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"Mommy, mommy!!" Their little boy ran into Soyeon and Yuqi's room, bouncing on the bed.

Soyeon smiled softly, putting down her book. "What's up, buddy?"

"So I was watching this movie and there was this fire girl and this water boy, and they fell in love, but they kinda weren't supposed to and– wait what was my question?" Their kid looked at the bed sheets in contemplation.

Soyeon chuckled quietly. Ah, he's just like Yuqi.

"Oh yeah! My question.. They mentioned something called 'hanky-panky'. What is that?"

Soyeon swallowed, what movie did I let him watch??, taking a moment before answering, "It's just a.. A game that grown-ups play."

"A game?" His eyes lit up. "Can we play it sometime?"

Soyeon opened her mouth, but no words came out. She tried to think of an explanation, but couldn't.

"You can play when you're older, kiddo," Yuqi laughed while setting down the laundry basket that she'd come into the room with.

"Don't tell him that!" Soyeon's eyes widened, giving her wife an angry glare. She didn't want her son to be part of that anytime soon. She never wanted him to grow up.

"What? It's true. No matter how much we watch him, he'll sneak out one day with a pretty gi—"

"Shut your mouth," Soyeon brought her son closer to her and enveloped him in a hug.

"What is mom talking about?" he looked up at her confused. Soyeon hushed him, petting his back gently.

"Get out of the room, you're a horrible parent," Soyeon muttered.

"Pshh, whatever," Yuqi rolled her eyes and walked out to do the rest of the laundry. 

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