Chapter 128: Angel in Disguise (5)

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The sudden arrival of the archangel made all the apostles in the hall very excited. They were all young and had never entered any temple before, nor had they seen an angel above the rank of apostle.

Moreover, the purpose of their coming to the temple is to serve the Archangel. It is their lifetime honor to be able to get within a hundred meters of the Archangel.

Qinghe stared blankly at the direction in which the archangel was leaving: "If I can one day..."

Mingshu thought that he also wanted to become a seraph, but she heard the second half of his sentence: "I can also follow the archangel. By my side..."

The number of births in the temple is getting less and less, and there are very few angels who have advanced to become envoys, let alone grow a second pair of wings.

Most of the apostles, like Qinghe, don't have big dreams.

At this time, Mingshu finally learned from Qinghe that the archangel's name was Zhiyuan.

Mingshu lowered his head and said nothing, silently reciting this completely unfamiliar name in his heart.

After the archangel left, the previous mission continued to select apostles and took away more than ten apostles, including Mingshu.

Qinghe was not selected, and the two were roommates for only one day.

The apostles did not need to pack their things and immediately followed the missionaries to the West Temple.

Apostles were also arranged to come to the other two side halls, and the number of people was reduced by a quarter compared to before. After the redistribution, there was no need for two people to live in a room, and there was enough room for one person.

This was absolutely good news for Mingshu. He fell at the end of the team and wanted to choose a remote corner where no one wanted to go, but was stopped by the instructor alone.

"You live in this room," the envoy stared at Mingshu's face, "closer to the inner hall." The

inner hall is where only the envoys and envoys can live. The higher the rank, the more qualified they are to go deep into the temple.

Mingshu had no room to refute, so

he could only nod: "Okay." He could vaguely feel that the envoy had a different attitude towards him. He first selected him in the North Hall and then personally arranged a place for him to live.

There are only two reasons for this special care. One is that he is attracted to him, and the other is that he is suspicious of him.

But in heaven, angels cannot have love. This is something only demons like.

Therefore, the second possibility is the most likely.

Mingshu felt uneasy. As soon as he entered the room, he immediately locked the door, took out the perfume and applied it all over his body, especially the hair that the envoy had touched not long ago.

He had only been here for two days and already a quarter of the bottle of perfume had been used. Fortunately, after completing four copies, Mingshu had accumulated a lot of points, so he didn't have to worry about not being able to afford disguised supplies in a short period of time.

After arranging a place to stay, it was time for the apostles to start another day's work.

In order to save time, they no longer had to wait in the front hall. Instead, several envoys came directly to notify them.

Mingshu's door was knocked open, and an envoy with a small book in his hand glanced at him and said, "The envoy asked you to take care of the flowers and plants near his bedroom. Be careful when pruning, so as not to damage them."

Because of yesterday's hell fire, many flowers and plants outside the west hall were wilting and showing signs of dying. It was very troublesome to maintain them. The apostles lived in the inner hall and were not allowed to enter without orders, so the plants there were still intact. Lossless.

This is equivalent to arranging the easiest errand for Mingshu.

Hearing that it was arranged by the envoy, Mingshu frowned almost invisible and bowed his head in agreement.

He arranged his clothes and put on his gloves meticulously. He went to the front hall to pick up a water bottle and the scissors needed for pruning branches and leaves, and walked towards the inner hall.

The entire temple was very large, with only one-sixth of the outer area. Mingshu had never been to the inner temple, so he walked around and found that he seemed to be lost.

He looked around blankly. Very few people usually came here, and he couldn't even find anyone who could ask for directions.

In the corridor of Nuo University, Mingshu tried to ask aloud: "Is there anyone there?"

There was no response, so he had to walk forward based on his feeling, looking for a place with flowers and plants.

After walking for about five or six minutes, Mingshu saw a small garden in the distance.

This was probably the destination. He was about to go there when his footsteps suddenly stopped.

In the center of the garden, there was a slightly familiar figure sitting on a stone chair with his back to him.

With just this glance, Mingshu could recognize that it was Zhiyuan.

The three pairs of wings behind him were condensed and invisible. He was wearing a white robe. The cuffs on the armrests were tattooed with gold edges, as were the collars.

I had just seen him in the morning, and met him here again. Mingshu's eyes were slightly bright, his steps were hesitant, and he didn't know how to appear in front of him.

After all, he was just an apostle of the lowest rank, and it seemed that he was not even qualified to talk to the archangel.

Mingshu was struggling when he suddenly received a system prompt.

[Ding dong - Side mission released]

[Task 2: Encounter with the archangel, use the incense, and make preliminary contact with the other party]

(Click to receive the mission props:)

The mission time limit is only one hour... Now you have to go even if you don't want to. .

Mingshu's cheeks turned red when he saw the words "Enchanting Fragrance" and he took out a small bottle from the system.

Sang Yin doesn't recognize him now, or Zhiyuan, with the help of props, the missions and plots should be able to proceed faster...

Mingshu walked away briefly for a while, and the tail in his clothes was raised insincerely, Gently rub against the smooth skin.

His face turned even redder, and he hid in a corner and rubbed it himself. He suppressed the strange feeling caused by his blood, tried to adjust his breathing, and looked at the small bottle in his hand.

[Item Name]: Love Fragrance

[Usage]: Apply to exposed skin surface.

[Effect]: Within ten meters, even an NPC meeting for the first time can greatly increase the other party's favorability and produce a certain indescribable value.

The bottle was very small, with just a little bit of transparent liquid inside. Mingshu unscrewed the cap and applied it to his neck above his collar.

The liquid quickly seeps into the skin and disappears. There is nothing unusual about it, and it doesn't seem to have any special smell.

After doing all this, Mingshu took the kettle and scissors and walked to the garden.

Footsteps sounded from the corridor behind him. Zhiyuan raised his eyes slightly and saw a low-level apostle entering the garden and moving closer to him.

The apostle is very beautiful, with long black hair hanging down to his collarbone, making his facial features more delicate and beautiful. His skin is very white, and his amber pupils reflect the sun.

This face is hard to forget after seeing it once.

Mingshu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and when he met Zhiyuan's cold and unobtrusive gaze, he put down the kettle and scissors in his hands, knelt on the grass as he had done in the morning, and saluted him: "Lord..." The

archangel is the master of the temple. As an attendant, you cannot directly call the Archangel by his name, nor can you just call him Archangel.

In a sense, the archangel is indeed the king of all other angels.

Zhiyuan didn't speak. Mingshu felt the eyes on him. He was a little overwhelmed, so he boldly raised his head, still kneeling.

This distance is just within the range of the Love Incense, but there is no system prompt. Mingshu doesn't know if the favorability level has increased.

He looked at Zhiyuan cautiously, feeling that the other person's eyes were a little less cold, but that was it. He had no more emotions and just stared at him.

After a moment, Zhiyuan said, "You live nearby?" Mingshu quickly shook his head and explained, "I live in the outer hall. The envoy asked me to come and take care of the flowers and plants near his dormitory."

Mingshu said . Shu deliberately explained the reasons clearly, wanting to talk to Zhiyuan more so that he could complete the side mission.

Speaking of which, even though there has been contact, the system has not yet prompted that the task is completed.

Until Zhiyuan stood up and walked past Mingshu as if there was no one else around.

[Side mission two has been completed! Please go to the backend to check your reward points yourself]

Before Mingshu had time to be happy, he heard the sound of flapping wings and the wind and waves coming from behind.

He turned around and saw that Zhiyuan had disappeared.

Mingshu was slightly stunned, he just left like that?

The mission was successfully completed, but Zhiyuan only asked him one sentence... It didn't look like his favorability had increased.

Immediately afterwards, a system prompt popped up.

[A new plot update has been detected. Do you want to check it now? ]

[Plot Tips]:

[The devil lurked in the temple for a while, and finally found an opportunity to meet the archangel himself. Opportunities like this are rare, so the devil quickly used the most effective incense on himself, and came to the archangel with the intention of seducing him. 】

【However, the devil overestimated himself and underestimated the archangel. The archangel was not affected by the incense of love, nor did it leave a deeper impression on him. ]

[The first plan failed, but the devil did not give up. He continued to disguise himself while looking for new opportunities. ]

After reading the plot, Mingshu's inner disappointment eased a little.

So it's not his problem, it's that the Archangel is immune to things like Love Incense?

The mission was accomplished. He did successfully contact the Archangel, but his favorability may not have increased.

Mingshu stood up slowly, brushed off the grass and leaves on his clothes, started watering all the flowers and plants in the garden, and trimmed off the excess branches and leaves.

He stayed in the garden all day, hiding in a corner and refilling his perfume twice on the way. It was almost dark before he started walking in the same direction.

Mingshu walked through the corridor with his head lowered, and suddenly met the envoy head-on.

He saluted respectfully and stepped aside to make way.

However, the envoy stopped and looked sideways at him: "Didn't I ask you to come near my dormitory?"

Mingshu looked confused: "I went..."

Did he go the wrong way... The garden was not the envoy's Give him a place. Mingshu explained a few words and admitted his mistake to the envoy. The envoy took a step forward and suddenly said: "What does your body smell like..."

"It smells so good?" He murmured to himself, bending down to get closer.

Ming Shu's face turned pale. He had obviously put on some perfume when he left the garden. The envoy shouldn't have smelled the devil's scent on him, or it was... the fragrance of love.

He took a few steps back and tightened the scissors in his hands.

Mingshu's resistance made the envoy sober up a bit. He also realized his gaffe and glanced around with a frown.

It was not dark yet, and other envoys would pass by the inner hall at any time. He calmed down and said meaningfully: "If you can't find a place tomorrow, go to the front hall and wait for me." There

were only six envoys in the temple. position, their status is second only to the Archangel, and they are also the most promising to advance to the next level and grow a second pair of wings. They are closer than the Archangel.

Many apostles will please them, go to great lengths to please them, and give them gifts and the like.

Any advanced creature will have seven emotions and six desires, naturally including angels. Love is not allowed on the surface in the heaven, but it is also done secretly.

After the envoy finished speaking, he left. Mingshu didn't dare to stay any longer, so he turned around and walked away quickly.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and lights were lit in various places in the temple.

The envoy walked through the open-air corridor and rounded the corner, when a figure appeared in front of him silently.

The envoy immediately knelt down: "Your Majesty."

The seraphim stood facing the dim light, Zhiyuan looked indifferent: "What were you doing just now?"

The cold tone, with the pressure of a superior, made The teacher's face suddenly turned ugly, and a chill ran down his spine.


next day, Mingshu came to the front hall and learned a piece of news from the apostles around him.

The envoy who brought them here yesterday made a mistake and was punished by the archangel. He is no longer in the temple.

This incident happened suddenly. Mingshu frowned and asked an apostle next to him: "What mistake did you make?"

"I heard it was about that... I had some thoughts that I shouldn't have," the apostle lowered his voice, his expression showing fear. , and there are complex longings: "This archangel is indeed very strict..."

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