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Soyeon walked through the front door of their apartment, tired from a long day at Cube. She could hear some music playing in the living room, and she slightly perked at the thought of Yuqi being awake at this late hour to help her fall asleep easier. However, she could smell something weird in the air.

She ignored it, making her way into the kitchen. There, in the kitchen, she found her wife leaned over the counter, an empty bottle of beer clutched loosely in her hands.

Soyeon's heart sank at the sight, concern immediately taking over her. She quickly walked over to Yuqi, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Hey.. Are you okay?" she asked, nose scrunching at the smell her lover was covered in.

Yuqi lifted her head, her eyes glazed and unfocused. A slow, sort of loopy smile crept across her face as she recognized the person in front of her. "SoyeooooN! You're HOME!," she said, laughing.

Soyeon took a deep breath, saying, "yes, I'm home. But how much did you drink, Yuqi?"

"I don't remember–" before she could finish, the bottle slipped from her hands, crashing onto the floor. The glass slid across the floor to their trash can that was tipped over, where another empty bottle lay. Yuqi practically yanked Soyeon closer to her, averting her gaze from the trash can.

Soyeon looked at Yuqi, trying to hide her disappointment. "Come on, let's get you to bed." She gently took Yuqi's hand and guided her across the hall into their room.

As they walked the short distance, Yuqi stumbled a few times, causing Soyeon to tighten her grip to prevent her from falling. With every step, Soyeon felt a mix of worry and maybe some annoyance. Of course, she loves Yuqi, and she knows that everyone has their own ways of coping with stress but she thought that Yuqi wouldn't do this anymore. Maybe.. Maybe she's had a tougher day than she told me?

Finally reaching their bedroom, Soyeon helped Yuqi sit down on the edge of the bed. As she lifted her lover's legs to lay them on the bed, she caught Yuqi's gaze.

"I'm sorry," Yuqi whispered, her voice sincere but slightly slurred. "I-I didn't mean to... to worry you."

Soyeon sighed, patting Yuqi's leg gently. "I know you didn't, but this... it's not healthy, Yuqi. We need to find you a better way to deal with whatever you're dealing with, okay?"

Yuqi shook her head, her eyes filling with tears. "No, there's nothing else."

Soyeon dragged her gaze back to her eyes, head tilting in surprise, but also hurt. "Just tell me what happened, baby, I'll fix it for you..." She stood up and sat on the bed next to Yuqi, rubbing her arm with her thumb to comfort her. When Yuqi didn't say anything, she brought her hand slowly up to her face to turn Yuqi's attention back to her. They kept each other's gazes for a while, silent tears sliding down Yuqi's face every so often.

Then Yuqi let out a whimper, her tears flowing faster. Soyeon pulled her close, so that the younger's head pressed against her chest.

"You.." Yuqi cried, clenching Soyeon's shirt.

"Me what?"

"You-you're never home anymore, it makes me sad so I... I'm sorry.." Yuqi sniffed, trying to stop crying to no avail.

Soyeon took a deep breath, looking down at Yuqi crumbling her arms. "I'll be home more from now on, okay? As long as you don't do this anymore..." When she saw Yuqi nod softly, she tucked her under the covers, laying her down onto her pillow gently.

Leaning down, Soyeon pressed a soft kiss on Yuqi's forehead before whispering, "Get some rest."

"But I'm not sleepy. I want to cuddle with youu," she mumbled, words barely intelligible in her drunken state. But, Soyeon knew what she wanted.

A smile ghosted itself on Soyeon's lips, and she brought herself closer to Yuqi, holding her. I can clean up later.. when she's asleep.. Soyeon reminded herself, nearly forgetting before she drifted off, her hand that was rubbing Yuqi's back stilling. 

(A/N: next chap you guys reading are going to have to do something for me, so get ready c.c)

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