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The couple was already two hours into the roadtrip when Soyeon started to feel it. She knew that Yuqi didn't notice, as the younger happily checked the GPS and cheered, "four more hours to go!"

Soyeon knew there was no going back now but... "Yuqi, I can't do it."

Yuqi raised a brow at the road in front of them. "Too quiet?" She reached for the knob that turns on the radio.

Soyeon shook her head, struggling to breathe. "I'm not feeling well."

"Then go to sleep," Yuqi tells her, pulling the blanket on Soyeon's lap higher onto her chest.

"No, I feel like I'm going to throw up."

Yuqi turns to her, finally realizing how seriously sick she was feeling. "You want me to pull over?"

Soyeon nods, holding onto the door handle, her grip tightening the longer it took Yuqi to stop the car. Once they had stopped, she immediately got out, taking a nice, deep breath of fresh air. She leaned on the car with a sigh, turning to Yuqi who had gotten out as well to come towards her. "I don't know if I can do four more hours of this."


"Okay? That's it?" Soyeon frowns. "You wanted to go on this trip so bad, baby..."

Yuqi grabbed her hand gently. "We'll turn around back home, don't worry about it."

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