Chapter 95: Dragons and Elves (25)

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This piece of paper was secretly torn off by Mingshu yesterday and hidden in the corner of the study. It contains the incantation of the transformation curse.

The transformation curse will turn the target creature into an ugly monster that has lost its mind. The elves in the original plot wanted to use it on the Fifth Prince to make the contract between them seem empty.

But the effect of this spell was extraordinary, and the elf was hesitant and did not use it immediately, so Mingshu's current main task was just to learn this spell.

Si Ning is the one with the strongest blood and magic power among the dragon clan. His brothers who are older than him don't dare to mess with him, so how could they not notice Ming Shu's little moves.

Moreover, he already knew about the book and had tested Mingshu's attitude, so it was impossible for him to stay alone with the book without taking any precautions.

"I don't want to use it on anyone," Mingshu looked innocent, "I don't even know the words on it."

In fact, he was not 100% sure that the spell on the paper was the transformation curse. Mist Rat helped him find it, maybe It just feels fun to flip through casually.

But this way, Ming Shu seemed to be even more confused about why he hid this piece of paper alone since he couldn't read.

To be honest, it's impossible. Si Ning has no memory of the past, and he can't understand any plot or mission.

"You don't know what's written on it?"

Si Ning didn't know whether to believe it or not. He raised his left hand slightly, and the previously broken pieces of paper floated, slowly pieced together in mid-air and restored to their original appearance.

"I'm telling you," he said as if muttering to himself while still holding Ming Shu tightly: "The spell on this is called the Curse of Transformation. It can deprive any race of intelligence and turn it into a monster that can be slaughtered by others. . "

It is indeed a transformation curse.

Mingshu noticed that something was wrong with Si Ning's mood at the moment. He was suppressing something, and his eyes were covered by the coldness in his eyes.

"Sounds dangerous..." Mingshu said cautiously, "I will never touch that book again."

However, he could not give a valid reason for hiding the page, and any explanation would be futile.

The recovered paper was still floating in the air. Si Ning pinched Mingshu's chin with one hand, not too lightly but not too hard, and asked again: "Who do you want to use it on?"

Mingshu was sure, and Si Ning was really angry.

He took the initiative to loosen the quilt on his body and put his arms around Si Ning: "Your Highness, I'm sorry, I was wrong..." His

fair shoulders were exposed to the air. Si Ning paused and kissed Ming Shu hard on the lips. Then he threw the fog rat into the den and locked it up to prevent it from seeing Mingshu's body.

"What's wrong?" Si Ning's patience was about to run out. He sighed and stared at Mingshu's face. "Do you regret it?"

Mingshu hesitated: "What... regret it?"

Si Ning said word by word. : "I regret forming a contract with me."

Ming Shu's breath froze, and his thick eyelashes trembled: "No..."

There is a note about the transformation curse in the book, which mentions the ability to restrict the contract. Si Ning is likely to I thought of this.

Of course Mingshu had no regrets, but the role he played was an elf who wanted to get rid of his fate in the original plot, so the purpose of his actions was exactly the same as what Si Ning had guessed.

How should he explain... Mingshu kissed the corner of Si Ning's lips like a flatterer. He was hiding the spell, but he looked a little aggrieved: "I like your highness, and I don't regret the contract." This method seemed to work, and

Si Ning responded. His brows and eyes softened as he kissed her, and his hands reached into the quilt to caress her.

They had just been intimate last night, and some of the marks on Mingshu's body had not disappeared. Si Ning's movements became more and more bold, lowering his head and gently biting the red mark on the white neck.

Ming Shu's cheeks were hot, and he let the quilt be pulled away, shrinking into Si Ning's arms: "I have turned myself into a human being."

His eyes were flushed, and he said vaguely: "Your Highness was so fierce last night..."

Ming Shu said Shu almost worried that his human body wouldn't be able to bear it, but luckily there was a spell that could replenish his energy so he wouldn't faint.

"Yeah," Si Ning responded and whispered: "You are very good... you deliberately hooked me, right?"

Even now, Mingshu couldn't explain it, so she said she liked him and took the initiative to kiss him.

He just did this and couldn't bear to get really angry with him.

Mingshu was held in his arms and whispered: "I didn't mean it..."

This copy should be the same as before. The favorability will not drop, right? Mingshu opened the system panel and glanced at it, only to find that the progress bar without description was increasing at a constant speed.

The value was about two or three points each time, and it stopped after adding about 50 points.

Feeling anxious, he raised his head and quietly looked at the expression on Si Ning's face.

Si Ning still looked as cold as before, with a dark light in his eyes, and he came over to kiss him.

The transformation spell only lasts for three days, so you have to make good use of it. Si Ning took off his robe, grabbed Mingshu's wrist and threw him into the bed.

Not long after Mingshu woke up, he was fed again in disguise, leaving obvious fingerprints between his wrists pressed above his head.

After finishing one round, Si Ning hugged him and brushed the hair from his face: "Am I not good to you?"

He was prepared to never accept the guardian elf, but in the end he brought Mingshu back. , relying on him for everything and pampering him.

Mingshu took a small breath and hung on Si Ning like a baby: "Okay..."

Si Ning felt as soft as a ball of cotton, and wanted to bully him even more to relieve the dull depression.

He breathed heavily and suddenly asked: "Where did you learn about the dragon curse?"

Ming Shu was still in the lingering mood, looking at him blankly.


"You've been with me all this time. Where did you hear that?" A gloomy look appeared on Si Ning's expression. "Is it Si Yin? Did he tell you?" Ming Shu had come into contact with very few people, except those in the palace

. The only attendant is Si Yin.

Seeing that Mingshu didn't speak for a long time, his eyes became more and more dull and unbelievable. Si Ning thought he was afraid, so he pinched the back of his neck and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, I won't be angry."

"You..." Mingshu's brain It was running slowly, and it was difficult to say: "How do you know that I learned about the curse of the dragon clan?"

The elf of His Highness the Fifth Prince accidentally heard the conversation of other dragon clans, and found that the destination of all the guardian elves was to die for the dragon clan to bear the curse.

This was part of the original plot, but in fact this section was only briefly mentioned in the plot prompts. This incident did not actually happen, and no corresponding tasks were issued to Mingshu, so Si Ning should not know about it.

The plot has shifted again, or...there are other special reasons.

Mingshu suddenly realized that not long ago, Si Ning asked him if he regretted the contract. Maybe it was not a misunderstanding, but something he had discovered from the beginning.

[A new plot update has been detected. Do you want to check it now? 】

Si Ning lowered his eyes: "So, you secretly hid the page with the transformation curse written on it, and you wanted to use it on me?"

"No..." Mingshu shook his head subconsciously, but his expression could not hide the shock and panic.

He seemed to have been completely seen through by Si Ning, and he guessed every point accurately, but as Si Ning said, Mingshu stayed by his side all the time. The early task was just to increase Si Ning's favorability and popularity. It was impossible to expose him so much. many.

An incredible idea began to appear in Mingshu's mind.

Does Si Ning also know the original plot? But he didn't seem to have recovered his memory.

During this interval, Mingshu opened the system panel and took a quick glance.

[Plot update]:

[The elf could not make up his mind to use the spell on His Majesty the Fifth Prince. He hesitated for several days, but he had to make a decision as soon as possible. Otherwise, if it took too long, the human wizard might find that his spell book was lost. . The elf has been running outside recently, often not staying with His Highness the Fifth, and His Highness has never said a word to him. The elf knew in his heart that His Highness the Fifth Prince treated him very well. He wanted to terminate the contract, but he never thought of turning His Highness the Fifth Prince into a monster. 】

【The elf was hesitant and confused. The final trigger was the next day. The elf happened to meet His Highness the Fourth in the garden. The Fourth Highness seemed to have accidentally revealed that His Highness the Fifth had gone to the Sea of ​​Flowers a few days ago and asked the elf if he knew. . The sea of ​​flowers is the place where all elves are born, and the dragon clan generally won't disturb it unless they plan to select guardian elves for the newborns or the dragon clan whose elf died unexpectedly. The elf wondered whether the Fifth Prince also knew that his curse was coming and that the elf would die for him, so he began to prepare in advance to find a new guardian elf. And as an elf who had protected His Highness the Fifth Prince throughout his childhood, he didn't even deserve to be told. 】

【The Fourth Highness is the youngest one besides the Fifth Highness. He is simpler, more lively and friendly than the Fifth Highness. The elf does not doubt what he said at all. Under the deliberate guidance of His Royal Highness, the elf felt angry and resentful, and once again took out the stolen black magic spell book. He had memorized the incantation very skillfully and was fully prepared. He took advantage of the night when he and His Highness the Fifth Prince were saying good night to each other to recite the incantation. ]

[But perhaps because it was the first time for the elf to do such a thing, nervousness and the last trace of hesitation prevented him from casting the spell, and was interrupted by His Highness the Fifth. ]

[The spell failed. The elf panicked and wanted to escape. He wanted to leave the palace and go back to the sea of ​​flowers to hide. However, he was caught by the human wizard and several other highnesses who were squatting outside the palace. The human wizard was holding the lost book in his hand. ]

[The elf thought it was revealed that he had stolen the book, but the human wizard cursed him as a useless waste. ]

[Afterwards, the elves learned the truth from the mouths of human wizards and other highnesses. It turns out that the curse of the dragon clan is false. The reason why the dragon clan needs to protect the elves is that they will suffer unbearable physical pain every once in a while after adulthood. The elves can share most of it for them, but they will not die from it. ]

[It was several highnesses who saw through the elf and knew that he hated the fifth highness and wanted to take advantage of him. They deliberately let the elf hear the private conversation between the two dragons and learn about the existence of the "curse". Then he would go to the library to find forged evidence, steal the black magic spell from the human wizard, and find the transformation curse according to the annotations. ]

[Every step is the plan of several other highnesses. The fundamental reason is that they are jealous that the fifth highness has the bloodline of the abyss dragon. They are jealous that he is the youngest but the one most likely to become the king of the dragon clan, but the bloodline The suppression prevented them from taking action against the Fifth Prince in person, so they teamed up with human wizards to deceive the elves. 】

【Everything went smoothly at first, except that the Fifth Highness indulged the elf too much. He was not angry even after knowing that he sneaked into the library and ran to the human wizard every day. He never punished him, and the elf did not become more resentful towards the Fifth Highness. In the end, the Fourth Highness's encouragement made the elf make up his mind, but he messed up in the last step. ]

[The elf who finally discovered the truth was very regretful, but unfortunately it was too late, the plan failed, and it was impossible for the other highnesses to let him live to see the fifth highness. ]

[Ding dong - main quest released]

[Task 4: Use [Transformation Curse] on the Fifth Highness and end in failure]

There is a lot of plot content in this update. Mingshu was silent for a long time, Si Ning kept holding him, and then Afraid that he would be cold, she pulled the quilt over him.

"Are you wondering how I found out?" Si Ning kissed the tip of Mingshu's nose and stroked his silver hair, "A long time ago, I had a dream." Or maybe it

wasn't called a dream, but a dream. A consciousness he has had since birth.

Because of this awareness, he didn't like all elves when he was a child. He would cry whenever he saw elves and was completely unable to make a contract. Later, as he grew up, he became more wary of everything around him.

He knew that his brothers were all just pretending, and that his guardian elf would hate him and be used to harm him.

Si Ning slowly described the dream to Ming Shu, not missing every detail.

The more Mingshu listened, the more unbelievable it became. What Si Ning dreamed was exactly the same as the plot in his system.

There are even more details. For example, in the original plot, the Fifth Prince was very slow in practicing spells because the things Si Lian sent contained chronic poison, which eroded part of his spiritual intelligence.

The notes about the transformation curse in the book are forged and cannot restrict the contract that has taken effect at all.

Combined with the latest plot, Mingshu finally straightened everything out.

No wonder the actual development has deviated so much, because Si Ning has always known.

He did not choose a guardian elf, did not associate with his brothers, and the mentor he chose was Guillen, which was inconsistent with the young human wizard in the plot.

However, what he "dreamed" still happened, and he couldn't help but take Mingshu back and form a contract with him.

Guillén was unable to come back due to an accident, and his student Qingji appeared with the black magic spell book.

In order to find a way to turn Mingshu into a normal size, Si Ning snatched the spell book from Qingji without destroying it immediately.

The ending of the dream is that the guardian elf used a spell on the Fifth Prince, and then it ended abruptly. There was no content about failure or the elf being caught.

"What went wrong?" Si Ning murmured, pinching Mingshu's chin to make him look at him: "Am I not good enough to you?" From

his perspective, Mingshu still believed the curse and said Hiding the spell quietly and not telling the truth to him.

Si Ning's expression remained as usual, and his cold breath fell into Ming Shu's ear.

He seemed to be telling someone else's story, but the veins on the back of his hands betrayed his emotions.

Ming Shu didn't panic when he was exposed. He blinked and hugged Si Ning's arm: "Then...then you still wanted to bring me back?"

Si Ning also knew how the plot was going, and he shouldn't have accepted anything. Elf's, so that we can more securely guarantee that nothing will happen.

In this way, Mingshu's first mission here would not be completed, but he just completed it.

The same goes for side missions. Logically speaking, Si Ning should be on guard against him. Under the premise that he knew that the elves around him would probably harm him in the future, his favorability and popularity points were able to increase smoothly.

Mingshu was not sure whether Si Ning's "dream" was part of the system's settings. He only knew that it would definitely hinder the mission and increase the difficulty out of thin air.

Si Ning said nothing and stared at Ming Shu quietly.

Mingshu couldn't explain more, so he could only hug him and confess: "Anyway... I like your highness anyway, and I have no regrets about the contract."

He kissed the side of Si Ning's face: "I know that your highness is the best to me. Don't be angry..."

Ming Shu also knew that Si Ning would not do anything to him, otherwise he would not tell his dream at this time.

The two hugged each other, and Si Ning quickly reacted.

Mingshu nuzzled him gently and said with a blush, "Your Highness also likes me."

But just because he liked her, Si Ning felt depressed in his heart.

He pinched Mingshu's waist to prevent him from moving, and his tone was filled with a hint of gloom: "If I find out that you are lying to me..."

Mingshu felt guilty. He still had two tasks to complete. Look at the plot content, It's probably not over yet, there will be new developments ahead.

Now that it's all said and done, what does Si Ning know, and he will definitely not allow him to learn the transformation curse.

So how was he going to complete the main mission... and also make the spell "end in failure" in front of Si Ning.

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