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"Yuqi, do you want chocolate chips on your waffle?" Soojin asked, pressing a waffle for Shuhua and preparing the batter for Yuqi's.

"No, she wants them on the side 'cause the waffle is going to ruin the taste of the chocolate," Soyeon said, her head resting on Yuqi's shoulder while she watched the Beijing girl play a videogame on her phone.

Soojin furrowed her eyebrows. "Excuse me, is your name Yuqi?"

"Hm?" Soyeon looked up at Soojin and away from the game Yuqi was playing.

"You can't answer for her! How would you know if she wants chocolate chips or not?"

Soyeon looked up at Yuqi, admiring her smooth skin. She blinked, pulling herself away from any other thoughts. "Jagiya," Soyeon lips curled quickly into a smile as Yuqi immediately set down her game to listen to Soyeon when she didn't do the same for Soojin.

Shuhua–who was waiting impatiently for her waffle–fake vomited at the nickname.

"Do you want chocolate chips?" Soyeon held Yuqi's gaze steadily, The way Yuqi looked at her made her insides warm. Yuqi looked at Soyeon like whatever she was saying was the most interesting thing happening in the room.

"Chocolate with what?" Yuqi cocked her head to the side cutely at the mention of chocolate.

"With your waffle," Soojin said, placing Shuhua's on a plate and covering it in syrup just how the little wolf liked.

Yuqi dragged her eyes away from Soyeon's face reluctantly and turned them to Soojin. "No, but can you put them on the side?"

"Sure thing." Soojin began to scoop batter into the waffle maker, but paused. "Soyeon, how did you know what she wanted?"

Soyeon shrugged, replying nonchalantly, "We're just good friends I guess." She rested her head back where it was most comfortable–on Yuqi's shoulder–and continued to watch Yuqi play her game.

Soojin and Shuhua shared a doubtful glance. 

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