Chapter 23: The Wolf-Eared Boy (23)

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Mingshu's eyes were fixed, and he fled the village...

Although his ears and tail would disappear after the full moon night, he had an intuition that this task was not easy to do.

Yuan Chen's intentions are unclear, he hid himself here, let alone what happened to the villagers outside.

The last time Mingshu escaped and went to Jing's house, he was found. When the villagers reacted, they would definitely guess that he put the poisonous bacteria in the food.

So even if Yuan Chen didn't stare at him all the time, he still had to be wary of other villagers.

The time limit for the task is less than two days, and the calculation time is just before twelve o'clock tomorrow night.

That is to say, once today is over, Mingshu must leave the village within tomorrow, no matter what method he uses.

The new plot has not been updated yet, this time the task may just pave the way for the following story.

It's good to release it in advance...give him some time to prepare.

Mingshu turned off the reminder, and replied: "I... am not sleepy."

I don't know if it was because of his transformation into a werewolf, but it was already midnight, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

But it was just that he didn't want to sleep, the werewolf form didn't enhance his physique.

Ming Shu's hesitation and distraction just now did not escape Yuan Chen's eyes, the curvature of his lips gradually disappeared, his face looked a bit cold.

Without saying anything, he stretched out his hands to Mingshu.

This was a posture asking for a hug, Ming Shu's tail hidden in his coat swayed slightly, and leaned into his arms obediently.

He was wearing a bite stopper, and the hard steel ring separated the front of his face by a certain distance, and Mingshu turned his head awkwardly.

Yuan Chen is quite tall, and when he stood up, he could easily hold Ming Shu in his arms. He stroked Ming Shu's wolf ears, and leaned in for a kiss.

Facing Mingshu's representative ears and tail, he didn't show dislike at all... On the contrary, he seemed to like it very much.

Mingshu raised her head: "I don't want to wear this..." It

's heavy and awkward, and the strap at the back is easy to get caught in your hair.

Ming Shu was really uncomfortable, since Yuan Chen didn't kill him, didn't hate him, and didn't care about what he had done, he couldn't escape from Yuan Chen's nose, so he didn't have to wear the bite stopper.

And he didn't grow fangs, even if he bites Yuan Chen, he won't see blood.

Yuan Chen looked down at Ming Shu, stroked the tip of his ear and didn't speak.

His gaze moved down slowly and landed on Ming Shu's lips, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ming Shu deliberately moved closer, and rubbed the cold bite stopper against Yuan Chen's face: "Take it off, let me kiss you, okay?" Anyway,

Yuan Chen could see that he was seducing him, and finally brushed it out Wouldn't it be too wasteful not to use this to seek a little convenience?

It's best to get Yuan Chen to stop locking him up, so that he can find a way to escape tomorrow.

Yuan Chen still didn't make a sound, he raised his hand to touch the bite stopper, stretched his fingers in from the side, into Ming Shu's mouth like before, and slowly slid across his lips and teeth, as if he was testing whether Ming Shu was real. won't bite him.

Ming Shu is naturally very well-behaved, with Yuan Chen reflected in a pair of amber eyes, the coat behind her moved, and her tail was wagging slightly inside.

He is like a kitten that wants to eat fish, unable to hide his expectation and intention, while trying to please the owner of the fish.

Yuan Chen replied: "Okay."

Before Ming Shu could be happy, he saw Yuan Chen took out a small object from his pocket, and stuffed it into his mouth through the gap of the bite stopper.

Yuan Chen's tone remained unchanged: "Eat it."

Ming Shu swallowed subconsciously, and slowly realized what Yuan Chen was giving him.

He couldn't believe it: "This is..."

"Toadstool," Yuan Chen explained, "Don't you recognize what you stole from me?"

Mingshu looked at him, feeling inexplicably afraid.

He pushed Yuan Chen away and turned his head to stay away from him, but Yuan Chen easily held him down.

"Don't move around," Yuan Chen frowned slightly, "The toxicity occurs very quickly, be careful to fall."

Ming Shu couldn't explain his words, but he didn't continue to struggle. Even if he didn't eat the poisonous bacteria, he couldn't defeat Yuan. Chen.

After about a few minutes, Mingshu began to feel something strange in his body.

His hands and feet were weak and he could not stand up gradually.

Yuan Chen confirmed that the toxin had played a role, hugged Ming Shu horizontally, and sat down at the table.

He still put Mingshu on his lap, took out the key and unlocked the bite stopper.

Mingshu was finally free, but he couldn't move anymore.

Yuan Chen put the bite stopper aside, turned around and found that Ming Shu was looking at him with grievance and accusation eyes.

He has a clear consciousness and can still speak, but his tongue is also a little bit, which sounds vague: "Why..." There was still a little

mark on his face that was pressed by the bite stopper. Yuan Chen touched it distressedly, and then pinched it. She hugged Mingshu's chin and kissed him.

Ming Shu's fingertips struggled to catch Yuan Chen's clothes, and slowly they couldn't hold back the slip.

He was forced to raise his head, and his whole body was wrapped in an aura that didn't belong to him.

It took Yuan Chen a long time to let go of Ming Shu, his breathing was unsteady, and he gently wiped away the watery light from Ming Shu's lips.

Ming Shu finally understood, Yuan Chen still didn't trust him, but wanted to kiss him, so he used this rather extreme method.

Afterwards, Yuan Chen adjusted his posture and hugged Ming Shu, and put his other hand into his coat to pinch his tail.

Ming Shu blushed almost instantly, and said inarticulately: "Loose... let go of me."

Yuan Chen not only did not let go, but even worse than before.

He kissed Mingshu's lips again, lifted the obtrusive coat to expose his tail, and looked at Mingshu's shy appearance and slightly trembling ear tips.

Sure enough, it was a little wolf... Thinking of Jing Shuang's address to Ming Shu, Yuan Chen's eyes sank, and his hands became stronger.

Ming Shu stared at him weakly: "I'm angry."

Yuan Chen then let go of his tail, put his coat back together, and said without apology: "I'm sorry.

" After a while, he said in a muffled voice: "I'm really angry."

He ate the poisonous fungus, and under the influence of the poison, he would speak the truth. Once he opened his mouth, he couldn't control himself.

Yuan Chen knew this, he hugged Mingshu tightly, and suddenly asked: "Did you lie to me because you were coerced?"

Mingshu's heart tightened, and

he couldn't help saying: "Some...not." What must be done, such as slandering Yuan Chen, is considered to be coerced by the system, but he is not.

Seeing Yuan Chen's face turn cold, Ming Shu began to feel uneasy.

He wanted to explain a few words, but he was afraid that he would say more that he shouldn't say.

As a player, it is not allowed to tell the npc about the dungeon and the system. Even if he said it, Yuan Chen would not be able to understand it, and might even ignore it automatically.

But Yuan Chen didn't continue to ask, he took Ming Shu's hand and rubbed the fair skin on his wrist.

After a while, he whispered: "Mingshu, do you like me?"

This seemed to be another proposition, Mingshu wanted to shut up and pretend to be speechless, but he couldn't help but opened his mouth: "... A little."

As soon as this answer came out, Ming Shu was also stunned.

He thought... But among the three npcs with high favorability, he really likes Yuan Chen the most.

The reason is simple, in general, he is the best one for himself.

Even if it is a system npc, it is difficult not to have a little bit of affection when they get along day and night.

"A little?" Yuan Chen seemed dissatisfied with this answer, and his face darkened again.

He squeezed Mingshu's chin, and said coldly: "Where is Jing Shuang? Do you like the wolf that left you and ran away?"

Mingshu replied: "I don't like it."

Yuan Chen fell silent, and his tone began to warm up: "I like it." Jing Chu?"

Ming Shu still said: "I don't like it."

Yuan Chen finally put away his cold look, and kissed Ming Shu again.

Although only a little bit, it is also the best one.

He pinched the furry wolf ears: "Kitten."

Ming Shu retorted: "I'm a wolf...not a cat."

Yuan Chen's tone was light: "I said you are, and you are."

...All right, Ming Shut up comfortably.

The toxicity lasted only half an hour, and gradually, Mingshu felt some strength recovered from his body.

Yuan Chen also noticed it, and picked up the bite stopper on the table.

"No... I don't want to wear it," Ming Shu resisted very much. He supported his limp hand and kissed Yuan Chen actively, "I won't bite you, so don't wear it, okay?"

Yuan Chen didn't hide, let the soft His lips pressed against her, and after a while, he backed away and opened Mingshu, and put the bite stopper on him.

The key was put away again by Yuan Chen, he hugged Ming Shu tightly and coaxed, "I'll take it off for you when you regain your body." He

also couldn't bear Ming Shu wearing such a heavy thing, but Ming Shu said just now... only one thing he likes he.

Yuan Chen would not take this risk.

Mingshu said "Oh", and his tail swung under his coat.

He accepted his fate, and there are side missions to do, so he should behave himself at this time, so that Yuan Chen can put down his guard.

The lights in the room were lit all night, and it was almost dawn when Ming Shu felt sleepy.

Holding on to the bite stopper, he yawned, with a little tear at the end of his eyes.

Yuan Chen touched his soft hair: "Sleepy?"

Seeing Ming Shu nodding, Yuan Chen led him to the back room.

It was already dawn, and the wolves didn't come again last night.

But they couldn't relax their vigilance yet. According to the usual time, the werewolf transformed tonight, but for some reason, Ming Shu was a day earlier.

Yuan Chen settled down and Ming Shu lay down, ready to go out for a trip. Last night, wolves attacked the village, and there were still some unresolved matters.

He covered Mingshu with a quilt: "Wait for me to come back."

At the end, he didn't forget to tell him: "Don't run around, or you will be discovered by others."

Mingshu knew this, and obediently agreed.

Yuan Chen pressed a kiss between his eyebrows, got up and pulled down the bed curtain to leave, and closed the door and window tightly.

Ming Shu heard the sound of locks falling, lay on his side and closed his eyes.

He didn't sleep for a long time, and was awakened by the dull bell when he was in a daze.

Ming Shu opened his eyes in confusion, and the bell outside struck again.


This is...the signal for the wolves to attack the village.

Ming Shu sat up all of a sudden, threw off the quilt and got out of bed, and walked to the window.

It was very quiet outside, Yuan Chen should try to prevent the villagers from coming here again in order to hide him.

No quests or story updates, not sure if the bells are really wolves.

The wolves hadn't been here until last night, and never attacked during the day.

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