Waiting pt.2

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( part two of waiting since Redpunch777 and FloatingInTheGalaxy2 wanted a part two with top soyeon <333 )

Soyeon crawled on top of Yuqi, going straight for her neck. The younger squirmed beneath her as Soyeon held her hands down, kissing down her neck. Soyeon paused, bringing her hands away from Yuqi's to fondle her breasts. She pressed down on the soft mounds, applying just the right amount of pressure. Yuqi whines, nothing like the confident top she was just a minute ago. Her hips roll up to rub against Soyeon's thigh, letting out a content sigh as she grinds on her while Soyeon takes her sweet time in massaging her.

Soyeon moves her leg away, receiving a pout for Yuqi. "Heyy, why'd you do that?"

Soyeon chuckles. "You want this to be over so fast?"

"Well.. no? But right now I just feel so–" she's cut off with a stifled moan, Soyeon rubbing her thumb in circles against her clit. The older smirked, she loved it when she was in control.

"I'll give it to you, Yuqi," she promised, slinking down until her feet hung off of the bed, pulling Yuqi's underwear away. Her nose twitches as the smell of Yuqi's hot arousal swirls around her. She leaned in closer, breathing on Yuqi's most private part, enjoying the way the younger whined.

She turned her head, biting and sucking on the milky skin of Yuqi's thigh, determined to mark her all over her legs. She won't be going to shoot that underwear commercial tomorrow, that's for sure, Soyeon thinks with a small, evil smile.

Finally, she was done with her teasing, getting just as impatient as Yuqi. She bumped her nose against Yuqi's clit, tongue running through already drenched folds. "Ah, ah.." Yuqi moaned, her hands reaching to grip Soyeon's hair. Without any warning, she plunges her tongue forward, filling up Yuqi's dripping cavern.

The younger clenched and unclenched around her tongue, her hips rolling at the slightest once Soyeon started to thrust in and out slowly. Yuqi pulled at her hair, and Soyeon couldn't help but groan at the feeling, nipping at Yuqi's clit.

"Minnie told me you two were busy, but I was wondering if you wanted din—"

Soyeon froze, pulling away from Yuqi and quickly wiping her mouth from the younger girl's slick. "Unnie, we were.."

Soojin rubs her forehead. "Would it kill you to lock the door?" she grumbles, eyes now closed. "Do you want dinner or not?"

"Yes, we do," Yuqi squeaks.

The door slams behind Soojin, and Soyeon turns back to Yuqi. Both girls groan in embarrassment at having been caught not once but twice. Yuqi pulls Soyeon close to her, finding peace in the way their naked bodies rub against each other.

Soyeon sighs into the crook of Yuqi's neck, Yuqi's taste still on her tongue. "Next time, let's not fuck unless all of the members are out of the dorm."

"What? This was your idea," Yuqi teased,

"Well you went through with it! I've never had a bad idea," Soyeon grumbled.

Yuqi rolls her eyes. "Yeah, let's pretend."

Soyeon held her tighter. "If you keep teasing me I won't let you go to the bathroom to finish off!"

Yuqi felt her face flush. "H-how'd you.."

"Song Yuqi, I know you better than anyone else on this planet."

Yuqi pursed her lips at that, mumbling, "I love you."

Soyeon covered them with the blanket, her hand slithering down Yuqi's body and entering her slowly. "Love you too." Then she flexed her fingers.

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