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( A/N: happy holidays <3 warning this isn't proofread lmaoo )

Yuqi watched cheekily as Soyeon entered the kitchen. Her girlfriend's hair was tied up into a neat bun, and she had a yellow apron wrapped around her body as she got to work. Yesterday, the other members had told her that she didn't have to cook anything for Thanksgiving, but ever since Soyeon started her new meditation plan, she believes that she can do anything. Well, she believed that before, but even more so now.

"Hey, Soyeonnn," Yuqi ducked under the counter's ledge so that Soyeon wouldn't see her, enjoying her moment where she imagined the older girl being confused about who had just called her.

"Yuqi? Where are you?"

Yuqi crept on all fours around the counter and into the kitchen, tacking Soyeon from behind with a hug.

Soyeon shooed her away. "Please leave the kitchen, I've got work to do."

Yuqi's smile beamed. "I'm going to help you!"


Yuqi tipped her head as she watched Soyeon wash her hands. That was.. it? She had been so intent on messing with her all day while she made their Thanksgiving dinner, but she seemed pretty chill. She didn't even yell at me when I scared her... Yuqi frowned. She had to change that. "Oh my god, I had an amazing idea. I know you already have plans for what you're going to make, but can we have some vegetable soup too?"


Now she was even more confused. Soyeon hates vegetables!!

Yuqi pouts. "Can you give me a kiss?" She asks, hoping to distract her. Soyeon pressed her hand against her lips and blew Yuqi a kiss, getting back to work. Yuqi caught the kiss, but she was angry. She came closer to Soyeon, sliding her hand up her waist, then suddenly dragged it down while the older was busy skinning sweet potatoes for their pie. Her fingers deftly slipped past the apron and slowly approached Soyeon's—

Suddenly Soyeon whipped around, her eyebrows knitted together. She held the razor dangerously close to Yuqi's face. "Do you want me to skin you too?"

"No," Yuqi squeaked, taking a step back. Okay, maybe she should continue teasing Soyeon when she wasn't holding a death blade in her hands. But she couldn't resist it. Why wasn't Soyeon reacting the way she wanted her to? "Jagi.. do you love me anymore?"

Soyeon set the sweet potato that she had been holding down, her eyes soft as she looked at Yuqi. "Stop bothering me, please."

"But I'm going to help you," Yuqi says stubbornly.

Soyeon sighed, like she didn't have any fight left in her. "Okay. Get out the mixing bowls then."

Yuqi and Soyeon worked quietly, Soyeon occasionally giving her instructions on what to do. But for the most part, Yuqi stayed quiet as she contemplated what she could do to get a funny reaction from Soyeon. Then she had an idea. Dusting her hands on her pants, she grabbed a glass cup from the cabinet and smirked.

"Soyeonnie, I'm going to drop it!" She exclaimed, fake dropping the glass. At the last moment, she grabbed it again so it didn't hit the floor. Soyeon's face paled as she halted entirely what she was doing to start coming towards Yuqi to take the glass from her.

"And, there it goes," Yuqi chuckled, the glass slipping from her hands. She reached to catch it again, enjoying teasing Soyeon like this. But she didn't account for Soyeon thinking that she was actually dropping it by accident, so both girls go for the glass, causing them to bonk their head together, and the glass crashing into the floor. The glass cracked loudly, splitting in what seemed to be a million little pieces.

Soyeon stepped back, her foot landing on a sharp piece of the cup. "Ah, shit! Yuqi, what were you thinking?" She yelled, stepping carefully around the broken glass somehow also while glaring at her girlfriend.

"I didn't know it would fall, sorry. I was just trying to mess with you," Yuqi couldn't help but laugh at Soyeon's expression right now. This whole week, this is the Soyeon she had been wondering about where she went. Angry Soyeon. It made her giggle. Except she didn't think she'd stay angry for long...

"I can't fucking believe you! Clean this mess up!!" Soyeon shouted, her voice raising the angrier she got. "No, actually, just get out of the kitchen!"

"Babe, it was a prank—"

"What did I just say?" Soyeon says exasperatedly, her eyes glaring daggers into Yuqi.

"I said I'm sorry.." She carefully came closer to Soyeon, but the older dodged her, rushing out of the kitchen and down the hall.

Soyeon sat in Miyeon's room on her bed, angry. Her lips were pursed and her fists clenched so hard that Miyeon looked up at her, an eyebrow raised. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong..?" She asked, recalling that Soyeon was on a new meditation plan and she hadn't really had any emotion except for calm all week.

"Yuqi got me angry on purpose. Can you believe her?"

"I'm sorry that happened," Miyeon says, sitting up. "Why don't you talk to her then?"

"No." Soyeon says firmly.

"She's your girlfriend, Soyeon. Knowing her, she's probably crying right now, thinking that you want to break up with her because you left. You never talk about your feelings, you know."

Soyeon's brow only furrowed even more at that. "Unnie, she was being annoying."

"Isn't she always being annoying?"

"You're right," Soyeon grumbled, "maybe I should break up with her."

Miyeon pats Soyeon on the head affectionately. "Shh, don't say that. You love her, don't you?"

Soyeon was quiet. Yes, she did love Yuqi, and Miyeon knows it. All of them know it. "I'm going to let her in, okay? Yuqi!!"

"What? No, she can't see me like this–" Too late, that excited puppy was already at Miyeon's door, coming into the room. Her eyes brightened even more when she saw Soyeon. Miyeon got up off of the bed and locked her door, crossing her arms. "I will not let either of you out until you make up."

Soyeon rolls her eyes. Yuqi pouts, putting her hands on Soyeon's shoulders and turning her to face her. "Jagi, ever since you started that weird meditation thingy, you haven't really been having many emotions. You're so focused on not getting mad at us that you.." Yuqi sighs, "Soyeon, you haven't listened to music or even cuddled with me in a week, two things you love doing. Something is up with you."

Soyeon leaned forward to hug Yuqi. "I'm sorry," she cries. "I'm sorry that I tried to be calm and I can't even do that..."

"Jagi, that's not it.. I don't care if you lose your temper every once and a while. I don't want you to change yourself for anyone, okay?" Soyeon nods, cuddling closer to Yuqi. She looked up at the younger who was holding her tight, silently asking for a kiss. Yuqi smiled and kissed Soyeon, feeling the other girl smile as well.

Miyeon cleared her throat, unlocking the door and subtly seeming to say with her eyes, 'that's sweet and all but get the fuck out of my room'.

Yuqi lets go of Soyeon and stands up determinedly. "Now, let's finish making dinner!" Soyeon gazes at Yuqi and smiles again. She was thankful to have someone who cared about her so much.

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