Chapter 103: Halloween (7)

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The appearance of the devil made the already spacious living room even more cramped.

Blood seeped from the cracks in the tiles, gradually gathering into a pool and spreading to the wizard's feet.

Mingshu opened his eyes wide and took a slow breath.

How could he almost forget that the wooden box had returned to the house, and there was a "bride" agreement between the devil and him... The devil would also come tonight.

What to do now...

The wizard and the devil entered the house at the same time, and there were monsters that haunted the house at night. Even if he could escape, where could he hide?

The wizard let go of Ming Shu and turned to look at the demon in front of him. His face was expressionless: "Where did this dirty thing come from?"

He waved his sleeves and launched several witchcraft attacks with water vapor towards the demon. The demon raised his hand to resist. There were light red marks on the arm.

The demon looked indifferent, not paying attention to the wizard at all, and said in a cold tone: "When will lowly aquatic creatures come ashore?" From the moment they met, the

two monsters were at war with each other, and both sides could launch the next round of attacks at any time.

Mingshu actually had a glimmer of hope at this moment. If they fought... he wouldn't be able to care about himself.

He looked at the closed door and finally chose the bedroom, hoping to find a place to hide while the two monsters were not paying attention to him.

However, his hopes were soon dashed. The wizard grabbed Mingshu with his backhand, pulled him forward, and hugged him from behind.

"Baby," he whispered, his cold fingertips sliding across the side of his neck, revealing a hint of danger, "Tell me, who is he?"

The devil also cast his gaze on Mingshu, and remained silent, seemingly Waiting for his answer.

In the living room, two completely different atmospheres were mixed. The light from the lamps was very weak, and occasionally jumped and flickered a few times.

Mingshu's body stiffened: "He..."

His fingertips pressed against the delicate skin. If he pressed harder, Mingshu would feel suffocated.

The wizard's breath was in Mingshu's ear: "Don't be nervous, tell the truth."

Of these two monsters, Mingshu couldn't tell which one was more powerful yet.

During the day in the Devil's City, he personally agreed to be the Devil's bride, and that's why he got the tail.

There is no agreement or commitment between the wizard and him, so he can pretend to be on the side of the devil first.

But now he was caught by the wizard... He intuitively felt that if he said something wrong and made the other party unhappy, he would be the first to die.

Although they look the same, they are most likely part of Sang Yin in the dungeon, but after learning from the previous dungeon, the system has also learned to use the appearance of NPCs to confuse Mingshu, not to mention that there are two monsters in front of him.

Coupled with the current development, Mingshu must be extremely cautious.

He breathed tremblingly, looked at the devil with help-seeking eyes, and then lowered his head: "He came to find me... I took his tail and promised to be his bride." This answer made the

devil very satisfied, and Mingshu The look he gave him just now was obviously asking for help.

The wizard was unhappy, and his face suddenly darkened: "What about me? You also took away my clothes."

Sensing the low pressure surrounding him, Mingshu hurriedly added: "But I, I am... I have no choice but to "."

He took away two pieces of supplies respectively. Mingshu did not say which one he had to do out of necessity.

The wizard was still holding Mingshu's wrist tightly. He put his other hand behind his back and moved quietly to grab the wizard's robe.

This little move was noticed by the wizard. He looked sideways at Mingshu, narrowed his eyes, leaned in and whispered, "What are you doing?"

At the same time, he let go of Mingshu's wrist and turned to hold his other hand that was holding his robe. One hand held his soft palm ambiguously.

The wizard was too close, and Mingshu instinctively dodged to the side, looking timid and under duress.

He looked at the devil again, his aggrieved look very pitiful.

Regardless of whether Mingshu was faking it or lying, he did pull the plug and now is the fiancée of the devil.

The wizard was so close to Mingshu in front of the devil, and his patience had reached its limit.

"Let him go."

The devil said coldly, walking towards the wizard.

Dark red light gathered in his palms, and with every step forward, the air around him became turbid and twisted, oppressing the direction in which the wizard was standing.

The wizard blocked Mingshu behind him, not only to protect him, but also to declare his sovereignty.

The devil is even more intolerable, and danger is imminent.

Mingshu finally had the chance to escape from the living room. He ignored the collision of damaged furniture and the swaying light, and returned to the bedroom as quickly as possible, closing the door and locking it.

A mere door could not stop the two monsters outside. Mingshu only hoped that their fight would not affect him.

The undrawn curtains left a gap, and it was a dark night and deserted streets outside. Mingshu had nowhere to go, so he wrapped himself in a quilt and huddled in the corner.

The movement in the living room became more and more intense. Mingshu was frightened and covered most of his face with the quilt.

The best result is that they can't tell the winner and go back after dawn, so that Mingshu has another day to figure out how to deal with it.

If one side wins, then... try to delay it for a little longer.

The folding knife was still on Mingshu. He held it tightly in his hand and waited uneasily.

The system message did not ring tonight, Xia Zhu did not send a message, and no one appeared in the team's private chat.

Everyone is fighting against unknown creatures to protect their supplies from being taken away.

After an unknown amount of time, it suddenly became quiet outside.

There was deathly silence outside the door. Mingshu did not dare to move rashly. He waited for a long time before lifting off the quilt, stood up and slowly approached the door.

He first tried to ask: "Are you still there?"

There was no response from the outside. Mingshu unlocked the door and opened the door carefully.

The lamps were restored to their previous brightness, and the living room was in a mess, with both the wizard and the demon gone.

Mingshu walked out of the bedroom and saw a dark red robe on the sofa that was knocked into the corner.

He picked up his robe and looked around blankly.

It's still dark, why did they leave? It's as if something happened and suddenly disappeared.

After hesitating for a moment, Mingshu put the robe and the wooden box with the tail in the living room, then returned to the bedroom and closed the door again.

The bedroom was intact. Once the door was closed, it was as if nothing had happened tonight. The surrounding area became quiet, and Mingshu's sleepiness continued to rise.

He returned to bed with the quilt and sent a message to Xia Zhu asking about the situation.

After more than ten minutes, Xia Zhu sent a reply, saying that he succeeded and suffered a slight injury but nothing serious, and asked Mingshu how he was doing here.

Mingshu didn't know what to say, so he only said two words: It's okay.

He finally clicked on Sang Yin's private chat box and sent an emoji of someone hiding behind the door wiping away tears.

After doing all this, Mingshu couldn't hold it any longer, so he hid the knife under his pillow and fell asleep with the light on.


was just dawn when Mingshu woke up from his sleep.

He slept restlessly and only slept for three or four hours in total. The first thing he did when he woke up was to open the door to check what was going on outside.

To Mingshu's surprise, the living room was restored. All the furniture that was damaged last night was back to normal, spotless and clean.

If the robe and wooden box on the ground were not still there, he would almost think that last night was a dream.

No matter what, daybreak came and he was temporarily safe again.

Mingshu's tense nerves finally relaxed, and he told Xia Zhu that he was safe again, and returned to the bedroom to sleep for a while longer.

The second time, Mingshu was woken up by the sound of bells.

"Dong, dong, dong -"

sounded three times in a row. It was different from the reminder to the townspeople to go home as soon as possible in the evening. It seemed to have another meaning.

Xia Zhu's private chat message followed.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Are you awake? It seemed that something had happened and everyone in the town was asked to go to Fountain Square.

Fountain Square was in the center of the town. Mingshu frowned slightly. After replying to the message, he got up to wash up, took some food from the refrigerator and went out.

After locking the door, Mingshu quietly looked around to see if Sang Yin was nearby.

However, he did not see the expected figure, but saw the guide standing on the far corner of the street, looking at him seriously.

Yesterday, he asked Mingshu to give him the Devil's Tail, but his neck was broken by Sang Yin. Mingshu watched him fall with his own eyes. Although he knew he would be resurrected, seeing him appear again now still makes him feel weird.

Mingshu held the door handle tightly and had the urge to go in and hide first, waiting for the leader to leave before coming out.

However, the leader did not stand there for long. He quickly withdrew his gaze, turned around, and left with other townspeople towards the center of the town.

Mingshu quietly breathed a sigh of relief and set off to Fountain Square while sending a message to Xia Zhu.

He was a little slower and was the last one to arrive in the square. There were hundreds of people gathered in the square. Players and townspeople were mixed together. They all wore similar clothes and it was hard to tell who was who.

Mingshu didn't find Xia Zhu, nor did he see anyone wearing a mask in the crowd. He lingered on the edge and heard the bell ring again.

The noisy surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the townspeople fell silent. Mingshu saw the leader standing on the steps of the fountain, looking around condescendingly.

"I'd like to apologize first. I called you here early in the morning to report something important." The leader's face was as dark as water, with suppressed anger in his tone. "Someone set fire to the woods next to the cemetery last night. And the amusement park that has been abandoned for many years to the north."

The woods... and the amusement park?

Mingshu vaguely guessed something and looked slightly startled.

"Although these two places are remote and rarely visited by people," the leader's eyes swept over everyone's faces, "but this behavior is still very bad and seriously threatens the safety of the town." He saw in the

distance Ming Shu, who was at the office, paused in his words: "I hope the person who did this can voluntarily surrender within today. The town will handle it as appropriate. If he refuses to surrender, who will be found out..."

The remaining The leader did not say it directly, but a sinister look flashed across his face.

Most of the surrounding townspeople were silent. The players had different thoughts and were mostly guessing who did it, but few knew the connection between the woods and the amusement park.

The woods are the swamp where the wizard lives, and the amusement park is the Devil's City. Mingshu got the supplies from these two places.

Recalling the sudden disappearance of wizards and demons last night, Mingshu intuitively felt that this might be related to the fires in the two places.

After the leader said this, he left, and the townspeople left.

Mingshu, who was outside, was squeezed into a corner, looking around for Xia Zhu. His wrist was suddenly held, and someone pulled him into a dark alley.

The people in the square gradually dispersed, and no one noticed two people hiding in the alley in the corner.

Mingshu snuggled into Sang Yin's arms and said in a low voice, "I couldn't find where you were just now..."

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Sang Yin stroked Mingshu's smooth black hair and gently pinched his back. Neck comfort: "Why are you crying again?

Are you scared alone?" He was still talking about the message Mingshu sent him. The little expression hiding behind the door wiping tears looked pitiful.

Sang Yin coaxed him a few words, Ming Shu hugged him tightly and smelled the familiar smell on his body. The uneasiness from last night finally completely disappeared.

He refused to get up from Sang Yin's arms and hesitated for a long time before he raised his head and told him everything that happened last night.

Sang Yin's face darkened when he heard Mingshu say that two discarded supplies had returned to the house.

"Then they suddenly left again," Mingshu guessed: "Is it because of the fire in the woods and amusement park?"

Sang Yin responded: "It should be."

Counting the time, it was because the fire was right, but it should be just It burned down their home and made them rush back to put out the fire without really hurting them.

Mingshu looked over with amber eyes: "Did you do it?"

Sang Yin did not hide anything and admitted: "It's me, I don't trust you."

Those two monsters...the origin is himself, of course he knows the monsters Whatever you want, you probably won't give up on your goal just because the supplies are thrown away.

So he set fire to the woods and the amusement park. He wanted to try again to see if he could take advantage of the monsters' return and find an opportunity to deal with them, but unfortunately he didn't have enough time.

Mingshu immediately became nervous: "But you can't come out at did you do it?"

He grabbed Sang Yin's hand and rolled up his sleeves. He saw several winding scratches on his arms, like red silk threads. Can't tell how it got there.

However, Mingshu knew that Sang Yin rescued him and Xia Zhu the night before. When he went out at night, Mingshu saw that the skin on his body was strangely twisted and wrinkled.

These injuries must be traces left by him being out again last night and for a longer period of time.

Mingshu pursed her lips and reached out to touch the small wounds with distress. Sang Yin pulled down his sleeves as if nothing had happened: "I'm sensible, nothing will happen."

He had already tested it on other townspeople NPCs, and wrote down what happened. The exact time it takes to mutate into a monster when exposed to night.

Sang Yin originally planned to set fire before dark, but he was afraid of disturbing the situation, so he coerced another town citizen NPC, and the two went to the woods and the amusement park to set fire respectively at night.

But in the end, he successfully returned to his house, but the town NPC failed to come back. Even if he came back, he would probably kill the NPC directly to be on the safe side.

These sangyins did not tell Mingshu, who was more concerned about another thing now.

"Are you injured?" Sang Yin carefully checked Mingshu's body, not missing any place in front of him, even looking under his sleeves.

Mingshu shook his head: "I hid in time."

Sang Yin said "hmm", lowered his head and kissed the tip of Mingshu's nose: "Is there anything else...doing anything to you?"

His eyes were dark, and he tried his best to hide it. She didn't want Mingshu to know her emotions, but she accidentally showed them a little.

This question is very abrupt. The monster has not harmed Mingshu, so what else can it do to him...

Unless Sang Yin knew it, those two monsters were 50% similar to him.

Mingshu raised his eyes to look at him and said slowly: "There is... that wizard, who took my hand."

Sanyin put the tip of his tongue against his back molar and asked: "Which hand?"

Mingshu raised his right hand. , was grabbed by Sang Yin.

He held Ming Shu with a bit of strength. His cold fingers were a bit like the wizard last night. His fingertips rubbed against his palm and the back of his white hand. He didn't let go of every finger before he lowered his head and kissed her carefully.

Ming Shu's cheeks were slightly red: "What are you doing..."

Sang Yin's reaction was so big that it made him feel a little ashamed... But the wizard did just touch his hand last night.

Some of Mingshu's guesses were vaguely confirmed. He wanted to ask clearly, but his lips were blocked as soon as he opened his mouth.

After kissing for a long time, Sang Yin stepped away, gently pinched Mingshu's waist, and whispered: "Don't be with those..."

He didn't say the second half of the sentence, and Mingshu could guess it.

Mingshu took a small breath and rubbed the corners of Sang Yin's lips coquettishly: "You don't even know how scared I was last night... Please think of a way quickly, can we live together?" "

Okay..." Sang Yin kept saying. In response, he kissed Mingshu and said, "Don't be afraid, baby."


When they walked out of the alley, Xia Zhu squatted at the entrance of the alley. He didn't know when he came and found them inside, so he took the initiative to keep watch outside.

He raised his head and smiled, showing two pointed teeth: "My main mission is completed."

Xia Zhu bought a lot of equipment yesterday and successfully killed two bats at night. The remaining ones were driven away by the thick smoke and successfully protected the two bats. A fang.

The canines were thin, so he cleaned them and glued them to his teeth. No other decoration was needed, and the system informed him that the task was completed.

When Ming Shu and the others came out, Xia Zhu took the time to ask a few teammates and new people they met in the past two days. Some of them had completed their tasks, and some had saved their supplies and dressed up, but they had not yet completed it. For example, Shan Qi, I don't know if there are any hidden conditions.

After completing the first main mission, Xia Zhu was not too happy. There was only one day left for the remaining side missions.

They have to increase the fear/wonder/** value of any NPC to 50 within one day.

This task seemed not difficult, but Xia Zhu never forgot that Shan Qi wanted to scare the NPC they deceived that day, but it had no effect at all.

Mingshu's two supplies have not been used yet. The task ends tonight, so he has to dress up and try them out as soon as possible.

Sang Yin accompanied Ming Shu back to the house, and together with Xia Zhu, stood outside waiting.

Not long after, Mingshu came out with his robe and wooden box, and quietly walked to a remote and uninhabited place in the backyard.

Sang Yin followed, while Xia Zhu wisely blocked the door of the courtyard.

Mingshu placed the wooden box on the ground and unfolded the dark red robe.

"It's strange, this is the size I can wear," Mingshu gestured on his body, "Are others like this?"

However, Xia Zhu asked for him, and only Mingshu was randomly assigned to this outfit. The others None of the players have been to the woods or the Devil City.

Sang Yin took the robe and helped Ming Shu put it on, tied the collar and adjusted the hood for him.

The robe really fit him well, as if it had been tailor-made for Mingshu. The dark red fabric made his complexion fairer, and his facial features were delicate and beautiful.

After putting on his outer robe, Mingshu received a system prompt.

[Main Mission One: Halloween Dress Up (1/2)]

There was still a tail left in the wooden box. Ming Shu was still frightened and pulled Sang Yin's sleeve: "That tail... is alive."

He was in the house just now. , wanted to complete the task alone, and the tail kept bouncing as soon as he opened the wooden box. Mingshu didn't dare to come by himself, so he came out to ask Sang Yin for help.

Sang Yin leaned over and opened the wooden box. As expected, the tail inside moved and raised its triangular end.

The middle of the tail was tied with a ribbon. Sang Yin pulled off the ribbon and picked it up by grabbing the top of the tail.

The delicate leather-like appearance feels good to the touch, and the tail is very flexible, like a small black snake struggling in Sang Yin's hand.

Mingshu leaned closer to Sang Yin: " to use this?"

He originally thought of tying it with a rope to fix it, but the tail would move, so it would definitely not be fixed.

Sang Yin brought the tail closer and looked at it. The tail seemed to feel Mingshu's presence and actually twisted in his direction.

Mingshu quickly ducked away, not wanting to be touched by this thing.

However, the task still needs to be completed, and he must find a way to "install" the tail.

Sang Yin carefully looked at the tail in his hand. He thought deeply and took Mingshu over to protect him in his arms: "Try it."

Mingshu was confused: "How to try?"

Sang Yin lowered his head and kissed him, exploring the palm of his hand. She stepped into her outer robe and touched his lower back soothingly.

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