Chapter 42: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (5)

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The pressure on the back of the neck caused Ming Shu to slip his hands, and he fell into the arms of the person in front of him sullenly.

He bumped into a collarbone covered by clothes, and his nose was filled with a cold fragrance, like algae soaked for a long time crushed and mixed in moist fine sand, strange and pleasant smell.

The sudden actions and words of the leader of the sea snake made Ming Shu extremely nervous. He held his breath and his body became stiff and motionless. He didn't stand up hastily until he felt the strength in the back of his neck loosen.

He took half a step back, still keeping his head down, not daring to lift it up.

Why didn't he learn to serve his master... How should he answer now? Do you have to admit your mistake first...

and his current status is a beauty presented to the leader by other nobles, so it is self-evident how to serve her.

Ming Shu had only heard about the cruelty and ruthlessness of the leader of the sea snake from Yi Qing. If he dared to disobey him, he would definitely not be able to survive, but Ming Shu was also unwilling to have any contact with this npc.

He left the previous dungeon and entered here, with almost no buffer time, and started to complete new tasks.

And the leader of the sea snake in front of him has a voice similar to Yuan Chen's, but not at all in other places, which makes Ming Shu feel aggrieved inexplicably.

Anyway, he is a mermaid smuggled here, and his identity is fake, once he is found, he will be dead anyway.

Ming Shu took another step back, smashing the jar, "I'm not feeling well...I can't serve the leader."

His voice was still trembling, probably because of the situation just now, and he hadn't recovered yet.

The leader of the sea snake looked at Ming Shu coldly: "What's wrong?"

Ming Shu pursed his lips: "...I have a headache and I'm hungry.

" He just redo it.

With Pearl's character of always sneaking out, he also has a chance to meet it again, but he can't be brought back to Central City by it.

The sea snakes here are more vigilant and more dangerous than those on the edge of their territory.

In other words, this is not a place for him as a beginner.

The room was quiet for a while, Mingshu had made enough mental preparations, summoned up the courage to meet the anger of the sea snake leader.

However, after a while, he heard the still cold voice of the leader of the sea snake: "Then eat what is on the table."

Ming Shu: "..."

He opened his mouth, quietly raised his eyes to look at the person sitting in front, just right A pair of pitch-black eyes.

Ming Shu immediately lowered his head again, silently walked to the table where the food was placed and sat down.

In the afternoon, he walked a long way to find Pearl, and then walked back alone. Ming Shu was indeed hungry. The cooks here are very skilled, and the food they brought was very rich. All in all, it was much better than the one in the previous dungeon.

Against the gaze that had been falling on him, he picked up his chopsticks and ate a little, gradually relaxing.

After filling his stomach, before the attendants came to take away the tableware, Ming Shu stood up, waiting for the leader of the sea snake to speak again.

He buried his head down again, not knowing whether it was shyness or fear, his appearance seemed to be obedient, but if he was frightened, he would resist and flee.

The figure on the chair also stood up and approached slowly.

"Headache?" A slightly displeased voice sounded in front of Ming Shu, as if saying that he didn't feel any discomfort at all when he was eating.

There was still a pile of leftover shrimp tail shells on the table, Ming Shu remained silent, and the tips of his ears were quietly stained with a thin layer of red.

He wanted to pretend to be a little bit, and he only blamed that plate of shrimp tasted so good, and he was prepared for the worst, and he couldn't treat himself badly before he died.

The leader of the sea snake stared at Ming Shu's reddened ear tips for a while, then moved his gaze to his face: "Raise your head."

Ming Shu hesitated for a moment, then obediently did so.

The leader of the sea snake lowered his eyes, looking at this beautiful face.

Here, pure white sea snakes are very rare, and Ming Shu is actually more like another creature, a mermaid.

Most of the mermaids are very beautiful, and one of them is called the silver tail, which is weak and timid, and can't even beat a double-finned fish.

The leader of the sea snake raised his hand, pinched Ming Shu's chin, moved his fingertips to one side, and gently stroked a small piece of skin on the chin.

Ming Shu was terrified, this is the place where gills grow out in his mermaid form.

The cold fingertips were like a blunt knife, if he used a little more force, he would die here.

Ever since she came in, even though Mingshu had made several mental preparations, when she really felt the danger, she still couldn't help being afraid.

The person in front of him bent slightly, his masked face got closer to Ming Shu, and whispered: "What's your name?"

Ming Shu was so nervous that his small Adam's apple slid up and down: "I, my name is Ming Shu."

He It was too late to think of a new name, and besides, he was not a tribute beauty in the first place, no matter which name he used.

"Ming Shu."

The leader of the sea snake repeated, the emotion in his eyes was unclear.

Then he let go of Mingshu, pushed the door sideways and left, and left the yard without looking back.

The attendant came in to clear up the tableware at the first time, and Ming Shu came back to his senses.

He just left? When I came here, I just watched Ming Shu eat a meal without doing anything.

Ming Shu sat in front of the table in a daze for a while, then turned and went into the bedroom.

For some reason, he had a vague feeling that the leader of the sea snake might not be as scary as he imagined.

Or he is the same as Pearl, just in a good mood these two days.

Ming Shu fell on the bed, embraced the pillow and buried her face in it.

This whole day is actually pretty good progress. According to the progress Yi Qing said, the other players may only have 10 faction points after working hard for half a month.

[A new plot update has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? 】

Ming Shu throws away the pillow and sits up, and turns on the system.

[Plot Tips]:

[Silver Tail successfully infiltrated the Sea Snake Clan and pretended to be one of them. But it is not so easy to obtain the venom of sea snakes. Sea snake venom is very precious and rare, and the stronger the sea snake, the more stable the venom is on the tail of the fish, and it is less likely to be detected. 】

【Silver Tail knows this very well. It is best to get the venom that the leader of the Sea Snake Tribe repaired. If he can't get it, he must do his best to obtain the highest quality venom before the selection of the successor in the clan is over. 】

It turns out that the leader of the sea snake is called Xiu Qi. As the character with a name in the current plot, he and Xi Yu from the mermaid tribe must be the protagonist.

There are only two episodes in the plot, and there are no new missions released, just a plot update.

So, is this going to make players "go all out to get the highest quality venom" like Silver Tail in the plot?

The quality of the venom is determined by the strength of the sea snake, and the highest quality venom comes from Xiuqi.

The second is the nobles of the central city. The closer to the edge of the territory, the lower the strength of the sea snakes.

This dungeon has no side missions, random missions can be done or not, and there is no penalty for not completing the main missions. It seems relatively free, but it is difficult to complete the missions smoothly.

Ming Shu intuited that this plot was by no means a simple transition, and the quality of the venom would definitely affect the follow-up tasks.

As a result, he hesitated again.

Originally, Ming Shu planned to escape as soon as he found a chance, and the farther away from the central city the better, but now the plot prompt indicated that the best choice is where he is at the moment.

There are so many Sea Snake soldiers patrolling the city, their strength must not be weak.

How to get the venom? Could it be that you have to brush up to a certain degree of favorability.

Ming Shu fell down on the pillow again, unconsciously thinking of the leader of the sea snake who came here just now.

According to the current situation, he has become a beauty kept by Xiujin in the side hall, and he has not been discovered. In can try to get close to Xiujin.

Use the method of the previous dungeon to try to brush up the favorability.

Ming Shu uncontrollably thought of Yuan Chen, as well as Jing Shuang and Jing Chu from the previous dungeon.

Although he probably had an element of luck, as long as he uses the right method, it's not that difficult to increase the npc's favorability.

After much deliberation, Ming Shu decided to give it a try, just in case it succeeds.

He also wanted to complete the dungeon mission well and get out smoothly.

It's just that this time, he can't bring any feelings that he shouldn't have, and he can just do the task.

Mingshu closed his eyes, and thought to himself, these are just the data of a group of human figures, and when he leaves this dungeon, he will never see him again.

But when he thought of Yuan Chen, he still felt depressed.

After a long time, Ming Shu got up and walked out of the bedroom, heading towards the bathroom.

I don't know if it's because of the characters in the dungeon, but ever since I soaked in that big algae tank for a while in the morning, Ming Shu has always been obsessed with it.

The territory of the sea snake tribe is not suitable for other deep-sea creatures to live in. He is a mermaid and loves water by nature.

After a day, the water in the white algae tank was still clear, Ming Shu took off his clothes and soaked in it, so comfortable that he wanted to turn over in it.

He couldn't help but dive into the water and buried himself in it.

[Environmental changes detected, about to change form. ]

The slight feeling of suffocation didn't last long, Mingshu's legs turned into fishtails automatically, and surfaced with splashing water, the silvery white scales shone finely under the warm yellow algae lamp.

Mingshu stayed in the water for a long time, lay down on the soft algae and fell asleep in a daze, and almost didn't want to come out.

In the middle of the night, he dawdled out of the algae tank, changed back into human form, put on his clothes and went back to the bedroom.


next day, Ming Shu went to look for Pearl again.

This time he got familiar with the route and arrived earlier. There was no one around the water tank, and Pearl was still sleeping in her little pink house.

Hearing the movement, it squeezed out half of its head and spit out a mouthful of water.

Finding that the person who came was Ming Shu, Pearl immediately got out and stuck to the inner wall of the water tank trying to rub Ming Shu's fingers.

Mingshu touched it through the water tank, showed a smile, and said to himself: "If you are also a sea snake, it will be much more convenient..."

He did not expect that when entering the sea snake clan, the first to increase his favorability would be It is the pet of the chief sea serpent.

Pearl rubbed against the water tank vigorously, and after a while she thought she was not close enough to Mingshu, so she started to circle in the water, wrapping her tentacles in a layer of water, and then tried her best to jump out of the water.

It was covered with a layer of sea water, and it was successfully floated, but it was wrapped too much, and it couldn't stop the car for a while, and flew straight up.

Ming Shu protected it with his hand in time, but as soon as the sea water touched his skin, it floated upwards one after another.

Without the help of sea water, the little jellyfish fell on Mingshu's hands, heaving weakly.

When it grows bigger, it can wreak havoc everywhere without water, but seeing it like this now, Mingshu still can't help being worried.

He caressed Pearl's smooth body, the thin tentacles that seemed to be broken if he squeezed lightly, and sighed: "Don't run around, it will be uncomfortable if you lack water."

Pearl turned over and wrapped her tentacles around Mingshu's fingers Sharp, refused to enter the water tank.

At this moment, a familiar voice shouted: "Pearl."

Ming Shu followed the reputation, and Xiu Qi stood not far away, followed by a subordinate.

His eyes fell on Ming Shu and the little white jellyfish in his hand.

Ming Shu hurriedly stood up with the pearl in his hands: "Boss..."

Xiu Qi raised his right hand without saying a word, and a ball of water gradually formed on his palm.

Pearl reluctantly let go of Mingshu's fingertips, retracted her tentacles and flicked towards Xiuqi, and rushed into the water polo in his hand.

The little jellyfish swam around in the water polo, and stretched out its tentacles to Mingshu thoughtfully.

Ming Shu hesitated on the spot for a moment, then walked forward: "Boss."

Xiu Qi didn't look at him, but looked down at the pearl in the water polo: "Do you like him?" There

was no emotion in his tone, and he couldn't hear the intention. Mingshu's heart tightened.

Pearl shook her tentacles, her chubby body undulating slightly.

The water polo got bigger again, and suddenly started to move towards Ming Shu.

Mingshu was caught off guard, and subconsciously reached out to catch it. The water polo burst instantly when it touched his palm. The water didn't rise up and flow into the ocean, but sprinkled Mingshu all over, wet his sleeves and clothes.

The pearl fell into Mingshu's hands, and she seemed to be as stunned as Mingshu was, motionless.

Xiu Kun frowned: "You don't even know the simplest water congealing spell?"

Ming Shu pursed her lips and looked up at him cautiously.

He unconsciously showed a look of grievance, and a little bit of hidden anger.

Xiu Qi couldn't do it on purpose, right? Throwing the water polo at him all of a sudden, without any precautions...

Ming Shu really doesn't know any water congealing spells, he can only change from a mermaid to a human.

Xiuju still had a icy look on his face, and took a step forward.

A hand with well-defined joints stretched out and clasped Mingshu's wrist tightly.

The wet clothes on Mingshu's body began to dry, the water flow was pulled away as much as possible, rose slowly and gathered into a small ball again, hanging in Mingshu's palm.

Seeing this, Pearl happily jumped up and circled in the water polo.

Ming Shu opened his eyes slightly, the previous grievance and anger disappeared, and his eyes were full of surprise.

The subordinate behind Xiuwen took a deep breath, and looked at Mingshu without any trace.

It's terrible, to be able to get special treatment from the leader and the leader's pet at the same time... It's time to notify Beicheng District to find out which house Mingshu sent it to.

The water polo didn't last long in Mingshu's hands, and it was transferred to Xiuqi's hands again.

Pearl was not very happy, but she didn't dare to resist, and obediently went back to the water tank.

And Xiuju didn't stay for long, and didn't talk to Mingshu again, and left with his subordinates.

Ming Shu looked at his back, and the fear and fear of him before had dropped a lot.

It's a pity that there is no npc list in this dungeon, so I can't see the details of the character, and he hasn't triggered the completed strategy mission, so I can't know the exact data.

But as long as he doesn't kill himself, it will be smooth.

Mingshu's requirements are not high, and it is of course the best to be able to complete the task while keeping the few life points.


Shu stayed until noon, and left after feeding the fish to Pearl.

It was yesterday's batch of sea snakes who brought the food. Seeing Mingshu was like meeting a savior. Mingshu was very reluctant to leave.

Strange to say, Pearl not only likes Mingshu, but also seems to listen to him very much, like his pet.

But the sea snakes guessed in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say it. Someone heard it and passed it to the leader, and they couldn't eat it.

At night, the attendants came to take away the tableware, Ming Shu couldn't wait to go to the bathroom to soak in water.

He turned back into a mermaid again, with his tail fin resting on the edge of the algae tank, and all the clothes he took off were hung on the wooden rack beside him.

After soaking for a long time, Ming Shu came out slowly, got dressed and went back to the bedroom.

When he pushed the door open, he saw a dark figure sitting beside the bed.

The figure sat quietly without making a sound, even the algae lamp was dimmed, it was the movement of Mingshu pushing the door that made the light turn on again.

Xiuju looked up and stared at Mingshu's wet hair: "Where did you go?"

Why did he come again.

Mingshu was secretly afraid, if Xiuwen went to look for him just now and saw his fish tail...

He stabilized his mind and took a few steps forward: "I'm going to take a bath."

Sea snakes also need to take a bath, right? Take a shower and come back to sleep, nothing to doubt.

Sure enough, Xiu Kun didn't ask any further questions, but his eyes still had no warmth, and his whole body was filled with ice-cold air pressure.

Ming Shu continued to move forward, and asked cautiously: "Boss... do you have any orders?"

Xiu Kun raised his hand and pressed the center of his eyebrows: "Come here."

It was the same order again, and this time he was a little impatient up.

Ming Shu hesitated between following him and resisting, but finally chose the former, obediently walked to the bedside.

Xiu Hu grabbed Ming Shu's hand and pulled him into his arms, pressing his palm on his lower back.

This is a hugging position, Ming Shu couldn't move, he heard Xiu Qi say in his ear: "Take off your clothes." Ming Shu's

body froze: "No, don't..."

"Don't?" Xiu Qi's voice was soft Press down, it sounds very unpleasant.

He threw Mingshu onto the bed and covered himself on top.

The algae lamp became brighter due to the movement in the room, Xiuju stroked the bright and warm side of the neck, and his body shape gradually began to change.

Ming Shu opened his eyes wide, and even his breathing froze.

With a "click", a mask fell off.

A sea snake with a thick arm wrapped around Mingshu's wrist, and the black and cold scales slid in along the cuff against his skin.

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