Chapter 144: Angel in Disguise (21)

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The entire hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

The envoy buried his head with a complicated expression on his face.

"That's not what I meant," his voice suddenly weakened, and he thought about the second half of the sentence for a long time before sighing, "But I am serving by your side, so I should share your worries. If you have made up your mind... I I will never stop you."

The temple has the ability to judge on its own. As long as Zhiyuan reigns for one day, he is absolutely qualified to be this archangel, and following the archangel is the instinct of other low-level angels.

Even if one day the temple falls due to Zhiyuan or is abandoned by him, the angels in the temple can go find other temples on their own.

Zhiyuan's changes and everything he did ultimately affected only himself.

As an envoy, he cannot make decisions on behalf of the archangel. Apart from occasionally making suggestions, he just needs to serve the archangel and obey orders. Loyalty is also one of the qualities of an angel.

Seeing that Zhiyuan did not respond, the envoy said cautiously: "Only I know about this matter, Lord, don't worry." It is always bad for this kind of thing to get out, so he still has to hide it for Zhiyuan.

After a while, Zhiyuan finally said: "Is there anything else?"

He returned to his usual appearance, and his expression was not as cold as before.

The envoy quietly breathed a sigh of relief. He really had an illusion just now. If Zhiyuan was angered by his wrong reaction, he might be silenced... He

adjusted his mind and asked again: "Will the blockade of the temple continue?"

Ming Ming Shu has been in the inner hall. The previous protective shield was destroyed, so it should have nothing to do with him, but now that the matter has come to this, it is always good to ask clearly and get a clear answer. Yiquyue

"Continue," Zhiyuan said, "until the cause is found out."

His attitude remained unchanged. If there is an abnormality, the envoy can deal with it first and then report it to him.

The envoy agreed, feeling a little relieved in his heart.

It seems that Zhiyuan has not been deceived to the point of losing his mind. Mingshu is still under supervision by his side. If other demons sneak in, they will naturally be killed.

But when he recalled his thoughts and thoughts before looking for Zhiyuan, Zhijiao could only sigh silently, bid farewell to Zhiyuan and left.

Mingshu, who was left alone in the dormitory, slept until very late again. He opened his eyes drowsily and immediately looked for the little black cat.

He lifted the quilt and sat up, and saw a little black cat squatting on the ground beside the bed, looking over. However, it was blocked by a transparent wall beside the bed, and even its bark could not be heard.

When the little black cat saw that Ming Shu was awake, he was both happy and anxious. His claws kept pulling at the wall of air.

Mingshu reached out and touched it, passing through the transparent wall without any obstruction. This layer of cover had no effect on him, except that it stopped the little black cat from climbing onto the bed.

He arranged his clothes and got up, walked out of the air wall and picked up the little black cat: "Did you wait for a long time? Are you hungry?"

The little black cat rubbed his fingers and got close to him for a while, then shook his head.

It had sneaked out last night, looking for something to eat. As a result, there were only flowers and grass in the temple. There were only a few rabbits in the animal taming garden that could be eaten, but the ones with skins were troublesome.

Moreover, this kitten's body can actually do without eating, and it will not feel hungry.

"Okay," Mingshu stroked the little black cat's head, "Let's go to the garden to bask in the sun

later." Soon, Zhiyuan returned to the dormitory and took the little black cat out of Mingshu's arms as usual.

The little black cat was unhappy and couldn't be beaten. It was just an ordinary cat now and couldn't even chew through the fabric of Zhiyuan's coat.

Waiting for it to find an opportunity later... The little black cat stared eagerly for a while, then followed Mingshu obediently to the garden together.


the evening, the little black cat circled around Mingshu, wanting him to hug her again and not be with Zhiyuan so early.

Zhiyuan thought it was an eyesore, so he took Mingshu out of the dormitory again. When the little black cat chased him out, the two of them were no longer visible.

The little black cat scratched the wall angrily, trying to smell everywhere, looking for any scent left by Ming Shu, and found it bit by bit.

It was already late at night until it found Mingshu. Mingshu's eyes were red, as if he had been severely bullied, his cheeks were also red, and his clothes were baggy, barely covering his body.

He couldn't walk and couldn't find the energy to take care of the little black cat that came to him. Zhiyuan carried him back.

The little black cat followed all the way, barking nervously and uneasily, worried that Mingshu was sick.

Zhiyuan glanced at it, stopped, picked it up, and put it into Mingshu's arms.

The next day, Mingshu was really sick. He accidentally caught a cold due to the cold wind last night. When he woke up, his throat was a little sore and his head was dizzy.

Zhiyuan was heartbroken and used heaven's healing technique to treat Mingshu, but the effect was minimal. The angel's healing technique seemed ineffective against the devil.

Mingshu buried his face in Zhiyuan's arms: "It's all your fault..."

"It's my fault," Zhiyuan coaxed, "You sleep a little longer, and I'll find some available medicine."

He handed over the matter . He gave it to the envoy and ordered him to get it done as soon as possible.

When the envoy heard that Ming Shu was ill, he was in a complicated mood.

Even though he didn't like Mingshu and hoped that he could leave Zhiyuan, he still made preparations honestly and brought back several kinds of medicine from outside at the first time without touching any hands or feet.

On the way to the inner hall, he met two other envoys from the side hall. One of them smelled a hint of medicinal herbs from the envoys and hurriedly asked: "Who is injured? Could it be that the stab wound on the archangel's body has not yet been healed?" Good?"

"No, no, no," the envoy waved his hands repeatedly, "Yes... I use it."

He was not good at lying, so he casually said a few words and left in a hurry. The two envoys behind him looked at his back even more. Confuse.

Not long after, the envoy came to the door of the dormitory with the boiled soup.

There was no soundproofing in the room, so he could clearly hear Zhiyuan's voice coaxing Mingshu to get up.

"It will be better after you drink the medicine," Zhiyuan whispered, "Go and bask in the sun again, and come back early in the afternoon."

Mingshu seemed to refuse: "Why do you still need to drink medicine? I don't want to..."

He couldn't hear the rest of the words. It was so real that Zhijiao felt that he had never seen Zhiyuan so gentle before, as if he had changed his mind.

The envoy took a few deep breaths and knocked on the door.

After Zhiyuan asked him to come in, he took the initiative to open the unlocked door.

The moment he saw the scene inside the house, the envoy was shocked again. His steps froze for a moment before he continued to move forward.

The noble and holy archangel was leaning over to put on Mingshu's shoes.

Mingshu sat beside the bed, feeling a little uncomfortable when the envoy came in, his eyes evasive.

Zhiyuan told him not long ago that the envoy bumped into them together.

Mingshu was panicked at first. He knew the attitude of the other angels towards demons. When the envoy learned that he had seduced Zhiyuan, he probably wanted to tear him into pieces.

However, the envoy came in with the decoction and his eyes were downcast, showing no sign of disgust or rejection.

Such a reaction was either because he didn't hate Mingshu, or he didn't dare to do anything because of Zhiyuan's presence.

Mingshu preferred the latter. Looking at the small bowl in the envoy's hand, he subconsciously shrank into Zhiyuan's arms.

Zhiyuan took the medicine bowl, scooped up a spoonful, tasted a little, and then fed it to Mingshu himself.

His actions made Mingshu feel more at ease, and he drank half the bowl with Zhiyuan's hand.

The envoy hadn't left yet and watched this scene silently.

He actually felt that Zhiyuan and Mingshu were somewhat compatible... If Mingshu was not a demon, but an angel, even if he was a lower grade and less talented, it would not be impossible for Zhiyuan to stay by his side if he liked it.

But he is a devil, like a time bomb.

Mingshu was stared at by people on the side, so he simply took the bowl from Zhiyuan's hand, drank the remaining medicine in one go, and drank another bowl of water to dilute the bitter taste in his mouth.

After drinking the decoction with the right temperature, he immediately felt that the fatigue and discomfort in his body disappeared, and his energy improved a lot.

The medicine took effect so quickly, Mingshu said in disbelief: "I seem to be cured."

Zhiyuan handed the bowl to the envoy, and naturally wiped away the water stains on Mingshu's lips with his sleeve.

The envoy couldn't bear to look at it anymore and quickly left the dormitory with the empty bowl.


days later, Mingshu received two feathers.

The feathers are very beautiful, snow-white without a trace of color, a little longer than his palm, the fluff at the bottom is thick and soft, and the thin rod in the center is faintly pink.

[Main Mission 3: Get the Archangel's most important feather (1/1); return to hell (0/1)]

Mingshu couldn't put it down, looking at the feather and stroking it constantly, wishing he could take it on himself.

Zhiyuan asked knowingly: "Like it?"

Mingshu nodded heavily, took the initiative to approach Zhiyuan's arms, and looked at him with bright eyes: "This is your most important feather? Where is it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhiyuan stood behind him. Three pairs of huge white wings suddenly appeared, and the wind blew open the window, leaving a gap.

He pointed somewhere: "Here."

Mingshu looked carefully, but didn't find two feathers missing.

With a confused expression written on his face, Zhiyuan smiled and folded his wings forward to hug him tightly.

Mingshu was pressed by the wings behind him and pressed into Zhiyuan's arms. He rubbed the feathers on his cheeks, raised his head and kissed Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan explained in a low voice: "It is the position closest to the heart."

The two missing feathers will not have any impact on him, but the feathers are stained with his hard work, and the meaning is different.

This means that the relationship between Mingshu and Zhiyuan is unusual. There are many rules in heaven, and some angels who have given or received feathers will not mention it to the outside world.

Ming Shu was kissed so hard that he couldn't breathe. He said vaguely: "I... I don't seem to have anything to give you..."

A hand touched his tail from under his clothes, and Zhiyuan kissed his cheek: " No need."

With the feather in hand, Mingshu should teleport back to hell within the mission time limit.

For some reason, he felt inexplicably uneasy. Maybe he was afraid that hell would be more dangerous, or he was worried that Zhiyuan would be very angry.

Mingshu had no choice. After much thought, he decided to try first to see if he could take the little black cat back with him.

While Zhiyuan was not in the dormitory, Mingshu hugged the little black cat and clicked on the system's transmission entrance.

A passage just large enough for a single person to pass through appeared on the ground. It was dark inside and there was no end in sight. Mingshu cautiously reached out his hand towards the passage.

The little black cat didn't understand why and lay obediently in Mingshu's arms.

[Warm reminder: It is detected that the player has an untransportable prop/NPC, please remove it and try again]

Mingshu frowned, put down the little black cat in his arms and tried again, this time a system prompt popped up.

[There are still [46:34:13] before the task ends. Do you want to use the teleportation channel immediately? 】

As expected, you can't take the little black cat with you... you can only teleport him back alone.

Mingshu clicked "No", closed the channel and system panel, and prepared to stay for another day and a half to spend more time with Zhiyuan.

Before noon, Zhiyuan came back from the front hall.

Pushing open the door to the dormitory, he keenly noticed something strange.

There are traces of the past such as the teleportation array, with faint energy fluctuations, and an aura that does not belong to the heaven.

He walked closer to the house, habitually opened his arms to hug Mingshu who came up to him, and touched his black hair: "What are you doing?" "

Nothing," Mingshu kissed him, "Waiting for you to come back.

" Yuan responded and suddenly asked: "Where are you putting the feathers I gave you yesterday?"

Mingshu doubted that he was there: "It's under the pillow."

He led Zhiyuan to the bed, removed the pillow, and found the two feathers. Pressed underneath intact.

There was an imperceptible relief and relaxation in Zhiyuan's expression. He picked up Mingshu and sat on the chair in front of the window, caressing his calf and kissing him.

"Don't be afraid," he coaxed softly, "I'm here and I can protect you."

Mingshu didn't know why Zhiyuan said that suddenly. He thought it was because of the envoy's visit yesterday. He nodded and relied on He leaned in front of Zhiyuan.

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