Chapter 145: Angel in Disguise (22)

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Mingshu didn't want to watch the remaining countdown of the main mission. He just waited for the time to come and then quietly returned to hell with his feathers.

However, Zhiyuan did not leave his side for the next day.

The envoy came once in the morning, and Zhiyuan no longer avoided the other party at all, so he asked the envoy to stand outside the dormitory and tell him what he wanted to report.

Mingshu hadn't quite woken up yet, so he was picked up in a daze, leaning in a familiar embrace. He yawned and heard the voice of the envoy coming in through a door.

After noon, Zhiyuan took him to walk around the inner hall and go to the garden to bask in the sun.

The little black cat followed Mingshu closely. It also noticed the teleportation portal summoned by Mingshu. Although it didn't know why Mingshu didn't use it immediately, he tried it while holding the little black cat.

It guessed that Mingshu might want to take it with him, but it didn't know that Mingshu couldn't take it with him in the end. It was still looking forward to it silently, even dozing off next to the corner of Mingshu's clothes to avoid missing anything.

The weather was very nice at noon. Mingshu was leaning against Zhiyuan's arms holding the little black cat, when he suddenly saw a golden bird flying over from outside.

Just like the previous times, the golden bird appeared alone and landed lightly on the nearby bushes. It looked at Zhiyuan with its dark eyes and opened its mouth to speak human words: "Hey..."

It actually sighed. Mingshu opened his eyes wide: "It can talk!"

The little black cat tilted its head and looked at the golden bird, then quietly lowered its back, clasped its paws on the ground, and stared at the golden bird's beautiful feathers.

Mingshu had never seen a golden bird or heard of any prophecies, so he was naturally very curious.

Zhiyuan didn't seem to notice it. Just as he was about to drive the golden bird away, the little black cat moved faster.

A ball of black fur rushed forward. The golden bird was so frightened by the little black cat that it almost lost its balance, turned around and ran away.

The little black cat tried hard to catch up, but unfortunately he still couldn't catch up with the flying bird.

It chased for a short distance and watched the golden bird fly away. It reluctantly returned to Mingshu, squatted down and licked its front paws.

The status of the golden bird in the temple is far higher than that of other animals, even lower than that of the archangel. The envoys have to kneel down and salute when they encounter it. This is probably the first time that they have been chased by a cat in such an embarrassing manner.

Zhiyuan didn't pay attention to the little black cat's behavior and glanced at it quietly.

The golden bird flew away, and then the envoy hurried over and saw Zhiyuan stepping forward to salute.

"Forgive me, Lord. I didn't mean to disturb you," he said with his head buried in his head. "I just saw the golden bird appearing nearby, so I came here to find it."

The envoy also has the obligation to record prophecies for the archangel. If you encounter a golden bird on the road, you cannot turn a blind eye. , he followed the golden bird here, which is also a reasonable explanation.

Zhiyuan had no expression on his face and answered casually.

The golden bird flew away, and the envoy had no reason to stay. He was about to leave when he heard Ming Shu's voice: "Is the golden bird also raised in the animal taming garden? I have never seen it before." He looked curious

, Especially after seeing the envoy's reaction, I wanted to know the origin of that talking bird.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, and the envoy couldn't help but said: "That's the prophetic bird of the temple."

It was indeed a demon who didn't know anything about the heaven... How could the golden bird be compared with the animals in the animal taming garden.

Mingshu's misunderstanding was equivalent to looking down on the temple in the eyes of the envoys, and they must be explained clearly, otherwise if word spread, they would think that their temple was disrespectful to the golden bird.

"Prophecy bird?" Mingshu was even more curious.

Zhiyuan beside him seemed to have no intention of explaining aloud. The envoy secretly glanced at his face and then replied: "Yes, the golden bird was born together with the temple, and it is its duty to serve the archangel. Every time it appears, There will be prophecies announced to point out the way forward for the archangels..."

The envoy paused, and then added: "Maybe we can remind and warn before the prophecies are realized."

Zhiyuan raised his eyes and cast a cold gaze. Come on, a chill ran down the teacher's spine, and he quickly resigned and left.

Mingshu murmured: "The prophecy bird..."

He always felt that the words behind the messenger had a special meaning, a reminder and warning before the prophecy was realized... The

golden bird flew over just now, and it just stared at Zhiyuan and sighed, If he didn't say anything else, it meant that he had already announced a prophecy.

Mingshu guessed correctly. He asked Zhiyuan to know what the content of the prophecy was.

Zhiyuan pinched his cheek: "Don't worry about it."

He obviously didn't want to say anything, Mingshu hugged his arm: "Can't you tell me? Because I am a devil?"

Zhiyuan became silent again, proving that This shouldn't be the reason.

His silence aroused Mingshu's interest even more, and he tried to exchange the secret of the prophecy with a kiss.

It wasn't until night that Zhiyuan compromised and told Mingshu what the golden bird's prophecy was.

"The prophecy said that I will encounter a succubus."

Zhiyuan pinched Mingshu's ankle, and slowly reached up with his fingertips, rubbing against the smooth and delicate skin.

Mingshu was stunned and held his breath: "Succubus?"

Could it be him?

Zhiyuan lowered his head to kiss, feeling Mingshu's soft lips.

His voice was low and soft, and he continued: "I will like him, be obsessed with him...I can't help myself."

- until I fall.

Zhiyuan spoke very slowly, and Mingshu had to hear every word clearly. Mingshu's cheeks slowly turned red, and his eyes evaded in confusion.

He never expected that the prophecy of the Golden Bird was actually related to him... So at the beginning, Zhiyuan knew that a succubus would sneak into the temple with the intention of seducing him?

This was not mentioned at all in the original plot...

But now it is meaningless to dwell on it. Those words just now are more like a confession.

Mingshu nuzzled into Zhiyuan's arms: "So... has the prophecy come true?"

Zhiyuan was silent, untied Mingshu's belt, skillfully grabbed his tail and stroked it, watching his shy reaction as always.

After a long while, he responded: "Soon."

Before going to bed in the middle of the night, Mingshu lay on Zhiyuan and hugged him dependently: "I... want to go back."

He thought about it, I still plan to tell Zhiyuan that I have to try to discuss it and can't just leave quietly.

Mingshu hasn't figured out the specific reason yet, but he can say that he was coerced by the Lord of Hell to come here because he must go back under any circumstances.

Zhiyuan didn't seem surprised. He lowered his eyes and uttered two words: "No."

Mingshu was blocked by what he was planning to say. He opened his mouth and tried his best to explain: "I'll be back soon. No." It will take too much time..."

However, he himself did not know the follow-up plot, so he said this without confidence.

"I said, I will protect you," Zhiyuan turned over and pressed Mingshu in an ambiguous posture, "They can't hurt you."

Mingshu refused to give up and seemed worried: "But if I don't go back, I'm afraid... "

Hell can't do anything to him, but the mission needs to be completed. He tried hard to think of an excuse, but his chin was pinched and he kissed Zhiyuan.

After kissing for a long time, Zhiyuan let go of Mingshu, his eyes dark and gloomy: "Don't go back."

He had sex with Mingshu again, and this time it was extraordinarily long. Mingshu had long been used to being close to him, and his body responded obediently, while his beautiful face turned red and lost consciousness.

I don't know when Mingshu finally fell asleep. When he woke up, Zhiyuan was still in the dormitory.

He opened the system panel and saw that there were less than twenty hours left.

As usual, Zhiyuan helped him get up and get dressed, then left the dormitory and went for a walk outside.

Mingshu realized belatedly that Zhiyuan seemed to have done this deliberately.

Every minute and every second, stay with Ming Shu, preventing him from leaving on his own.

Mingshu started to panic. He tried to communicate with Zhiyuan again and said that he had been poisoned and had to go back to get the antidote. The Lord of Hell also tied up his relatives and friends as a threat.

Zhiyuan hugged him tenderly, but his eyes were a little cold: "You are not poisoned."

Ming Shu had a lump in his throat, but he didn't expect to be exposed so quickly.

"As for your relatives and friends," Zhiyuan touched Mingshu's black hair, leaned in and kissed his smooth forehead, "Don't think about it anymore, I will be with you."

Mingshu pursed his lips: "I must Go back, trust me."

Zhiyuan turned a deaf ear and held Mingshu's wrist a little too hard.

He kissed Mingshu's fingertips and whispered: "I told you, don't leave me."

The communication failed, Mingshu felt uneasy and felt a trace of guilt in his heart.

If he had known earlier, he would have stopped asking Zhiyuan. Maybe things would be simpler. But now that Zhiyuan refuses to agree, he still has to leave.

Zhiyuan will definitely be very angry when he uses the teleportation portal to leave...

With such a mood, Mingshu was particularly cooperative with Zhiyuan at night and stopped saying that he wanted to go back. He seemed to have figured it out.

Zhiyuan was very satisfied with this. He stroked Mingshu's back and kissed his ear: "So good, my little succubus."

At noon the next day, Mingshu got dressed and was fully prepared mentally.

He hugged the pillow and refused to get out of bed, burying his face in it: "I want to drink water."

The kettle was placed by the window, and Zhiyuan got up to get it.

Taking this opportunity, Mingshu took the feather from under the pillow.

He only took one and left the other where it was, wanting Zhiyuan to know that he would be back.

The breeze stirred up in the room made Zhiyuan immediately notice something strange, and the breath and energy fluctuations that did not belong here appeared again.

He turned around, his face extremely gloomy.

A big black hole appeared in the center of the bed, and Mingshu was sitting in the middle.

Before Zhiyuan could stop him, countless black vines stretched out from the entrance of the cave, wrapping Mingshu tightly inside and pulling down hard.

Mingshu and the entrance to the cave disappeared instantly. The little black cat was shocked and puzzled. He jumped on the bed and meowed anxiously.


[Main mission three: Get the archangel's most important feather (1/1); return to hell (1/1)]

[Main mission three has been completed! Please go to the backend to check your reward points yourself]

Mingshu fell into darkness, spun around for a while, and fell onto a pile of rough vines.

Fortunately, he was not injured. He got up immediately and looked at his surroundings, trying to see where he was.

The surrounding light was very dark, there was a strange red light in the sky, and there was a strange smell in the air.

There were bare rocks and gravel everywhere. The place Mingshu was in looked like the entrance of a cave. He tried to look elsewhere. Several tall figures suddenly appeared not far ahead, approaching quickly in his direction.

"Who's back? Is it that useless succubus?"

"Did he seduce him successfully? What he sent back before was of no use at all..."

When those figures approached, Mingshu turned pale.

What came were three ferocious-looking demons with shabby clothes and heavy weapons in their hands, including stone hammers wrapped with iron wires and iron whips as thick as arms.

They quickly gathered around and looked at Mingshu with cloudy eyes: "Where are the things? Have you brought them back?"

Seeing Mingshu's fearful look, a demon said impatiently: "I knew he couldn't do it. He is an archangel, how can he be easily seduced."

"But after a trip to the sky, his skin seems to have become tender and tender." The eyes of the other demon gradually lit up, "Why don't you cook him and eat him? "

Mingshu's face turned even paler, and he took out a white feather from his sleeve: "I brought it back."

He handed the feather to the three demons and looked around calmly, thinking about how to escape from here.

The demon took away the feather and held it up for inspection: "This is the most important feather of the Archangel? Why can't I see it?"

The demon who had coveted Mingshu before was even more eager to move: "No matter how many feathers he brought back, isn't it? Even more useless? Let's eat him."

At the same time, a beam of light lit up in the dark red sky.

The light suddenly brightened, like a falling meteor. The leader of the demon twitched the tip of his nose and raised his head warily: "What is it?"

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