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( A/N: i have so many chapters if two of them happen to have the same title [without a "pt. 2" on it] tell me pls :< )

Soyeon doesn't know how Yuqi had convinced her to play this game but here she was, playing 'how well do we know each other?'. "What's my favorite food?"

"Tangerines," Yuqi said, without hesitation. She rubbed her palms together mischievously, thinking of a hard question. "If I had a dog, what would I name it?"

"Hmm.. something that you put absolutely no thought into. Like, Tiny or Fido."

Yuqi huffed. "That's true."

"Where is my favorite place?" Soyeon asked, looking up at Yuqi with a small smile. The two were sitting on the couch, waiting on Shuhua who was taking absolutely forever in the shower. They were both dirty from dance practice, but still cuddled together anyway.

"New York," Yuqi said, thinking she got it right. But when Soyeon said no, she frowned, guessing again. "Seoul?"




Yuqi pouted. "I give up."

Soyeon snickers, removing Yuqi's arm from her lap and dives forward to wrap her arms around her torso. "Right here," Soyeon murmured, burying her face in Yuqi's neck, "this is my favorite place."

And only Shuhua who was about to tell them that the shower was now vacant witnessed how red Yuqi's face suddenly became. 

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