Chapter 163: Extra (4)

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Mingshu seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing, and buried his face in silence.

After a while, he felt bored again, and raised his head and hugged Sang Yin and kissed his lips.

Sang Yin asked patiently: "Who said that? ? "

His body was still stained with the night breeze brought in from outside, which made Mingshu like the coolness.

Mingshu hesitated for a while before continuing: "I don't know those people..."

What a stranger said would be ignored by Mingshu. You know, there is basically only one possibility.

As for the anonymous speeches on the World Channel, Sang Yin can guess what was said without even looking at them. They are nothing more than some groundless speculations about him in private by people who don't know him at all.

This kind of The situation had happened before, and he had never paid attention to it.

Mingshu drank and was a little dizzy, but he remembered this incident very clearly. Recalling the remarks of those people that day, he became unhappy.

"They said, you look like Like a scumbag," he lowered his thick eyelashes, looking aggrieved as if he had been misunderstood, "and said... there must be something wrong with you, that's why you don't fall in love. "

The word "problem" is very broad, and uninformed people will think of many things, such as character, body, etc.

Sang Yin stroked Mingshu's back and whispered: "Then do you think what they said is right? "

He rarely called such an affectionate name. Ming Shu's fingertips were numb and he hooked Sang Yin's collar: "...that's not right. "


He said slowly again, looking at Sang Yin with a pair of clear pupils, "You are already twenty-eight, and you just..."

Sang Yin sighed: "Baby, you dislike me? "

Ming Shu quickly shook his head: "No..."

He blushed inexplicably, and stumbled incoherently: "Because... because you have to... before me, didn't you...?

Sang Yin understood what Ming Shu meant: "No. "

He was still holding Mingshu's hand with one hand, touching his palm and said frankly: "Occasionally, you can solve it by yourself. "

Mingshu's face turned redder and she stared at him blankly.

Sang Yin felt itchy and pressed over to kiss his cheek. His voice became softer: "What are you thinking about? "

Mingshu hesitated for a while, then insisted on kissing him again.

After the kiss was over, Sang Yin hugged him and coaxed: "Don't worry about those words. "

They did get along more in the dungeon. Mingshu didn't know him well outside the dungeon, so it was inevitable that he would have random thoughts.

But they are together now, and there will be plenty of time to prove it in the future.

Mingshu nodded obediently, his eyes still bright, and became much quieter in Sang Yin's arms.

If he hadn't been in a different state than usual, he wouldn't have been drunk.

The two hugged each other for a while, so close, it was inevitable that they would react.

Mingshu moved uneasily and spoke with a blush. He pressed his cheek against the side of Sang Yin's neck, wondering vaguely whether there was something wrong with Sang Yin. Only he knew best.

Ming Shu was more relaxed due to the drunkenness, and his whole body rubbed against him softly, confused and confused. He said bluntly: "I want to..."

He saw Sang Yin's Adam's apple twitching slightly and reached out to touch it.

Sang Yin pulled his hand down and held it down temporarily: "I'll pour you some honey water. "

He was worried that Mingshu would feel uncomfortable after drinking, so he would wait until he sobered up.

Mingshu refused, and went to unbutton Sang Yin's buttons and gently bit his collarbone and muscles.

Sang Yin was aroused so much that he couldn't bear it, and he still remained I carried him to the kitchen, coaxed him to feed him half a cup of warm honey water, and then returned to the room.

After drinking, Mingshu was extremely enthusiastic and frank, saying many things that he usually did not dare to say. In the middle of the process, the drunkenness dissipated, and he felt ashamed. He hid under the quilt.

Sang Yin took him out and kissed the tip of his red ear: "Will you drink again next time?" "

The two of them rested in the middle of the night. The lights in the bedroom went out. After a while, Sang Yin came out.

He came downstairs, found the little mushroom in the flower pot on the balcony, and called it up to question it.

The little mushroom knew Sang Yin told Sang Yin everything about the discussion on the World Channel that day, and he said as if taking credit: "I banned them all!"

"Good job," Sang Yin praised, "I'll buy you machine oil next time." "

Little Mushroom's eyes suddenly lit up. It now has high system authority and immediately said that it can do whatever Sang Yin asked it to do.

It also pulled out the channel speech records of that day and read them to Sang Yin one by one.

Sang Yin looked confused at first. Until he heard Ming Shu defend himself, he was yelled back.

His expression was gloomy: "Find this person. "

As well as the previous ones, let Xiao Mushroom quietly increase the difficulty of assigning tasks to them.

When it comes to privacy, Xiao Mushroom cannot tell Sang Yin the names of these people, otherwise he may be punished if discovered by the main system, but in this way There is no problem with making small changes, it just makes them feel uncomfortable for a short time.

After doing all this, Xiao Mushroom boldly asked Sang Yin: "I... I want a purple gem. "

Any gem will do, as long as it's as beautiful as the mechanical butler's eyes. It wants to use it to make its own umbrella cap.

Sang Yin tapped the iron umbrella cap of the little mushroom with his finger: "Okay. "

-The next day, Mingshu slept until almost noon and didn't wake up.

He stared in confusion.

Mingshu sat up, slowly recalling what happened last night in his mind, his expression dull.

Everything else was fine. He couldn't even...ask out what those anonymous players said.

Mingshu hugged his knees and buried his face, but other than that, he was a little happy.

It must be a lie to say he doesn't care, otherwise he wouldn't be thinking about it when he was drunk. Now he finally got the answer, and it was what he wanted to hear the most.

Mingshu rubbed his face, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, just as Sang Yin opened the door from the outside.

He came closer, hugged Mingshu and reached out to touch his forehead: "Does your head hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt," Mingshu avoided Sang Yin's kiss, "I'm going to wash my face first..."

The alcohol content is not high, so what? He drank too much, but fortunately he had no side effects.

Sang Yin didn't let go, picked up his chin and stroked it gently: "Do you remember last night?"

Ming Shu blushed and looked away: "...remember."

Sang Yin didn't ask any more questions and kissed him on the lips. He said: "Next time, don't drink alone."

The bottle of mulberry wine had been put away by him, and Mingshu could only touch it when he was around.

Mingshu missed breakfast, and Sang Yin cooked some porridge at noon. When he went downstairs and didn't see the little mushroom, he asked: "Where is Guji?"

At this time, the little mushroom came out from behind the sofa pillow: "Shu Shu, I'm here."

Sang Yin's promise was fulfilled very quickly. Xiao Mushroom received a purple gem this morning, carefully polished it into the shape of an umbrella hat, and replaced the original iron shell on the top of his head.

It also referred to the mechanical butler's eyes and polished the surface of the new umbrella cap into facets. At first glance, it really looks like a gem.

However, other parts of the little mushroom's body are still shabby and old. The new umbrella cap is nice to look at, but it just doesn't fit in well with the whole thing.

Mingshu looked at the little mushroom with the umbrella cap changed for two seconds, and said sincerely: "It looks good."

After receiving his praise, the little mushroom was extremely excited, ran over and climbed onto Mingshu's hand, spinning in circles in front of his eyes.

It thought to itself that it would find an opportunity later and ask Sang Yin to buy other materials for it. It would become the most beautiful mushroom here!

"It's time to eat."

Sang Yin came over and led Mingshu to the dining room. On the way, he said to him: "Do you want to go out with me tomorrow?"

Mingshu asked: "Where are you going?"

"Go out to eat," he pinched Squeezing Mingshu's palm, "A few friends are together."

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