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Yuqi sucks her teeth, wiping the saliva from the corners of her mouth. "Can't I drool over my beautiful girlfriend?"

Soyeon raises a brow.

"Fine. I.." Yuqi looks so guilty, Soyeon's starting to worry. "I burned my tongue."

"Let me blow on it first, darling."

"No, no, just give it to me."

She pouts. "I'm sorry, I should've let you-"

"Shh," Soyeon hushes, cupping her face gently, "show me."

Reluctantly, Yuqi opens her mouth again and lets her tongue slide out. Soyeon can't hold back a short-lived gasp as she sees it. It's nothing really, her tongue just looks so burned.

"Babe, please don't make me ice it," Yuqi whines.

Then Soyeon gets an idea.

"Let's have popsicles, baby."

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