Chapter 35: The Wolf-Eared Boy (35)

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Ming Shu had expected the ending of the original plot. He had always insisted that Yuan Chen was the protagonist, and that the villain, the werewolf, would not win.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have dragged Jing Shuang and Jing Chu into the water for the task of slandering Yuan Chen, and Yuan Chen really thought that he was coerced by Jing Shuang.

It's just that Mingshu didn't expect that the ending would also be his last mission. He forgot his identity...he is also a wolf.

In the early stage, he kept doing tasks in danger, and when he was finally safe, even the villagers were afraid that Yuan Chen would not do anything to him, and now they want him to die.

Fairy tales are real fairy tales, but unfortunately he is not the one who can go to the end and obtain peace and happiness.

But that's okay... the dungeon will always end, he hasn't thought about how to say goodbye to Yuan Chen yet, with the mission in hand, his psychological burden may be less.

Isn't it just to die again? After the task is completed and the dungeon is successfully cleared, he can leave here.

It's just written in the warm reminder that Mingshu needs to complete the death task within the time limit, but the countdown column below the task is grayed out, showing [00:00:00].

This usually means that the timer has not started yet. Mingshu tried to click, and a line of small words popped up: I haven't entered the mission plot yet, please wait patiently.

Ming Shu frowned lightly, so he had to prepare in advance, otherwise he didn't know how long the mission was, in case it was too late.

He immediately thought of those poisonous weeds that Yuan Chen basked in the yard, Yuan Chen had to wear gloves every time he touched them, and the little mushroom also said that those poisonous weeds were very scary.

At that time, he only needs to steal a little bit, and take it as soon as the mission time limit is opened, it will definitely be easier and simpler than the previous two times, without seeing blood.

Yuan Chen took the empty cup from Mingshu's hand and put it aside: "What are you thinking about?"

He noticed that Mingshu was a little absent-minded, but he thought it was because he hadn't been out of the yard for a long time, and he was also a little afraid of other people in the village.

Ming Shu didn't speak. He lowered his head and saw that his hands were unconsciously clenching the fabric of the clothes, and his fingertips turned white from the force.

Afraid that Yuan Chen would see it, he hastily let go of his hand: "'s nothing." At

this moment, Ming Shu felt uncomfortable.

Of course it is much easier to go to death than to survive, but he has emotions in this dungeon, and it is not so easy when he leaves.

"Unhappy again," Yuan Chen lowered his eyes and lifted Ming Shu's chin, "Could it are worried about that wolf?"

Ming Shu turned his head away: "No..."

He didn't know how to explain, There was a bit of grievance and annoyance in Yuan Chen's eyes.

Yuan Chen was silent for a moment, seeing his appearance soft and itchy, he stretched out his hand to hug him, and coaxed him: "Do you want to go back?" Ming Shu leaned on his shoulder with his forehead, buried

his head and said: "Yeah."

Back to In the courtyard, Yuan Chen no longer locked the door and windows tightly, but Ming Shu could not run around, and had to follow him to ensure safety.

The sun was about to set in the afternoon, Yuan Chen went to the yard to collect poisonous herbs.

After two days in the sun, it was almost done. He put on gloves and a mask, put all the herbs into a mortar, and ground them into powder with a wooden stake.

Yuan Chen moved cautiously, covering the mortar with one hand to prevent the powder from splashing out.

Mingshu watched from afar, trying to find a chance to scrape some away from the mortar, but was stopped by the little mushroom.

Little Mushroom tightly hugged his finger: "Shu Shu don't go! It's dangerous!"

Forget about Yuan Chen, Ming Shu didn't have the protection of gloves and a mask, what if he was touched by the poisonous weed powder floating out.

It didn't dare to approach it by itself, so Ming Shu could only sit by the window again and play with dill leaves with it.

After Yuan Chen grinded all the medicinal powders, he put them into two small glass bottles.

He put away the bottle, cleaned the surrounding area carefully, and took all the tools to the backyard to clean.

Mingshu's idea came to nothing, he had no leftovers left, so he could only try to steal the bottle containing the powder.

He doesn't need much, a little is enough, and it won't delay Yuan Chen's plan.

After Yuan Chen finished all this, he took care of the gloves and the like before finally entering the house.

Ming Shu glanced over calmly. Yuan Chen didn't hold a medicine bottle in his hand, so he didn't know where he put it.

You should still have it with you, right? Such an important thing.

He seems to have returned to the time when he stole the toadstool, nervous and apprehensive, if he is discovered again this time...

But apart from poisonous herbs, Ming Shu didn't know what other methods to choose to die.

At night, the lights in the house were turned off.

Ming Shu still hasn't fallen asleep, so she dug out the last plot update and watched it again.

There was silence, only the breathing of the two could be heard.

After a long time, Ming Shu turned off the system panel, and gently came out of Yuan Chen's arms.

However, as soon as he moved, Yuan Chen noticed something and opened his eyes: "Why don't you sleep?"

"I..." Ming Shu sat up and explained, "I want to relieve my hand."

The medicine bottle is most likely still in Yuan Chen. Inside Chen's coat, the coat is hung on the shelf by the door, as long as Mingshu passes by there, he can gently pinch it to make sure the medicine bottle is there.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Chen also stood up: "I'll go with you."

Ming Shu opened his mouth and hesitated to speak, but finally nodded.

Yuan Chen has been like this for the past few days, whether he takes a bath or goes to the toilet, he is always guarding him outside the door, this is for his safety, not to give anyone an opportunity, Ming Shu can't refute, so he has no choice but to respond Down.

Not only that, Yuan Chen also turned on a light, and now Ming Shu had no chance, and was honestly led by him to the backyard.

Unfavorable start, Ming Shu did not give up.

Perhaps because of something on her mind, Ming Shu went to bed late, but woke up very early the next day, and it was still dark when she opened her eyes.

With the lessons learned from last night, he didn't take any action anymore, and waited quietly.

Until Yuan Chen got up after waking up and stood by the bed to change clothes, Ming Shu quietly pretended to be asleep.

After Yuan Chen got dressed, he left the room. Ming Shu watched him open the door and leave without taking the coat from the wooden shelf.

With the sound of footsteps gradually walking towards the backyard, Ming Shu immediately threw off the quilt and got up, and came to the wooden frame.

He fumbled into the inner pocket of his coat, but there was nothing in it.

Ming Shu was taken aback, then searched for other pockets and the rest of the clothes on the shelf, but found no medicine bottle.

He opened the cabinets and drawers everywhere to check, still nothing.

Could it be...he didn't see clearly just now that Yuan Chen had already taken his things away? Ming Shu stood in the house blankly, and the little mushroom woke up at this time, rubbing his eyes and sitting up: "Shu Shu?"

If the little mushroom knew about the stealing of the poisonous weed powder, it must have a very strong reaction, Ming Shu said casually: "I'm thirsty, so I got up to drink water."

He picked up the cup and kettle, poured some for the little mushroom, and lay down on the bed again after drinking.

Ming Shu stared at the bed board above, and sighed inexplicably.

He didn't even know how much time he had left. Once the task was completed, he should be sent out immediately.

It was the last task, and he was still worried and worried here.

Soon after, Yuan Chen came back from the house with some breakfast.

He gently put the things in his hands away, and when he turned his head, he saw Ming Shu sitting up from the bed.

"Woke up so early today," Yuan Chen walked over, "Sleep a little longer?"

Ming Shu looked up at him for a while, then sat on the edge of the bed and reached out to him, grabbing a corner of his clothes: "Hug me. "

Yuan Chen's breath was stagnant, he leaned over and hugged Ming Shu, directly pressed him to the side of the bed, bowed his head to kiss.

Ming Shu pushed his face and tried to avoid it: "I haven't washed yet..."

Warm kisses landed on his cheeks and neck, Yuan Chen backed away a little and brushed Ming Shu's forehead hair: "I need to sleep a little longer Is it?"

Ming Shu shook his head, he couldn't fall asleep at all, why don't he get up and find out where Yuan Chen put the medicine bottle.

Yuan Chen replied: "I'll boil water for you."

After he finished speaking, he got up and left, Ming Shu got dressed and walked out of the back room.

After Mingshu finished washing, the steamed buns on the stove were ready.

He took a bite, and the door was pushed open.

Jing Chu walked in with a plate of meatloaf and a bowl of porridge in his other hand.

"Father made it this morning." He put down the meat pie and porridge, "Eat it while it's hot."

There is only a small bowl of meat porridge, and the portion of meat pie is not much. It looks like it is specially prepared for Mingshu.

Yuan Chen was still in the room, Jing Chu turned a blind eye and pushed the plate in front of Ming Shu.

Ming Shu said awkwardly: "I..."

Even before, he was never, and didn't give Yuan Chen face at all.

Since becoming Mingshu's wolf servant, his hostility towards Yuan Chen seems to have faded, but it's more like he can't hold anyone else except Mingshu.

Ming Shu quietly looked at Yuan Chen, and sure enough, he saw his face darken, and quickly shook his head: "No need..." "It's okay

, let's eat," Yuan Chen regained his demeanor, but his gaze towards Jing Chu was still a little cold, "Just Treat it as I gave it to you."

These words were also extremely provocative, and Jing Chu's expression tensed when he heard the words.

Ming Shu hesitated for a moment, then took a sip of the porridge.

Yuan Chen was very satisfied with this, and took away the unfinished steamed buns in his hand.

Ming Shu put down the bowl and suddenly thought that Jing Chu still had a hidden mission to complete.

He can order the other party to do anything within his power...then stealing the poisonous weed powder should also be possible, right?

In this way, he doesn't have to do it himself, and if he is discovered, he can separate the relationship.

Although this kind of thing is a bit... But the ready-made convenience is not in vain. He worked so hard to increase his favorability and trigger the hidden plot, not just for the mission.

Before Jing Chu left, he said to Yuan Chen: "Father asked me to ask you if you need help."

Yuan Chen ate the steamed bun that Ming Shu took a bite of: "Wait a minute."

He finished the steamed bun in his hand slowly , just got up and walked into the back room.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ming Shu tugged on Jing Chu's sleeve, leaned closer and said to him in a very soft voice, "Help me steal some poisonous herb powder."

Jing Chu was stunned for half a second, then nodded quickly.

After Ming Shu finished speaking, he walked away as if nothing had happened, and went to the window to pour water.

Yuan Chen came back soon, and handed a medicine bottle to Jing Chu: "This medicine powder needs to be made into a liquid medicine and applied on the surface of waterproof clothes."

He didn't have this kind of fabric, so he needed Jing Bo's help, and he kept the other medicine powder for himself. For use, ready to be coated on crossbow bolts.

This also corresponds to the description in the original plot. Seeing Jing Chu accepting the medicine powder, Ming Shu is grateful for her decision.

The rest just needs to be handed over to Jing Chu, and let him find another opportunity to give the medicine powder to himself.

Mingshu put down the cup in his hand, raised his head and met the little mushroom's eyes.

There was a stranger there, so the little mushroom hid in the flower pot. At this time, a little purple umbrella cap was exposed from the edge of the flower pot. I don't know how much I saw just now.

Mingshu's expression froze, and he raised his hand to silence it.

Little Mushroom understood, nodded slightly, stood up silently and patted his chest.


During the whole day, Ming Shu stayed obediently by Yuan Chen's side just like yesterday.

Yuan Chen went to the entrance of the village to help check the repair of the fence, and Ming Shu followed.

The favorability of the villagers was still very low, but with Yuan Chen present and Jing Bo's intentional mention, they remained silent and at most turned their heads to take a look.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Ming Shu picked an unknown leaf from the side of the road, took off the root part and put it in his pocket.

The pocket bulged a little, and not long after, a slender hand quietly protruded from it, and threw away the torn root skin.

At night, Yuan Chen went to boil water for Ming Shu to take a bath as usual.

During this gap, Ming Shu rested his cheeks in a daze.

Another day passed...Jing Chu came again after leaving in the morning, but Yuan Chen stared too closely at that time, so he couldn't give Ming Shu something.

Thinking of the plot of the task and the time limit for completing it, Ming Shu always felt anxious.

When Jing Chu gave him the poisonous weed powder, the three tasks were successfully completed, and the illustrated book would light up.

Or...he also did Yuan Chen's last mission.

Ming Shu slowly covered his face with his hands, the tips of his ears turned red.

The water was already boiled, Yuan Chen prepared a change of clothes for him, and brought Ming Shu to the door of the bathroom.

Ming Shu took the clothes, lowered his head and stared at his toes: "You..."

Yuan Chen was about to ask, when suddenly he saw a pair of white wolf ears protruding from Ming Shu's ears.

Ming Shu raised his head, blushed and stretched out his hand to grab Yuan Chen's sleeve.

Yuan Chen's Adam's apple slid up and down, and hugged him: "What's the matter?"

Ming Shu kissed the corner of his lips, "Don't go."

He wouldn't go in the first place, and usually stayed outside the door for a few days... But Ming Shu probably didn't mean that.

Yuan Chen touched Ming Shu's hot cheek and asked, "Want to wash with me?"

Ming Shu's face turned even redder, and he stammered: "No, it's not..."

Since it wasn't, he grabbed Yuan Chen again and wouldn't let go.

Yuan Chen touched Ming Shu's tail through the fabric, and asked, "Shall I wash it for you?"

Ming Shu didn't dare to look at him, and nodded silently.

In fact, he can turn into a beast and ask Yuan Chen to help him in the form of a wolf cub.

Ming Shu did it on purpose, he felt... If Yuan Chen asked him when he would become an adult later, he would tell him the truth.

The last part of the plot is updated in advance, and there is not much time left.

Ming Shu didn't know if he could come back after leaving here, even if he came back, would Yuan Chen still remember him.

Rollback is not irreversible for npcs, but those data are stored in the system and will not be released easily.

If this is the last time he gets along with Yuan Chen, he doesn't want to make himself regret it, just try it once.

Yuan Chen stroked Ming Shu's lower back: "Really?"

Ming Shu's tail hidden in his trousers was tense, and he whispered: "Don't you want to?"

Yuan Chen whispered: "I might not be able to bear it." Stop, do something else for you."

Ming Shu didn't answer, as if he acquiesced.

The two entered the bathroom together, and Yuan Chen added an extra oil lamp to make the light inside brighter.

He helped Mingshu take off his clothes, rolled up his sleeves and wet the handkerchief with water to wash him.

Ming Shu was so nervous that his whole body was flushed red, but Yuan Chen seemed to be really just helping him take a bath.

He didn't let go of any place, and there seemed to be no private thoughts in his movements.

Ming Shu gradually lost his mind. If he had known...he would not have lied to Yuan Chen that he was underage.

After washing, Mingshu's tail was dripping with water. He couldn't bear it any longer, and deliberately burrowed into Yuan Chen's arms, rubbing all the water on him.

Yuan Chen stood firm and supported him, looked over silently with downcast eyes.

Ming Shu innocently said: "I'm cold."

Yuan Chen squeezed his waist: "Seduce me again."

Ming Shu snorted softly, still hugging him tightly: "Don't you just like this?"

Yuan Chen casually Pulled a coat from the shelf at the side and wrapped it around Ming Shu's body: "Go into the house."

He didn't dress Ming Shu well, so he walked out of the bathroom with him in his arms, and went all the way back into the house.

He put Mingshu on the bed, took a clean towel and wiped his tail.

Ming Shu sat on his lap and moved restlessly.

Yuan Chen held him down with one hand, and said helplessly, "Be honest."

He has been enduring, but Ming Shu's tail is still wet, and he will catch a cold if he doesn't dry it off.

The ends of Mingshu's hair were also wet, and the outside of the wolf's ears had been soaked in water, making the tips of the ears more pink.

He was not very happy, and lightly bit Yuan Chen's neck.

When you come out of the bathroom, the hidden task three is completed.

Mingshu received the prompt and opened the picture book in the system panel.

The first space is lit and has a painting on it too.

There are two people in the painting, one of them has wolf ears and a tail, very similar to Ming Shu, and the other is taller, hugging him tightly in a protective posture.

The background is a black silhouette, which can be vaguely seen as a crowd.

The small characters at the bottom of the illustration read: Wolves living under the protection of humans.

Ming Shu looked at it for a long time, and only came back to his senses when he heard Yuan Chen's voice.

Yuan Chen put down the towel and touched Ming Shu's ear tips: "What's on your mind these two days?"

He could tell, but he couldn't guess what Shu was thinking.

Mingshu's actions tonight are also unusual, there is also a reason why Yuan Chen followed him but did nothing.

Ming Shu shook his head and was about to speak when a bell rang outside.


the wolves came.

Yuan Chen lowered his face and kissed Ming Shu on the forehead: "Put on your clothes."


wolves attacked much faster than Yuan Chen expected, Jing Chu hurriedly brought over the coat coated with potion, and urged: "Be careful, these clothes are very dangerous."

If he accidentally touches the potion on the surface, Yuan Chen himself will die.

Yuan Chen didn't say a word, and with Jing Chu's help, he put on his coat.

The poisoned crossbow arrows were also ready, Jing Chu took a look at Ming Shu who was not far away in the house: "Jing Shuang... Will he come?" "Not necessarily,"

Yuan Chen put on a pair of thin gloves, "I I hope he will come."

There are other villagers at the entrance of the village, and Jing Shuang knows that Ming Shu is inside, so he will definitely find a way to sneak in.

Yuan Chen picked up the crossbow and stepped out of the room.

Jing Chu took a step behind, handed a small thumb-sized paper package to Ming Shu, and then left.

[Hidden Branch Mission 2 and 3 completed! Please check your points and rewards yourself in the background]

[Congratulations to the player for completing the hidden story three! Successfully light up the exclusive illustrated book! Please check your point rewards in the background]

Mingshu squeezed the paper bag in his hand, and the little mushroom came to him and asked curiously: "Shushu, what is this?"

Mingshu forced a smile: "Something I need Something."

When the bell of the wolves' attack rang, Ming Shu received a system message.

[Reminder: The time limit for completing the main task 5 has been updated, currently: [01:59:59]]

Two hours, he only has two hours left.

Mingshu looked dazed, he was unprepared, and he was thinking about it after tonight.

Yuan Chen didn't go far, just guarded outside the courtyard.

They were not sure if Jing Shuang would come, but Ming Shu knew that he would definitely come.

As time passed by, Ming Shu kept looking at the paper bag in his hand, still unable to make up his mind.

He closed his eyes and opened the system panel.

The second picture of the illustrated book also appeared. It was still the familiar boy with wolf ears. A human half-knelt in front of him, stretching out a hand reverently.

There is a line of small words at the bottom: wolf followed by human servants.

The human servant in the painting was none other than Jing Chu. When he handed the paper bag containing the poisonous weed powder to Ming Shu, he didn't even ask him what he was going to use it for.

The three paintings represent the relationship between Mingshu and the three NPCs. He didn't spend much time with Jing Chu and Jing Shuang, but the contents of the paintings basically match.

Mingshu turned off the panel, got up and walked to the window.

The lights were brightly lit in the distance, and there was a faint light on the roadside outside the courtyard, covering the small half of Yuan Chen's figure under the light.

Before Jing Shuang came, Ming Shu wanted to go out and say a few words to Yuan Chen.

However, just as he took two steps, he stopped again.

Ming Shu became cruel, turned back, and looked down at the paper bag in his hand.

He was afraid that if he hesitated any longer, if he kept procrastinating, he would be even more unable to make a decision.

Sooner or later, he will leave. Once he leaves, Yuan Chen's memory will be reset and he will be forgotten.

Ming Shu asked the little mushroom to hide in a flower pot, and told it not to run around.

Little Mushroom nodded, grabbed the side of the flower pot and watched Ming Shu hide in the closet.

Ming Shu curled up her legs and sat down, fumbling to open the paper bag.

There was some powder in the paper bag. He sat there for a while holding the powder, raised his hand to wipe his face, and poured the powder into his mouth with his head raised.

Soon, Mingshu began to have difficulty breathing.

He coughed a few times with difficulty, pinching his palm tightly with his fingertips, his consciousness gradually blurred.

[Main task five completed! Please check your points and rewards yourself in the background]

[Congratulations to the player for successfully clearing the first copy! ]

[System liquidation--]

[I will leave the instance, please wait patiently]

[I will leave the instance, countdown: ten]







[Failed to leave, checking System track]

Mingshu heard the sound of the system in a daze, he felt that he was in a dark void, unable to open his eyes.

This is how the system loads, but it takes significantly too long.

He has not fully recovered from the suffocation of being poisoned to death, and he is getting more and more uncomfortable in this semi-closed space.

After an unknown amount of time, the cold mechanical sound of the system sounded again.

【warn! An unknown error occurred in the dungeon]

[System operation failure]

[Failed to escape, will return to dungeon 1 soon]

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