the sea snake.

Ming Shu sent a message to Xia Zhu, and decided to keep a distance from this person first: "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Luo Yunfu didn't want him to leave so quickly, grabbed Ming Shu's arm and said eagerly: "Actually, I'm here to find You, I want to ask you for help with something."

He lowered his voice: "You have been with the leader for so long, you should know what he likes?"

Ming Shu frowned slightly, and broke away from his hand: "I don't know what you are talking about What."

He turned his head and left without giving Luo Yunfu any chance to speak.

After he left, the smile on Luo Yunfu's face disappeared, and he turned on the system to send a message to a person in the friend list.

Since the first announcement of obtaining sea snake venom appeared, many more have appeared one after another. Among them, there are many low-quality ones, a few medium-quality ones, and none high-quality ones.

The venom of the sea snake leader is of the highest quality, and the system did not issue an announcement, which proves that Ming Shu did not get it either.

Luo Yunfu originally wanted to cooperate with Mingshu. To win the favor of the leader of the sea snake, Mingshu must have completed the strategy mission, but he didn't cooperate at all.

Soon the private chat message came back and asked him what he planned to do.

[Private Chat] Luo Yunfu: What can I do, the leader only has one copy of the venom, I want it too

With Mingshu as an obstacle, he would definitely not be able to gain the favorability of the leader of the sea snake, so he had to find a way to get him away first.

If the leader of the sea snake finds out that Mingshu is a mermaid, the favorability and alignment will be reset to zero, right?

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