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"Song is just booking it down the court and no one can stop her! She's met with Yeh, who tries her best to defend the hoop but.. Song fakes her out and shoots!!"

Soyeon stands up and cheers as loud as she can along with everyone else, jumping up and down with happiness. Before she could get lost within a crowd of people, she runs down the steps of the bleachers and follows the basketball team into their locker room.

She ran up to Yuqi with a big smile on her face. "You were amazing out there!! I'm so proud of you for scoring the winning shot, baby," Soyeon reaches forward to wrap her arms around Yuqi, but her girlfriend takes a step back.

"Woah, woah, woah! I'm really sweaty all over..." Yuqi pulled her hair out of a painfully tight ponytail, scratching her hair sheepishly.

Soyeon chuckled lightly, tipping her head. "Do I look like I care? Come he— ah!" Soyeon gasped as Yuqi lifted her into the air and spun around happily.

"I can't believe we won!!" Yuqi set Soyeon down and brought her closer, hugging her tightly.

Soyeon placed a few kisses along Yuqi's sweat-ridden jaw, feeling odd about the way Yuqi's body stuck to her stickily. But, she wouldn't have it any other way. 

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