Chapter 156: Copy of Wolf-Eared Boy (6)

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Taking advantage of Sang Yin's brief absence, Xiao Mushroom gave Mingshu some advice.

It asked Mingshu to take Sang Yin alone to the depths of the mountain forest, pointing in any direction to delay for a while until the wolves came to rescue Mingshu.

Mingshu said ashamedly: "I don't know how to summon the wolves."

"I'll do it," Little Mushroom patted his umbrella hat and volunteered, "It's very simple."

Summoning the wolves requires a little bit of Mingshu's blood. After he gets out, he can just find a way to injure himself, and the remaining mushrooms can modify the data on their own, allowing the wolves to break away from the trajectory of the original plot and come to Mingshu's location.

The plan sounded perfect. No matter how powerful Sang Yin was, he couldn't deal with the wolves alone after leaving the village.

Mingshu was still a little confused: "Then...will Sang Yin be injured?"

He thought that summoning two or three wolves would be enough, or was there a way to make the wolves listen to him and only trap Sang Yin without harming him? he.

The little mushroom cupped its chin and reminded: "Shu Shu, you are a werewolf, don't feel bad for him."

Its tone was serious. As an NPC who is the opposite of the player, Mingshu does not need to care about the player's life or death. On the contrary, what he has to do is Making it impossible for players to pass the level is the purpose of the existence of dungeon villains.

Mingshu remained silent, and after a while he responded: "Well..."

Sunglasses and the other three people still knew that Sang Yin wanted to act alone and take Mingshu out to leave the village.

But Sang Yin had promised Mingshu, so he just said that he would go to a place with Mingshu, and he had already decided to come over and let him know.

The thin man's expression was subtle: "You are the only one who can go? Why?"

Sang Yin lowered his head and installed a crossbow in his hand, and said casually: "Maybe, because my favorability is relatively high?"

Mingshu was kind to him. The sensitivity is different from others. If he is really an NPC outside the main line, and only he is involved in the hidden plot, it would make sense.

The thin man was very curious and asked: "How tall? Fifty or sixty?"

Sang Yin did not answer the question, as if he didn't want to tell them, so he changed the subject: "I'll go in the afternoon."

The glasses said calmly: "Be careful, it's not safe outside. ."

They don't know Ming Shu well enough, and it's not like the NPCs in the dungeon don't pretend to be harmless to deceive people.

Sang Yin's expression remained unchanged: "I know it."

Fatty was the one who disliked Mingshu the most, but Sang Yin had already decided that he couldn't say anything else.

After noon, Sang Yin brought back a cloak-style coat, which belonged to the thin man.

The thin man and Ming Shu were most similar in body shape. They were so far apart that at first glance from behind, they thought they were the same person.

Sang Yin asked Mingshu to put on his coat and leave from the village gate with him, while not raising his head or making any noise.

The coat was clean and had a faint scent of soap. Ming Shu put on his hood, and the wide brim covered most of his face.

Sang Yin borrowed a donkey from the villagers, sat on it with Ming Shu one after another, and rode towards the gate.

Mingshu was sitting in the back, with almost his whole body blocked by Sang Yin. Looking from behind, it was impossible to recognize who he was.

At this time, most of the villagers were taking a lunch break. There were no people along the way, and the villagers who stayed at the door didn't realize that Mingshu was a stranger.

The two of them left the village very smoothly. After the donkey had gone a long way, Sang Yin asked Mingshu to sit in front of the donkey so that he could recognize the road and give directions.

Mingshu rode a donkey for the first time, and he climbed up awkwardly. Sang Yin gave him a hand, and Mingshu almost lost his balance. He supported Sang Yin's arm and tried to adjust his posture.

They just changed their positions, and the distance between the two seemed to be much closer. Mingshu pulled up the brim of his hat and moved forward awkwardly, trying not to touch Sang Yin.

However, the donkey stepped forward again, Mingshu leaned back uncontrollably, and his hood was blown off by the wind, revealing the red tips of his ears.

Sang Yin grabbed the saddle rope with one hand, as if holding Ming Shu in his arms.

"Where are we going?" The warm breath blew past his ears. Mingshu hurriedly pulled up his hood and pointed in the direction.

In order to look more like him, he asked to stop several times to identify the environment, and kept changing directions, heading deeper into the forest.

The mountain road became increasingly difficult to walk, and the donkey's speed also slowed down.

Sang Yin was silent for a long time and suddenly asked: "What is there where you are going?"

Mingshu took a breath and nervously curled up his fingers: "It's... something related to the werewolf family."

He had expected this. The answer to the question is that he has been an NPC in some plot-type dungeons before and knows how to compile them.

"I think you should be able to use it," Mingshu turned his head, revealing his fair and delicate face, with a serious expression, "and it's very safe there, don't worry." He is actually not very good at lying, but he

has a strong appearance. Deceptive, always looks innocent.

Mingshu felt guilty, but Sang Yin didn't seem to have any doubts: "Yeah."

The little mushroom hung on the edge of Mingshu's pocket and hummed softly.

I have to say that its acting skills are sometimes good, perhaps because it is here to assist Mingshu, so it doesn't have a good impression on the players.

The donkey walked for a while, Mingshu quietly looked around, his heart beating faster.

He took out a stone from his pocket, which Xiao Mushroom had given him in the morning.

Mingshu pinched the stone and endured the pain and scratched his palm hard. The sharp end of the stone cut the skin, and a trace of blood suddenly gushes out.

Little Mushroom then began to modify the data. At the other end of the forest, several adult gray wolves suddenly raised their heads and sniffed the air.

Until Xiao Mushroom nodded to Mingshu, indicating that it was done, Mingshu felt relieved.

There happened to be a branch in front of him, so he waved it away and pretended to be scratched by the branch.

When he raised his hand, a faint smell of blood came out.

The next moment, Sang Yin grabbed Mingshu's wrist: "Are you injured?"

The wound on the palm was oozing blood, not deep, as if it had been cut by something sharp.

Mingshu said "Hmm": "I was not careful just now..."

Sang Yin was silent, and the donkey and the donkey stopped moving forward and stopped on the spot.

He still held Mingshu's hand, looking at the wound carefully as if his eyes were real.

Mingshu had a bad premonition for no reason and looked at him cautiously: "What's wrong?"

Sang Yin had no expression on his face and glanced at Mingshu with unknown meaning.

He got off the donkey, found some unknown leaves nearby, tore them up to cover the wounds on Mingshu's hands, and then tore off a piece of cloth from the hem of his clothes to use as gauze.

Mingshu let him move, feeling inexplicably complicated. Then he saw Sang Yin take out a bundle of string from somewhere and tie Mingshu's other uninjured hand.

The other end of the rope was tied to Sang Yin's own hand, connecting him and Mingshu together, with a small distance in between.

Mingshu was stunned: "What are you doing?"

Sang Yin got back on the donkey and circled Mingshu from behind.

"Be an insurance policy."

He whispered, with a hint of meaning in his words.

Mingshu forced himself to play dumb and moved his wrist uncomfortably.

Sang Yin must have noticed something... He was too keen and did not completely let down his guard.

At this time, the little mushroom poked his head out of his pocket again, holding a small ball of toadstool on his thin arm and waving it towards Mingshu.

Its voice rang in Mingshu's mind: "Shu Shu, use this!"

The wolves came much slower than expected. Mingshu could also use toadstools to paralyze Sang Yin's body for a period of time and then untie him. Rope escape.

The toadstool was a small ball. Mingshu took it and pinched it on his fingertips. He glanced at the kettle hanging around the donkey's neck with confusion.

But poisoning Sang Yin will also put him in danger. There are more than just wolves in this forest.

The little mushroom kept urging, Mingshu hid the toadstool in his hand and asked Sang Yin: "Can I drink some water?" Sang Yin

responded: "Yes."

Mingshu picked up the kettle and took a few sips, then screwed on the lid. At that time, I still threw the toadstools in.

Next, it depends on when Sang Yin drinks water.

It has been more than an hour since we left the village, and there is still no sign of reaching our destination.

Sang Yin suddenly grabbed the saddle rope, and the donkey stopped moving: "How far is it?"

"It should be almost soon," Mingshu clenched his fingers, "I remember this is the road, and I'm not going wrong..."

He glanced at the donkey. The kettle on the donkey's neck suggested: "How about... rest for a while first?"

The donkey was tired after walking for so long. They set off at noon, and it wasn't too late now. If they were fast, they could do it before dark. Rush back.

So the two stopped nearby. Sang Yin tied the donkey to a tree and fed it some fresh green leaves.

Mingshu's hands were still tied to his, and she was always with him, just one step away.

He took off the kettle again, pretended to take a sip, then screwed the lid and handed it to Sang Yin: "Do you want..."

Sang Yin didn't answer, and interrupted him: "Are you lying to me?"

Ming Shu rolled his eyes . With a tremble, he squeezed the kettle tightly with his whitened fingertips.

He defended: "I didn't..."

Sang Yin looked up at him, grabbed the rope between the two, and took a step forward.

Mingshu had his hands tied and couldn't escape, trying hard to maintain an innocent expression.

Sang Yin's eyes turned cold, and he drew out a crossbow arrow and put it against Mingshu's neck: "Tell the truth." If the

sharp tip is moved a little further, it can pierce the fragile blood vessels. Mingshu raised his head and did not dare to move, panicked and confused. He said aggrievedly: "Really not..."

Sang Yin looked cold, just like when he first met Ming Shu on the first night, as if he would kill him mercilessly.

But then, he used his other hand to hold Mingshu's chin and rub it gently.

Suddenly, there were several faint sounds not far from the woods.

The two of them looked at the same time, and saw a huge black bear looking over here.

The black bear was in a state of hunger. It stared at the two people and the donkey, its eyes seemed to glow green, and it roared and rushed towards them.

Mingshu was frightened by this sudden situation and was at a loss. Sang Yin protected him, took off the crossbow from his back, quickly loaded an arrow, and shot the black bear between his eyebrows.

One was not enough, so a second and a third were added.

Three crossbow arrows slowed down the black bear. It roared injured and approached the two of them.

The black bear's front paws were very close at hand. Mingshu looked pale and hid in Sang Yin's arms.

Sang Yin was very calm, dropped the crossbow, took out a short knife from his waist, stabbed the black bear's neck accurately, and pulled Mingshu back.

The last knife finally made the black bear lose its mobility and fell at the feet of the two men, with blood splattering on the ground.

Sang Yin's clothes were also stained a little, and the blade in his hand was stained red, and the blood slowly dropped.

The strong smell of blood filled his nose. Mingshu had not yet recovered from the shock. He hugged Sang Yin's waist tightly and buried his face in his arms. When he found that there was no movement, he mustered up the courage to turn around and look.

The black bear is completely breathless, but the smell of blood will attract more nearby beasts.

"Are you scared?" Sang Yin lowered his eyes and looked at Ming Shu, "Do you want to continue moving forward?"

He also smelled of blood, and Ming Shu shrank his neck: "But..."

He was still in Sang Yin's arms. , the body temperature belonging to another person was continuously transmitted through the clothes. Mingshu did not let go, and Sang Yin did not push him away, and even touched his back as if to comfort him.

Mingshu suddenly couldn't guess what Sang Yin was thinking. He seemed to doubt himself, but he didn't intend to reveal it.

He hesitated for a moment, then made up his mind, and raised his head: "Shall we go back?"

"I'm sorry..." Mingshu looked uneasy: "I, I regret it, I don't want to take you there."

Sang Yin remained silent, and Mingshu said Rubbing the side of his neck, he muttered: "I just...don't be angry."

Everything he showed seemed to be lying to deceive Sang Yin, but because of the appearance of the black bear, he was protected by him, and then changed. Got the idea.

I had a little bit of thought, but I couldn't be ruthless in the end.

Sang Yin raised his hand and touched Mingshu's cheek. There was still a trace of panic in his expression, and because the two of them were in such an intimate position at this time, there was a faint blush.

Sang Yin narrowed his eyes, suddenly tightened his arms, hugged Mingshu for real, and whispered: "No anger."

Mingshu blushed even more: "Then... let's go back."

"I'll go back to the village with you. ," He looked at Sang Yin longingly, with a hint of shy expectation, "Is that okay? I won't run around, I will only follow you."

Sang Yin stopped talking again, seeming to be thinking about it.

Mingshu boldly put his arms around his neck and hesitated: "But... you have to protect me."

When he said this, he was already very shy, as if he was really confessing his love to Sang Yin. .

Mingshu didn't know what Sang Yin was thinking. He gradually began to feel that the system's data comparison seemed to be quite accurate, but he and Sang Yin had only been together for two days, and he might not even like her yet.

Sang Yin didn't answer for a while, but couldn't help but raise his hand and touch Mingshu's smooth black hair.

Either he agreed tacitly, or he just couldn't refuse.

The coldness in his eyes dissipated, he lowered his head and moved closer, almost kissing Mingshu's lips.

Mingshu seemed to be aware of it and turned his head slightly to avoid it.

His little resistance brought Sang Yin back to his senses, and he let go of Mingshu: "Let's go back to the village."

Ignoring the black bear's body on the ground, Mingshu picked up the kettle that fell on the ground and brought it to him again. In front of Sang Yin.

Sang Yin took it this time, unscrewed the cap and took a few sips under Mingshu's gaze.

Toadstools are colorless and odorless and have long since melted into the water. Their toxicity will take effect within about ten minutes.

Sang Yin quickly noticed something strange and grabbed Mingshu's hand: "Have you been poisoned?"

He was not prepared for this, especially after Mingshu confessed and asked to go back to the village with him.

The air pressure around him dropped instantly, and his expression showed a trace of gloom and anger.

Mingshu said guiltily: "I'm sorry..."

At this moment, the wolves that Xiao Mushroom had summoned for him finally arrived.

A few of the tallest gray wolves walked at the front, approaching Sang Yin warily and wandering around.

Without Mingshu's instructions, they did not attack Sang Yin, which made Mingshu relieved.

He supported Sang Yin against the tree and cut the rope in his hand with his short knife.

"Don't be angry," Mingshu couldn't explain, "I didn't mean it..."

Sang Yin stared at him closely, the poison spread quickly, and he couldn't move or speak.

Little Mushroom urged: "Shu Shu, let's go quickly."

The wolves were also waiting for him. Mingshu hesitated for a moment, then turned and left.

The toxicity of the toadstool will fade away in about half an hour, and there will be no side effects. Mingshu is still worried and tries to communicate with a gray wolf, asking him to stay by Sang Yin's side to protect his safety until he returns. to the village.

The gray wolf was very spiritual and understood Mingshu's words. Although it didn't understand why it wanted to protect a human being, it was summoned by Mingshu with his blood and was born to surrender to him.

Seeing the gray wolf turn back, Mingshu felt relieved and left with the rest of the wolf pack.

On the way, Little Mushroom muttered: "Shu Shu, you can't do that again next time."

How could a werewolf protect humans? This was not in line with his copy role. Because this development was not in the original plot, Mingshu was able to muddle through. Will not be judged as a negative task.

Mingshu knew that he was wrong and listened to the advice with an open mind.

Before dark, the wolves escorted Mingshu and Xiao Mushroom to the dense forest where Shugu lived.

With no one in the way, the little mushroom finally no longer has to hold back and can only say twenty sentences for a day. It reminds Mingshu to prepare well in the past two days and wait for the full moon night to do big things.

Mingshu was curious: "On a full moon night, will I turn into a werewolf?"

"Yes," Xiao Mushroom nodded, "Shu Shu, do you want to see it? I can help you change now, but it won't last long."

Probably. It only takes a few seconds, and it can't do it for any longer.

At night, the other tree mushrooms went back to the tree holes to sleep. There was no third creature nearby. Mingshu looked around and nodded.

The little mushroom sat firmly, his eyes becoming dull.

Not long after, Mingshu began to feel strange reactions in his body.

He felt uncomfortable, as if there were ants crawling on his body, but he soon returned to normal. He reached out and touched a pair of furry pointed ears on top of his head.

Not only that, the trouser legs behind him slowly bulged out to one side, squeezing in a tail.

After a while, Mingshu squatted by the stream, looking at the reflection in the water with a dull expression.

...His werewolf form seems different from what he imagined.

At the same time, in the village far away on the other side, Sang Yin returned alone.

Glasses had been waiting at the entrance of the village early. When he found that Ming Shu was nowhere to be seen, he knew that something might have happened.

He looked at Sang Yin: "What's going on?"

There were a few drops of dried blood on Sang Yin's sleeves, and there were signs of being torn on one side of his clothes, which he did himself to bandage Ming Shu.

His face was expressionless: "Escaped."

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