Chapter 107: Halloween (11)

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The door and all windows were closed tightly, the curtains were drawn, and Mingshu completely relaxed.

He took off his outer robe, buried himself in Sang Yin's arms, took a deep breath, and smelled the delicious scent of grass and trees on his body.

"Sleepy?" Sang Yin hugged him, "Go to bed now?"

Mingshu hesitated for a while, then raised his head: "I want to take a bath."

He found clean pajamas from the closet and went into the bathroom alone, washing them as quickly as possible. Come out, the lights in the living room have been turned off.

Mingshu walked to the window in the dark, opened the curtains and took one last look outside before returning to the bedroom.

He also washed his hair, and his hair was dripping wet. Sang Yin wiped his hair with a towel, a dark green light appeared in his palm, and dried his hair bit by bit.

Mingshu almost fell asleep in his arms, raised his head and said, "Tonight...I saw another you."

Not a wizard, not a demon, and at that time, not a town citizen.

He would not be mistaken, that must be one of Sang Yin's splits, but he was anxious to come back and only glanced at the other party a few times.

Sang Yin lowered his eyes and gently ran his fingers along Mingshu's longer hair: "Yeah."

Sure enough, it was another one... His feeling was unmistakable. It was probably the unknown person who had followed Mingshu back tonight. biology.

The other party was hiding in the dark and did not show up. I wonder if he had other intentions.

Sang Yin showed no hesitation. He killed the wizard yesterday and went to the Devil City during the day to successfully eliminate the devil hiding in it.

He temporarily kept the demon's body in the amusement park, and came to see Mingshu in the form of a wizard at night, but now another one appeared.

I don't know how many non-human beings there are in this town. Every time there is one more of himself, there is one more person who covets Mingshu.

Although Sang Yin has the restriction of being a citizen in the copy, he has memory, can see the system, and his face is the same as before. He is the original body, and naturally no other split is allowed to get close to Mingshu.

Mingshu yawned, wiped the tears from his eyes, and told Sang Yin what happened in the afternoon and tonight.

Shan Qi's condition is not normal, and Xia Zhu's teeth cannot be removed. The players are more or less affected by the Halloween costumes, but they seem to be unable to do anything.

There was also the leader who appeared last tonight. At that time, he thought that the leader would stop them and prevent them from leaving, but in the next second, he was easily killed by Shan using a chainsaw.

Although the other party can be resurrected, this behavior of the leader seems strange.

Mingshu opened the team private chat and asked in it, wanting to know if everyone was okay.

Several teammates didn't even sleep, and they responded one after another, including Shan Qi.

[In the process of forming a team] Shan Qi: Just lying down

[In the process of forming a team] Shan Qi: Is the fear value of everyone's branch sufficient? The only main task left is to kidnap people during the day.

The description of the second main task is "kidnapping a town NPC", and the fear value reaches 60 and above.

Tonight, they blocked the two townspeople in the alley. The fear level increased by 44 points in total. Shan Qi originally had 25 points. The required values ​​for the task had been met, and he only needed the last step to kidnap the townspeople.

Everyone else's points were between 54 and 59, but Mingshu's total points should be 84 points in the past few days, but the details of the main mission still showed that the points were insufficient.

In other words, the "** value" he gained here at Sang Yin is not included in... the fear value statistics for the second main mission.

After this calculation, his fear value is 54, which is still 6 points short.

Fortunately, the difference is not much, and Xia Zhu is also 4 points away. They can think of a solution with several other teammates tomorrow.

Sang Yin took his hand and squeezed it: "Shall I help you?"

Ming Shu asked uncertainly: "Can it be done?"

He did not doubt Sang Yin, but doubted himself... How could Sang Yin be frightened by him.

"Try it," Sang Yin lowered his head and kissed the corner of Mingshu's lips, "If it doesn't work, tie him up again."

He could help Mingshu and kidnap whoever he wanted, and it was not impossible to attack the leader.

With him around, Mingshu felt more at ease in whatever he did. He took the initiative to kiss Sang Yin and said vaguely: "Then I will come to you tomorrow... and help you kidnap him." His voice was soft,

without any momentum at all, and he continued to make trouble As if playing.

After kissing for a while, the atmosphere gradually became intense. Mingshu held down her hands in her clothes and rubbed Sang Yin's Adam's apple with her lips.

"Do you want to do it?" Sang Yin whispered, touching her palm ambiguously, "I am in another body now."

The implication was that he was not using his true body.

The main body will definitely get close to Ming Shu in the future. There are some differences in their looks, so he may feel repelled.

Mingshu's head was dizzy and he couldn't think about what Sang Yin was talking about. He hummed a few times without answering.

Sang Yin noticed something strange about him, picked him up a little, held his chin and lifted his face.

Mingshu's skin was flushed all over, his consciousness was unclear, and his forehead was hot.

Sang Yin frowned, used the wizard's spell to condense a ball of water, wrapped it in a towel and wiped it for Mingshu.

The cold touch made Mingshu feel comfortable. He kept leaning on Sang Yin, and his body temperature dropped a little by relying on the water ball.

The wizard didn't know how to heal. Sang Yin couldn't tell what was wrong with Mingshu, so he continued to condense water balls and asked: "What's wrong?" Mingshu

felt better now, and his mind was not so heavy: "It's just hot... My head hurts a bit too."

He seemed to have a fever, but the symptoms came on suddenly, and he didn't feel like he was sick or had a cold.

Especially on both sides of the forehead, it feels like a needle is pricking it from time to time.

Mingshu wrinkled his face and asked Sang Yin to press it for him. The pain finally eased, but he began to feel restless again.

He sat up, looked at Sang Yin with confused eyes, grabbed one of his hands and put it behind him: "Touch..."

Sang Yin held him steady: "What?"

"Touch the tail," Ming Ming Shu's voice was low and his cheeks were red: "The tail feels uncomfortable."

There was no one else in the room. Sang Yin helped Ming Shu take off his pants, and the tail that broke free suddenly wrapped around his hand, and took the initiative to put the triangle at the end into his hand. Palm.

Mingshu finally felt much better now, curling up in Sang Yin's arms with great satisfaction.

But after a while, he started to pull off Sang Yin's collar again and put his hot hands on his body to get some coolness.

Sang Yin lowered his head to kiss him, but Ming Shu didn't like his hot breath, so she resisted and pushed his face away.

He had no choice but to be patient and continue to rub his tail.

After a while, Mingshu moved uneasily, raised his head, and said with a dull expression: " also have a tail?"

His tone sounded like it was the first day he met Sang Yin, and his eyes were still very confused.

In the past, he would never have had the courage to say such a thing.

Sang Yin endured it again and again, and moved closer to kiss Mingshu regardless of his resistance. After kissing for a while, he let go of him: "Yes, do you want to see it?"

Mingshu regained some clarity at this time, and was too ashamed to look at him. He buried his face and muttered: " are not allowed to talk." His

body temperature was still very high. Sang Yin resignedly picked up the towel again and asked Mingshu to Lie on top of him and wipe him.

The other hand was tightly entangled with the tail and refused to let go. When Sang Yin tried to break free, Mingshu became unhappy.

After a long time like this, Mingshu finally began to get better, his body temperature returned to normal, and he fell asleep leaning on Sang Yin.

He breathed evenly, and his thick eyelashes lowered quietly. Sang Yin couldn't bear to wake him up, so he lay down carefully while maintaining his posture, and raised his hand to turn off the light.


Mingshu woke up the next day, and he was alone in the bed. Sang Yin had already gone back.

He lifted the quilt and sat up, finding that his pajamas were askew and his pants were on one side.

Mingshu's slow brain started to work, and he slowly recalled what he had done last night.

His cheeks were slightly red, he changed his clothes, got up, washed up, and stood in front of the bathroom mirror.

He was acting strangely last night, and seemed to be fine again after sleeping. Combined with everything that happened recently, it was probably due to the influence of the Halloween costume...

Was it a wizard or a devil? Mingshu looked at himself in the mirror. His hair had grown longer, almost reaching his shoulders, and the strands of hair on his forehead had also grown a lot.

He lifted his forehead and his fingertips suddenly touched something small and hard.

Mingshu turned on all the lights in the bathroom, pulled out her hair and looked carefully in front of the mirror. She saw a small black dot above her forehead. It didn't hurt to the touch, but she couldn't pick it off.

This position... Mingshu changed the corner of his forehead to the other side, and sure enough he found another small black spot, which was very symmetrical on both sides of his forehead.

Mingshu let down her hair and stood in front of the mirror at a loss.

Is he... going to grow horns?

He had seen the horn on the top of the demon's head, which was pure black, about half the length of a hand, and the top was slightly curved inward.

If he really grew horns, they should look the same.

It's nothing to have horns, it's just a slight change in appearance. His tail is already hidden behind his back, and the wizard's robe alone is not enough to make him look like a ghost.

But Mingshu was worried about whether there would be other changes besides appearance, just like Shan Qi's...

He was worried, told Xia Zhu about it in a private chat, and opened the chat box with Sang Yin.

[Private chat] Mingshu: [Crying]

They have to continue the main mission today, and several teammates also plan to act together, and have agreed on a meeting place and time.

However, Shan Qi never replied. I wonder if he hasn't gotten up yet.

One of his teammates lived close to him and asked him to call him. Mingshu washed his face, took breakfast and went out.

He and Xia Zhu arrived at their destination almost at the same time. Two other teammates also arrived, but Shan Qi was not there.

Xia Zhu asked: "Didn't you go find him?"

One of the teammates shook his head: "He's not here... he probably isn't here. I've been knocking on the door for a long time, but no one answered." He did

n't reply even after sending messages. His teammates were a little worried. But last night, Shan Qi also talked in the team's private chat, and it seemed normal at that time.

Xia Zhu raised his hand to grind his fangs: "Never mind that for now, maybe he has his own things to do."

Without a team member, the task must be completed, and not counting Ming Shu, Shan Qi is the most progressed among them. Come on, he may not want to form a team anymore.

The two teammates nodded and sat by the fountain to discuss how to kidnap the townspeople.

Xia Zhu was a little tired, as if she hadn't slept well. She was holding the bread and milk she had brought from the house. She only took two bites of the bread and put it aside.

He pressed his shoulders and neck: "Why do you feel so low energy today..."

The two teammates also echoed, and the teammate dressed as a headless ghost touched his neck: "Not only do I have no energy, I also always feel that my neck is very sore... ...It feels like I have a stiff neck."

Another teammate is a skeleton ghost. He said: "My neck is not sore, but my appetite has been a bit exaggerated in the past two days. No matter how much I eat, I am still hungry..." As he said

, he glanced at Xia Zhu, who was holding it in his hand. The uneaten bread was discovered by Xia Zhu, who generously handed over all the bread, including the untouched milk.

The Skeleton Ghost teammate took the bread and started to wolf it down. He opened the milk and drank it in several sips before exhaling: "I feel much better."

If I remember correctly, he had just finished his breakfast when he came.

Mingshu frowned and subconsciously reached out to touch his forehead.

After just one night, the impact on the players seems to have worsened again.

Xia Zhu changed the canine on the other side and continued grinding, and sighed: "I'll ask others later if it's the same."

After entering the dungeon, he added some friends one after another, and occasionally chatted and shared information. If he could It's best to find ways to relieve these symptoms, otherwise problems may arise sooner or later.

Then they went to the shop together and bought the hemp rope used to tie people up.

They are not the only ones doing tasks today. There are many players gathered in several shops. When asked, they are all here to buy hemp rope, and some want to buy baseball bats, knives, chili pepper water and other items.

Mingshu and the others were among them, and he felt vaguely embarrassed, as if they were a group of thugs preparing to commit murder in the town, but the shop owner didn't ask any questions and greeted every customer with a smile, regardless of what they wanted to buy these things for. .

After buying the tools and walking out of the shop, Mingshu looked around and found no sign of Sang Yin.

Several people discussed it again and decided to try kidnapping a town citizen together to see if it could be the same as the side task. Everyone would share in the increase in the value.

Although they knew that the fear value might not increase during the day, they still wanted to give it a try. The last time Xia Zhu's fear value increased by 2 points during the day.

It was too dangerous to operate near night, and Shan Qi, who had the strongest force value, was not in the team yet.

When everything was ready, Mingshu and Xia Zhu were still responsible for seducing a town citizen and luring him into a dark place, while the other two teammates came out to kidnap him.

Everything went smoothly in front of them. The townspeople looked cold and indifferent, but they always responded to their requests. They would follow Ming Shu and Xia Zhu no matter what excuse they gave, without any precautions.

The teammates quickly tied up the deceived townspeople and threw them in the alley.

Several people were dressed up, and the skeleton ghost teammate put on a huge hood and held a folding knife to threaten: "Are you scared?" The

townspeople looked at him coldly, showing no emotion at all.

His teammates put down their knives. None of them could be as ruthless as Shan Qi, and they didn't have a more lethal weapon like a chainsaw.

The Skeleton Ghost teammate quickly retreated: "How about we try it at night..."

The other people looked at each other and had no other choice, so they let the townspeople go.

After the townspeople left, Xia Zhu sighed again: "Then come at night. I guess everyone else is like us. Let's all take a good rest during the day and recharge our batteries..."

Ming Shu held a scroll in his hand. Hemp Rope looked around absentmindedly and happened to see a familiar figure passing by not far away.

He was overjoyed and waited patiently for his two teammates to say goodbye. Then he hurriedly said "I'll go over there and have a look" to Xia Zhu and left with the twine.

Xia Zhu knew who he was going to find at a glance, so he followed him from a distance and hid under an eaves to enjoy the cool air.

Mingshu turned the corner and walked into the alley. Sang Yin was standing inside, leaning against the wall.

He stretched out his hands towards Mingshu and gave her a firm hug.

Mingshu raised his head and kissed him: "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Although he also liked the wizard... But every time he saw Sang Yin as a town citizen, he felt that this was the real him, and everything else was a substitute.

"I bumped into the guide in the morning and was delayed for a while," Sang Yin explained, while hugging Mingshu and touching the hemp rope in his hand, "What are you holding?" Mingshu raised it and showed it to him

: "The rope."

When Sang Yin came, he also saw players wandering nearby. He paused and asked knowingly: "What is it used for?" The

timing was perfect. This corner was very remote and almost no one passed by outside.

Mingshu cleared his throat and tried to look vicious: "Kidnapping you."

He spread the hemp rope and walked around behind Sang Yin. Sang Yin obeyed and put his hands behind his back, letting Mingshu tie him up with the rope.

After doing all this, Mingshu returned to Sang Yin and looked up at him: "You are too tall..."

This would make him look very lackluster, so Sang Yin sat cross-legged on the cement floor.

Mingshu actually felt that this would definitely not succeed, but now that he was tied up, Sang Yin was still so cooperative.

He put on his hood, revealing only half of his face, took out the folding knife that he had prepared, and imitated Shan Qi's expression and tone yesterday: "Are you afraid?"

Sang Yin cooperated very well: "Afraid."

But the fear was not worth it at all . When it didn't rise, Mingshu put away the knife: "Forget it, I just said no..." We

still have to wait until night to kidnap a strange town citizen...

Blood monsters will be born at night, and unknown creatures will appear. Mingshu really didn't want to go out at night, but the mission clearly required them to go against their wishes.

Sang Yin's hands were still tied, so he came closer and kissed Mingshu's cheek: "Why were you still crying this morning?"

When he mentioned this, Mingshu became even more discouraged. He untied the hemp rope, took Sang Yin's hand and put it on his face. On his own head: "I seem to have grown horns..."

Sang Yin touched it carefully and found two small protrusions.

"Does it hurt?" He pressed gently.

Mingshu replied: "It doesn't hurt."

Perhaps it was because of this opponent that he felt uncomfortable with his temperature rising last night. Other than that, he had no other adverse reactions. Unlike Xia Zhu and several other teammates, Mentality and appetite are affected.

Sang Yin retracted his hand and helped Mingshu stand up: "I will use the devil's body to come here tonight and help you take a look."

Mingshu nodded, rolled up the scattered hemp rope and put it away again.

His kidnapping would have no effect on Sang Yin, and he would have to wait until night.

The guide might appear at any time during the day. When walking around, Sang Yin would not follow Mingshu, but would follow him from a distance.

Mingshu walked out of the alley and found Xia Zhu not far away. He confirmed with him the time and place of the evening task, then turned around and quietly returned to Sang Yin.

Until nearly 6 p.m., the two came to a certain residential street in the town as agreed.

The two teammates arrived on time, but Shan Qi still couldn't be contacted.

The headless ghost teammate raised the wooden stick in his hand and shook it: "I bought this new, I hope it will be useful." Their

time was very tight, and they had to confirm whether they could share the fear value. When they were ready, they immediately looked for suitable ones nearby. Target.

However, after searching around, they suddenly found that there was not a single villager nearby. The doors of the houses everywhere were closed, and it was quiet inside. It was impossible to see if there was anyone there.

There were many players wandering around like them, and a few of them bumped into another wave of teams.

Both parties looked at each other, and someone said: "It's strange, why is there no one there?"

When they first arrived, they clearly saw many townspeople walking around, but why did they disappear in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon. Some timid townspeople would return to the house early and turn on the lights in the house, but they could not be seen at this moment.

Xia Zhu frowned, feeling something was wrong, so he opened the system and asked another friend in the private chat.

At this time, someone suddenly said: "There is someone over there!"

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, and sure enough they saw a man dressed as a town citizen passing by the corner of the street.

The two teams looked at each other, and the quick ones immediately raised their feet and chased after them.

Only one town citizen has appeared so far. With so many people, there is simply not enough to divide the points. Now whoever catches it first will be the "prey".

Not to be outdone, Mingshu's teammates hurriedly followed. When the two waves of people arrived on the other side of the corner, there was no trace of the town citizen just now.

"Running so fast?" Someone complained, "Why don't you go to another street and have a look."

Players can only enter the house they belong to. It seems that no one has tried to break into the homes of townspeople NPCs. If that doesn't work, Once the townspeople went home, they wouldn't have a chance tonight.

Xia Zhu also said: "Then let's go to the other side without going with them."

Another voice said: "Wait!"

At this moment, everyone noticed that several figures began to gather around and were slowly approaching here.

Those were all the townspeople who had disappeared inexplicably before. Now they appeared from nowhere and surrounded them in almost all directions.

They were silent, with indifferent expressions on their faces, and gradually walked toward the crowd.

The leader stood aside and watched the townspeople surround Mingshu and his group.

The players were all stunned by this strange scene and backed away warily.

Someone tried to communicate with these townspeople: "Aren't you... going home? It's getting dark."

No one answered his question. Mingshu glanced at the faces of the townspeople one by one, and suddenly his expression changed. white.

He saw Shan Qi, dressed in simple town attire, among this group of people.

Time passed by, and dense clouds tightly covered the sky above the town.

Several bats flew by quickly, and a dark figure appeared under the streetlight in the distance.

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