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Soyeon jolted out of her bed at the maknae's scared cry. She ran into Yuqi's room where she heard it, not missing a step despite the sharp corner she had to turn. She forgot how to breathe when her eyes landed on what Shuhua was crying about.

Yuqi was hyperventilating on the floor. One of her legs was twisted in a way it shouldn't be, and bleeding so much that it was beginning to form a puddle.

"Shuhua, go tell Soojin to call an ambulance," Soyeon ordered, trying to forget how her voice trembled because of the shock of the situation.

"It huUURTSS!" Yuqi wailed, struggling to take at least one breath without hiccupping from crying.

Soyeon tried her best to avoid the blood and came closer to Yuqi. "Hey, hey, try to take a deep breath."

"S-soyeon I-I can-n't," Yuqi stuttered, breaking down.

She had been trying to contain it, but the question just burst out of her: "What the fuck happened?" Soyeon was angry. Even though it wasn't her fault, she was angry at herself that she failed to protect her members like she promised herself to.

"I-" Yuqi winced as a larger wave of pain came over her. "I tried to- to do a b-backflip an-and..." Tears wet Yuqi's face as she took short breaths, unable to calm down.

"What were you thinking?" Soyeon scolded her. "You shouldn't have done something like that in a small space like this, and!" Soyeon gestured angrily to the floor. "This is a wooden floor! It's hard, and easy to injure yourself. Just tell me WHAT made you think that it was okay to do a backflip in this room?!"

Yuqi's mood seemed to darken more, and she sobbed louder. "I-I'm s-sorry..." Her hands were fisted in a vain attempt to distract herself from the pain.

Soyeon rubbed her forehead. They have a concert tomorrow and Yuqi would probably be in the hospital, or if things went well, in crutches. What was taking this fucking ambulance so long? Soyeon thought that they were supposed to be fast.

Then her feelings caught up with her racing thoughts. She had just yelled at Yuqi.

Soyeon blinked back her own tears and walked out of the room as soon as she—thankfully—saw Soojin come in to comfort Yuqi. Probably better than Soyeon ever could.

Soyeon sat in her bed, focusing all of her energy into not crumbling. Yuqi's room was right next to Soyeon's, which meant that she could hear every time Yuqi made a noise so sad that a small piece of Soyeon's heart—

Soojin suddenly walked into Soyeon's room without knocking. "She wants cuddles, so you better get in there quick."

"Isn't that what you were doing with her?" Soyeon wiped the tears off of her face before Soojin could notice.

"You don't understand... she wants cuddles from you."

Soyeon was confused. Wasn't Yuqi annoyed with her for scolding her? She jumped off of her bed slowly and walked past Soojin and back into Yuqi's room. Yuqi was still wincing in pain and breathing unevenly, but at least she had stopped crying. Soojin had also cleaned up the blood on the floor, and Yuqi was now sitting in her bed with a towel wrapped around her leg.

Soyeon made her way towards Yuqi and sat next to her on the bed. "I thought you would be mad at me."

Yuqi drew in a shuddering breath. "I can't be mad at you, I-I love you, Soyeon." Yuqi smiled for a second before she just couldn't anymore. The younger wrapped her arms around Soyeon, her head resting on Soyeon's chest.

I love you too, Yuqi-yah... but maybe as more than friends...

Soyeon put her arm on Yuqi's shoulder and stroked her hair softly, gazing at the girl who was currently clinging to her. Soyeon felt crushed by how tightly Yuqi was squeezing her torso to try and forget about the pain. But she didn't mind.

"I'm sorry that I yelled at you."

"I deserved it."

"No one deserves that."

"But I did. I could've found another way to– nevermind."

"To what? You can tell me anything."

Soyeon rested her head on Yuqi's to comfort her.

"I wanted to do something that would impress you."

"Yuqi, why would you want to impress me so much that you would be so reckless?"

"I told you a few moments ago.. um... Soyeon, I—"

"They're here!" Miyeon reported, cutting Yuqi off. 

(A/N: I'm sorry this one didn't have a  very happy ending T^T but you understood what Yuqi was going to say right??)

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