Chapter 59: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (22)

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Mermaids are by no means dedicated creatures. They look for different mates every time they are in estrus. Some are particularly popular, and it is normal to have multiple mates at the same time.

Even if Ming Shu is not for the campaign, he can be with other mermaids at any time.

Especially now that he has a black tail and looks beautiful, he is the type that both men and women will like.

Of course, Xiyu is not qualified to stop Mingshu from doing anything, he can't even directly recommend himself to Mingshu as his partner, just because he is a silver tail with the lowest status.

But if Mingshu really seeks help from other unknown mermaids in order to complete the campaign, it will put him in danger.

So he was thinking about Mingshu. He could help Mingshu by himself, so he didn't have to think about it.

And when they met for the first time, it was Mingshu who gave him the blue juanhua, Xiyu thought it was to ask for a spouse, but after that, Mingshu didn't do anything like this again.

The later tasks will only be more difficult. Maybe Mingshu thinks he is not safe enough. After all, he is just a silver tail. The coral branch last time may be just luck.

Xiyu doesn't blame Mingshu for thinking this way, all the mermaids in the sea are like this, what he has to do is to prove himself.

Seeing Ming Shu's amber eyes open, with a surprised and confused expression on his face, Xi Yu smiled, bent down and kissed the back of Ming Shu's hand: "I will come here to wait for you in the afternoon, please trust me.

" ", when he brought the jumping fish needed for the mission, it would not be too late for Mingshu to honor it.

Xi Yu left after saying this, Ming Shu froze in place, and the pearls hidden in her hair came out quietly.

Ming Shu picked up the pearl, lowered his head and said to himself: "Did he find something?"

In fact, something was not right last time... No, it may have started since the first time I saw Xi Yu.

The Xiyu that Xia Zhu said was "cold and withdrawn" and rarely had contact with strangers, but Mingshu just said a few words to him, and his strategy mission was triggered.

When sending coral branches, Xiyu also had more than half of the initiative.

In addition to just now... all the calculations, they only met three times.

But if it is as Ming Shu guessed, Xiyu and Xiuqi are both related to Yuan Chen in the previous dungeon, and they may even be the same npc.

Thinking about it this way, it seems normal... because they all like themselves.

And in front of Yuan Chen and Xiu Qi, he has never been able to hide... no matter his identity or anything else.

Mingshu took the pearl to swim back, and decided to come over in the afternoon.

Not long after returning to the residence, Xia Zhu also came back, and Ming Shu asked him: "Can I still send something to the NPC when I haven't finished the strategy mission?"

He was still thinking about what happened last night, that piece of dry coral branch, He threw it casually, not in the options.

Items that are not in the options can also be sent successfully. Is this a system loophole or some other reason.

Xia Zhu scratched his head: "I don't know, no one seems to have tried it."

Every faction value is very precious, and it is very likely to send it wrong if you send it casually. It is the system's help to narrow the range.

Ming Shu hesitated, and briefly told Xia Zhu about last night's strategy mission.

Of course, he didn't say under what circumstances the task was triggered, he only focused on items that didn't appear in the options.

After Xia Zhu listened, he refreshed his understanding again: "So the same npc can trigger it a second time? Or is it because of the plot, so that we can earn more faction points to complete the task?" "And what dry coral branch did you say? ..." He turned his head to look at Mingshu with a subtle expression, "If I'm not wrong, it's because you are the one who sent the things, so you can succeed." He was right before, the

npcs here have too much freedom , players may have overlooked a key issue.

The item given to an npc depends not only on whether the npc likes it or not, but also on who is sending it.

"The relationship between you and the leader of the sea snake," Xia Zhu half-jokingly said, "Even if you give him a handful of rotten water plants, he will probably be very happy." Of course, ordinary people can't try this way, the risk is too

great , Xia Zhu is very self-aware, he has never done any of the strategy missions that Mingshu told him.

Ming Shu's ears turned red, and at the same time he thought of Xi Yu who asked him to meet in the afternoon.

If Xiyu's strategy mission can be triggered again... Could he use this method to confirm his conjecture.

After noon, Xia Zhu continued to wander outside, looking for NPCs who could increase her favorability, and inquired about the news by the way, and told Mingshu immediately if there was any abnormal movement.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Only half of the mermaids completed the first task, so it's not just the two of us who are players... Fortunately, the list of scores will not be announced

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I also brushed out the second npc Raiders task! The added points are more than last time! You can also try

[private chat] Xia Zhu: Jumping fish seems to be quite difficult to catch, I think many npcs have failed

[private chat] Xia Zhu: Everyone can't finish it, so I'm not afraid

Ming Shu comforts After saying a few words to him, he turned off the panel and put on the pearl, ready to find Xiyu.

Before setting off, he swam aside, hesitantly picked off a piece of green aquatic plants, folded it and put it in his pocket.

When he came to the reef where he had met Xi Yu before, Xi Yu hadn't come yet, Ming Shu hid behind the reef, looking around carefully.

He is actually very nervous, Xiuju is in the territory, he may arrange subordinates or personally guard him secretly because he is worried.

In this way, his secret meetings with other mermaids will be discovered.

Xiuwen will definitely be unhappy, if he can't hide the way he completed the campaign...Ming Shu dare not think of a worse result, he has to prepare in advance and find good excuses and reasons...

He also made up his mind to clear this dungeon, no matter what risks or obstacles he encountered.

Ming Shu was distracted when the pearl hidden at the back of his neck suddenly pulled his hair.

At the same time, the sound of the fish tail gently swaying sounded from behind.

Ming Shu turned around and saw Xi Yu swimming towards him, holding a small cage made of wire in his hand, inside which was a small red fish.

The little fish was swimming fast in the wire cage, bumping around, trying to escape from the cage, making a series of movements.

Xi Yu glanced at it lightly with downcast eyes, and the little fish flicked its tail, inexplicably calming down.

Mingshu looked at the fish in the cage: "You really caught it."

This kind of fish is quick and flexible, and if you don't pay attention when chasing, it will cause a vortex. Xia Zhu said that many NPCs who participated in the election could not catch it, but Xi Yu could only catch it. It took less than an afternoon.

Xi Yu approached Ming Shu and handed him the wire cage in his hand.

The progress was too smooth, Ming Shu struggled inwardly, "What about you?"

"I caught two," Xi Yu replied, "I've sent them to be scored, and this one is for you."

In order to complete the task, Ming Shu Shu still stretched out his hand slowly, and took over the wire cage.

He looked at Xi Yu and whispered, "Thank you."

Sure enough, he was the first to catch this fish, and sent it to Ming Shu immediately.

The time limit for this task is five days, at least during this time, Ming Shu doesn't have to ask other mermaids for help.

But since he accepts it...then he has to fulfill his promise and pay the "reward".

Xi Yu silently stopped in front of Ming Shu, his eyes fell on his face with unclear meaning.

Ming Shu was at a loss with the wire cage, he remembered what Xi Yu said before, and wanted to kiss him.

It sounds like some unscrupulous transaction...Ming Shu'ergen blushed quietly, but he had already got the fish, and he didn't want to return it.

Mingshu's hesitant and hesitant appearance fell into Xiyu's eyes, and he stepped forward to get closer, with the silvery white fish tail gently touching him.

"Don't you want to?" Xi Yu whispered, his tone very disappointed, "You hate me?"

He spoke with this face, Ming Shu shook his head subconsciously: "No..."

"Then give me a kiss." Xiyu lowered his voice, "Just for a moment, I will help you catch fish, there is only one request." He

lowered his posture, and said before, "You can't try this way for rewards, the risk is too great, Xia Zhu has a lot of money." Self-knowledge, he has never done any of the clearing missions that Ming Shu told him.

Ming Shu's ears turned red, and at the same time, he remembered Xiyu who asked him to meet in the afternoon.

If he could trigger Xiyu's clearing mission again... It's not that I can use this method to confirm my guess.

After noon, Xia Zhu continued to wander outside, looking for npcs who can increase her favorability, and by the way, inquiring about news, and telling Mingshu immediately if there is any abnormal movement.

【 Private chat] Xia Zhu: Only half of the mermaids completed the first task, so it's not just the two of us who are players... Fortunately, the score list will not be announced.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I also created the second npc strategy The task is over! The points added are more than last time! You can also try

[private chat] Xia Zhu: Jumping fish seems to be quite difficult to catch, I think many npcs have failed

[private chat] Xia Zhu: Everyone If you can't finish it, then I'm not afraid.

Mingshu comforted him, turned off the panel, put on the pearl, and was about to find Xiyu.

Before setting off, he swam aside, hesitantly picked off a piece of green water grass, folded it and put it away. Put it in his pocket.

When he came to the rock where he had met Xi Yu before, but Xi Yu hadn't come yet, Ming Shu hid behind the rock, looking around carefully.

He is actually very nervous, Xiuju is in the territory, he may arrange subordinates or personally guard him secretly because he is worried.

In this way, his secret meetings with other mermaids will be discovered.

Xiuwen will definitely be unhappy, if he can't hide the way he completed the campaign...Ming Shu dare not think about worse results, he has to prepare in advance and find good excuses and reasons...he

also I made up my mind to clear this dungeon, no matter what risks or obstacles I encountered.

Ming Shu was distracted when the pearl hidden at the back of his neck suddenly pulled his hair.

At the same time, the sound of the fish tail gently swaying sounded from behind.

Ming Shu turned around and saw Xi Yu swimming towards him, holding a small cage made of wire in his hand, inside which was a small red fish.

The little fish was swimming fast in the wire cage, bumping around, trying to escape from the cage, making a series of movements.

Xi Yu glanced at it lightly with downcast eyes, and the little fish flicked its tail, inexplicably calming down.

Mingshu looked at the fish in the cage: "You really caught it."

This kind of fish is quick and flexible, and if you don't pay attention when chasing, it will cause a vortex. Xia Zhu said that many NPCs who participated in the election could not catch it, but Xi Yu could only catch it. It took less than an afternoon.

Xi Yu approached Ming Shu and handed him the wire cage in his hand.

The progress was too smooth, Ming Shu struggled inwardly, "What about you?"

"I caught two," Xi Yu replied, "I've sent them to be scored, and this one is for you."

In order to complete the task, Ming Shu Shu still stretched out his hand slowly, and took over the wire cage.

He looked at Xi Yu and whispered, "Thank you."

Sure enough, he was the first to catch this fish, and sent it to Ming Shu immediately.

The time limit for this task is five days, at least during this time, Ming Shu doesn't have to ask other mermaids for help.

But since he accepts it...then he has to fulfill his promise and pay the "reward".

Xi Yu silently stopped in front of Ming Shu, his eyes fell on his face with unclear meaning.

Ming Shu was at a loss with the wire cage, he remembered what Xi Yu said before, and wanted to kiss him.

It sounds like some unscrupulous transaction...Ming Shu'ergen blushed quietly, but he had already got the fish, and he didn't want to return it.

Mingshu's hesitant and hesitant appearance fell into Xiyu's eyes, and he stepped forward to get closer, with the silvery white fish tail gently touching him.

"Don't you want to?" Xi Yu whispered, his tone very disappointed, "You hate me?"

He spoke with this face, Ming Shu shook his head subconsciously: "No..."

"Then give me a kiss." Xiyu lowered his voice, "Just for a moment, I will help you catch fish, there is only one request."

He lowered his posture, said "reward" before, and now said "request".

Ming Shu's heart beat faster, and she slowly mustered up her courage.

It's just a kiss... Xiyu has already helped him complete two tasks.

The only thing he was entangled with was that Xiu Qi was also here, whether he could do the calculations at the same time...

Ming Shu hurriedly threw away the thoughts in his mind, meditating that they were the same person, he wouldn't feel wrong. Xi Yu was still waiting patiently, Ming Shu held the handle of the wire cage in his hand, and couldn't help

asking: " you like me?"

Xiyu agreed to kiss him only when he said he liked it.

His appearance made Xi Yu's heart itch even more.

"Of course," Xi Yu coaxed, "I like you."

He held Ming Shu's hand, almost hugging him in his arms: "Can't you feel it? I like you."

Who else would do that Kindness, all it takes is a kiss, to get the job done for another competitor?

Although Xiyu only ran for the election because he was bored, Mingshu interested him more than being the successor.

Ming Shu's cheeks also turned red, and he was a little more certain when he got Xi Yu's affirmative answer.

He slowly approached, and kissed Xi Yu's lips, and the touch was far away.

This kiss was very light, so light that after Ming Shu backed away, Xi Yu began to regret, regretting not being able to ask for more, such as where to kiss and how long to kiss.

His Adam's apple slides slowly, suppresses the restless intention, takes Mingshu's hand, and kisses each of his white fingertips earnestly.

As a silver tail, Ming Shu doesn't take the initiative, the only thing he is allowed to touch is Ming Shu's hand, not even the scales of the tail.

Xiyu has no plans to expose Mingshu, so she still barely maintains the superficial disparity in status.

In fact, Mingshu's reaction and actions made Xiyu feel a little confused, he was so shy and innocent, completely opposite to what his lips and the marks on the side of his neck showed yesterday.

Could it be that he guessed wrong... It was really just left by accident for some other reasons, and he never went to find other mermaids.

Ming Shu blushed and waited for Xi Yu to finish kissing, then pulled back his hand behind his back, his eyes wandering: "Thank you..."

In short, everything went smoothly than he imagined, but there was only one fish, so he couldn't help Xia Zhu any more. up.

He doesn't seem to have much to lose, Xi Yu is much gentler than Jing Chu in the last dungeon who threatened him to give him a hug.

There are still several tasks to be done in the follow-up, Xi Yu accepts it this time, and takes half a step back: "You send the fish to score as soon as possible."

Ming Shu nodded obediently: "Yeah."

He wanted Xi Yu to say goodbye, and turned to go back , Pulled a few large aquatic plants on the side of the road to cover the wire cage, so as not to be stared at by anyone.

After swimming for a few steps, Ming Shu suddenly remembered something, turned around and turned back: "Wait..."

Xi Yu still stayed where he was, looking at Ming Shu who had swam back in a hurry: "What?"

Ming Shu reached into his pocket and took out a small piece of folded aquatic plants.

He handed the water plants to Xiyu, and racked his brains to make up a lie: "This... I picked it from where I live, and I think it looks very nice, so..." It's

actually just a piece of common water plants, which cannot be seen There's nothing special about it, and it's not pretty either.

But according to Xia Zhu's analysis, the relationship between Xiuwen and Mingshu is extraordinary, even if there is no reminder of the mission, no matter what he gives, the favorability will increase.

In the same way, so should Xiyu.

Ming Shu wanted to use this method to try again. If he really succeeded, he would be more sure of Xi Yu's identity.

But after all, he didn't get along with Xi Yu much, and he was afraid that he would not accept him, and he was also afraid that he would be displeased because of it, so his favorability would drop instead.

This matter is risky, if Xia Zhu knew, she would definitely persuade Mingshu to be more careful.

Xi Yu lowered her eyes and looked over, the originally ordinary water plant fell into Ming Shu's hands, as if it was really different from others.

Moreover, Mingshu said that it was picked from his residence, so the meaning is naturally different.

Xiyu automatically grasped the point of his words, and asked: "Do you want to give it to me?"

Ming Shu nodded: "Yeah."

Ming Shu was also a little embarrassed to give such a piece of aquatic plants as a gift: "That... ...If you don't like it, I'll next time..."

Before he finished speaking, the water plants in his hand were taken away.

"I like it." Xiyu took the water plants and kept his eyes on Mingshu, "I like everything you gave me."

[Ding Dong--Trigger a random task]

[Among the following items, which one is the npc in front of you? Favorite (you can get 15 favorability points if the gift is successful)

[a. A piece of ordinary green aquatic plants]

[Congratulations to the player for successfully sending [a piece of ordinary green aquatic plants], and the npc favorability increased by 15 points]

[The faction value has been updated, please go to the background to check for yourself]

The reminder of the success of the gift followed, and the strategy task triggered last time seemed to be for Mingshu's move was tailor-made this time, and he didn't even have a second option.

Ming Shu was stunned for a moment, and realized belatedly that he succeeded.

Xiyu is also the same as Xiuji, he can send anything.

Ming Shu was extremely happy, and couldn't hide the joy on his face: "Just as long as you like it."

He was probably only 70% or 80% sure before, but now it's almost 99% sure.

When he faced Xi Yu, his mentality and thinking also changed a little, this was someone he was very familiar with.

Ming Shu couldn't help but swam closer, holding the jumping fish and gently hugged Xi Yu, raised his face and whispered: "I'm leaving."

He quickly let go, turned and swam away.

Xiyu reached out subconsciously, but failed to grab Mingshu.

He squeezed the water plants in his hands, remembering Ming Shu's anxious, nervous, and somewhat expectant look just now, after he received the water plants, he was visibly happy.

That sentence "I'm leaving", the voice is soft, like a baby.

Xi Yu stared at Ming Shu's farther and farther back, and suddenly changed his mind.

Ming Shu carried the wire cage covered by aquatic plants, and deliberately chose a remote path, carefully paying attention to whether any mermaid nearby noticed what he was holding.

Although there are pearls, pearls are not easy to show up at will, the more cautious and low-key the better.

He was going to take the fish back, hide it first, and wait until the last day of the mission time limit to take it to score.

After bypassing two rocks, Mingshu suddenly heard movement behind him.

He turned his head, and the silver-white figure approached quickly.

"Xi Yu?"

Ming Shu yelled, but before he had time to ask, Xi Yu grabbed his wrist and pulled him to a dark place behind the reef.

Ming Shu leaned his back against the rock, and Xi Yu stood in front of him, pinching his chin and kissing him.

Different from Ming Shu's light and short kiss before, Xi Yu pried open his teeth and drove straight in, kissing him deeply and deeply, while pinching Ming Shu's waist to prevent him from escaping.

The wire cage in Ming Shu's hand fell to the ground, and he pushed Xi Yu hard, but the other didn't move.

When Xi Yu finally backed away a little, seeing Ming Shu's flustered, aggrieved and frightened expression, he wanted to bully him more severely.

At this moment, he looked different from what he had shown in front of Mingshu before, his eyes were straightforward and extremely aggressive.

Xi Yu brushed the black hair on Kai Mingshu's cheeks, kissed him heavily again, and sighed: "It's so cute."

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