Chapter 89: Dragons and Elves (17)

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Isn't it him in human form or dragon form?

Since Mingshu said she liked him, she also wanted to like his dragon form.

Not only what he said, but also his consistent behavior, getting close to him, kissing him, and occasionally showing his little thoughts in front of him.

Si Ning believed that Ming Shu did this deliberately, perhaps in order to successfully form a contract with him. In short, now that the contract was completed, it was too late to regret.

Moreover, Mingshu was so small that he could be held in one hand. Ever since he used the shrinking spell once, Si Ning preferred to get along with him this way.

Leaving breath on him, licking from the base of the wings to the tips, looking at his extremely shy appearance due to his sensitivity, there is an indescribable evil taste.

The black dragon continued to press Mingshu and wrapped him together with the tree trunk. From the perspective of the bottom, Mingshu was completely submerged under a pair of dragon wings.

The fog rat on the tree trunk was so angry that he turned around and jumped down. After a while, he came back with a pile of small gravels in his arms. He stood under the tree, put the stones in his mouth, and spit them one by one.

It is very smart. The air wall is indeed used to block it. The stones can fly up without any obstruction and hit the tree trunk with a "snap".

Seeing that this was useful, the Mist Rat straightened his back, puffed out his cheeks, and spit out the stones with all his strength.

The highest piece of spit managed to hit a little bit under the branch where Mingshu was, and Mingshu was now in the small space wrapped by the dragon wings, almost out of breath.

He pushed Si Ning, but because his strength was too weak, his attitude was not very firm. Instead, he seemed to be coquettishly coquettishly following him.

Si Ning became more and more excited, and even opened his mouth and bit the side of Ming Shu's neck, his fangs carefully touching his skin.

Mingshu was too frightened to move: "Your Highness..."

Fortunately, Si Ning quickly backed away and continued to rub him with the smoothest and smoothest scales on his chin.

Several stones were thrown at him, but Si Ning ignored them. It wasn't until one stone hit his feet that he looked down coldly.

"Gurgling!" With the last piece left, the fog rat put it in his mouth and quickly climbed up the tree trunk, preparing to deliver a fatal blow to Sining at close range.

When Mingshu saw this, he quickly shouted: "Guji!"

Wushu stopped moving and looked at him with his head tilted.

"I...I'll be down right away," Mingshu tried to comfort him, "Can you wait for me down there for a while?"

He guessed that Wushu was worried about him and was like this, probably...afraid that he would be accused. Would you rather be bullied and injured?

The fog rat was quiet for a while, and seemed to really understand. He spat out the pebbles in his mouth with a "bah" and walked around the tree trunk twice to confirm that there was nothing strange about Mingshu.

Then, it waved one of its front paws and made a beating gesture towards Si Ning: "Goooooooo!"

At this time, strange footsteps happened to be approaching. From a distance, it looked like a man coming to this corner. Disturbing attendant.

The attendants were dressed the same as the people who were looking for the fog rats in the morning. The fog rats didn't want to see them. They climbed on the tree trunk and gently twitched the tip of their noses.

It raised its head and glanced at Mingshu, then spread out its limbs and flew to another tree not far away, hiding among the leaves nimbly.

Mingshu also heard the footsteps. He was very nervous and whispered: "Your Highness?"

Si Ning remained motionless and did not intend to fly to the denser leaves higher up. As long as they did not make a sound, they would not be hit.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, stopping from time to time, and there was the sound of arranging fallen leaves and flowers.

Mingshu shrank into Si Ning's arms and took the initiative to hide in the black dragon's wings.

There was no sound around except the servants cleaning the garden. Mingshu listened to his heartbeat and breathing, and the tip of his ear was suddenly licked slowly.

He blushed and hid slightly.

Si Ning probably didn't want others to see his reduced dragon form. They were hiding here quietly now, as if they were doing something shameful.

Mingshu was even shyer than before and did not dare to resist vocally. He could only look over with a slightly aggrieved look.

But Si Ning felt even more itchy and seductive. The dragon's tail wrapped around Mingshu's legs slowly moved upward, rubbing against his waist.

What the shrunken dragon shape could do was still limited. He also wanted to touch Mingshu's skin more directly, pinch his waist and let him sit in his arms. His silver hair that reached his collarbone could not hide his beautiful body.

He wanted to do something more extreme to him, like a true partner.

They are probably the first to establish this kind of relationship between dragons and elves. They are mismatched in various aspects.

Mingshu was so petite that the magnification spell couldn't be used, and the dragon shape couldn't be used, unless there was some way to truly and safely transform him into a normal human size.

[NPC favorability has been updated, please go to the backend to check]

Has it increased by another 5 points? Mingshu looked at the black dragon, wondering where these 5 points of favorability came from.

The progress bar that is not described in the third line has also increased. Although there is no prompt, it has increased so many times that it is barely traceable. It basically increases together with the other two data, most of which follow the favorability.

The blush on Mingshu's face did not dissipate, but he suddenly thought of something and became nervous.

There was no description, could it be because he couldn't describe it... In addition to the favorability, what other changes in Si Ning's feelings towards him...

He quietly looked down, but unfortunately most of the light was blocked by the dragon wings, and the black dragon was completely black. Mingshu couldn't see anything about the scales.

Not long after, the attendants who had finished cleaning the corner of the garden left. The palm-sized gray dumpling came out immediately and stood under the tree where Mingshu was again, waiting eagerly.

When Mingshu saw the fog rat, he couldn't help but push the black dragon: "Your Highness, let's get down quickly." The

fog rat's performance from just now to now is enough to prove what Mingshu said. It is indeed very obedient, even if it is just Listen to Mingshu.

Si Ning didn't care about this. It was just a simple animal. It wanted to be Ming Shu's pet, and it was enough to listen to his words.

He had brought Mingshu to this tree for so long that the previous unhappiness had almost dissipated.

The black dragon picked up Mingshu, flew down with him and landed on the ground, transforming into a tall human form.

Mist Rat approached Mingshu and circled around him. He noticed that his cheeks were unnaturally red. He raised his front paws and rubbed his cheeks, looking at him curiously.

Mingshu couldn't understand what it meant, so he reached out and touched the tip of its ear: "Guji, just stay with me, okay? I'll take care of you." "

But you have to be obedient and not run around or get into trouble," Mingshu said. Shu said solemnly, pointing in the direction of Si Ning, "And His Highness, you have to listen to him."

"Guji!" Wushu said loudly, and then looked at Si Ning, his cry became much weaker. , with a trace of reluctance: "Gujiu hum..."

Mingshu stood in front of the fog rat. The two little ones were almost the same height. He stood on tiptoes and patted the fog rat's head gently: "I know Gujiu is the best. Be good, let's go back together?"

He flapped his wings and flew in front, waving his hand behind.

The fog rat hurriedly followed, leaping forward, occasionally bouncing up and flattening its body as if flying, faster than Ming Shu.

Si Ning followed closely behind, putting Mingshu on his shoulder halfway.

Mist Rat paused for a second when he saw this, but still followed silently.

It's not stupid either. Si Ning's presence next to Mingshu is so strong that it's not afraid of it, but it also knows that it can't beat him.

Mingshu had been taken to the tree before, and now he was sitting on Si Ning's shoulder. He didn't seem to have the slightest reluctance.

Therefore, there must be Si Ning around Mingshu. The fog rat quickly accepted this and reluctantly endured it. Anyway, it liked Mingshu very much and had to follow him to be happy.


Si Ning acquiesced to the mist rat to stay and not to be put in a cage. However, the spell on it has not been lifted yet, and it will have to wait until Si Ning is truly relieved.

There was another little gray dumpling in the study. Mingshu sat on the window sill with the fog rat, picking a leaf and wiping its front paws that were stained with mud.

He tried his best to move as gently as possible so as not to interfere with Si Ning's reading. Finally, he took the Mist Rat outside the corridor to talk to it.

"What are you eating?" Mingshu picked a petal from the flowers on the corridor and showed it to Wushu, "I'll eat this, what about you?" Wushu

took a bite of the petal and muttered in a low voice: "Guji." ..."

It returned the petals to Mingshu, turned around and picked a few young leaves, stuffed them into its mouth and ate them quickly.

Mingshu said happily: "So you are also a vegetarian, so it is quite easy to maintain."

Unlike the previous Pearl, she had to eat several fish as big as herself every day to fill her stomach.

The movement outside the corridor was clearly transmitted into the study. Si Ning's face remained silent and he turned the pages of the book a little slower.

[The npc's popularity value has been updated, please go to the backend to check it]

Mingshu opened the system panel and saw that the popularity value has increased by 5 points and is now 90.

He didn't seem to have deliberately brushed it all day... As a result, he was only 10 points away from completing the task.

Mingshu turned his attention to the gray dumpling in front of him, thinking that maybe it was because of it.

Is Si Ning really jealous? He was thinking to himself and couldn't help but quietly came to the window sill and looked inside the house.

Through the open window, Si Ning happened to raise his eyes, put down the book in his hand and waved to him: "Come here." As

soon as he finished speaking, another figure of Mao Tuanzi appeared next to Mingshu, looking at Si Ning.

Si Ning ignored it and called again: "Mingshu."

Mingshu flew towards him and landed in his palm: "Your Highness."

"Are you happy?" Si Ning touched his cheek with her fingertips, "But just this time , stay away from Si Lian and the things he sent from now on."

Ming Shu nodded obediently: "I know, he must have bad intentions, but it's a pity that this is my whisper, it will not hurt me."

He looked proud. Even though it was only the first day I met the fog rat by the window sill.

Si Ning said nothing, as if he accepted what Ming Shu said: "The butterfly reincarnated into a fog rat."

He continued to stroke Mingshu's silver hair. Mingshu tilted his head and rubbed his fingertips: "Your Highness, can Guji live with us? I also want to give him a bath."

Clean the dirt and dust off his body. , and trim your nails that are too long.


Si Ning paused with his hands and said calmly: "You want to give it a bath?"

Ming Shu realized that Si Ning was unhappy again and quickly explained: "I mean...arrange an attendant for Gu. It needs to be washed, and it has just arrived, so you need to prepare some things, right?"

For example, a sleeping nest, plates and cups for eating, or a small bathtub? Just like what Si Ning had prepared for him.

[The npc's popularity value has been updated, please go to the backend to check]

[Side mission six has been completed! Please go to the backend to check your reward points] has increased by another 10 points, and the side task has been completed directly.

This time the mission went incredibly smoothly, and the favorability level also increased a bit. However, the increase in the popularity level was too frequent, which made Mingshu nervous.

He hugged Si Ning's fingers tightly: "Didn't His Highness agree to my raising Guji? You are not allowed to go back on your word..." "

I... I definitely like Your Highness the most," Ming Shu whispered, "I am raising Guji. Your Highness keeps me."

The former is a pet owner, but the latter is not.

Si Ning had no expression on his face, but finally called the attendant and asked him to prepare some things that the fog rat could use and take it to take a bath.

The attendant who came was the same one from the morning. The scars on his side face and hands had been treated, and there were still some fine scars left. He felt complicated when facing the fog rat that had been retrieved by Si Ning.

Wushu also recognized him, his eyes were alert, and he refused to be taken away by the attendants. He was also worried about listening to Mingshu and not running around, and not to disturb Si Ning by entering the study, so he ran back and forth between the window sill and the corridor.

Mingshu was worried about it being like this, so he didn't wash it properly when he went there: "How about I take Guji with me..."

Si Ning didn't even think about it: "No."

Mingshu had a lump in his throat and refused to let him bathe the fog rat. , can't even look at it.

The attendant wiped the sweat from his forehead and promptly suggested: "How about... my subordinates bring the tub and hot water to the corridor here?"

According to Si Ning's habit, he only used simple cleaning spells to clean the fog rats. Bathing is out of the question, you have to actually wash it with hot water before you can even get it close.

Since the fog rat couldn't be taken away, and Si Ning didn't want Mingshu to leave, he had no choice but to wash it outside the corridor...

This weird method seemed to be the most appropriate. Seeing Mingshu's pleading eyes, Si Ning compromised and agreed. .

So a wooden basin filled with hot water was brought over, and Mist Rat reluctantly stood in the basin, glaring angrily at the attendant in front of him.

The attendant carefully took a towel and gently raised its paw to wipe it.

Mingshu sat on the window sill, holding his chin and watching. With him around, the fog rat was quite obedient. After cleaning it, he used magic to dry his hair, and his whole body became whiter.

In addition, the claws on its limbs have been simply repaired, and the sharp tips have been cut off to avoid hurting Mingshu.

After a new look, Mist Rat finally came back to Mingshu, turned around and waggled its tail to let him look at itself.

Mingshu reached out and rubbed its cheeks: "Will it feel better after taking a bath? Are you hungry now?"

He went outside to pick some young leaves and brought them back to feed the fog rats.

After eating the young leaves, the fog rat lowered his head to look at himself and quietly sharpened his paws by the window sill.


the late afternoon, Mingshu received a new plot update.

[Plot Tips]:

[After learning from His Highness what the human wizard liked, the elf carefully prepared it and gave it to the wizard in a more natural and sincere way. And he went to the wizard for several days, and occasionally helped, such as pouring tea and handing over things. ]

[Gradually, the wizard's attitude towards the elf finally improved a lot, and he often chatted with him and mentioned the world outside Dragon Island. The elf didn't want to hear this at all, but he still listened patiently, trying to trick the wizard into telling him everything about the black magic spell book. However, the wizard was very cautious and told the elf that the black magic spell came from evil chaos, and ordinary creatures could not get close to it. , there will be fatal risks. 】

[The wizard kept his secrets, and the elf didn't get any useful information from him, let alone ask if there was a way to terminate the contract. The wizard was still the mentor of His Highness after all, and the elf was afraid of being discovered by him. ]

[If you can't ask for the information you want, you can only find an opportunity to steal the magic book]

[Ding dong - side mission released]

[Task 7: (1) NPC [Qingji]'s [Favorability] Reach more than 40/(2) NPC [Si Ning]'s [Favorability] and [Popularity Value] simultaneously reach more than 180]

(Warm reminder: This task is multiple choice, you can choose any one of (1) (2) to complete)

Mingshu couldn't believe it. He read the newly released task carefully and confirmed that the number in option two was "180". This time the time limit was five days.

180! ? The last quest line was still 100. How could he get 80 more in a short period of time... and what was the upper limit of favorability and popularity.

Mingshu hesitated and looked at option one. The mission only stated that the favorability level needed to reach 40, but it did not specify how to increase the favorability level, nor did it mention the black magic spell book. In short, it was not a high-risk mission such as asking him to steal a book. .

In this way, Si Ning still needs 80 favorability and popularity points. The two together add up to 160, which is four times that of option one...

No matter how you look at it at the moment, option one is much simpler and easier. Although it is obvious that Shu still didn't know Qingji as a person, and didn't know his preferences and habits.

Mingshu struggled for a long time and decided to try it together, which was considered a preparation.

As for Qingji, it is estimated that Mingshu will have a chance to see Si Ning only when he comes to see him.

He closed the system panel, then opened it again, carefully looking at all the new tasks and previously completed tasks.

Mingshu discovered that among the three recent side quests, option one always brought him close to other NPCs, and option two always involved Si Ning.

It seems that he was given two choices thoughtfully, and he did not necessarily have to follow the only way to complete the task, but in fact, he dug holes on both sides. Qingji didn't mention it first. His Highness the Second and His Highness in option one were both in danger. figure.

Originally, Si Ning's progress was going smoothly, but now it has become more difficult.

Could it be that he completed the task too quickly this time, so the system directly mentioned 180 points in one breath.

Mingshu felt complicated, but had no choice.

He looked up at Si Ning at the desk, thinking that he would ride on the dragon's back this time.

Mist Rat was indeed very well-behaved this afternoon. He stayed by Mingshu's side and didn't go anywhere, nor did he make any noise.

Mingshu worked hard and finally got Si Ning to agree and let the fog rat go back to the dormitory with them. However, it was not allowed to enter the bathroom or bed, and could only sleep in its own small cage in the corner of the bed.

The bottom of the cage was covered with thick cotton, and two small bowls containing food and water were tied to the edges. The fog rat liked it quite a lot, and quickly got into the cage and looked around.

Mingshu also wanted to go into the cage and take a look, but Si Ning grabbed him and took him into the bathroom with him.

The hot spring water was steaming, and the small bathtub next to the pool was filled with water. Mingshu was ready to take off his clothes and take a bath.

Si Ning entered the water first and suddenly grabbed Mingshu who was unbuttoning his clothes.

"Help me wash."

Mingshu was stunned: "Your Highness, what are you washing?"

Si Ning said expressionlessly, "Help me, take a bath."

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