Chapter 20: The Wolf-Eared Boy (20)

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Only four hours until the night of the full moon?

The sudden reminder made Mingshu startled, the night of the full moon...isn't it tomorrow?

Why is there only four hours left?

And the village's recent preparations are all for tomorrow's full moon night, and tonight is to prevent the wolves from attacking.

Mingshu's brain was a little confused, he re-read the system messages and main tasks, but he didn't understand what went wrong.

Wait, counting the time since I escaped to the present, four hours later, it should be exactly zero o'clock.

It seems that... it is indeed tomorrow.

Ming Shu faintly realized that there might be a time error between the system and the copy story.

Previously, he learned from the plot description and the villagers that the werewolf transformed on the night of the full moon, that is, tomorrow night, until four or five o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, before the moon is about to disappear.

According to the system prompt, his "full moon night" will start after twelve o'clock tonight.

Both are "full moon nights", but they are completely different concepts of time.

When will the "full moon night" in the system time end? There won't be twenty-four hours...

Besides, Mingshu is worried about another problem.

Will he transform into a werewolf after twelve o'clock tonight?

The night of the full moon is unfamiliar to Ming Shu. The main task only mentions the need for moonlight. Does it mean that she transforms as soon as the time comes, or after bathing in the moonlight?

And what will his werewolf form look like? Is it similar to Jing Shuang, or will it become something weird...

Mingshu's werewolf identity is different from Jing Shuang. I don't know anything, and now even the time calculation of the full moon night is different.

Everything may need to be explored by himself.

What should I do now... There are only four hours left, and the safest and safest way is to hide first.

But there were people all around, Ming Shu couldn't escape at all.

Many eyes turned to him, almost full of suspicion and hostility. Yesterday, the villagers were tolerant and preferential to Mingshu, but today they discovered his abnormality, and their vigilance and vigilance were almost raised to the highest level.

"Shut up in the barn?" said the villager who controlled Mingshu, "What if he escapes after a while? Even a locked room can't lock him up, so there's no guarantee that there won't be any troubles." Several people also echoed

, What was said inside and outside the words meant that Ming Shu should be dealt with directly on the spot.

On Mingshu's side, the npc favorability update notifications sounded one after another, all from the villagers around him.

Their favorability was originally around thirty or forty, but now it has dropped to 0, or even turned into a negative number.

Ming Shu was at a loss for what to do. He had little contact with other people in the village before, and he basically followed Yuan Chen. He had never encountered such a situation.

He has been carefully hiding his identity from Yuan Chen, sometimes he needs to beware of Jing Chu and Jing Shuang, but completely ignores that once he is exposed, these villagers may kill him.

From Yuanchen at the beginning, the wolves driven by Jing Shuang, to the villagers now, Mingshu will be threatened with his life.

In the current situation, since there is no way to escape, it might be safer to be locked in the barn.

At least the three people there had a goodwill rating above 70, and even though they were locked up because of Mingshu, the goodwill didn't drop at all.

Seeing that Jing Bo showed hesitation, as if he was seriously considering the opinions of the villagers, Ming Shu, who had been quiet all this time, finally said, "If I can escape...would you still catch me?" His hat was torn off, his pale

face He looked pitiful and helpless, with a begging look in his eyes.

For a moment, the surrounding villagers hesitated again, what Ming Shu said was not unreasonable, no matter what method he used to escape from the house, it is a fact that he was caught so easily by them at this moment.

Only the previous villagers were reluctant: "Then tell me, what are you doing here?"

"I... I went wrong," Ming Shu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and continued to explain: "There are so many people here, I I thought Yuan Chen and the others were locked in."

He said that, and it seemed to make sense.

Jing Bo asked: "Do you want to save them?"

Ming Shu shook his head: "No, I'm afraid, I want to see how they are..."

He was ambiguous, there could be many reasons for his fear, and he was locked up all the time. The situation is not much better than the three of Yuan Chen.

A few villagers still didn't believe it, and proposed to tie Mingshu up and drive him out of the village.

Jing Bo looked at the crowd and made a decision: "Let's take it to the barn." We'll

find out who is the real werewolf among the four tomorrow night. It's really not right to kill Mingshu directly based on some guesswork. appropriate.

In the end, Mingshu's hands were tied in front of his body, and several people led him to the barn door.

Jing Bo took the lock and opened the door, and went in first with a lamp.

The three people inside stayed in one place and looked up at the same time.

A familiar figure appeared behind Jing Bo, his hands were bound by rough ropes, his head was lowered, showing half of his beautiful side face.

Jing Chu frowned: "Ming Shu?"

Wasn't he locked in Yuan Chen's room? What is the situation now.

Yuan Chen stood on the side closest to the door, and glanced at Ming Shu and the rest of the villagers who followed: "What's going on?"

A villager replied, "He escaped from the house! He sneaked to Jing's house, I don't know what to do!"

Ever since Ming Shu came in, Jing Shuang, who was sitting in the corner, remained expressionless, with a hint of haze in his eyes hidden in the shadows.

However, when he heard what the villagers said, he narrowed his eyes and his expression became a little subtle.

Mingshu escaped and went to Jing's house? What does he want to do?

He was imprisoned here, those bacteria hadn't been used yet, originally planned to be tonight...

Jing Chu snorted coldly: "I've said it a long time ago, he didn't say a few words of truth."

But when he saw Ming Shu was thin and frail , His body, lifeless and blood-colored face, moved his heart of compassion again, and the rest of the words were stuck in his throat.

Mingshu looks pitiful now, and his appearance is always his plus point, although he sent the three of them in together yesterday.

Every time he shows weakness and shows grievances, it always makes people feel soft and itchy.

Looking at the four people in the barn, Jing Bo hesitated to speak, and finally said only one sentence: "You guys... have a good rest, and we can talk about something tomorrow morning." He was

locked here, his hands were tied and fixed in one place, and he couldn't do anything at will. Walking around, there are still people watching outside all the time, how can it be possible to rest well.

They haven't even eaten much since last night.

The few people were silent, Jing Bo sighed, and led the villagers away.

Before leaving, he increased the number of guards outside the barn, telling them to check the situation inside from the window every once in a while to prevent Mingshu from disappearing suddenly like before.

The wolves might attack the village tonight, Yuan Chen and Jing Chu were locked up, and manpower had to be spared to keep an eye on them, which was really not a good sign.

But at this time, the more you can't relax and be casual, Jing Bo has no other way, and he can't deal with all the suspects, let alone his two sons.

Jing Bo returned to the courtyard in a hurry, and ordered the villagers to pack all the dinners to be delivered.

"It's been so long..." He sighed again, "Hurry up and send them there, don't let it cool down." On the

other side, Ming Shu groped in the dark and retreated to the wall, and sat down in the corner alone.

Jing Bo probably forgot, he didn't ask someone to prepare a mattress for him, it was a little cold in the barn, and no lights were turned on.

With his hands bound, Ming Shu put on his coat and hat clumsily and slowly, tightened his neckline and curled up.

"Ming Shu," Jing Chu called him, his tone sounded much calmer than before, "What do you want to do when you escape?"

Ming Shu didn't make a sound, leaning against the wall and ignoring him.

When there was no response, Jing Chu became a little annoyed again: "Why do you say you are doing this? If yesterday..." "


Jing Shuang lazily interrupted Jing Chu's words: "I'm not even angry, Why are you angry? Don't scare him."

From the moment the three of them were locked in last night, Jing Shuang stopped pretending, and everyone in the room knew his identity.

Jing Chu personally framed and slandered Yuan Chen, and there was nothing to hide.

Jing Chu's voice stopped abruptly, and he turned his head to look at Jing Shuang in the other corner.

He seemed to have something to say, but because Yuan Chen was there, he temporarily swallowed it.

Ming Shu quietly listened to the conversation between the two, and knew that she had guessed correctly.

Jing Chu and Jing Shuang are indeed cooperating. Jing Chu's goal may be Yuan Chen, after all, the column that he hates in the character details is clearly written.

What about Jingshuang? Does he hate Yuan Chen too?

Ming Shu suddenly thought of a question. Jing Shuang hadn't mentioned to himself that he had cooperated with Jing Chu, but he guessed it after the new plot was updated.

So even if he didn't drag Jing Shuang into the water yesterday, it is very likely that he would tell the villagers about Jing Chu's visit but not let him out, and he would not be able to get away with it.

And Jingchu probably didn't know about it, no wonder he spoke vaguely yesterday and didn't explain it clearly to Mingshu.

He thought Ming Shu knew everything and what to do.

Did Jing Shuang do it on purpose?

In the plot of this dungeon, werewolves are creatures that represent violence and evil, and enjoy playing with humans in their hands.

Including many fairy tales, cooperating with villains or making deals always carries great risks.

If this is the case, Jing Shuang must have thought that only he could get out last night, but he did not expect to be confessed by Mingshu, and they were locked in this barn together.

Ming Shu didn't want to participate in this kind of plot between the villain and the supporting villain, he just wanted to finish the task with his life.

But Jing Shuang wasn't angry... He didn't expect this, or Jing Shuang just didn't show it.

In short, Ming Shu still remembered Jing Shuang strangling his neck and threatening him to hand over the bacteria.

If these three npcs were to be ranked as dangerous with the villagers outside, Jing Shuang must be the most dangerous one, followed by the villagers who discovered his identity.

As for Yuan Chen who killed him once when they met for the first time, Ming Shu was no longer so afraid of him.

But that was all before last night... He personally slandered Yuan Chen, and with Jing Shuang's words just now, Yuan Chen must also know that he is a wolf.

Ming Shu buried her head, her forehead resting on her knees.

Yuan Chen has not said a word, what is he thinking?

He was probably suppressing his rage, only to kill himself as soon as he got away.

After all, I had lied to him several times... Ming Shu thought wildly for a while, feeling her body getting colder and colder.

The Invisibility Pill was gone, his hands were tied, and there were villagers guarding him outside. How could he escape before zero o'clock.

It's a good thing that Jing Bo didn't let someone fix the rope that bound him somewhere, but Ming Shu didn't dare to move it.

He quietly looked around, there was only one window in the barn, which was on Yuan Chen's side.

In the darkness, Ming Shu suddenly heard Yuan Chen's voice.

"Ming Shu," he shouted, "Come here."

Ming Shu's hands clenched his collar trembled.

All around was quiet, he listened to his own breathing, but did not answer.

Seeing him huddled in the corner without moving, Yuan Chen said again: "It's cold over there."

Ming Shu's heart skipped a beat, and subconsciously looked in Yuan Chen's direction.

Did he tell himself to go over because he was afraid that he would be cold?

The three people over there have mattresses and blankets, but Mingshu only has a thin coat.

Yuan Chen's tone remained the same as before, as if nothing happened yesterday.

But Mingshu didn't dare to go... Rather than keeping himself warmer, he chose to stay where he was, at least it was safer.

So he still didn't respond, and buried his face in his knees again.

Seeing this, Jing Chu sneered, feeling a little more at ease.

Jing Shuang, who was farthest away, said with great interest: "Why don't you come to me? Little Wolf."

He became more blatant and directly called out the word "Little Wolf".

Even so, Yuan Chen still didn't say a word, and didn't have the slightest reaction to Ming Shu's identity.

Ming Shu immediately closed his eyes. If he had to choose one, he might as well go to Jing Chu's.

However, among the three of them, Jing Chu was the only one who didn't let Ming Shu pass by. His face darkened, as if he cared very much about Jing Shuang's address just now.

The barn was quiet again, Jing Shuang leaned his head against the wall, eyes half down.

He held a small piece of broken glass in his hand and pricked the pad of his index finger with the sharp point.

The moment the blood flowed out, the gray wolf far away in the forest seemed to sense something, and suddenly looked up in the direction of the village.


After an unknown amount of time, the system prompt sounded.

[A new plot prompt has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? 】

Ming Shu immediately opened his eyes.

The plot update at this time? The important characters of the copy are all in this room.

Maybe... the bacteria are at work.

Sure enough, when Ming Shu clicked on the new plot, a dull bell rang outside.

It is a signal for wolves to attack the village.

Strangely, the other three people in the barn were very quiet, not surprised by this situation at all.

Jing Shuang opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised an arc.

[Plot reminder]:

[Yuan Chen was locked up, some villagers suggested to execute him directly, but Jing Bo stopped him. Jing Bo watched Yuan Chen grow up and knew his character best. He didn't want to believe that Yuan Chen was a wolf. He persuaded everyone to stay Yuan Chen for a few more days. If Yuan Chen really transformed on the night of the full moon, he would be the first One dealt with Yuan Chen. The villagers temporarily compromised and agreed to Jing Bo's decision. 】

【However, on the second night, the bacteria that Jing Shuang claimed was thrown into the well water by Yuan Chen appeared in the kitchen of Jing Bo's house. Someone put the mushrooms in the freshly prepared meals and sent them to the villagers who guarded the entrance of the village at night to eat. 】

【More than a dozen villagers ate the fungus, and the effects developed quickly. After a long time, they were discovered by Bo Jing, who went to inspect. Just when everyone was in a hurry, the wolves attacked. ]

[The wolves still didn't target the villagers this time, they broke into the village to find the hidden poultry like a provocation, and killed them all. 】

The updated plot ends here, Ming Shu both blames herself and is a little bit grateful.

It was he who put the fungus, and no one found the cloth bag thrown in the yard, and the villagers still drank the soup with the fungus.

Fortunately, the wolves did not choose to harm the villagers, but killed the poultry again.

There was gradually noisy movement outside the barn, there were hurried footsteps back and forth, and the guards outside seemed to be called away.

According to the calculation of time, what was written in the plot reminder should be faster than what actually happened. The wolves have just attacked the village now, and it is time for the villagers to resist with all their strength.

Ming Shu turned off the system panel and quietly looked at Jing Shuang.

Most of Jing Shuang's body was hidden in the dark shadows. He seemed to be aware of Ming Shu's gaze, and sighed: "The wolf is here again, what should I do?

" Bad, with a little schadenfreude.

Jing Chu couldn't help but say: "You said, you won't hurt other people."

Although he cooperated with Jing Shuang, he never thought of harming the villagers in the village. His goal was always only Yuan Chen.

"Of course," Jing Shuang said with a smile, but what he said was shocking: "If everyone is dead, what's the point?" The

implication is that he has nothing to play with if he is dead.

Jing Chu remained silent, his spine felt faintly chilled.

If it wasn't for Yuan Chen... once Yuan Chen died, this wolf would definitely not be able to stay.

But Jing Shuang's identity and appearance have been exposed in front of others, and the next time we meet, he may have another appearance.

On the side of the barn, Ming Shu huddled in a corner, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

He thought to himself, Jing Shuang is here, will the wolves come to rescue him?

Then he might be able to take advantage of the chaos and escape... There is not much time left for him.

After a long time, Mingshu received the second system prompt.

[Reminder: There are only three hours left until the night of the full moon, please prepare in advance]

Mingshu turned off the reminder and looked out the window at the hazy moonlight.

Three hours, he still has three hours to wait.

However, after waiting, Ming Shu received two more reminders.

[Reminder: There are only two hours left until the night of the full moon, please prepare in advance]

[Reminder: There is only one hour left before the night of the full moon, please prepare in advance]

Time passes by, tomorrow Shu became more and more anxious.

Is there something wrong with the wolves? Or they didn't come to save Jingshuang.

Ming Shu was very disturbed. He had a strong premonition that he might turn into a werewolf after midnight.

The three people in this barn are all secondary. If the villagers outside find him, the chance of him escaping is very slim.

Ming Shu didn't expect the system to give him any skills after his transformation. He couldn't even summon a pack of wolves, and his identity as a werewolf was just an empty shell.

He pulled the hood tight again, trying to cover himself firmly with the cloth.

About half an hour later, Ming Shu, who was in a state of anxiety, finally heard a few howling wolves.

The sound was not far away, accompanied by some chaotic footsteps, and the eager voices of the villagers mixed together, gradually approaching the periphery of the barn.

Jing Chu looked at Jing Shuang again: "Aren't you hiding anymore?"

He also guessed that the wolves were specially summoned by Jing Shuang, and he wanted to escape from here.

But in doing so, the villagers will also discover his true identity, which is completely different from their original plan.

Jing Shuang stood up and twisted his neck: "What else are you hiding? What if you sell me?"

He never trusted Jing Chu from the beginning to the end, but agreed to cooperate with him only because he thought it was fun for a while. That's all.

Jing Chu's face darkened when he heard the words: "You..."

He finally realized that something was wrong, and Jing Shuang's departure was to ignore him.

But Jing Chu couldn't find anything to refute. Without this cooperative relationship, Jing Shuang could even let the wolves kill him directly.

At this time, he looked at Yuan Chen, and met the latter's slightly mocking gaze.

Ming Shu always stayed away from the three of them, not participating in the slightest, he just wanted to get out from here.

During the long wait, he began to feel uncomfortable somewhere in his body.

Like ants crawling in the bones, the slight itchiness makes people uncomfortable, Mingshu moved uncomfortably.

The sound outside was getting closer and closer, and something slammed on the door with a "bang", startling Ming Shu who was the closest.

He moved a little to the side, and there was another "bang", and the door panel cracked a gap.

The villagers also noticed the intention of the wolves, and shouted: "They want to go in! Stop them!"

But most of the villagers went in the other direction to prevent the wolves from attacking the poultry. Injured.

They couldn't stop them at all, and watched the door panel cracked.

Several huge gray wolves broke into the barn and headed straight for Jing Shuang.

At this moment, Yuan Chen stood up.

He broke free with his hands, threw away the tiles in his hands and the rope he had just cut.

An injured villager came in after the wolves, and subconsciously threw the dagger in his hand to Yuan Chen.

Yuan Chen caught it accurately and wrestled with the two gray wolves approaching.

Another gray wolf walked up to Jing Shuang and bit off the hemp rope that bound his hands for him.

There is also a wolf on Jingchu's side, intending to attack him.

When the injured villagers saw that the gray wolf had untied Jing Shuang, they immediately went to help Jing Chu if they didn't understand anything.

Ming Shu was missed by everyone, and at this moment, he got up and fled towards the door.

However, he had been frozen in the corner of the wall for too long, his body was frozen and stiff, and his hands were still bound, making it difficult for him to move. After taking two steps, another gray wolf jumped in through the broken door.

Gray Wolf stared at Mingshu closely, and approached eagerly.

As Ming Shu retreated, Jing Shuang's voice sounded beside him: "Where do you want to go again?"

The moment Jing Shuang's voice fell, Gray Wolf threw Ming Shu to the ground.

However, the next moment, the gray wolf stopped attacking.

It let out a low growl from its throat, but approached Ming Shu again, and gently sniffed his scent.

Gray Wolf obeyed Jing Shuang's orders and never disobeyed. Jing Shuang didn't mean to kill Mingshu, but just wanted Gray Wolf to scare him, leaving a small wound on it.

He noticed the abnormality of the gray wolf, and took a few steps forward to drive it away.

Ming Shu still fell on the ground, he kept moving back and trying to escape, while raising his hand to hold the hood tightly.

Jing Shuang crouched beside him and tore off his hat.

When he saw Mingshu's face clearly, his breath stagnated.

On the other side, Yuan Chen dealt with the two gray wolves besieging him, and cast his eyes in Ming Shu's direction.

The door panel was almost cracked in the middle, and a large amount of moonlight shone in through the broken hole.

Ming Shu on the ground looked flustered and raised his head in a daze, revealing his delicate and beautiful facial features.

On the top of his head, there is actually a pair of white, furry wolf ears.

[Main task three has been completed! Please check your point rewards in the background]

[You have been exposed! Please escape from the hands of the villagers as soon as possible]

[The favorability of npc has been updated, please go to the list to check]

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