Chapter 126: Angel in Disguise (3)

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After the apostle on the high platform in front finished speaking, a group of apostles below were divided into four groups and taken to stay in the four outer side halls.

The entire temple was very large, enough to accommodate all the apostles who had just entered. Under the leadership of another envoy, Mingshu went to the north side hall.

The envoy told them on the way that before the assessment was over, they had to live in the same room. If they were familiar with each other, they could freely form roommates.

Qinghe was also in the team. He came with Mingshu and they met on the road. He naturally chose to live with Mingshu.

"Only those who have passed the assessment are qualified to stay in the temple," the envoy glanced back and warned: "But now that you have come in, you must be careful in your words and deeds. The archangel will come to every apostle at any time. "

At any time, the apostles are obliged to serve the archangel and complete every instruction given by the archangel.

The rest of the time, they have to stay in the temple and accept assigned tasks, such as watering flowers, planting trees, and feeding various beasts in the temple or passing by the temple.

The tasks are all simple. Even apostles who cannot be called angels have a natural affinity with all things. With their help, the flowers, plants and trees in the temple will grow better.

Only Mingshu was a little worried. He was not a real angel and he didn't know if he could do these things well.

He was like a black sheep that fell into the flock of white sheep, carefully wearing a white disguise. In short, he had to be careful with everything.

After they settled in their accommodation, a messenger would bring them uniform clothes, and they had to start "working" in the afternoon.

Qinghe whispered to Mingshu: "Let's water the flowers together. This is the easiest..."

Before they finished speaking, a voice stopped them.

Another envoy hurried over and pulled the envoy leading the apostles aside. The two of them said a few words alone.

Mingshu saw the expression on the envoy's face suddenly change, and then he returned to the front of the team, scanning everyone one by one with cautious eyes.

Mingshu suddenly had a bad premonition, and he heard the envoy say: "The envoy suspects that something dirty has sneaked into the temple. All apostles must investigate before they can continue to arrange their stay. You guys wait here first." The

apostles were confused and helpless. Cuo Cuo, a brave man asked aloud: "What kind of filthy thing is it?" The

envoy's expression changed subtly, showing an expression of disgust and fear, and he uttered two words: "Devil."

Mingshu's heartbeat accelerated. , the surroundings were silent for a moment, and various whispers began to sound.

Qinghe beside him was shocked and angry: "It must be because the temple has just been built that these filthy things have taken a wrong approach!"

Angels and demons each occupy extreme sides, and they are also natural enemies. There have been demons in the past. He tried to sneak in, but was discovered by the envoys.

"Demons can't hide in the heaven. They have ugly horns and tails, and their whole bodies exude a filthy smell."

Ming Shu heard Qinghe say this, and buried his head and gently twitched the tip of his nose.

Except for the angel perfume he used before coming here, he didn't smell any other scent on himself...

Mingshu tried to calm down, pretended to be scared, and clutched the hem of Qinghe's clothes: "The devil... will kill us?" ?"

Qinghe comforted: "Don't be afraid, there are archangels and envoys here..."

After thinking about it carefully, Mingshu was actually very suspicious. Qinghe had never seen him near the island before, and he was still wearing the same clothes when he first saw him. The dark red clothes are completely different from the preferences of Heaven.

But Mingshu is good-looking, even though he is a little too beautiful, but he has no horns and no strange smell on his body.

Qinghe only hesitated for a moment and then completely gave up the idea in his mind.

Soon, a messenger with feathered wings flew over, followed closely by a running white cat.

The white cat is very large, half a person tall, and its fluffy hair looks like a white lion.

The envoy stopped in mid-air and looked around condescendingly, looking at everyone with his eyes as if they were real. Then he landed on the ground and patted the white cat on the head: "Go." The white cat is one of the

mythical beasts in the heaven, with the most powerful With a keen sense of smell, it walked forward and sniffed the apostles one by one.

Mingshu's tail behind him was stiff and he didn't dare to move until Qinghe beside him passed the inspection and went to the opposite side.

Mingshu was next. The white cat approached him silently and touched the back of his hand with its wet nose.

Mingshu's hands trembled, and his heart beat so fast that he was afraid that the angel perfume sprayed on his body would not have any effect.

The white cat's dark pupils stared at him, and after a moment, he walked to the next apostle.

This meant it was passed. Mingshu breathed a sigh of relief and immediately went to Qinghe's side.

Qinghe wondered: "Why are you so nervous?"

Mingshu forced a smile: "That cat looks so fierce... I'm a little scared."

He could pass the inspection under the white cat's nose, and Qinghe didn't have any trouble. Suspicious, he sighed: "You can't do this, you're too cowardly..."

Soon, all of their group of apostles passed the screening and could be sent to the side hall.

The envoy wanted to continue searching elsewhere and hurried away with the white cat.

The team started to move forward again. At this time, Mingshu reached out and covered his back, quietly pressing his stiff tail to relax himself a little.

When they arrived at the side hall, the envoy arranged a room for them and brought them suitable clothes.

As expected, the clothes are pure white. From the close-fitting clothes to the underwear and outer robe, there are three layers in total. There is also a pair of gloves, which tightly wraps the whole person, revealing only a face and a small child. Cut off the neck.

While changing clothes in the bathroom, Mingshu received a system prompt.

[Ding dong - Side mission released]

[Side mission 1: Put the bottle containing the fire of hell into the Tianchi in the side hall of the temple]

(Click to receive the mission prop: [Hell Fire])

[New plot detected Updated, would you like to view it now? 】

【Plot Tips】:

【However, a demon crawled up from the ground and sneaked into the temple. He cut off his horns and tail and soaked his body in the water of heaven every day to wash away all the characteristics of the demon. Disguised as a low-level angel, he successfully became an attendant in the temple. 】

【The devil is a branch of the succubus bloodline. He received the order from the Lord of Hell and came to seduce the new archangel. He wants to pull the cold and ascetic seraph off the altar and bring back a feather as a gift. The trophies will spread the deeds to all walks of life, completely tearing apart the hypocrisy of those angels. ]

[But the devil's level is too low and he has no chance to see the archangel yet. He decided to do some damage in the temple first to prompt the archangel to appear. 】

After reading the plot update, the expression on Mingshu's face froze slightly.

Whether it's a coincidence or a systematic arrangement, his body and character settings are inherited from the previous copy, and he happens to be the succubus in the plot description.

And his ultimate goal is to seduce the archangel...

Could that archangel be Sang Yin?

Mingshu's cheeks turned red unconsciously, and he quickly turned on the switch of the pool, holding up the cold water with his hands and patting it on his face to reduce the temperature.

He cleared out the clutter in his mind and began to worry again.

The plot has not yet mentioned whether the devil will succeed. He cannot take it lightly until he sees the archangel.

And the succubus physique he had in the last dungeon seemed to have been brought over with him. It was just a plot, and it made him think of Sang Yin uncontrollably... The tip of his hot tail

rubbed against his legs, and Ming Shu was separated from him. He rubbed his clothes and took a few deep breaths to adjust his thoughts.

The side task had a short time limit and had to be completed before tomorrow morning. Mingshu took the bottle containing hellfire from the system, refilled himself with some perfume, and opened the door to go out.

Qinghe outside also changed his clothes, and the two of them were guided to the hall of the side hall to distribute the tasks that needed to be done in the afternoon.

The tasks were randomly assigned by the envoys. Mingshu received watering flowers, while Qinghe went to the animal taming garden to feed the mythical beasts there.

Watering the flowers was the simplest task. They went to Tianchi to fetch water, and then went to take care of the flowers and plants in various places in the palace.

Mingshu looked at the kettle in his hand. He also wanted to go to Tianchi to do system tasks, but...

he was not a real devil. He didn't know what would happen after the "Hellfire" was released. The task was to be done, but he could not be discovered.

Mingshu pinched the bottle in his pocket and called Qinghe: "How about... let's exchange?"

Qinghe happened to not want to go to the animal taming zoo. He looked surprised and hesitated: "Why? Aren't you afraid of white cats? Really? The animal taming park is full of tall and ferocious beasts..."

Mingshu said without changing his expression, "That's why I'm going to exercise my courage...otherwise what will I do in the future."

Qinghe had no doubt that he was there. , and immediately felt admiration: "Okay, then be careful and come back as soon as you finish feeding."

He told Mingshu where to go to collect the food for the beasts. Mingshu wrote down one by one, and asked for the direction of the four side halls. , and learned that each side hall has a Tianchi.

Mingshu felt confident, said goodbye to Qinghe, and set off alone.

He walked for a while, made sure that no apostle noticed him nearby, quietly changed direction, and walked quickly toward the nearest West Hall.

When he arrived at the Tianchi in the West Hall, Mingshu threw the bottle in his hand forward while no one was around, and it fell into the water accurately.

There was a soft "bang" sound, and the bottle that came into contact with the pool water exploded, the glass shards disappeared, and the red liquid was continuously diluted until no color could be seen at all.

[The side mission has been completed! Please check your reward points in the background]

Mingshu turned around and left the pool, and met several apostles from the West Hall. They all had kettles in their hands and came to fetch water.

"Huh?" An apostle looked at Mingshu, "Are you from the West Hall too? I didn't seem to have seen you just now."

Mingshu looked around blankly: "This is the West Hall? I want to go to the Animal Taming Garden. I seem to have gone the wrong way. The direction..."

He didn't look like he was lying. The apostle kindly pointed the direction for him: "The animal taming park is over there. You should go quickly, otherwise you will be delayed."

Ming Shu quickly thanked him . , walking in the direction pointed by the apostle.

He looked back on the way and saw that the apostles didn't notice anything strange about the water, so they packed up the water mixed with hellfire and took it away.

Mingshu turned his head and stopped looking, and left through the corridor.

The side mission was completed, and he was still a little absent-minded, wondering whether there would be another investigation in the palace after the things in the pool were discovered, but if the archangel appeared, he would be able to see him... The location of the animal taming

garden In the remoteness, Mingshu met fewer and fewer apostles on the way. He was walking alone with his head down when he suddenly heard the sound of wings flapping.

A gust of wind was stirred up, and Mingshu subconsciously looked up, but saw nothing.

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