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Soyeon held on to Yuqi's hand, entering the store to search for Holiday decorations. This year, it was their turn to host the group's small celebration, and Yuqi was too excited for decorations. She's been talking about it so much that she got Soyeon excited too.

Immediately when they entered the store, Soyeon noticed something. Someone was looking at them. She turned her head around, looking for the culprit of her gut feeling's suspicions while staying close to Yuqi.

"Clingy Soyeon? Never thought I'd see it," Yuqi teased.

Soyeon rolled her eyes, and they happened to land on the cashier, who was giving them disapproving glares.

"Hey, look!" Yuqi cut off any thoughts Soyeon was about to have, starting to run towards the decorations section, dragging Soyeon by her hand along with her.


Yuqi pulled out her wallet and gave the cashier the money for the literal pile of holiday decorations that they had picked out. Soyeon had no idea how they were going to carry this all the way through the subway and back to their apartment.

"You're a few bucks short," The cashier sucked her teeth. Her name tag read 'Sora'.

Soyeon reached into her sweater's pocket and handed the cashier the remaining amount with a small smile.

"You're so lucky to have a friend like her," Sora commented to Yuqi as she counted the money again.

Yuqi's chest rumbled with a laugh. "She's my girlfriend, actually."

A strange look was thrown Soyeon and Yuqi's way before Sora finished packaging the decorations and crookedly spoke, "Have a good day."

Yuqi nudged Soyeon as she began to pick up their bags and watched Sora walk into the back room. "Do you think she's homophobic or something?"

"I think so," Soyeon chuckled lightly. The laugh soon died in her throat, surprised when the younger took all of the bags to carry. She was so touched that she just wanted to kiss Yuqi.

Soyeon pulled Yuqi by the collar of her shirt closer to her.

Yuqi's eyebrows expressed confusion, but Soyeon could tell that the look in her eyes meant she was suddenly turned on. Soyeon waited, her breath hitting Yuqi's lips as she kept a tight hold on Yuqi's shirt collar. Yuqi's lips twitched beyond her control, finally deciding to keep her mouth open in anticipation. 

Soyeon waited just until Sora came back to the cash register until she finally connected their lips.

Yuqi balanced herself as Soyeon's grip on her collar loosened, desperately trying not to tip over with the weight of the bags all going to her left side. 

Soyeon pulled back from the chaste kiss with a smug smile. The duo walked out of the store hand-in-hand, Sora's face scrunched with disgust. 

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