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(A/N: title's supposed to be "as long as i'm here for you" but i've got this one word for chapter name thing going and don't want to ruin it. WARNING: angst and abuse😭)

Yuqi pulls the hood of her sweater over her head to hide her face from the girl next to her. She's quiet, watching the way both of their feet swing to a different rhythm. She tried not to move, for fear of the cuts on her back rubbing against the sweater's fabric. Yuqi proceeded to observe the world around them, aware of someone's eyes on her. It was unsettling, or, it would be, if she didn't know.

Yuqi closes her eyes, fiddling with the oversized sleeves of the sweater, waiting for her to say something. But the girl next to her was silent, focusing on not slipping down the tree. Yes, they were in a tree. The only place where no one would see them and snitch on Yuqi's adopted parents about where they were. Pretty high up, too. Yuqi doesn't know why the girl next to her worries about falling anymore since if she so much as shifts, Yuqi'll be ready to catch her.

"So what's up?"

Surprised that she finally spoke, Yuqi turns to her, regretting it almost immediately. She hated how her eyes fill with worry at the sight of her. Yuqi tries to pull the hood more over her face, to hide her bruises, to no avail. So, she gives up, letting out a long breath.

"It happened again."

The girl next to her shut her eyes closed tight for a moment, before reaching out to put her hand on Yuqi's thigh. "Let's run away together."

Yuqi tries her hardest not to flinch at the touch, knowing that she wouldn't hurt her. Yuqi looked into her eyes, knowing that even though the girl was the one who said it, she didn't even believe herself that they could. "T-they'll find me somehow," she managed to stutter, putting her hand over hers. There was a long silence, and Yuqi knew she was trying to stop herself from crying. She didn't know why this girl stayed by her side all the time.

"I know," She finally muttered, turning Yuqi's face slowly to her. Gently. She inspected the bruises, sighing when her eyes landed on the fresh cut. "I wish it were me."

"No, Soyeon, you don't."

The girl, Soyeon, clenched her teeth. She couldn't stand it when she saw Yuqi like this. Broken. Hurt. Traumatized. So she tried to lighten the mood. "Hey, you know Valentine's Day is coming up?"

Yuqi nodded, turning her hand over to squeeze Soyeon's. "I've got a surprise for you, I can't wait." The younger girl began to smile as she thought about how happy Soyeon would be when she received the gift.

"Then I can't wait either," Soyeon smiled, squeezing Yuqi's hand back.


Yuqi coughed, parched, but poured out the only water she got for the day onto the dirt. She sighed, deciding that giving up her water all these days would be worth it when she surprised Soyeon on Valentine's Day with this.

A beautiful red rose.

She bid farewell to the little flower to head back inside. She didn't want to, since they were home, but she had nothing else to do. Soyeon was at school and she didn't have any other friends. Yuqi ducked down onto the floor and crawled through the kitchen so as to not be caught. She crawled all the way to her bedroom, reaching the room with a relieved sigh.

"Where were you last night?" Yuqi looked up from the foot that was tapping annoyedly on the wooden floor to see an angry face. Just the sight crippled her inside. "C'mon, answer! And get up off the floor, will you?"

Yuqi stood up quickly, bowing her head down in shame. "I was with him last night."

"Him? You mean that small, pathetic excuse for a boyfriend?"

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