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(A/N: set in hwaa era because soyeon with silver hair was honestly so hot)


Shuhua gave Soyeon a loopy smile. "I dare you to let Yuqi touch you wherever she wants."

Soyeon took one look at Yuqi's excited face and then quickly reached for their bottle of alcohol to pour herself another shot.

"What? Hey, you're no fun, Soyeon!" Yuqi pouted.

Soyeon stared at her incredulously. "You think I'm going to let you touch me anywhere you want when you make dirty jokes at a constant? Yeah no thanks," Soyeon shook her head, going back to concentrating on pouring the clear liquid into her cup.

"You don't even know where I want to touch you," Yuqi argued.

"I'll bet a lot of money it's somewhere it shouldn't be," Minnie chuckled, shoving a few more chocolate covered pretzels into her mouth.

"Come on, Soyeon-unnie, it's just a game!" Shuhua, who gave the dare, whined.

Soyeon narrowed her eyes and set down her cup with a frustrated grunt. "Fine." She turned to Yuqi. "You have one minute. Soojin, set a timer."

Soojin nodded, pulling her phone out while Shuhua leaned on her shoulder, the younger slowly losing her composure due to the alcohol. "Ready? And... start!"

Yuqi smiled, starting off by caressing the sides of Soyeon's face, tucking her silvery gray hair behind her ears. One hand stayed under her chin while the other trailed along the top of her nose, dipping down to press against her lips.

Soyeon, in a slightly drunken haze, didn't have the energy to tell her to stop.

The Beijing girl took her time, despite her time limit, feeling along the shape of Soyeon's lips. She pushed gently against them, smearing the lipstick on her finger. So soft, Yuqi thinks, watching Soyeon pucker her lips for her. She pulls her hand away, taking her by the waist and pulling her closer. She cupped her cheek in her palm, guiding Soyeon to lean on her. Soyeon linked her arm with Yuqi's, leaning on her completely now.

"Time's up," Soojin said, rubbing a certain Taiwanse's back since she had caught the hiccups.

"I swear if I had to watch those saps one more second I would have thrown up," Minnie says, face twisting in disgust, "and it wouldn't have been because of the alcohol."

Soojin chuckles, moving on to ask Yuqi the next truth-or-dare while Shuhua and Soyeon slowly fall asleep.

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