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( A/N: whoever names this chapter, i'll write u one if u give me a prompt >:] )

"Okayyy. Yes. I love you. Goodnight, Woogs." Soyeon hangs up and sighs, getting off her ass to feed Haku and Mata. "Hey, puppies," she says in a baby voice, scratching Mata behind her ears. The curly haired little dog sits down and rolls over onto its back, whining at her for some belly rubs. "Just hang in there, Mata," she hums, grabbing the kibble from the cabinet.

Then suddenly, she smells something foul. As Mata's whines fill her ears because she hasn't pet her properly yet, Soyeon checked under the table and found the culprit red pawed. Haku was peeing on the floor.

"I thought Shuhua potty trained you two?!" She says exasperatedly, setting down the bag of food to go and fetch some paper towels.

She could hear her phone ringing over and over in her bedroom as she cleaned up the dog's business, crouching uncomfortably under the table to get it up. Finally, she poured a measured amount into each of their bowls and dashed back into her room to answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Why didn't you answer the phone?" Yuqi whines, sounding much like Mata.

Soyeon walked to the bathroom to wash her hands as she balanced the phone between her ear and shoulder. "Haku shit on the floor and I was cleaning it up," she says, drying her hands now.

"Sorry I bothered you."

"No, what do you need? I thought you were going to bed."

"Soyeon, I..." She could hear how the younger's voice faltered. "Can I just stay on the phone with you?"

Soyeon yawns. "It's almost midnight, I might fall asleep." she lays down in her bed tiredly. She had been on the phone with Yuqi all day already.

"That's fine, I just.. nevermind."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm doing great."

Soyeon's brows knit together. "I know you're lying."

Yuqi sighs after a long moment of silence. "Coming back to China after four years isn't as awesome as I thought it would be. My parents are working so much that they barely have time to talk to me outside of our short dinners. And plus, all of my old friends have basically forgotten who I am. I can't even have a normal conversation without someone going "Oh my god, are you an idol?!' It feels lonelier than I remember it being."

Soyeon's heart hurt as Yuqi spoke. She wished that she could be there to comfort her. "That sucks, Yuqi. I can stay on the phone with you every day until you come back, would you like that?"


"Yuqi?" Soyeon pressed the phone to her ear harder and could make out the faint sound of Yuqi softly sobbing. "Yuqi-yah, don't cry, honey..."

Yuqi sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm down, but another cry came out. "What else am I supposed to do?"

Soyeon bit her lip in thought. "Just hold on." She hung up and ignored Yuqi's next call. She quickly called up their manager and told him that there's a bonus in it for him if he drives her to the airport.

Right now.

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