Chapter 136: Angel in Disguise (13)

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Mingshu slept deeply at night, and he dreamed again, but this time the dream was different from before. The person who appeared in the dream was not the previous Sang Yin, but the Archangel Zhiyuan.

He dreamed that when he was getting close to Zhiyuan, the tail behind him was discovered.

The system's warnings kept echoing in his ears. Zhiyuan's eyes were full of anger, and he pinched the tip of his tail: "You dare to lie to me?" Mingshu

was extremely scared, but the dream was just a dream after all. The system warned him several times, but the mission was still there. Now, he was not judged to have failed.

Zhiyuan was not really angry either. He gently bit the skin on the side of his neck while teasing him, saying that he seduced her.

When he woke up in the morning, Mingshu buried his face in the pillow for a long time before slowly getting up and going to the bathroom.

The succubus bloodline is even more uncontrollable at night, and Mingshu has been having this kind of dream recently to spend his lonely nights.

The contents of the dreams were sometimes memories of his previous experiences, and sometimes they were unfamiliar scenes. Mingshu was almost used to it.

He took a hurried shower, and when he was getting dressed, he discovered that the tape he used to tie his tail was missing, and it was not in the clothes he changed.

Mingshu searched the house to no avail, nor in the corridor outside, so he used scissors to cut off the cloth strips on the inside of the bed sheet, fixed the tail on his legs and tied it.

He was worried, could the belt fall outside?

But it was just a ribbon. Even if someone picked it up, they wouldn't be able to guess what it was used for.

It rained so heavily last night and the wind was so strong that the scent on the ribbon would probably be blown away.

Mingshu comforted himself, put on his clothes and gloves, and went to find Zhiyuan with the ointment.

Zhiyuan is in the front hall, and two envoys are also inside. They are reporting to Zhiyuan the recent situation inside and outside the temple, including small things such as several apostles who made mistakes and were expelled. Zhiyuan also needs to be informed.

Mingshu waited outside for a long time before the two envoys finally resigned and walked out of the front hall together.

They saw Mingshu not far from the door. Mingshu stood with his head bowed and did not take a step closer without being ordered. The transparent wings behind him glowed slightly.

After leaving the inner hall, one of the envoys said: "There is only one envoy serving beside the archangel. Isn't it too few?"

Another envoy said: "It is a little less, but the one who was summoned before I ordered the envoys to be sent to the inner temple to be shown to the archangels, but none of them were left behind..."

The number of envoys is small, and they are usually busy with more important things. They also have to help the archangels guard the temple and serve at close range. The archangel's task was handed over to the lower-level envoys.

In an ordinary temple in heaven, there would be at least seven or eight envoys staying in the inner hall, following the archangel at any time and waiting for instructions, but Zhiyuan didn't like this.

The only one left, Ming Shu, was noticed by the archangel because he advanced too quickly.

The envoy who spoke before said again: "How about calling in a few more? Or a group of more apostles. There will always be talented people, just train them more." The

envoy next to him showed hesitation and worry: " Have you forgotten the prophecy of the golden bird... It's better to be cautious."

The demon hiding in the dark has not been found yet. Now is really not a good time to recruit new angels into the temple. It is best to wait until all hidden dangers are eliminated and everything is stabilized. Say it again.

The envoy sighed and shook his head: "Let me tell you, the more cautious you are, the more likely the things you worry about will happen."

That was a prophecy belonging to the archangel. If it happened, no one could stop it.

In the hall on the other side, Mingshu finished applying medicine to Zhiyuan and tidied his collar and robe.

The wound has basically healed, leaving only a shallow scar. It is expected that no more medicine will be needed tomorrow.

Zhiyuan sat on the stone chair, surrounded by a cold temperament, which was different from last night.

During the day, the archangel was cold and reserved, his dark eyes were indifferent, and he just stared at Mingshu for a long time.

He was looking at Mingshu's lips, recalling the kiss last night, which was light and soft, with a hint of sweetness that belonged only to Mingshu.

But when Ming Shu appeared this morning, the sweet scent on his body disappeared, replaced by his usual scent.

Light, pure, angelic smell.

Mingshu didn't know what Zhiyuan was thinking. He put down the ointment and couldn't help but ask: "My lord, where did your injury... come from?"

The injury on Zhiyuan's heart was the same as the one he used before leaving the previous instance. The dagger stabbed into Sang Yin's body looked too similar.

Mingshu always felt that there was some connection between the two. Zhiyuan's face was exactly the same as Sangyin's. They might have used the same body, but they just lost their memory.

Zhiyuan came back to his senses and was silent for a moment: "I don't know."

Mingshu was speechless for a moment, the wound was on him, how could he not know.

Zhiyuan did not explain more to him, only that the wound appeared the night before he came to the temple.

He seemed to have had a long dream. When he woke up, everything that happened in the dream had been completely forgotten, and then he found this wound on his heart.

After the wound was discovered by the envoy, he asked several times, wanting to know who could have hurt the archangel. Zhiyuan didn't want to talk about it because it was too troublesome, but he was willing to tell Mingshu.

Mingshu, who was standing next to the stone chair, had mixed emotions. The strange way the wound appeared made him more certain of his guess.

This wound was most likely caused by Sang Yin holding his hand and inserting it bit by bit.

Mingshu felt uncomfortable, a little sad and distressed.

Zhiyuan noticed his emotions and stood up and approached.

He half-closed his eyes, raised his hand and gently touched Mingshu's chin and side of face: "It's just a small injury, don't worry about it." Mingshu

said "hmm", subconsciously wanting to get closer to Zhiyuan, when a hurried voice suddenly sounded in the corridor outside the hall. Footsteps.

His body reacted faster than his brain. Mingshu immediately stepped away, picked up the gloves on the side and put them on hurriedly.

It was an envoy who came to see Zhiyuan for something to report. When he came in, he happened to see Mingshu putting on gloves and his ears were a little red.

Zhiyuan's expression calmed down, his eyes were obviously unhappy, and he sat down on the stone chair with a cold face.

As an envoy, Ming Shu had to avoid the envoy first. He wisely left the hall and went outside to water the flowers.

Away from the hall, Mingshu breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want other angels to see him getting close to Zhiyuan... It was one thing to be afraid of being suspected of his identity. The current state of him and Zhiyuan looked like him. Seduced Zhiyuan.

Fetching water, watering flowers, pruning flower branches, all of this last night, the system beep sounded at the right time.

[A new plot update has been detected. Do you want to check it now? ]

[Plot Tips]:

[The devil was discouraged by the failure of seduction. He couldn't figure out why. Could it be that the angels in heaven were really as inhumane as the rumors said. But the archangel was willing to send him back. Apart from not being seduced by the devil, the archangel seemed to be a good monarch in every aspect. ]

[The devil reported his experience to the Lord of Hell. The Lord of Hell was very angry, thinking that the devil was useless, and ordered him to use all methods to successfully seduce the archangel. 】

[The devil has no other choice but to continue to hide in the temple, occasionally stealing some things belonging to the archangel and sending them back to hell to show that he has been working hard and making progress, in order to delay time. ]

[Ding dong - Side mission released]

[Side mission six: Stealing an item from the archangel quietly and teleporting back to hell]

(Click to open the [Teleportation entrance] and place the mission props)

Mingshu has been in the dungeon for so long. It was the first time I had contact with the "hell" in the plot.

He opened the teleportation entrance, and a black hole as big as a bowl appeared below the panel, and it was pitch black inside.

After closing the entrance, Mingshu opened the task list. The task of throwing away the robe stained with the devil's breath was still there.

If he didn't have this mission, he could put the robe into the teleportation portal... Now he not only had to throw away the robe, but also had to steal another item belonging to Zhiyuan.

Or... there is a white feather hidden in his cabinet, which also belongs to Zhiyuan.

But this idea only appeared for a moment before Mingshu dismissed it.

He was reluctant to use feathers as mission props. Without his robe, there were only feathers around him.

And he had been to Zhiyuan's dormitory, so he would go there again if he had an opportunity, and just take away any insignificant things.

Thinking about it this way, the task should not be difficult...

The time limit for throwing away the robe was coming soon, so Mingshu went out at noon, went to the outer hall alone, and quietly placed the robe in the grass behind the animal taming garden.

This is a hidden location. No one usually comes here, so you won't be discovered immediately.

As soon as the robe is thrown away, the task is completed.

Mingshu still had a chance and picked up his robe again.

[Warm reminder: It is detected that the mission status is different, the mission will be remade, and the points obtained after the remade will be refunded. Countdown to remake: three, two...]

Mingshu quickly let go of his hand, and the system prompt disappeared.

Once it was thrown away, it was impossible to pick it up again, so he had no choice but to leave and return to the inner hall as soon as no one could see him nearby.

In the afternoon, Mingshu searched around the inner hall and wanted to know where Zhiyuan was.

If he is not nearby, he will go to the dormitory to have a look and complete the task on the way.

The weather has not been very good these past two days. It rained heavily last night, and now there are signs of rain again, with gray clouds hanging in the sky.

It was not yet evening, there were no lights in the temple, and the lights in various palaces were dim. Mingshu passed by the corridor and saw Zhiyuan sitting in the garden.

Hearing the footsteps, Zhiyuan glanced sideways and saw him.

Mingshu then changed direction and went to the garden.

When he got closer, he noticed that Zhiyuan was holding something in his hand, which looked familiar.

He looked carefully and saw that it was a longer ribbon, loosely wrapped around Zhiyuan's fingertips.

Mingshu was very familiar with this thing. He used it to tie his tail to prevent it from moving around. Last night, the ribbon came loose and was lost, but Zhiyuan actually picked it up.

Mingshu's mind suddenly went blank, he even forgot to salute, and stammered: "My lord, this"

Zhiyuan raised his hand holding the ribbon slightly and asked, "What is this?"

Mingshu said His heart beat faster, and he wanted to pretend not to know, but then he heard Zhiyuan say: "You left it behind last night."

He couldn't hide it now, his cheeks slowly turned red, and he boldly stepped forward and wanted to take it from Zhiyuan's hand. Get the ribbon back.

However, the other end of the ribbon was held tightly by Zhiyuan and remained motionless.

He asked again: "What is it?"

Zhiyuan wanted to ask Mingshu in the morning, but unfortunately he was interrupted by the envoy who came and could not find a suitable opportunity.

He originally thought it had fallen off somewhere on his clothes, but when he saw a difference in Ming Shu's expression, he was keenly aware of something and wanted to get the answer from him.

Mingshu hesitated and couldn't speak, so he was led to sit on Zhiyuan's lap.

There was not a single figure nearby, there were only two of them in the entire inner hall, and no one would disturb them at this time.

Zhiyuan didn't seem to doubt what Mingshu was worried about, and touched his red side face with a hand wrapped with a ribbon: "Why don't you say anything?"

Mingshu became nervous, and the sweet fragrance he smelled last night spread out again. Coming out, Zhiyuan tightened his arms and stared at him for a moment.

Mingshu tugged on the ribbon and whispered: "This is my thing..."

He prayed with his eyes, hoping that Zhiyuan would return the ribbon to him.

Zhiyuan was indifferent. Mingshu tried unsuccessfully and had to give up.

He thought that as long as Zhiyuan didn't guess the purpose, it was just a ribbon. If he lost it, he could find a new one to tie his tail.

However, Zhiyuan seemed to know what he was thinking, and suddenly asked: "I have lost my things all night, what should I do during the day?"

Mingshu was stunned for a moment, looking helpless, and his eyes were a little panicked.

"Did you use a new one?"

Zhiyuan placed his palm on Mingshu's knee and rubbed it gently through the clothes: "Where is it?"

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